Villainous Stand-in (16)

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As Li Yuqing gazed at the group photo, she drifted off into a reverie, while Song Xu Yi tossed and turned on the other side, unable to drift off to sleep.

Was the third gift that Li Yuqing gave precisely the one she had been thinking of?

Was it merely a coincidence, or was Li Yuqing intentionally testing her with the gift?

Could it be that Li Yuqing had a premonition?


The system was intrigued by Song Xu Yi’s restlessness in her dream, but it had no idea what had caused it. Throughout all the worlds the system had visited, this was the first time it had seen Song Xu Yi so agitated and tangled up. Although the system knew it was improper to feel this way, it couldn’t help but find Song Xu Yi’s constant tossing and turning, occasional face-covering, and sighing cute.

However, when the system remembered that Li Yuqing, the main villain, was the cause of Song Xu Yi’s distress, it could no longer be delighted.

“Xu Yi, Li Yuqing is nothing but a villain who gave you gifts. Who knows what ulterior motives she has?” The system was all too familiar with the tactics of sweet-talking villains. However, it couldn’t voice its concerns directly and could only offer advice. “You don’t have to feel guilty for not having a gift ready for her. You didn’t even know she was going to give you one!”

The system fumed, “You’re just too honest, which is why you’re being bullied by that sly and unscrupulous villain!”

Song Xu Yi bit her lip, unsure how to face the system.

If everything turned out to be real and not just a dream, then Li Yuqing could be considered someone that Song Xu Yi had helped grow. Even if Song Xu Yi didn’t intend it, it felt like she was secretly seeing Li Yuqing behind the system’s back, which made her inexplicably guilty…

Song Xu Yi gritted her teeth and decided to keep it from the system for the time being. She planned to go out and verify if everything was genuine before making any further plans.

It wasn’t until almost dawn that Song Xu Yi finally fell asleep, and when she woke up again, she saw her parents packing their belongings into suitcases of various sizes.

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Since Li Yuqing didn’t bring Song Xu Yi back to the old house the previous night, the rest of the Song family used it as an excuse to irritate Song Xu Yi’s parents. As a result, they decided to take a short trip to the neighboring provinces to unwind for the remaining days of the Spring Festival holiday.

“Alright, you should spend more time outdoors these days! Look at you, just getting up now, while Yuqing woke up early, made breakfast, and even kindly reheated your food in the kitchen…”

Mother Song couldn’t stop singing Li Yuqing’s praises whenever her name came up, until Father Song intervened and handed Song Xu Yi the living expenses for the next few days before walking out with Mother Song.

Despite the circumstances, Song Xu Yi was content with this outcome.

She was uncertain how to confront Li Yuqing and what her intentions were.

However, all the answers would be exposed today.

Song Xu Yi hastily changed her attire, consumed the breakfast that Li Yuqing had reheated in the kitchen, and headed outside.

Her first stop was the local amusement park.

The amusement park appeared different from the one Song Xu Yi saw in her dream. She realized that it had undergone a renovation before the New Year, with many new attractions and an overall change in layout.

Song Xu Yi attempted to locate the elderly man who inflated balloons, but her efforts proved futile. Instead, she received a phone call from Li Yuqing.

At this point, Song Xu Yi was apprehensive about answering Li Yuqing’s call, but ignoring it would arouse suspicion, so she answered reluctantly.

“Xu Yi, I’m presently at the market. What do you feel like having for lunch?”

Song Xu Yi only became aware that it was already mealtime.

“Li Yuqing didn’t mention having a meal together,” she said.

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“Oh, I understand.” There was a brief pause on the other end before Li Yuqing continued, “Where are you playing? Do you mind if I join you?”

“No, thank you!” Song Xu Yi almost instinctively refused, but then realized that her response was too harsh. She quickly softened her tone and added, “There are a lot of people here you don’t know, and I’m afraid you might feel uncomfortable if you come…”

After a moment of silence, Li Yuqing’s voice came through the phone with a smile. “Alright, have fun, Xu Yi.”

Feeling relieved that Li Yuqing didn’t insist on joining her, Song Xu Yi was just about to end the call when Li Yuqing asked, “Oh, by the way, Xu Yi, do you happen to have the book ‘A Concise History of Modern Painting’ at your house? I forgot some theories for my thesis and I want to look them up.”

“Yes, I think we have it.” Song Xu Yi recalled seeing it on the bookshelf in her father’s study. “I believe it’s on the bookshelf in our living room.”

“Great, I’ll go check there first. I’ll let you know if I can’t find it.”

“Enjoy your time, Xu Yi.”

Li Yuqing said before hanging up the phone.

Feeling relieved, Song Xu Yi continued exploring the amusement park.

The renovations made the surroundings both familiar and unfamiliar, and she wasn’t sure if it truly matched her dream world.

Song Xu Yi’s eyes widened as she spotted a small stall selling handmade jewelry under a tree next to the carousel. And to her amazement, the old man sitting by the stall was the same old man who had given Li Yuqing the manga in the dream amusement park!

Her heart almost leapt into her throat!

She took a deep breath and tried to compose herself as she walked past the stall.

The old man sat quietly under the tree, accompanied by a middle-aged woman who was trying to attract customers by showcasing a pile of handmade jewelry on her table. Although Song Xu Yi had no plans of buying any jewelry, one of the purple crystal bracelets caught her eye. Suddenly, she remembered Li Yuqing’s hands reaching out towards her last night, asking for a gift.

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The fair and delicate hands with slender fingers like onion roots would be a perfect match for the bracelet.

Without thinking, Song Xu Yi made the purchase.

As the old man’s daughter wrapped up the jewelry, Song Xu Yi casually struck up a conversation: “Excuse me, have we met before? Were you running a balloon stand at the amusement park?”

The old man smiled at her but remained silent. Sensing something amiss, the daughter spoke up: “My father used to work at the amusement park and did a bit of everything, but I’m not sure about a balloon stand. He was diagnosed with dementia last year and doesn’t remember much.”

“Is that so?” It seemed like they had reached a stalemate once again. Feeling a little disappointed, Song Xu Yi paid for the packaged jewelry. But then, she remembered the old man from her dream who had given her the manga and mentioned his deceased son. Her eyes lit up, and she was about to continue the conversation when her phone rang once more.

Upon seeing “Li Yuqing” on the screen, Song Xu Yi remembered that she needed to find a book for her. Despite feeling nervous, she answered the phone.

“Xu Yi, I couldn’t find that book after looking for a while,” Li Yuqing’s voice carried a hint of apology. “Did I bother you?”

“No, I have some free time now,” Song Xu Yi tried to recall where the book was located. “I think it’s in the third row of the bookshelf. Could you go take a look?”

“Is that so?” The blaring of a car horn from Li Yuqing’s end made it difficult for Song Xu Yi to hear her properly. Meanwhile, the carousel behind her resumed its spinning and the boisterous laughter of tourists drowned out everything else. Frustrated, Song Xu Yi ended the call and made her way to a quieter spot to return Li Yuqing’s call. On the other end, Li Yuqing’s cheerful voice greeted her, “Xu Yi, I found the book. Thank you so much!”

Perplexed by Li Yuqing’s sudden elation, Song Xu Yi refrained from further conversation after hearing the good news and ended the call.

As she made her way back to the booth, Song Xu Yi noticed the old man holding a picture frame, his tears falling uncontrollably. His daughter stood by his side, trying to console him, “Dad, brother wouldn’t want you to be so unhappy…”


The scene and the emotions conveyed everything; no further questions were needed.

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Song Xu Yi remained motionless.

She didn’t know what state of mind she was in as she rushed to the private cinema that Li Yuqing had shown her in her dream. When she recognized the familiar sign at the entrance and the room layout that was nearly identical to the one in her dream, Song Xu Yi’s last shred of disbelief crumbled, and she accepted the fact that her consciousness had departed her body and journeyed to the past, where she encountered Li Yuqing.

Therefore, everything that happened to Li Yuqing in her dream was genuine, and the “friend” who resembled herself that Li Yuqing mentioned when they first met was indeed her?


Song Xu Yi could not have fathomed that such an extraordinary event could occur in this world.

Although it was feasible for her to travel through time and space, it was not improbable for time and space to distort in a small world.

“Xu Yi, what have you been up to all day today?”

At that moment, the system in her mind could no longer remain silent and inquired. When Song Xu Yi lied to Li Yuqing earlier, the system was ecstatic, believing that Song Xu Yi was no longer under Li Yuqing’s spell. However, for the next half of the day, Song Xu Yi remained motionless like a lost soul, seated quietly in the private cinema. This furthered the system’s apprehension.

Song Xu Yi hesitated for a moment but recalled the system’s persistent concern for her, prompting her to divulge all that had transpired to the system.

After hearing the entire narrative, the system was furious, as anticipated!

However, this was an uncontrollable situation for both Song Xu Yi and Li Yuqing. The system refrained from reprimanding Li Yuqing and failed to find any reason to do so. It only admonished, “Xu Yi, you must keep this a secret! Your objective is to safeguard the male and female lead. There may be confrontations with the villain in the future, and you must show no mercy…”

Song Xu Yi nodded in agreement.

Despite acknowledging the system’s reasoning, Song Xu Yi was unable to shake off the apprehension creeping into her heart. Could she genuinely keep this a secret from Li Yuqing?

This sensation peaked when she arrived home to find Li Yuqing seated on the sofa, engrossed in painting.

On the blank canvas, an oil painting had already come to fruition – two women embracing and kissing in the vibrant Ferris wheel above the city!

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