Villainous Fake Eunuch (10)

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Song Xu Yi rushed back to her room, her chest heaving with confusion and anxiety.

When she fell into Gu Ruyu’s embrace, a ridiculous thought crossed her mind: did he want to kiss her?

The idea made her tremble uncontrollably, and suddenly everything became clear – Gu Ruyu must have taken a liking to her!

Why else would he go out of his way to get close to her, cook with her, and help her treat Wangjiazhuang?

As she thought about it more, Song Xu Yi became more convinced that her speculation was correct. But self-doubt crept in – after all, Gu Ruyu was incredibly handsome and must have seen many beauties. Compared to him, she felt like a fish compared to a pearl. How could he only be interested in her?

Song Xu Yi struggled to fall asleep, and after much deliberation, she decided to lift the ban on the system.

The system was annoyed and decided to ignore Song Xu Yi for five minutes. It believed that Song Xu Yi was good at dealing with villains, but she had been losing repeatedly. The system saw her bravely confronting the villain while blocking the “Heart Sutra” it played and thought that she would finally win. But once again, the villain managed to confuse her.

The system was certain that the villain had set his sights on Song Xu Yi once more!

“System,” Song Xu Yi felt a bit embarrassed. She wanted to prove to the system that she wasn’t swayed by looks, but Gu Ruyu had managed to fluster her. With no one else to discuss Gu Ruyu with, she whispered in a low voice, “I think I know why Gu Ruyu is treating me differently…”

“Why else? That scoundrel is thinking about you again!” The system roared in anger, but realizing that Song Xu Yi might not notice its frustration and not wanting to make it obvious and help Gu Ruyu’s cause, the system remained silent and waited to see what Song Xu Yi would say.

However, to the system’s surprise, Song Xu Yi actually saw through the big villain’s intentions this time.

“I think Gu Ruyu might have a crush on me,” Song Xu Yi bit her lip and spoke softly. “I don’t know if it’s just my imagination, and I don’t dislike him because he’s disabled, but…this thing is too sudden for me! Even when he was Zhao San, I only treated him as an ordinary friend. Although I appreciate Gu Ruyu’s beauty, I rarely interact with him in person, and I swear I haven’t had any thoughts about him.”

“And don’t we still have a rule that we can’t fall in love in the small world?”

“System, are you still listening?”

The system was left speechless.

If the system could cry, it would be weeping profusely at this moment. Its emotions were like riding a roller coaster, going from hell to heaven. The system never expected to hear such words from Song Xu Yi’s mouth.

“I’m just amazed by what you said. My Xu Yi is so great that Gu Ruyu must have his eyes on you!” Upon hearing Song Xu Yi’s inquiry, the system quickly replied, “But Gu Ruyu, such a cunning little thief, is not worthy of you. His love is unrequited, and you don’t have to pay attention to him!”

Song Xu Yi nodded, but her feelings were still complicated. She tossed and turned in bed unable to sleep. Could ignoring Gu Ruyu really stop his affection for her, given his strong personality?

Soon, reality proved Song Xu Yi’s worst fear.

Gu Ruyu was extremely strict with his subordinates. When it was time for the shift, the carriage team departed on time.

The maid who had been taking care of Song Xu Yi had been replaced.

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As they were about to depart, Song Xu Yi heard crying coming from the backyard. The maids told her in hushed tones that Gu Ruyu was punishing some servants and had gouged out the eyes of those who had seen something they shouldn’t have.

In just a few words, Gu Ruyu had sentenced them to a lifetime of darkness.

Song Xu Yi’s body stiffened and she felt an icy chill. She knew Gu Ruyu was cruel and violent, but this was the first time she had come into direct contact with it. As the carriage traveled further away, Song Xu Yi could still hear the miserable crying, and her determination to get away from Gu Ruyu grew stronger. Not only was he the villain of the plot, but his cruel and unrestrained nature was also extremely daunting.

The carriage slowly made its way towards Jiangnan along the planned route.

No one knew what new idea Gu Ruyu had this time. The team no longer deliberately delayed their progress and devoted themselves to rushing, except during meal times when passing by relay stations.

Song Xu Yi spent most of her time in the carriage, feeling tired from the journey, but Gu Ruyu took great care of her. The maids were obedient and cute, and whenever they reached a town, fast horses would deliver local specialty foods to Song Xu Yi’s desk. Even though they were rushing, Song Xu Yi felt as if she were leisurely strolling in the spring.

Despite the satisfactory progress, Gu Ruyu started to visit Song Xu Yi’s carriage from time to time, using the excuse of “fearing that the Princess might escape again.”

Every time he came, the maids voluntarily stepped aside. He did not do anything out of line, but his gaze gave Song Xu Yi a great sense of oppression.

His beautiful eyes made her want to find a place to escape. It was not that Gu Ruyu had deep affection in his eyes; instead, Song Xu Yi felt that his gaze was more like a possessive interest in a pet, full of invasion and plunder.

Song Xu Yi felt uncomfortable with the way Gu Ruyu was looking at her.

As Gu Ruyu got into her carriage again, his gaze remained fixed on her. Trying to avoid his eyes, Song Xu Yi pretended to read her book without actually reading any words. Eventually, she spoke up, “Eunuch Gu, even though we are currently pretending to be siblings, we must be mindful of the boundaries between men and women. My reputation may not matter, but I fear it could damage your reputation.”

Gu Ruyu chuckled, and his beautiful eyes narrowed slightly as he leaned closer to Song Xu Yi. Seeing her look of avoidance, his eyes darkened. Suddenly, he reached out and pinched her cheek. “Does the Princess think that I, a eunuch who is a threat to the Imperial Court, would care about such baseless things?” he asked.

Song Xu Yi widened her eyes, shocked by Gu Ruyu’s boldness.

“You are audacious!” she said, blushing. She tried to remember how her original self used to be so domineering, but before she could say anything, Gu Ruyu calmly retracted his hand. He rubbed his fingers together and smiled slightly, “Princess, you have some dirt on your face.”

Gu Ruyu spoke with lies, yet he behaved like a young dandy who amused himself by teasing married women. He seemed far from the rumored appearance of a treacherous and domineering eunuch who could control everything with a single hand.

“You… have no shame!”

Song Xu Yi never expected Gu Ruyu to be so shameless. After struggling to find the right words, she finally found the perfect way to describe him and yelled at him!

However, Gu Ruyu, who was being yelled at, did not seem to be angry at all. He lay back on the carriage, looking at Song Xu Yi with a smile. His beautiful eyes shone like stars, and he had shed his usual coldness and distance. He looked like a mischievous child who had succeeded in his prank, full of joy and pride, and appeared to be brimming with youthful vigor…

How could someone be so contradictory?

Gu Ruyu had a fierce presence that could make people’s faces turn pale. However, at times, he could also appear as clear as a child, with his emotions written all over his face.

The spot where Gu Ruyu had touched her cheek still felt slightly hot, and Song Xu Yi bit her lip, fearing his fierce retaliation. She had thought long and hard about how to insult him, but had decided against using words like “crazy person” or “big villain” as instructed by the system.

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She must find a way to avoid being alone with Gu Ruyu!


But reality was cruel. The maids around Song Xu Yi were terrified of Gu Ruyu and would avoid him at all costs with just a glance from him. No matter how hard she tried, Song Xu Yi couldn’t avoid being alone with him.

The treasures were all things that the original owner had enjoyed, but Song Xu Yi found them uncomfortable. Every time Gu Ruyu focused on dressing her up and doing her makeup, Song Xu Yi felt uneasy, despite Gu Ruyu’s skills making her look like a fairy with rosy and delicate skin. When Gu Ruyu touched her, she felt even more uneasy, as if she were a reserve food hoarded by a big bad wolf, kept well until the time was right for him to howl and devour her.

Finally, after much suffering, Song Xu Yi found a legitimate opportunity to get away from Gu Ruyu. She coincidentally adopted a little girl when their carriage passed through a town, where many people had gathered in commotion.

The little girl looked extremely miserable, kneeling on the roadside with a bundle of straw on her head, holding a sign and telling everyone about her father’s unjust death at the hands of a local wealthy man. However, the wealthy man had a lot of power in the area, and no one was willing to take care of the matter. When Song Xu Yi passed by, the wealthy man even tried to force the little girl into becoming his concubine.

After Song Xu Yi had helped the young girl bury her father, she took action and contacted the local officials to punish the wealthy man responsible for the injustice.

Despite her efforts, the young girl appeared to be traumatized by the incident and was terrified of the wealthy man’s servants. Song Xu Yi had no choice but to take the young girl with her in her carriage, where she tried to comfort her with a soft voice.

As Gu Ruyu arrived, he witnessed Song Xu Yi combing the young girl’s hair.

The girl had a fragile appearance, and she lay on Song Xu Yi’s knee, looking at her with big eyes and not moving a muscle. Song Xu Yi had a gentle expression and spoke in a soft voice while keeping her head lowered.

Despite the apparent harmony of the scene, Gu Ruyu felt extremely uncomfortable. He could sense the attachment in the young girl’s eyes, which made him coldly laugh and comment, “The Princess is really kind-hearted!”

Gu Ruyu’s normally cold and aloof demeanor was now amplified by his anger, his entire body radiating an intimidating aura. Song Xu Yi was taken aback by the sudden change in his demeanor and was unsure of what had triggered his anger. Hearing Gu Ruyu’s voice, she instinctively looked towards the timid young girl next to her, who immediately trembled and tears welled up in her eyes.

In response to Song Xu Yi’s gaze, the young girl hesitantly called out, “Sister.”

“You scared this child!” Song Xu Yi looked at Gu Ruyu, her brows furrowed in disapproval.

“Child?” Gu Ruyu sneered in anger. “You may think of her as a child, but she doesn’t see you as an elder!”

The young girl was almost fifteen, an age when she could be married in commoner society. Song Xu Yi was only two years older than the young girl, if one were to count their ages.

However, Song Xu Yi has always been compassionate towards the weak and did not listen to Gu Ruyu’s words. Knowing that she couldn’t stop Gu Ruyu, she could only turn her head and comfort the little girl: “Don’t be afraid, big sister will protect you.”

Gu Ruyu looked at Song Xu Yi softly speaking to the little girl, biting his teeth.

For a moment, Gu Ruyu wanted to leave in anger, but then he realized that if he did so, it would probably just satisfy that little girl’s wishes. After thinking it over, Gu Ruyu sat with a stern face inside the carriage.

Song Xu Yi didn’t know what Gu Ruyu was thinking, but at least there was still a little girl by her side at the moment. Song Xu Yi and Gu Ruyu’s interactions were not as awkward as before. Since Gu Ruyu did not speak his intentions, Song Xu Yi did not bother him. She kept an eye on Gu Ruyu’s movements while chatting with the little girl to calm her down.

As he watched Song Xu Yi and the little girl get along happily, Gu Ruyu’s gaze grew colder day by day.

Gu Ruyu was puzzled by his own behavior. He knew that Song Xu Yi was nothing more than a rare and likable pet. If she refused to listen to him, he had countless ways to make her obedient. However, he found himself hesitant to use any of those methods. He was afraid that if he did, the light in her eyes would disappear.

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He couldn’t pinpoint when it started, but ever since Song Xu Yi expressed her desire to find Zheng Lian to the Emperor, Gu Ruyu had been intrigued by her. The whimsical Princess had shed some of her foolishness and become gentle and intelligent. Although her appearance was not stunning, Gu Ruyu’s eyes were drawn to her nonetheless.

Gu Ruyu had initially believed that Song Xu Yi had discovered something significant, such as the truth about her parents’ deaths or the effectiveness of the military talisman. Thus, when he saw her sneaking out of the palace at night, he disguised himself as “Zhao San” and followed her, eager to see what she was up to.

Gu Ruyu couldn’t believe it when he realized that Song Xu Yi actually believed that the fake “Zhao San” was a good person!

He watched her closely, trying to figure out her intentions. It wasn’t until she gave him a letter that he finally understood.

After finally escaping, why does Song Xu Yi want to come back to Wangjiazhuang?

Gu Ruyu found it unbelievable, but Song Xu Yi made it clear in her letter.

Upon further reflection, Gu Ruyu realized that it wasn’t so difficult to understand after all: Song Xu Yi was a member of the Song family, and the Song family was full of heroes. The family motto was “One Heart for the People”…

However, Gu Ruyu still couldn’t help feeling annoyed: Song Xu Yi had escaped without a word before, and now she needed his help. Did she really think she could deceive him with just a letter? What kind of world was this?

Despite her frustration, Gu Ruyu still went back to Song Xu Yi’s side.

Gu Ruyu informed Song Xu Yi that he had no intention of going to Wangjiazhuang. He expected her to feel dejected, remorseful, and plead with him like everyone else. However, Song Xu Yi did not utter a word and dedicated herself entirely to the epidemic prevention and control.

Gu Ruyu grew increasingly uneasy, especially witnessing Song Xu Yi tirelessly working to contain the outbreak. Her smile faded, and she appeared increasingly exhausted.

Gu Ruyu couldn’t resist reminding Song Xu Yi that she was intelligent enough to perceive his implicit offer of assistance. Yet, Song Xu Yi declined to seek his aid.

Gu Ruyu gritted his teeth in secret and resorted to some means to persuade Song Xu Yi to sign a document for him. Gu Ruyu never made a losing deal and believed that Song Xu Yi’s previous act of cooking for him was a way of making amends.

Gu Ruyu realized that something was amiss with himself. He had never felt this way about anyone before, but he attributed it to Song Xu Yi’s adorable demeanor. Song Xu Yi was akin to a beloved pet he had raised from youth. Playing with her and observing her plump cheeks would lift Gu Ruyu’s spirits involuntarily. He wished to provide everything she desired, build a cozy abode for her, and protect her from the harsh elements outside.

Playing the game is a rare pleasure for Gu Ruyu in this dreary world, and he treasures it dearly as his own. He cannot imagine ever growing tired of it.

However, he never anticipated that Song Xu Yi would refuse to join him in his game.

Whenever Song Xu Yi encounters the little girl she rescued, she warmly smiles and speaks to her in gentle tones. But when she interacts with Gu Ruyu, she remains silent and casts him angry glances.

Gu Ruyu used to find Song Xu Yi’s plump cheeks endearing, but witnessing her interactions with the little girl stirred up unfamiliar emotions. He felt resentful and envious of the attention she bestowed upon the child.

Why is he feeling this way?

The situation persisted for a week. Despite the presence of the little girl, Gu Ruyu’s face remained dark and gloomy, but he refrained from harming Song Xu Yi. This brought Song Xu Yi a sense of relief. As the little girl became better behaved, the atmosphere in the carriage grew increasingly tense. Gu Ruyu’s already bad temper became even more explosive, and he was quick to punish his subordinates, causing everyone to be extremely cautious and fearful of provoking him.

When Song Xu Yi learned that the little girl missed the red bean cake from her hometown, she promised to make it for her in two days. This act seemed to have a positive impact on Gu Ruyu.

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That night, with a black moon and high winds, the carriage stopped at a station and there was no need to rush. From a room far away, beyond the range of the system’s perception, came a faint noise. Gu Ruyu opened the door to investigate and discovered the little girl sitting at a table with her eyes wide open.

Surprisingly, the little girl was not startled by Gu Ruyu’s presence and showed no signs of the fragility she exhibited in front of Song Xu Yi. Instead, she looked at Gu Ruyu with clear eyes and made an offer: “Sir, as long as you agree to my conditions, I will leave my sister’s side voluntarily.”

As Gu Ruyu’s hand gripped the hilt of his sword, he paused, and his gaze shifted to the little girl. His expression remained stoic as he sneered, “So you’re using her to threaten me?”

The little girl flinched under his icy glare, but then she put on a strained smile and dropped to her knees. “No, I’m not threatening you. I’m begging you,” she said. “I’m taking a gamble, hoping that you won’t want to make Sister Xu Yi sad.”

Gu Ruyu’s lips tightened, but he released his sword and said nothing.

“I know I don’t deserve to be by Sister’s side,” the little girl continued, her eyes growing warm as she spoke of Song Xu Yi. But then her expression hardened, and she said, “I just want a chance…”

Silently, Gu Ruyu took a seat at the table, his cold eyes fixed on the little girl.

The little girl spoke without expecting a reply from Gu Ruyu. “My father was killed by supposed thugs sent by the wealthy man, but it was corrupt officials who ordered the hit. Sister Xu Yi helped me take down the thugs, but they were just decoys. The real culprit is still free.”

“A few days ago, I saw a group of soldiers clearing the way for a nobleman. I seized the opportunity to sell myself on the streets to pay for my father’s burial. I deceived Sister Xu Yi, but I had no other options.”

“I’m willing to be a sword in your hands, to help you break through this corrupt and murky world and make it a better place.” The little girl banged her head on the ground, determined to the point of having a red and swollen forehead. “I hope to personally vanquish all my enemies someday!”

The little girl spoke her mind fluently and firmly, with her intentions brewing for a long time. She confessed her plans to Gu Ruyu, who remained cold and even sneered, “Aren’t you afraid there are more corrupt people around me?”

“No, I’m not.” To Gu Ruyu’s surprise, the little girl’s expression was resolute, and a hint of a smile flickered in her eyes as she looked down. “With Sister Xu Yi beside you, I know you won’t be corrupted.”

The sight of the little girl bidding farewell and wanting to join Gu Ruyu’s side caught Song Xu Yi off guard.

As the little girl followed behind Gu Ruyu’s men with her small bundle, Song Xu Yi gazed at her intently, as if she could signal her to stop if she was being coerced. She longed to scream, “Blink if you’re in danger!” if only Gu Ruyu wasn’t present.

But the little girl showed no signs of reluctance.

As she watched the girl disappear into the distance, Gu Ruyu’s strange smirk made Song Xu Yi uneasy. “You don’t want to let her go?” he asked.

Only then did Song Xu Yi realize with horror that the maids who accompanied them had vanished without her notice, leaving her alone with Gu Ruyu in the carriage.

When the little girl was no longer with them, Gu Ruyu seized the opportunity to exact revenge on Song Xu Yi for her negligence. He gazed at her with satisfaction as her cheeks reddened from his rough treatment and her angry gaze remained fixed on him, feeling the tension in his chest dissolve. Recalling the little girl’s advice, “Sir, Sister will only yield if she perceives a crack in your armor. It’s okay to show vulnerability at times,” Gu Ruyu sneered disdainfully.

I don’t need to show weakness, this state is just fine!

The author has something to say:

Forgive Little Gu, she’s still in the stage of being bullied if someone likes her in elementary school, but please believe in her learning ability, she will become more sensible.

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