Villainous Fake Eunuch (13)

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Song Xu Yi was taken aback by Gu Ruyu’s unexpected request.

Upon reflection, though, she realized that Gu Ruyu’s temperament was always unpredictable, so it shouldn’t have been so surprising.

Although Song Xu Yi wanted to repay Gu Ruyu’s life-saving kindness, she never considered taking care of her personally. The idea of looking after Gu Ruyu seemed too risky, especially if Gu Ruyu found out that she knew her secret as a woman. The consequences could be unimaginable.

Nevertheless, Song Xu Yi had no other choice but to accept the request at this moment.

Without any warning, Gu Ruyu made the unilateral decision to lock Song Xu Yi inside the carriage.

“I’ve never seen such a shameless person!” The system was caught off guard and cursed in anger.

Song Xu Yi froze as Gu Ruyu held her tightly, afraid to make any sudden movements. Although Gu Ruyu’s grip around her waist wasn’t too tight, Song Xu Yi didn’t dare to risk aggravating Gu Ruyu’s injury, which had already reopened due to their earlier struggle.

The system realized that Gu Ruyu was resorting to manipulation to achieve her objectives. However, what made the system furious was that Gu Ruyu was succeeding, and Song Xu Yi had fallen right into her trap!

“You’re insane!” Song Xu Yi exclaimed, looking at the bloodstains spreading on Gu Ruyu’s shoulder and feeling extremely anxious. However, Gu Ruyu appeared indifferent to her own injury, even wearing a faint smile in her eyes as she waited for Song Xu Yi’s response with ease.

“I’ll do it!”

Song Xu Yi bit her lip tightly, unable to bear watching Gu Ruyu continue to bleed. She took a deep breath and compromised, “If you let go of me, I’ll help you bandage your wound.”

Upon hearing Song Xu Yi’s promise, Gu Ruyu finally released her grip around her waist.

“Turn around!”

Song Xu Yi ordered with a heavy heart, unable to hide her displeasure towards Gu Ruyu. She directed a servant to bring the medicine box.

Despite Song Xu Yi’s cold demeanor, Gu Ruyu’s eyes lit up with a clear smile upon hearing her promise to care for her. Gu Ruyu became highly cooperative and obedient, turning her back and removing her blood-stained outer garment. She even lowered her head slightly, appearing somewhat meek.

Song Xu Yi knew she couldn’t allow Gu Ruyu to take off her inner garment, or their deception would be revealed.

With a hint of obscurity in her eyes, Gu Ruyu glanced back at Song Xu Yi. Despite seeing Song Xu Yi’s anxious expression, Gu Ruyu smirked slightly, but still obeyed and released her grip on her collar, kneeling in the center of the carriage.

Song Xu Yi bit her lip, knowing that the best course of action now was to allow Gu Ruyu to remove her shoulder clothes to apply the medicine without seeing certain inconvenient things. However, since Song Xu Yi had already said “I’ll do it,” Gu Ruyu appeared to have no intention of taking action herself, merely turning her head to look at Song Xu Yi.

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As she stared motionlessly at Gu Ruyu, Song Xu Yi felt like she was about to catch fire, her palms becoming moist with sweat.

“I’m sorry,” she murmured.

Song Xu Yi closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Finally, she mustered up the courage to pick up the medicine from the ground, and with trembling hands, she pulled down Gu Ruyu’s shoulder clothing.

Gu Ruyu’s inner shirt was also extremely loose, probably to conceal her figure. The loose clothing made Gu Ruyu’s kneeling posture appear weak and graceful, like a lonely summer lotus in the lake. This spacious clothing also made it easier for Song Xu Yi to pull down her clothing. She didn’t use much force, and the clothing on Gu Ruyu’s shoulder fell down.

Gu Ruyu’s body was almost flawless. Her round and smooth shoulders had the most perfect lines, but a white, blood-stained bandage abruptly destroyed the beauty of her jade-like skin.

Even though she had seen it before, Song Xu Yi still felt heartbroken seeing the swollen and hideous wound on Gu Ruyu’s fair skin. She couldn’t care less about feeling shy and quickly reapplied the medicine and bandaged the wound for Gu Ruyu.

After tying up the bandage, Song Xu Yi finally regained her senses and let out a sigh of relief. She felt more exhausted than if she had just fought a battle. She was just about to pull up Gu Ruyu’s clothes when suddenly, there was a commotion in front of the carriage. The carriage stopped abruptly, causing Song Xu Yi, who was crouching down to apply the medicine, to lose her balance.

Gu Ruyu’s loose clothing was suddenly pulled up to her waist by Song Xu Yi. Without thinking, Song Xu Yi’s other hand reached out to stabilize herself, but unexpectedly came into contact with something soft.

–She, she didn’t pad that area?!

As soon as she realized what she had touched, Song Xu Yi withdrew her hand as if she had been electrocuted. Gu Ruyu’s reaction was also significant. She immediately pulled down her clothes and curled up in the corner of the carriage.

It all happened in the blink of an eye.

As she watched Gu Ruyu hanging her head low, and heard the system’s concerned inquiry, “Xu Yi, what’s wrong with you?”, without knowing what had happened, Song Xu Yi’s heart was filled with despair, and she felt as if she had fallen into an icy abyss.

Could she survive if she cut off the hand that touched Gu Ruyu?

It was all over!


“Please forgive me for disturbing you,” the subordinate in front of the carriage said.

“There are signs of bandits ahead, and the road has collapsed. For the safety of the Princess, sir, should we take another route?”

Unaware of everything that had happened inside the carriage, the subordinate dutifully suggested an alternative route.

Song Xu Yi bit her lip in frustration, feeling like her greatest danger came from within.

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There was a moment of silence.

After a long while, the person opposite, Gu Ruyu, raised her head and spoke softly:

“Let’s change routes!”

“Naturally, we must prioritize the safety of the Princess.”

The footsteps outside gradually faded away, and the carriage became quiet again.

Since Gu Ruyu raised her head, Song Xu Yi had been crouching in the innermost part of the carriage. She could feel Gu Ruyu examining her, but she dared not meet her gaze. Song Xu Yi just wanted to turn into a bug and crawl into the gaps in the carriage’s wooden boards, avoiding the embarrassing and hopeless situation before her.

“Princess, please don’t be so impulsive in the future,” Gu Ruyu said after a moment or what felt like a long time.

Gu Ruyu’s voice sounded hoarse as she continued, “My waist is almost bruised from being grabbed by the Princess.”

Is it her waist? Obviously…

Song Xu Yi widened her eyes and couldn’t help but look up at Gu Ruyu. Gu Ruyu’s complexion seemed unchanged, and her clothes were still worn tightly, but Gu Ruyu’s hair, which was carefully combed, had fallen down unnoticed. The scattered long hair softened the coldness on Gu Ruyu’s face, adding a touch of charm to her already stunning appearance…

Gu Ruyu seemed to be in a daze, and even though she was looking at Song Xu Yi, her gaze seemed unfocused. Anyone who saw Gu Ruyu at this moment would no longer think of her as a man…

Her beauty was breathtaking.

Song Xu Yi’s heart skipped a beat, and she quickly lowered her head.

If she had really accidentally touched Gu Ruyu, according to Gu Ruyu’s cruelty, she would definitely not cover up for her-

Could it be that… she really touched Gu Ruyu’s waist?

In that moment of panic, Song Xu Yi didn’t even remember how it felt. Perhaps she had really made a mistake!

Thinking this way, Song Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief and realized that her legs were completely numb due to her nervousness.

To avoid making Gu Ruyu notice anything unusual, Song Xu Yi lowered her head and began tidying up the scattered medicine bottles on the ground. Perhaps because of the injury, Gu Ruyu did not cause any more trouble after their noon nap. Moreover, after the siesta, Gu Ruyu sent a message saying that Song Xu Yi did not need to take care of her in the afternoon, allowing her to rest well.

Song Xu Yi didn’t want to face Gu Ruyu in the first place and was extremely happy to hear this. She spent the afternoon very comfortably.

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Due to the fear of bandits, the carriage took a detour through more populated areas. They arrived at a bustling market in the evening.

The carriage stopped at a local inn to rest.

Excusing herself to buy some books to read on the road, Song Xu Yi left the inn with a few companions.

Since Gu Ruyu needed to rest and recover from her injury, she naturally didn’t accompany Song Xu Yi. However, Gu Ruyu added more guards to trail behind her.

Song Xu Yi had a clear goal in mind. After entering the bookstore, she purchased a stack of books that she might need and returned to the inn shortly thereafter.

To Song Xu Yi’s surprise, one of Gu Ruyu’s trusted aides was carrying a stack of colorful books and followed Gu Ruyu into her room with a lifeless expression.

What’s going on? Song Xu Yi wondered. Is Gu Ruyu so busy that she has time to read such idle books?


Song Xu Yi didn’t think too much and opened the book she had bought, quickly finding what she was looking for:

“Twenty years ago, the deeply-rooted hatred of the Japanese pirates led them to break through the city gates, burn down the Liu family’s mansion, and turn it to ashes. The entire Liu family, including five-year-old Liu Ruyu, perished in the flames.”

The plot summary also included a brief history of the Netherlands:

The Netherlands were actually established less than thirty years ago. The current Emperor Zheng Ye was originally a fierce general under the previous Emperor. With his ambition, he rebelled and became the ruler while the previous Emperor was sick, and the Crown Prince Liu Qian was known for his righteousness. With the Japanese pirates outside and Zheng Ye’s menacing momentum inside, in order to avoid widespread suffering, Liu Qian surrendered after Zheng Ye started a rebellion, achieving a peaceful transition of power.

Zheng Ye gave a large piece of land to surrendering Liu Qian to show his benevolence.

Song Xu Yi thought that Zheng Ye wanted Liu Qian dead because the piece of land was adjacent to the border and often faced invasion by foreign enemies. However, contrary to Zheng Ye’s expectations, Liu Qian gathered a group of talented people, fought like gods, and repeatedly resisted the invaders’ attacks. Under Liu Qian’s leadership, the border became stronger day by day.

Everything seemed to be developing in a positive direction, but no one expected that the Japanese pirates would sneak into the city and slaughter the entire Liu family overnight…

A thin page in the historical records, but it represents the lives of hundreds of members of a family.

Song Xu Yi closed the book and let out a long sigh.

She had always known the saying: “history is like a little girl dressed up by people.”

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Did the previous dynasty’s Lius really perish at the hands of the Japanese pirates?


A few years later, Gu Ruyu led the Japanese pirates into the country at any cost, and it seemed like a repetition of history. Was it just a coincidence?

Thinking of the girl in the room a few steps away, who disguised herself as a man and wielded immense power, Song Xu Yi pursed her lips with mixed emotions. Gu Ruyu made her call her “Ruyu,” but was this really her true self?

Song Xu Yi couldn’t fall asleep all night, and in the next room, Gu Ruyu tossed and turned as well. If one looked closely, they could see her ears were bright red.

What is happening to me?

After the carriage accident, Gu Ruyu felt that something was off. Every time she thought about how Song Xu Yi had accidentally touched her in that spot, Gu Ruyu’s ears would start burning, and she could only cover up her oddity by letting her hair down.

Gu Ruyu couldn’t help but recall the situation again: when Song Xu Yi touched her there, her first reaction was not to push Song Xu Yi away, but her legs went weak, and her cheeks turned red.

It’s too strange!

Although both of them are women, and everything was just an accident, every time Gu Ruyu thinks of Song Xu Yi, her heartbeat accelerates, and the image of Song Xu Yi keeps appearing in her mind.

What’s even more difficult for Gu Ruyu to admit is that she had a dream during her nap in which she did many inappropriate things to Song Xu Yi. After waking up, Gu Ruyu had to calm herself down for a long time before she could suppress the heat in her body.

Gu Ruyu knew she was not a good person, and although Song Xu Yi had angered her recently, there were plenty of ways to punish someone without resorting to such methods in her dreams.

What was the reason for all of this?

Thinking of her subordinates’ hesitant appearance, Gu Ruyu donned her outer robe and got out of bed.

Onlookers see more clearly. Perhaps she could find the answer after reading these books.


Please edit this:

“The Princess is enjoying her leisurely afternoon, but the Boss is silent in the carriage, indicating that there is a problem between you and it’s on the Boss’s side. I don’t know if it’s a psychological or physical problem with the Boss, but these books have all sorts of content… In order for us to not be missing arms and legs in the future, we’ll leave the task of deciphering the mystery to you with honor!”

“On this day next year, we will give you white chrysanthemums.”

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