Villainous Fake Eunuch (18)

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Song Xu Yi secretly finished reading the Huaben (a type of vernacular Chinese fiction) and blushing, she closed the book with a snap and hid it in the cabinet.

Shortly after Song Xu Yi closed the book, Gu Ruyu, who was “asleep,” opened her eyes.

“You’re awake!”

Song Xu Yi didn’t have time to reminisce about the exciting scenes in the second half of the book, she propped up Gu Ruyu’s body with a pillow and began to apply medicine and massage her acupoints.

However, perhaps because Gu Ruyu had just woken up, her body was extremely weak, and when she was being treated, her body couldn’t help but slip down…

Gu Ruyu pursed her lips, seemingly finding it difficult to accept her current state. Half of her body was exposed, revealing her slender and graceful collarbone. She hung her head, her long eyelashes trembling.

The sight of Gu Ruyu in this state appeared particularly tragic, as if a winged swan had been broken, making people feel heartbroken.

Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but feel sorry for Gu Ruyu. When she came back to her senses, she was already sitting on the bed, holding Gu Ruyu’s shoulder and carefully letting her rest her head on her knee.

From Song Xu Yi’s perspective, she could clearly see the redness around Gu Ruyu’s eyes caused by the medicine, as if she had just cried. Gu Ruyu’s lips were also slightly redder than usual. She lay on her back with her hair like a waterfall spread across Song Xu Yi’s lap. Perhaps because her neat clothes couldn’t be seen, Gu Ruyu’s delicate collarbone and fair skin were almost poreless and flawless.

However, this beautiful woman didn’t seem to be aware of how attractive she was, and slightly turned her face with a smile on her lips. “Xu Yi, what fragrance have you used? It smells so good.”

Song Xu Yi’s hand trembled and she almost pressed the medicine bag onto Gu Ruyu’s mouth.

This is really too coincidental!

In the erotic novel that Song Xu Yi had just finished reading, when the maid coaxed the young lady into doing that thing for the first time, she pretended to be drunk and enticed the young lady. When they succeeded in the bed, the maid buried her head in the young lady’s neck and joked: “Miss, what fragrance did you use?”

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As soon as Song Xu Yi thought of the scene in the novel, she felt extremely guilty and her face turned red to the base of her neck. She finally managed to maintain a calm demeanor and said: “I…I didn’t use any fragrance.”

“Really?” Gu Ruyu seemed a little annoyed, pouting her lips slightly, her cheeks also slightly flushed. Suddenly she took a low breath and moved her body a bit: “Xu Yi, my shoulder hurts, can I move a little?”

Song Xu Yi hesitated and agreed, but she didn’t expect that Gu Ruyu would move closer to her!

“I am a Eunuch, Princess, you don’t have to worry. If I have offended you, I hope you can forgive me.”

Although Gu Ruyu said she had offended her, her movements did not slow down at all. Her injured arm stretched out and hugged Song Xu Yi’s waist, and her head lifted slightly, with lifeless eyes asking in Song Xu Yi’s direction.

Even though she knew that Gu Ruyu couldn’t see her at this time, Song Xu Yi dared not meet her gaze. She felt that her whole person was not good, her body was emitting heat, and her face was blushing like blood, regretting that she did not resist temptation and read that erotic book. Now her thoughts were completely contaminated, and listening to Gu Ruyu’s words made her feel like she was hearing shameful lines from a novel…

What ‘move a little’, ‘offend’ and the like… what kind of predatory words are these?!

“I…I don’t mind. I said I would take care of you,” Song Xu Yi suppressed her shame and applied the medicine pack to Gu Ruyu’s eyes. She thought Gu Ruyu would be quiet while receiving treatment, but perhaps due to the pain, Gu Ruyu tightened her hand that hugged Song Xu Yi’s waist. When Song Xu Yi’s strength relaxed as she applied the medicine, Gu Ruyu let go, but from her red lips, there came a low moan of pleasure…

This sound is like a mixture of pleasure and pain, easily reminiscent of certain situations.

Song Xu Yi gritted her teeth and looked at Gu Ruyu with eyes that involuntarily carried a hint of sorrow: just finishing reading a certain type of book and having a beautiful, heavenly beauty sleeping on your lap, this was truly too testing for one’s patience! For a moment, Song Xu Yi even thought about learning from the overbearing CEO in TV dramas and lifting Gu Ruyu’s chin, coldly laughing and saying, “Woman, you’re playing with fire!”

But Song Xu Yi could only think about it. Even if she was injured, Song Xu Yi knew that she was no match for Gu Ruyu. Moreover, Gu Ruyu was her lifesaver. If she had any thoughts of taking advantage of Gu Ruyu’s weakness, that would be too much like a beast.

Fortunately, the system seemed to sense Song Xu Yi’s lack of determination and timely played the Heart Sutra in her mind.

One side was the fragrance of life, the other side was the chanting of scriptures. Song Xu Yi felt like a Buddhist crossing the tribulations and experiencing the greatest hardships in life.

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Finally, Song Xu Yi’s Buddha nature once again overcame her animal instincts, focusing only on the medicine packet in her hand, trying hard to ignore Gu Ruyu’s suppressed moans and erratic breathing…

At last, the agonizing process of applying the medicine was over. Song Xu Yi tossed the packet into the bucket and felt more exhausted than if she had fought a battle. She broke out in a sweat unconsciously. Perhaps due to the blood-circulating effect of the medicinal materials, Gu Ruyu’s originally pale cheeks were now covered with a flush of red, looking gorgeous and tempting.

Song Xu Yi took a quick glance but dared not look again, afraid that her Buddha nature would falter. She used the excuse of dumping the cooled-down medicinal juice and left the room, trying to calm herself down.

Song Xu Yi didn’t dare to face Gu Ruyu alone again. She went to the kitchen to help Zhao Qin prepare the meal. Only after finishing the meal did she take a few deep breaths, build up her mental strength, and return to the room.

Although Gu Ruyu’s complexion had improved significantly earlier, she now looked pale and weak again. Seeing Gu Ruyu in such a vulnerable state, Song Xu Yi had no more romantic thoughts. She immediately stepped forward to support her.

“I’ll come by myself!”

However, Gu Ruyu didn’t seem to want Song Xu Yi’s help. She avoided Song Xu Yi’s outstretched hand with a pale face, took a few steps, and almost stumbled to the ground.

Gu Ruyu’s condition seemed to have worsened!

“Shouldn’t we find a way to see a doctor?” Song Xu Yi quickly stepped forward to help Gu Ruyu, unable to resist speaking anxiously, “Maybe we can avoid the pursuit of the officials after entering the city…”

“No need,” Gu Ruyu leaned half of her body against Song Xu Yi’s shoulder, coughed twice, and spoke softly, “This is an old illness, I know what to do, it’s not a hindrance.”

Song Xu Yi wanted to persuade Gu Ruyu again, but Gu Ruyu interrupted her: “Miss Zhao took us in with a kind heart. It’s not right to let her wait for too long. Please help me to the dining table.” Gu Ruyu’s expression looked very determined, and Song Xu Yi remembered her plan to make Gu Ruyu grateful to Zhao Qin. So, she could only worryingly half-support Gu Ruyu to the dining table.

However, the journey was not peaceful either. Gu Ruyu’s head was resting on Song Xu Yi’s neck, and her warm breath brushed past Song Xu Yi’s neck. Song Xu Yi’s back went numb, and it was challenging to maintain her pace.

“What’s wrong?” Zhao Qin looked at Gu Ruyu, who was almost half-hanging on Song Xu Yi, and worriedly asked: “Has the illness gotten worse?”

“It’s okay, I almost sprained my foot.” Song Xu Yi helped Gu Ruyu sit in a chair. She seemed to not want Zhao Qin to notice her illness. Gu Ruyu sat upright at the table, and a hint of helplessness appeared on her lips. She no longer looked weak and fragile as before: “Xu Yi is worried about me, so she had to support me. I tried to persuade her to let go of me, but she wouldn’t listen.”

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“I see!” Zhao Qin breathed a sigh of relief and couldn’t help but look at Song Xu Yi: “You two sisters have a good relationship.”

Song Xu Yi’s ears seemed to still be filled with Gu Ruyu’s breath, and she was in a panic. She didn’t follow the rhythm of the dining table and didn’t have time to answer. Instead, Gu Ruyu lowered her head once again, looking a bit proud and shy, and spoke softly: “To be honest, I’m ashamed. Xu Yi has always treated me very well, and even though I am older, she takes care of me more.”


Zheng Lian watched everything happening coldly on the side, feeling that something was a bit strange in his heart, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on what was odd. He just knew that for some reason, he felt a shiver down his spine when he saw the woman’s demeanor. Unable to hold back, he knocked on the table and said, “The food is getting cold!”

Zhao Qin then enthusiastically began organizing the meal, introducing which dishes she made and which ones were made by Song Xu Yi. For a while, the room was filled only with Zhao Qin’s cheerful voice.

Worried that Gu Ruyu might have trouble picking up the dishes, Song Xu Yi took on the task of serving her. Originally, Song Xu Yi intended to focus solely on serving the food, but Gu Ruyu was just too attractive. Every time Song Xu Yi served her a dish, Gu Ruyu would look at her and smile, her beautiful eyes shimmering and her lips, now moist from the water, appearing incredibly lustrous. Song Xu Yi couldn’t help feeling a bit flustered and restless, so she had to let the system recite the Heart Sutra in her mind again.

After finally finishing the meal, Song Xu Yi took the initiative to offer to wash the dishes and almost fled into the kitchen.

Zheng Lian felt uneasy around Gu Ruyu and took a few bites of food before going to split firewood in the backyard.

For a while, only Gu Ruyu and Zhao Qin were left in the living room.

As soon as Song Xu Yi’s figure entered the kitchen, the smile on Gu Ruyu’s lips immediately disappeared, but Zhao Qin, lost in thought, did not notice Gu Ruyu’s strange behavior as she watched Zheng Lian’s figure disappear into the backyard.

“Thank you for your hospitality today, Miss Zhao. You’re an excellent cook,” Gu Ruyu said softly as she sipped her tea, looking at Zhao Qin. She said this even though she hadn’t tasted any of the dishes Zhao Qin had made that night, only eating the ones made by Song Xu Yi.

Gu Ruyu took the initiative to start a conversation, and Zhao Qin, a talkative and lively person, quickly became acquainted with her. She even began calling Gu Ruyu “Big Sister Gu.” Gu Ruyu had an exceptional appearance and a deep cunning, and almost no one could resist her when she actively showed goodwill.

“Miss Gu,” Zhao Qin looked at Gu Ruyu’s face under the light that made her look even more beautiful and couldn’t help but speak softly: “You are so beautiful that no one in the world can dislike you…”

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“Appearance is only superficial,” Gu Ruyu spoke softly, but there was a hint of gloom in her eyes: “Miss Zhao’s kindness and liveliness are also likable.”

Zhao Qin frowned, feeling that Gu Ruyu’s tone sounded strange, but she was brought up by Gu Ruyu’s words and couldn’t care about these things. Her face showed a rare trace of sorrow: “I think I am not detestable to anyone, but I always can’t tell what the person in my heart is thinking…”

Gu Ruyu’s hand holding the tea paused, but her voice became even softer: “I wonder who is in Miss Zhao’s heart…”

“Oh, didn’t Xu Yi tell you?” Zhao Qin shifted her body and felt a cold breeze behind her for some reason. She looked at Gu Ruyu’s eyes and spoke with a hint of shyness: “It’s the guy who chops wood in the backyard!”

Zhao Qin didn’t know if it was her illusion, but she always felt that Gu Ruyu’s face relaxed a little after she said this sentence. There was even a faint smile on her lips: “With sincerity, even the hardest stone can be broken. As long as Miss Zhao is sincere, she will eventually move that person. Moreover, I can sense that the man also has some feelings for Miss Zhao…” After all, the Third Prince Zheng Lian, who was well-known in the court, had never shown interest in women. Had he ever been so interested in a woman like Zhao Qin?

“However,” Gu Ruyu’s tone changed: “That man has a good temperament and his background may be extraordinary. In case he recovers his memory one day–“

“Miss Zhao, many things in this world cannot be resolved simply by mutual affection…”

Gu Ruyu thought she was showing kindness. After hearing that Song Xu Yi knew about Zhao Qin’s admiration for Zheng Lian, the troubles in Gu Ruyu’s heart disappeared, because she had discovered that there was no ambiguity between Zhao Qin and Xu Yi. If Gu Ruyu wasn’t wrong, the envoy from the court that Song Xu Yi had notified was already on the way. Zheng Lian’s identity and status meant he could not marry a village girl…

“But what does social status matter?” However, Zhao Qin, who was in front of her, did not remain silent as Gu Ruyu had expected. Zhao Qin laughed happily, and her tone sounded extremely determined: “As long as he likes me, I will keep waiting for him.”

At this time, Zhao Qin did not know that according to the original plot, social status would indeed become a restraint between them, and she would really feel inferior because of it…

The author has something to say:

Little Gu, stop teasing, you’re going to spoil the child!

Sigh, I could have updated before midnight, but maybe I got unlucky again. I spent a long time filling in the verification code before logging in. Go to bed early.

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