Villainous Malevolent Ghost (15)

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Song Xu Yi was momentarily confused when she heard the words “ancestor” from Bai Yu’s mouth, but she felt even more like she was in a dream: because it was a dream, that’s why Bai Yu in her dream knew this term of address.

So, is Bai Yu’s gritted teeth tone indicating that she’s concerned about this title?

As expected, women have always been concerned about age and seniority from ancient times to the present–

Song Xu Yi’s mind was in a daze and her whole body felt like it was on fire. She wanted to scream but still retained half of her clarity, reminding her that everything was just a product of her imagination in her dream…

With the thought that this may be the only time she dreams of this, she easily spoke out words that she couldn’t normally say.

“Because you’re too beautiful and too outstanding,” Song Xu Yi gasped for breath, looking up at Bai Yu, avoiding her lips and gazing at her seriously. “I like you in my heart, but I’m afraid that you will dislike me because of my liking. So I deliberately draw a line between us in my mind, but it seems like it’s not working. I still like you…”

“It’s not your fault, only your fault for being too attractive and captivating…”

Song Xu Yi just wanted to confess her feelings in her dream, which she couldn’t express in reality. Bai Yu in her dream not only didn’t dislike it but also looked extremely happy after hearing her confession. Bai Yu’s beautiful eyes suddenly became even more dazzling than the stars, making her mole look more glamorous and striking than usual. Before Song Xu Yi could finish her words, Bai Yu interrupted her: “Xu Yi, I’m not as good as you think.”

“My love for you is a hundred times more than what you feel for me–“

“But as long as you have even a little bit of affection for me,” she spoke softly, as if she suddenly understood something, lowering her eyes and saying, “as long as you care for me, I will always be the one in front of you.”

In that instant, Song Xu Yi inexplicably felt a certain sensation: if the previous Bai Yu was a sharp, sheathed dagger, then the current Bai Yu had been polished of all its edges and angles, willingly transforming into a supple whip coiled around her own fingers.

As she gazed at Bai Yu’s lowered gaze, the words that were about to escape Song Xu Yi’s lips were caught in her throat, and before she knew it, she had leaned in and kissed Bai Yu’s eyes.

After that, everything began to spiral out of control.


Perhaps it was because Song Xu Yi was already too tired to control the dream, but for the rest of the night, no matter how much she begged for mercy, Bai Yu did not let her go.

The next day, Song Xu Yi felt incredibly strange.

She thought she would be tired after spending the whole night in shameless dreams, but she was surprised to find that not only was she not tired, but she felt more refreshed than ever before. There was even a faint trace of spiritual power lingering in her lower abdomen.

It should be noted that Song Xu Yi had only just begun her cultivation journey for a little over a month. In this age of technological development, metaphysics had declined, and even many experienced metaphysical practitioners were rarely able to accumulate spiritual power to such an extent.

What happened?

Confused, Song Xu Yi got out of bed and was surprised to see the smiling face of Bai Yu.

Bai Yu was standing at the door, looking at her with a smile, and she didn’t know how long she had been staring.

Shouldn’t Bai Yu have been cold and distant from her? How could it be…

Song Xu Yi’s first reaction was that she was still dreaming. Remembering the memories of oppression and anger from last night, Song Xu Yi subconsciously felt her waist ache. She stopped struggling and lay back on the bed with her arms outstretched, showing a heroic expression as if she was ready to die: “Come on! You…you need to be gentler–“

Bai Yu’s expression was startled, her eyes darkened, but the smile on her face seemed to be even gentler. She gently leaned down and touched Song Xu Yi’s cheek: “Xu Yi, still talking nonsense? Are you not awake from the alcohol yet?”


With a familiar tingling sensation from Bai Yu’s fingertips, Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but shudder. She looked at Bai Yu dressed in Taoist robes, looking cold and out of this world, no longer the seductive and charming appearance from her dream. Suddenly, she realized that this was not her own dream!

Song Xu Yi froze in place, her face turning red, wanting to find a hole to hide in.

Fortunately, Bai Yu was still understanding and didn’t question the meaning behind Song Xu Yi’s words. She kindly told her it was time to get up and have breakfast before leaving the room.

Song Xu Yi escaped to the bathroom and took a long time to calm down.

On that day, Bai Yu returned to her gentle and elegant self, and even smiled more when facing Song Xu Yi, as if her previous coldness was just Song Xu Yi’s imagination.

What was she thinking? Did she not realize Song Xu Yi’s desire for her?

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Song Xu Yi couldn’t calm down her heart, and for the first time, she lost her focus during her study.

It was a rare moment when she was not with Bai Yu. Bai Yu knew how important Song Xu Yi’s study was, so she would usually be considerate and not appear in Song Xu Yi’s field of vision. But at other times, when faced with Bai Yu’s face that was so beautiful that it made the sunlight dim, Song Xu Yi felt that she couldn’t think calmly.

The more Song Xu Yi thought about it, the more she felt that everything was strange, but she couldn’t figure out what was strange for a while. She wanted to discuss it with the system, but the usually talkative system was like a meditative monk, saying that everything was just Song Xu Yi overthinking things.

Although she couldn’t see the system’s expression, its unusual behavior still aroused Song Xu Yi’s suspicion.

Did the system say before that Bai Yu… could threaten it?

Could Bai Yu be related to the system’s abnormal behavior?


Song Xu Yi vaguely sensed something, but she dared not delve deeper. Even if everything was really related to Bai Yu, she didn’t dare to ask her because of her private thoughts about her.

Song Xu Yi could only restrain her thoughts and focus her attention on preparing for the exam.

This study session was longer than usual, but no matter how much Song Xu Yi procrastinated, she still had to face Bai Yu eventually.

Sighing in her heart, Song Xu Yi closed her book and took out her phone to pass the time. She saw a message from the person in charge of the market, and her complicated mood finally eased a little. She finally had the courage to face Bai Yu.

However, Bai Yu seemed to be unaware of Song Xu Yi’s inner turmoil. As she got closer to her, she would even occasionally give her a thoughtful look that made her blush and her heart race. Once Song Xu Yi met Bai Yu’s gaze, she felt shy and weak in the legs.

Deeply troubled in her heart, Song Xu Yi could only secretly recite the PDF that her online teacher had sent her before.

Perhaps it was the effect of this version of the scripture, or perhaps it was because Bai Yu had been busy with something and rarely appeared in the past two days, Song Xu Yi had slept well for two consecutive nights, without dreaming of Bai Yu kissing her or engaging in more intimate activities.

As a result, Song Xu Yi regained some confidence and felt that as time went by, she would be able to restore her normal attitude towards Bai Yu.

On the third day, Song Xu Yi received a delivery. Afraid of being discovered by Bai Yu, she hid the box under the bed using a shielding spell.

On this night, Song Xu Yi had another dream.

After falling asleep for a while, Song Xu Yi found herself in a peculiar place.

This time, she arrived in a basement.

The basement was cold and gloomy, with four blue-green oil lamps burning in the corners.

In the center of the basement lay a black lacquered coffin, atop which rested a massive compass. The needle of the compass had been twisted and broken by someone and appeared to have been stained with blood for an unknown number of years, giving it a dark hue.

The ground beside the coffin was covered in a complex network of lines drawn in blood-red ink, forming a formation that seemed to make people feel incredibly uncomfortable.

In this world, the more complex the formation, the more difficult it was to draw, and these formations were clearly the work of a master.

Was the person lying in the coffin someone extremely wicked and evil?

The compass symbolized reincarnation, and breaking the needle of the compass was equivalent to cutting off the person in the coffin from the cycle of reincarnation, a tremendously malicious method that Song Xu Yi had only seen in movies and TV dramas, never expecting to witness it in real life.

Suddenly, there was a noise coming from the wall beside her, as if someone was smashing it. Song Xu Yi looked up and suddenly felt an overwhelming urge to unleash her violent instincts, as if a surge of murderous intent was coursing through her veins.


Song Xu Yi suddenly woke up from her dream, her heart pounding as she felt something slowly taking shape in her mind.

She remembered the plot synopsis she had read.

In the synopsis, a coffin was found on the construction site of the Bai family. Beside the coffin lay a man who had been drained of blood, and inside the coffin was a stunningly beautiful woman.

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Stunningly beautiful woman…

Song Xu Yi bit her lip. In her mind, the only person in the world worthy of those few words was Bai Yu.

Why did she have such violent desires in her dream?

Since coming to this world, the only person with whom Song Xu Yi could share her emotions was… Bai Yu.

And the guardian deity was known for being emotionally balanced and untainted by worldly affairs…

In fact, it should have been clear from the beginning–would Bai Yu, who died a tragic death from a stab wound, really become a guardian deity?

The next morning, when Song Xu Yi saw Bai Yu again, she couldn’t help but scrutinize her complexion. These past two days, she had been too shy to look at Bai Yu carefully, but now she noticed that her face seemed unusually pale.

“What’s wrong with you?”

As soon as the words left her mouth, Song Xu Yi pursed her lips. Even though she had realized that Bai Yu was probably not the person she had imagined, she found herself feeling even more sorry for her. She couldn’t help but reach out and ask, “Do you need to drink some blood?”

To Song Xu Yi’s surprise, Bai Yu shook her head.

“I’m fine,” Bai Yu smiled gently at Song Xu Yi. “Actually, my injuries are almost healed.”

Song Xu Yi was taken aback.

Bai Yu still had her usual gentle demeanor, but Song Xu Yi couldn’t help feeling that something was different. She couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but it seemed like something within Bai Yu’s body was slowly dissipating.

Song Xu Yi subconsciously wanted to ask, but couldn’t find the words.

At that moment, Song Xu Yi realized that she was struggling to reconcile her position:

She knew that Xia Tian and Bai Jin were also innocent and that she should do everything in her power to save them. But after being tortured and stripped of her afterlife and destiny, Bai Yu had fallen from being a high and mighty master to a pitiable ghost. Even if she wanted revenge against the family that had attached themselves to her soul for a thousand years and sucked her blood, it was understandable…

Song Xu Yi pursed her lips and didn’t say anything.

With something on her mind, Song Xu Yiwas distracted when she was studying metaphysics with Bai Yu. Bai Yu corrected her movements several times and after experiencing the tingling sensation a few times, Song Xu Yi dared not to be unfocused anymore and quickly concentrated her mind.

However, Song Xu Yi did not notice the thoughtful look in Bai Yu’s eyes as she watched her.

At night, probably because she began to suspect Bai Yu’s identity, Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but feel that the metaphysical techniques Bai Yu taught her were not right. She eventually went to a metaphysical forum and uploaded several incantations Bai Yu taught her, saying that she had seen them in ancient books at home and wanted to inquire about the uses of these techniques. Unexpectedly, this post exploded in popularity within half an hour and caught the attention of the current leading figure in the world of metaphysics:

【!!! Young friend, where did you get this incantation?! Its ingenuity is rare in the world! If my old eyes are not mistaken, this is a rare dual-cultivation technique! However, this method is also very beneficial to the human body, and both people can benefit from it…】

The rest of the long and convoluted analysis of metaphysics was too much for Song Xu Yi to handle.

She blushed and turned off her phone, her mind racing with thoughts: why was her progress so fast, why did she always dream of Bai Yu kissing her, why did Bai Yu recover from her injury after that dream they shared… it was because dual cultivation involved both spiritual and physical cultivation, and she… she had an intimate relationship with Bai Yu.

Song Xu Yi’s mind was in chaos. She felt like she couldn’t face Bai Yu anymore. She took a deep breath, put on her clothes, and went downstairs, using the excuse of a nightmare to send her father away and sleep with her mother for the night.

In order not to worry her mother, Song Xu Yi closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep, but her mind was restless and full of various thoughts.

However, Song Xu Yi didn’t know that her phone, which she had left on the bedside table, disappeared for a while and only reappeared there after a long time.

After struggling all night, Song Xu Yi finally made up her mind the next day.

Putting aside the enmity between Bai Yu and the Bai family, the tomb robber who was drained of blood was innocent. Although he had thoughts that he shouldn’t have, there were laws to punish him, rather than being killed inexplicably in the underground passage.

However, Song Xu Yi remembered the noise last night, and the tomb robber would probably be able to dig into the basement in the next two days.

For some reason, Bai Yu did not appear in front of Song Xu Yi all day.

Song Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief in her heart. She actually didn’t know how to face Bai Yu at this moment, so this was just perfect.

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On this day, Song Xu Yi once again visited the metaphysical forum, where people were very interested in her. They shared all their knowledge with her, and she quickly found the answers she was looking for.

In the evening, Song Xu Yi picked up the box she had hidden under her bed and made an excuse that she had left something in the apartment. She didn’t let the driver from the Song family send her and instead took a taxi back to the city.

It was already New Year’s Eve.

The streets were decorated with colorful lights, looking incredibly festive. Song Xu Yi bypassed all the noise and came to the door of the Bai family’s ancestral home.

Song Xu Yi pushed open the door of the Bai family’s ancestral home.

Based on the plot summary and knowledge of the Bai family, Song Xu Yi quickly guessed the location of the underground chamber: beneath the ancestral hall of the Bai family.

After searching the ancestral hall for a while, Song Xu Yi, who had studied mecha in a previous life, quickly found traces of a mechanism on the floor.

She pressed the mechanism, and a tunnel appeared before her.

With her box in hand, Song Xu Yi used the flashlight on her phone to descend into the tunnel. The underground chamber looked just like the one she had dreamed about.

Fortunately, the tomb robber was probably also celebrating the New Year, so there were no sounds of digging coming from the walls.

Song Xu Yi breathed a sigh of relief and sat down on the steps.

She thought that coming here meant that she already knew everything and that Bai Yu should come out and clarify things with her. However, for some reason, Bai Yu had not shown up yet, and Song Xu Yi grew bored. As time passed, her gaze fell on the coffin in the center of the tomb–

What was Bai Yu’s condition in the coffin?

Song Xu Yi’s heart started racing uncontrollably. She bit her lip and slowly approached the coffin. As her hand touched the coffin, someone suddenly grabbed her hand–

Bai Yu was standing next to Song Xu Yi with her head down. She spoke in a low voice, “Don’t look, it’s ugly!”

Despite her complex emotions, Song Xu Yi didn’t expect that at this moment Bai Yu still had concerns about her appearance. She couldn’t help but laugh: “No matter what, you are always the most beautiful. You can’t be ugly.”

Bai Yu’s gaze lowered and she didn’t speak.

Thinking about everything she had been through, the smile on Song Xu Yi’s lips gradually disappeared.

In an instant, the atmosphere between the two became incredibly tense.

“Bai Yu–“

“Xu Yi–“

Recalling her purpose of coming here, Song Xu Yi took a deep breath and gathered the courage to speak up, but to her surprise, they both spoke at the same time.

“You go first!” Song Xu Yi was about to give in, but then heard Bai Yu speak up.

It was not the time to worry about who should speak first.

Song Xu Yi no longer hesitated and handed the box in her hand to Bai Yu: “This is the dagger that hurt you before. I was afraid that it would fall into the wrong hands and be used to harm you, so I bought it back. I believe you can find a way to deal with it…”

Bai Yu’s originally dim eyes seemed to be ignited at this moment, suddenly brightening up.

Feeling flustered, Song Xu Yi didn’t notice the change in Bai Yu’s expression. The next words were difficult to say, but she forced herself to continue: “If you need to wake up your body, I volunteer to let you suck my blood. You control yourself a little bit, don’t suck me dry, leave me a breath, okay?” Song Xu Yi didn’t intend to cry, but tears inexplicably streamed down her face: “You’re such a good person and shouldn’t have to endure all of this. You should have been the most carefree and happy Taoist master–”

After accepting the fact that Bai Yu had become a vengeful ghost, Song Xu Yi went to a metaphysical forum to ask about vengeful ghosts. She felt that even though Bai Yu had become a vengeful ghost, she was still a victim and would not harm innocent tomb robbers or workers as depicted in the plot summary. The people on the metaphysical forum told her: “Vengeful ghosts will crave fresh blood once awakened. If they do not control themselves and harm innocent lives, they will be controlled by resentment and completely lose their rationality, becoming monsters that act solely on instinct.”

As she realized the truth, Song Xu Yi understood that the tomb robbers in the plot summary had disturbed Bai Yu’s body and she had sucked their blood, which ultimately led to her becoming a vengeful ghost and causing harm to innocent people.

Knowing Bai Yu’s pride, she knew that Bai Yu would never choose to become a vengeful ghost, but could she put aside her resentment towards the Bai family and promise not to cause any harm?

After Bai Yu found out that Song Xu Yi also liked her, she made a decision: to disguise herself as the person Song Xu Yi loved for her entire life and become her true guardian deity.

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So for the next two days after their spiritual practice, Bai Yu didn’t get too close to Song Xu Yi. On one hand, she wanted to give Song Xu Yi time to accept their intimacy, and on the other hand, she began to prepare to turn herself into a true guardian deity.

This had never been done before in history, but Bai Yu was the most talented master of metaphysics. She figured out a method: to attach herself to her body in the basement, harness the power of heaven and earth to revive her for a moment, and then hold the guardian deity ceremony again…

However, this method was excruciatingly painful, like having one’s muscles and skin ripped apart, and very few people could endure it.

But Bai Yu believed that she could endure it: there was still Xu Yi, who loved her, and she would surely survive and grow old with her.

However, Bai Yu did not anticipate that when she was preparing for the ritual, Xu Yi somehow discovered her status as a vengeful ghost–

And she even found the only dagger in the world that could kill her under Xu Yi’s bed.

Xu Yi must hate her! She lied shamelessly to her, so she brought the dagger to kill her…

For the first time, Bai Yu didn’t dare to appear in front of Song Xu Yi. She hid and followed behind Song Xu Yi, watching as she sat in the basement in distress and then got up to walk towards the coffin.

Is she going to take action?

Bai Yu knew she was shameless and didn’t deserve Song Xu Yi’s forgiveness, but somehow she appeared in front of her. She wanted to pray to Song Xu Yi, tell her that she would become a true guardian deity, and ask if she could forgive her.

However, she didn’t expect that Song Xu Yi had brought the dagger not to kill her, but was shedding tears for herself. Even though she didn’t know why Song Xu Yi thought she would suck blood and hurt people, even though she and Song Xu Yi had formed a symbiotic relationship and had healed her injuries after the spiritual cultivation…

But everything Song Xu Yi did indicated one thing: she still cared about her, even though she knew she was a vengeful ghost.

Bai Yu’s throat choked up, her heart had already stopped beating, but she felt a sudden surge of heat in her chest. She had originally intended to explain how she could not help but drink human blood, and would agree to everything that Song Xu Yi said, but seeing Song Xu Yi’s tearful expression, and thinking that these tears were shed for her, a mysterious tremor suddenly rose in her heart, and her words changed:

“I need a wife who truly loves me,” the dark and sinister thoughts of a ghoul occupied her mind at this moment, Bai Yu heard herself speak in a deep voice, staring at Song Xu Yi’s cheek, her fingers clenched involuntarily, “—will you make a dual-cultivation vow with me, and spend our lives together, never to part?”

“Xu Yi, do you really want this?”

Facing her nervous gaze, her crying little wife with flushed cheeks answered softly.

This was the most beautiful sound that Bai Yu had ever heard in her life.

Behind the young wife lies a dark underground chamber where lies Bai Yu’s murky and sinister past. Yet in her bright eyes lies the promise of a bright and hopeful future that Bai Yu has longed for.

After Song Xu Yi came out of the basement, she reported to the police and the tomb robbers were soon arrested.

Song Xu Yi later fulfilled her dream of studying in graduate school, devoting herself to the study of metaphysics and energy relationships. She published many influential books under the name “Song Xu Yi and her wife,” but no one ever knew who her wife was.

Song Xu Yi also established strong connections with the Metaphysical Alliance, providing the alliance with many powerful metaphysical methods and techniques. The alliance was grateful for her contributions and bought the Bai family’s ancestral home for her.

After that, Song Xu Yi lived in the Bai family’s ancestral home for the rest of her life. As she grew older, she became more reclusive and rarely appeared in public. Those who saw her in her old age were all shocked: even though she was already in her twilight years, Song Xu Yi looked no different than when she was in her prime.

Bai Yu had always been by Song Xu Yi’s side.

As she sensed her life force fading away after living for over a hundred years, Song Xu Yi walked into the basement and leaned against Bai Yu’s corpse. With her remaining spiritual energy, Bai Yu started a big fire that completely burned everything to ashes.

In her final moments, Bai Yu recalled a dream she once had, a dream where Song Xu Yi was not present. In that dream, Bai Yu had killed the tomb robber who tried to defile her corpse. After years of silence, Bai Yu turned into a terrible ghost that turned the world upside down.

Bai Yu knew that Song Xu Yi had many secrets, such as the disappearance of her soul at this moment and the little spirit in her mind…

But no matter where Song Xu Yi went, Bai Yu would find her again… and fall in love once more.

The author has something to say:

This little world has come to an end.

Next little world:

A righteous female hero who punishes evil and eliminates villains x a cunning undercover villain

I don’t know if my lovely readers will like the combination of a zombie king villain and a beautiful young wife named Xu Yi who is kidnapped by the villain. Hehe~

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