Villainous Undercover (14)

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Afterwards, the four of them began to travel together.

Gong Huan gradually adapted after getting through the initial awkward period. She started to become lively and talkative again, thinking that Song Xu Yi could possibly be her future sister-in-law. Gong Huan became more enthusiastic towards Song Xu Yi, who was already easy-going, and the two of them got along extremely well.

As for Fu Xi Yu, being the young generation’s big demon king in the Taiji Sect, most of the younger disciples had been honed under her guidance, let alone chatting with her. Gong Huan instinctively avoided Fu Xi Yu and positioned herself as far away from her as possible.

To Song Xu, it seemed like Gong Huan loved his sister but didn’t think highly of Fu Xi Yu.

Song Xu felt that he should be happy for his sister since things were progressing so well between her and Gong Huan. However, for some reason, Song Xu couldn’t shake off the uneasy feeling in his heart. Unexplainably, he didn’t want to see his sister and Gong Huan getting along so harmoniously.

Perhaps it’s because he doesn’t want to let go of his sister…

Song Xu engaged in a difficult self-analysis. After all, only he and his sister were left in the Song family, relying on each other. Even though his sister had reached the age for marriage, he still felt reluctant to see her getting married.

However, it seemed that Senior Sister Fu had also taken an interest in Gong Huan. As a good older brother, Song Xu couldn’t let his sister and Fu Xi Yu’s relationship be affected by Gong Huan. Even though Song Xu had some strange feelings towards Fu Xi Yu, who always pinned him down and fought with him, he bravely took Fu Xi Yu aside.

“Senior Sister Fu, what do you think of Gong Huan?” Song Xu cautiously observed Fu Xi Yu’s expression and softly asked.

Looking at Gong Huan, who was getting along so well with Song Xu Yi, Fu Xi Yu recalled Gong Huan’s performance within the sect and the praise he received from everyone, forcefully ignoring her own strange feelings. She objectively replied, “He’s good enough!”

Song Xu’s smile on his face immediately became somewhat strained.

He had previously lived not far from the Taiji Sect with his master and often encountered disciples from the sect. Naturally, he had heard rumors about Fu Xi Yu. Apart from being very close to Xu Yi, Fu Xi Yu was known to be strict and demanding. Considering her high standards, calling someone “good enough” was already a considerable compliment from her.

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Most likely… Senior Sister Fu has genuinely taken a liking to Gong Huan!

However, for the sake of his sister’s happiness, even if it was Senior Sister Fu, Song Xu couldn’t back down. Gathering his courage, he decided to compete for his sister’s affections.

“Senior Sister Fu, to be honest, I also think Gong Huan is quite good,” Song Xu took a deep breath, bracing himself as he leaned closer to Fu Xi Yu and lowered his voice. “I’ve spent some time getting to know Gong Huan recently, and I have a good understanding of him. Xu Yi has reached the age for marriage, and I’ve been considering the possibility of Gong Huan becoming my brother-in-law. By inviting him to join us on this journey, I wanted him to meet my sister. Seeing how well they get along now brings great joy to my heart…”

Song Xu believed that he had expressed himself very clearly in his words. He had also analyzed his arrangements to Fu Xi Yu, making her understand that Gong Huan was the potential husband he had in mind for his sister. After caring for Xu Yi for so long, Fu Xi Yu would surely understand his intentions.

Sure enough, Fu Xi Yu turned her head and glanced at him.


Fu Xi Yu responded in a perfunctory manner, her voice soft. Then, she continued to gaze in the direction of Xu Yi and Gong Huan.

This time, Song Xu’s doubts grew stronger in his heart. What did that “hmm” from Senior Sister Fu really mean? Moreover, the more he thought about it, the more he felt something was off. The way Fu Xi Yu looked at him just now… It seemed like she was looking at a fool?

Since they had arrived in Song County, they naturally wanted to experience the local scenery and customs. After nightfall, the three of them stayed in the main city of Songcheng.

The ground floor of the inn was a restaurant. When the four of them went downstairs for dinner, a storyteller was enthusiastically spitting while narrating the latest rumors from the martial world.

“During this period, the Demon Sect has destroyed three more sects and even started targeting innocent civilians. It is said that a massacre occurred in a certain place in our Song County. The minions of the Demon Sect are wreaking havoc everywhere, causing widespread panic. To make matters worse, it seems that the Sect Leader of the Taiji Sect, Master Lu, has suffered a severe injury…”

Upon hearing news related to Lu Dun, Song Xu Yi’s chopsticks paused mid-air as she couldn’t help but look towards the storyteller.

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Clearly, everyone was highly interested in such matters. Someone threw a coin in front of the storyteller, who smiled brightly and continued his narration.

“It is said that Master Lu became agitated upon learning about the atrocities committed by the Demon Sect. He wanted to accelerate his cultivation progress, which led to a momentary internal conflict. However, it is not considered severe, and he will recover after a period of seclusion. Our martial world has many righteous individuals like Master Lu, and they will not allow the Demon Sect to continue its rampage. I believe that before long, the righteous forces of the martial world will overcome the Demon Sect, and our days will become much more peaceful…”

The people below echoed in agreement, and the storyteller began narrating other stories. However, Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but purse her lips.

As soon as she heard about Lu Dun’s illness, Song Xu Yi almost subconsciously thought of the evil cultivation technique Lu Dun was practicing. After all, Fu Xi Yu, who had been affected by Lu Dun’s chaotic true qi, had already been brought out by her…

But Song Xu Yi knew that there was another way to resolve the chaos in the true qi.

Thinking about that alternative method, Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but shudder. Over the years of their interaction, Song Xu Yi also knew that Lu Dun, despite appearing easy-going, was an extremely picky person. If he chose the alternative method, it was likely that the selected individuals’ character and appearance wouldn’t be too shabby…

However, Song Xu Yi simply didn’t have the ability to take care of those matters. At the moment, all she could do was stabilize Fu Xi Yu’s emotions and prevent Fu Xi Yu from sacrificing herself with Lu Dun.

Song Xu Yi turned to look at Fu Xi Yu, but she didn’t expect that Fu Xi Yu was already looking at her with a strange expression in her eyes. Song Xu Yi’ heart sank as she recalled that Fu Xi Yu seemed absent-minded all day. Afraid that Fu Xi Yu might have some negative thoughts, she quickly picked up a large chicken leg and placed it in Fu Xi Yu’s bowl, smiling as she spoke, “Senior Sister, we still have a long journey ahead of us, and I have planned many places to visit…”

Fu Xi Yu seemed to awaken from a dream, lowering her head to look at the chicken leg Song Xu Yi had handed her. She softly murmured, “Mmm,” and slowly began nibbling on the chicken leg.

When she heard the news about Lu Dun, Fu Xi Yu instinctively tensed up, but soon, as she looked at Song Xu Yi who was so close to her, Fu Xi Yu adjusted her mindset. In her heart, worries surged once again–

She used to think that Song Xu was a reliable person who could take care of Xu Yi. However, she never imagined that Song Xu would be so confused, not only failing to distinguish between genders but also considering entrusting Xu Yi to Gong Huan…

How can I feel at ease with this?

Fu Xi Yu took a deep breath and made a firm decision: she would try her best to delay the plan of taking Lu Dun and the Demon Sect down together, to live a little longer—at least until she found someone she could entrust Xu Yi to for a lifetime…

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Song County has always been known for its culture, attracting various literati and scholars. Unlike other places, the martial artists in the area were not as rough, carrying a touch of elegance befitting scholars. They enjoyed silk, bamboo, calligraphy, and painting. There were various martial arts gatherings in the area, and they even ranked the handsome men of Song County’s martial world, compiling them into an album.

Gong Huan was very interested in this kind of martial world gossip. When she passed by someone selling it on the street, she bought a copy.

Song Xu listened as Gong Huan and Song Xu Yi commented on the men in the album. Somehow, an odd and sour feeling grew stronger in his heart. Then, Song Xu heard a familiar name.

In the past two years, Song Xu has been traveling the world, wandering through various regions. He once intervened to save a man who was on the brink of death after being ambushed. This man had a handsome face and a humble demeanor, introducing himself as Guo Li, the young master of Guo Family Manor in Song County. Song Xu never expected to find Guo Li’s appearance in this painting album.

Years ago, Guo Li warmly invited Song Xu to visit Guo Family Manor for a gathering. Song Xu casually agreed but had forgotten about it until now when he suddenly remembered this person.

Song Xu’s gaze couldn’t help but fall on Fu Xi Yu, who was standing beside him. After sensing some hints from Fu Xi Yu’s words, Song Xu firmly believed that she indeed had different feelings towards brother Gong. He felt a twinge of guilt towards Fu Xi Yu and made a secret resolution to introduce her to a man who possesses both good looks and character. And at that moment, upon seeing Guo Li, an idea sprouted in Song Xu’s mind.

Although Guo Li’s martial arts skills were ordinary, his face radiated an aura of elegance and charm. On the other hand, even though Fu Xi Yu had an ordinary appearance, her martial arts prowess was incredibly strong. If these two were to form a bond, it would be a perfect match of female talent and male beauty, creating a remarkable story.

However, the prerequisite for forming such a bond was to let the two of them meet each other…

With these thoughts in mind, Song Xu spoke about his past rescue of Guo Li and suggested that they visit Guo Family Manor the next day.

Coincidentally, Guo Family Manor was on the route planned by Song Xu Yi, and the head of the Guo family had a reputation for being generous and kind-hearted, enjoying a great reputation in the martial world. Naturally, Song Xu Yi had no objections to the proposal.

The four of them set out early the next day, procuring some gifts along the way, and rode their horses towards Guo Family Manor. As evening approached, they finally arrived in the vicinity of Guo Family Manor…

However, when they were about a hundred meters away from the manor, Fu Xi Yu suddenly halted her horse, motioning for the others to stop as well.

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Song Xu and Song Xu Yi exchanged glances, both sensing that something was amiss. It was already evening, yet there was no smoke rising from Guo Family Manor, no lights shining, not even the sound of a barking dog…

In this situation—

The three of them instinctively tightened their grip on their weapons.

Fu Xi Yu, at the front, narrowed her eyes and looked towards a certain direction. With a light tap of her toes, she swiftly dashed forward, thrusting her sword—

A black-clothed figure suddenly darted out from the corner!

The black-clothed person had no intention of engaging in a fight and immediately turned to escape. Fu Xi Yu pursued closely behind, and as they passed by, a raging fire suddenly ignited within the previously quiet Guo Family Manor…

Song Xu Yi and Song Xu couldn’t care about chasing after Fu Xi Yu anymore and hurriedly rushed into Guo Family Manor. As everyone had anticipated, the worst outcome had become a reality—there were no survivors left inside the manor.

Meanwhile, Fu Xi Yu followed the black-clothed person through a dense forest, traversing layers of trees until they reached the depths of the jungle. Within the jungle, a faint fragrance permeated the air. A small clearing had been created, enclosed by cloth drapes.

The black-clothed person stood in front of the drapes, bowing respectfully, and did not proceed any further.

Fu Xi Yu’s eyes dimmed as she caught the familiar scent, her lips pursed as she lowered her head in silence.

The drapes of the canopy were lifted, revealing Lu Dun meticulously tidying his disheveled clothes. On the ground beside him lay the lifeless body of Guo Li, his seven apertures bleeding and his breath already extinguished…

“Indeed, you are the most useful one. You truly are my daughter,” Lu Dun calmly spoke, disdainfully kicking away Guo Li’s lifeless body. “Unlike them, who die at the slightest touch…”

“Xi Yu, I naturally care for you, but you also know my circumstances. I can give you no more than two years. After two years, you must return to Taiji Sect for me!”

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