Villainous Undercover (16)

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Song Xu Yi discovered something extremely strange.

Having been traveling for almost two years, recently Fu Xi Yu mentioned several times, both explicitly and implicitly, that the affairs of the Taiji Sect were too overwhelming. Around the time when they were approaching the two-year mark of their travels, Fu Xi Yu expressed the desire to return to the Taiji Sect together with Song Xu Yi. However, during this period, Fu Xi Yu suddenly extended the daily practice time and completely stopped mentioning returning to the Taiji Sect.

Song Xu Yi felt incredibly puzzled but also delighted to see Fu Xi Yu starting to have this awareness. Moreover, after Fu Xi Yu’s disciples no longer came to seek guidance from Song Xu Yi, Song Xu Yi directly contacted the Imperial Physician. The Imperial Physician had already reported the matter to the Emperor, and given the Emperor’s astuteness, Song Xu Yi believed that the court should be taking secret actions.

Everything seemed to be heading in a positive direction.

However, Song Xu Yi did not expect to encounter Lu Dun in the capital city.

In an inn near the capital, Song Xu Yi came across Lu Dun sitting in the lounge.

Lu Dun was sipping his tea. He had always been a graceful and refined individual, and now, in his twilight years, twelve years had passed, yet Song Xu Yi, who had transformed from a girl into a young woman, noticed that his appearance had hardly changed. He still looked the same as when she first met him.

“I came to the capital for some matters and didn’t expect to find you here,” Lu Dun raised the tea cup in his hand towards Fu Xi Yu, his lips curved in a smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes. “Have you had enough fun in these past two years? Why don’t you both accompany me on the way back?”

Song Xu Yi furrowed her brows.

She felt that Lu Dun had come specifically for Fu Xi Yu.

After hiding for so long, they had ultimately been found. Song Xu Yi didn’t want Fu Xi Yu to agree, but she had no reason to refuse either. After all, in this era, it was important to obey the wishes of one’s master, both out of sentiment and reason. Fu Xi Yu couldn’t refuse.

Song Xu Yi was unaware that Fu Xi Yu was tightly gripping the sword in her hand.

Fu Xi Yu knew that Lu Dun had come for Song Xu Yi.

She had worked hard over these years, dedicating herself to her training, and for the first time, she felt a sense of powerlessness.

The timing was just too unfortunate!

Fu Xi Yu clenched her teeth in secret. If only she had two more months, she would have the confidence to defeat Lu Dun and then infiltrate the Demon Sect to find a way to destroy it. But of all times, it had to be now…

But after pretending for so long in front of Lu Dun, she couldn’t afford to fail now…

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Moreover, the most important thing at the moment was to protect Xu Yi under Lu Dun’s watch.

Fu Xi Yu took a deep breath, suppressing the anger churning within her. Countless thoughts raced through her mind, but her face remained as calm and submissive as ever. She lowered her head respectfully and nodded.

Lu Dun had probably already gathered information about the movements of Song Xu Yi and Fu Xi Yu, as their room was situated opposite his.

That night, Song Xu Yi tossed and turned, unable to sleep. She was fully alert to the sounds in the corridor. As expected, not long after, she heard a faint noise coming from the neighboring room. Fu Xi Yu walked out of her room and entered Lu Dun’s room.

Song Xu Yi anxiously stared at Lu Dun’s door, hoping to catch a glimpse of when Fu Xi Yu would come out. Suddenly, the voice in her mind, the system, shouted, “Xu Yi, someone has thrown something through the window!”

Song Xu Yi froze for a moment, instinctively pushing open the door to run outside. However, an incredibly strange fragrance suddenly permeated the room. The scent felt familiar, as if she had smelled it on someone before. Before she could react, Song Xu Yi fell into a deep sleep.


Meanwhile, in the room opposite, as soon as Fu Xi Yu entered, she knelt before Lu Dun.

Lu Dun continued to smile lightly as he looked at Fu Xi Yu, his tone slow and drawn-out, gently swaying his folding fan. His voice gradually rose, “What has happened, Xi Yu?”

“Disciple acknowledges the mistake!”

Fu Xi Yu tensed her back and knocked her head on the ground, forcefully and repeatedly. Red marks immediately appeared on her forehead.

“Disciple should not have disobeyed Master’s orders, withheld the letter, and taken matters into my own hands by killing that spy…”

“Oh…” Lu Dun closed his folding fan, his gaze fixed on Fu Xi Yu. “Xi Yu, if I recall correctly, this is the first time you have defied me.”

“Song Xu Yi’s whereabouts remain elusive, and it seems she is unaware of the reason behind the destruction of the Song Family Manor. Logically, she should have been rendered useless long ago. Yet, you have been protecting her day by day, even allowing her to report everything to the court. Tell me, why is that?”

“Because disciple’s heart is pleased with Xu Yi!”

A trace of pain flickered in Fu Xi Yu’s usually calm and serene eyes. Once again, she knocked her head on the ground with a resounding thud. “I have never asked anything of Master. I only beg Master to spare Xu Yi this time…”

“You find joy in her?”

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Lu Dun responded with a questioning tone, and his gaze turned incredibly sinister in that instant.

His gaze lingered on Fu Xi Yu for a moment before firmly meeting her eyes, spending two seconds to comprehend the pain within her gaze. Then, as if releasing a burden, Lu Dun let out a slow sigh and approached Fu Xi Yu, helping her up. “Look at you, my only child. How could I bear to see you heartbroken for her?”

“For your sake, I will spare her this time.” Lu Dun patted Fu Xi Yu’s shoulder and coughed softly. “However, Xi Yu, as your father grows old, his body becomes weaker by the day. The true qi within me is increasingly chaotic. I fear I won’t be able to protect you for much longer…”

“Master possesses unparalleled martial arts and is currently at the peak of his power. As long as Master commands, disciple will do everything in her power to alleviate your worries.” Fu Xi Yu, as always, lowered her head respectfully.

“Xi Yu truly is a good child to her father!”

Lu Dun, satisfied, smiled at this moment. He returned to his seat by the table and leisurely began fanning himself. “Why wait for an auspicious day when tomorrow night will do?”

“You…” Seeing that Fu Xi Yu did not object, the amusement in Lu Dun’s eyes deepened. He sighed lightly and slowly spoke, “Xi Yu, you are so filial, and naturally, I cannot treat you poorly.”

“You’ve been following that little girl Xu Yi all day long, but she seems clueless. My Xi Yu is so outstanding, and I cannot let you continue this unrequited love.”

“Go to Room Number One in the Heavenly Wing!” Lu Dun looked at Fu Xi Yu, his smile clearly revealing a sense of triumph. “Father has a great gift for you.”

Fu Xi Yu was taken aback, almost exhausting all her self-control to restrain the murderous intent in her eyes.

Facing Lu Dun’s meaningful smile, Fu Xi Yu lowered her head, her nails nearly piercing into her palms.

She took a deep breath, controlling her senses, and strode upstairs to Room Number One. Once inside, she saw the flushed and murmuring Song Xu Yi. Fu Xi Yu clenched her teeth.

Originally, she pretended to admit her fondness for Xu Yi to Lu Dun. After all, Lu Dun was suspicious, greedy, and selfish. But Fu Xi Yu knew a weakness in him that couldn’t be considered a weakness at all: ironically, Lu Dun had killed the person he admired, Mo Wen, and murdered Mo Wen’s father, taking over the Taiji Sect. Yet, after causing Mo Wen’s death, he took in numerous disciples who resembled Mo Wen… It was a pitiful reflection of the genuine emotions he lacked throughout his life.

Fu Xi Yu was Lu Dun’s daughter, and Lu Dun always saw her as a poor replica of himself. A person like Lu Dun would never believe that Fu Xi Yu simply wanted to cherish Xu Yi. So, Fu Xi Yu could only use the excuse that her heart was captivated by Xu Yi.

Lu Dun eventually believed Fu Xi Yu’s words, but little did she expect that Lu Dun would resort to drugging Song Xu Yi…

This drug is a secret medicine from the former imperial palace. Only those with a specific method can counter its effects. Moreover, this drug confuses the mind, making people believe that everything is a dream. It can even create illusions of the person they desire and lower their guard.

Back then, Lu Dun had used this drug to defile Yu Rudi.

“As long as you leave before she wakes up tomorrow and don’t reveal anything to her, she will think it was all a dream.” At an unknown time, Lu Dun caught up and effortlessly lifted the sleeping acupuncture points of Song Xu Yi, slowly closing the door.

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“Xi Yu, tonight, enjoy your wedding night.”

When Song Xu Yi woke up, she felt as if she were trapped in a steam bath, drenched in sweat.

Her body felt weak, as if countless ants were crawling inside, causing a tingling and uncomfortable sensation.

The voice of the system in her mind seemed to be in a state of panic, but Song Xu Yi was too exhausted to make sense of it. She felt incredibly restless, with something stuck in her chest that she couldn’t alleviate. The noise of the system’s voice became even more intrusive against this backdrop of emotions, so Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but block it out.

It was just too hot!

With her hazy eyes, Song Xu Yi instinctively searched for a cold spot and finally embraced something cold.

But it wasn’t an object.

Song Xu Yi struggled to open her eyes and discern the figure in front of her, only to realize that it was an exceptionally beautiful woman.

Song Xu Yi had never seen such a stunning woman before:

The woman was dressed in a simple garment, with a face carved as if from beautiful jade. Her fair complexion showed almost no flaws, and her delicate features, including a graceful nose and cherry-like lips, along with her sparkling teeth, made her astonishingly beautiful even when she frowned. Song Xu Yi was particularly captivated by the woman’s eyes, which shimmered like autumn water and seemed to hold a myriad of stars within them. A mole at the corner of her eye added a touch of allure to her ethereal beauty, giving her an enchanting charm that belonged to the mortal realm.

Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but swallow her saliva, suddenly longing to kiss that mole. She couldn’t help but exclaim, “Sister, you’re so beautiful!”

…This must be a dream. Only in dreams could one encounter such a breathtakingly gorgeous woman, right?

The woman seemed surprised by Song Xu Yi’s comment. She turned her head, casting a bewildered glance at Song Xu Yi. As their gazes met, a hint of blush appeared on her cheeks, unable to hide the fascination in Song Xu Yi’s eyes.

“Let go of me first!” The woman, seemingly unwilling to reveal her face, turned her head away and spoke in a low voice. Her voice sounded peculiar, as if she had something in her mouth, making it raspy, yet even so, it couldn’t conceal the inherent gentleness when facing Song Xu Yi.

But Song Xu Yi had no intention of obeying her.

After embracing the woman, the suffocating heat seemed to alleviate to some extent. Song Xu Yi only wanted to hold on tighter, unwilling to let go.

It seemed that something was thrown into the room from the door, and for a moment, the peculiar fragrance in the air became even stronger.

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“Xu Yi, hold on a little longer. I will find a way to alleviate the effects of the drug for you.”

The woman looked towards the door with a cold gaze, but when her eyes met Song Xu Yi’s, they became filled with helplessness.

Seeing that Song Xu Yi made no move, the woman had to take matters into her own hands. Carefully, she moved aside Song Xu Yi’s arm that was holding onto her and reached out to feel her pulse.

Pushed away by the beautiful woman, the sensation that felt like being roasted over a fire surged once again. Song Xu Yi could no longer hear what the woman was saying, her gaze fixed on the alluring movement of her red lips.

She longed to kiss her—

But the beautiful woman seemed indifferent and would not allow her to kiss her…

Song Xu Yi didn’t know what had come over her. She genuinely wanted to respect the beautiful woman, but she couldn’t help but embrace her once again. As the beautiful woman reached out to gently push her away, Song Xu Yi felt overwhelmed with discomfort and a sense of grievance, causing tears to flow uncontrollably.

“Beautiful sister, I really just want to hold you, nothing more.”

The beautiful woman seemed taken aback by Song Xu Yi’s tears. Her expression momentarily froze, and she slowly loosened her grip, intending to push her away. As the strength in her arms diminished, a momentary clarity passed through Song Xu Yi’s muddled mind. It seemed that the beautiful woman cared for her—

This understanding was confirmed when Song Xu Yi buried herself in the embrace of the beautiful woman. Though her body stiffened like a piece of wood, after Song Xu Yi tearfully called her “sister,” the beautiful woman closed her eyes and trembled, yet she did not push her away.

Song Xu Yi, taking advantage of the situation, tenderly caressed the red mark on the beautiful woman’s forehead, a mark she didn’t know the origin of. Originally intending to blow gently, somehow her lips landed on the trembling eyes of the beautiful woman, and without hesitation, she further kissed the coveted red lips she had desired for so long. Her hand then ventured to the edge of the beautiful woman’s clothing…

Song Xu Yi had also forgotten when the beautiful woman had opened her eyes.

Within the depths of the beautiful woman’s gaze flickered a dark flame, even in her blurred consciousness, Song Xu Yi instinctively felt fear…

She subconsciously wanted to escape, but it was already too late.

From that point on, everything became uncontrollable…

The author has something to say:

The only good thing that Lu Dun has done in his entire life.

Sigh My head is spinning. Finally finished this chapter. Goodnight~

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