Villainous Zombie King (3)

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Song Xu Yi’s eyes widened in disbelief at what she had just heard!



Her body was only 24 years old and she was still pursuing her graduate studies. Even though this woman was so beautiful that it was hard to determine her exact age, she was definitely in her twenties or thirties, perhaps even older than the original owner of the body. There was no way the original owner could have such a grown-up daughter!

And the system in Song Xu Yi’s mind was equally stunned.

It tried to interpret the villain’s actions as a cunning scheme to deliberately get close to Song Xu Yi. However, when the villain looked at Song Xu Yi with a gaze filled with dependency and genuine innocence, resembling that of a naive child, even the system couldn’t convince itself that this was part of the villain’s plot. In a state of self-doubt, the system could only whisper to itself:

“Could it be that the villain… has a serious mental disorder?”

And the system’s words turned into a prophecy.

Through Song Xu Yi’s repeated inquiries, it turned out that this beautiful woman had indeed suffered brain damage.

She only remembered her name, Ye Shuiyu, and that she lived in Jing City. She could clearly recite her home address in Jing City, but everything else… Ye Shuiyu only remembered herself as a little child, four years old this year. She couldn’t recall anything else.

Song Xu Yi looked at the “little child” who was half a head taller than herself and had just killed over a dozen burly men a few minutes ago. She was at a loss for words.

Song Xu Yi sighed, attempting to convince Ye Shuiyu that she wasn’t her mother. However, even with her brain damage, Ye Shuiyu had her own set of logic:

“If you’re not my mother, why did you save me from the bad people?”

“If you’re not my mother, why do you treat me so kindly and wipe my face?”

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“If you’re not my mother, why do I feel a sense of familiarity when I first saw you?”


“You will regret this!” Song Xu Yi’s mind was buzzing with each consecutive “why,” almost gritting her teeth as she spoke, “Shuiyu, once you regain your memory, this will become your eternal dark history!”

However, despite her words, Song Xuyi struggled to explain to Ye Shuiyu the concepts of moral conscience and a fledgling storyline…

Finally, after much difficulty, Song Xu Yi successfully persuaded Ye Shuiyu to address her as “Xu Yi.” As for the hint of grievance and sadness in Ye Shuiyu’s gaze, although Song Xu Yi felt a pang of guilt, she ruthlessly chose to ignore it. She couldn’t bear being called “mother” by such a tall and beautiful woman. When she heard Ye Shuiyu’s utterance of “mother,” Song Xu Yi almost fainted on the spot!

After Ye Shuiyu had killed the troublemakers in the village, Song Xu Yi returned to the village and found her impounded car. She released the remaining captive bystanders.

There were still other people in the village who had been subjected to the tyranny of the men before. The villagers dared not resist. Now that Ye Shuiyu had eliminated this group, they considered it the removal of a tyrant from their midst. In this era of scarce food, the remaining villagers began stuffing food into Song Xu Yi’s trunk and backseat, expressing their gratitude towards both Song Xu Yi and Ye Shuiyu.

Song Xu Yi noticed that this girl, Ye Shuiyu, had quite the skill for changing her demeanor. Although Song Xu Yi hadn’t had a chance to mention it to her, Ye Shuiyu naturally displayed a cold and distant attitude in front of the others, even with a touch of commanding aura, completely different from the dependent and aggrieved appearance she showed in front of Song Xu Yi. The others saw her like this and remained silent, not daring to approach or speak to her.

As Song Xu Yi drove with the car filled to the brim with food, heading towards Jing City with Ye Shuiyu by her side, once there were only the two of them left in the car, Ye Shuiyu sitting in the passenger seat reverted back to her clingy demeanor. Her eyes gleamed as she leaned closer to Song Xu Yi and said,

“Xu Yi, Xu Yi, are you taking me home with you now?”

“I’m taking you back home,” Ye Shuiyu remembered her address in Jing City, and with her current state of amnesia and her striking beauty, although she appeared to possess strong abilities, Song Xu Yi was still concerned about letting her travel alone. Besides, Song Xu Yi also needed to go to Jing City to find the main characters. Ye Shuiyu’s formidable strength also served as a guarantee for Song Xu Yi’s safety. Therefore, Song Xu Yi decided to bring Ye Shuiyu along.

Ye Shuiyu clearly took offense to Song Xu Yi’s firm refusal to be her mother. She fell silent for a moment, giving Song Xu Yi a somewhat pitiful glance. But upon seeing Song Xu Yi fully focused on driving, appearing unaffected by her gestures, Ye Shuiyu’s expression of grievance instantly vanished, replaced by a bright and eager gaze. Once again, she leaned closer and said:

“Xu Yi, are you tired? Shall I help you?”

“Xu Yi, your eyelashes are so long!”

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“Xu Yi, you’re so cute!”


Song Xu Yi’s hand jerked on the steering wheel, causing the car to swerve and nearly hit the guardrail. Unable to bear it any longer, she finally stopped the car and turned to look at Ye Shuiyu. “Shuiyu, could you please not talk to me while I’m driving?”

In truth, it wouldn’t have been a problem with anyone else, but Ye Shuiyu was exceptionally beautiful. Being stared at by her eyes, which seemed to hold the stars themselves, Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but feel her heart race. She always had the urge to turn her head and avoid her gaze because it made driving prone to accidents.

Ye Shuiyu froze for a moment, then pouted her lips, her eyes becoming misty.

Indeed, she completely saw herself as a four-year-old child. Tears would fall from her eyes as easily as water, yet she didn’t appear flustered in the slightest. Instead, she looked like a delicate flower with tear-filled eyes, evoking sympathy from others.

Looking at Ye Shuiyu in this state, even though it was Ye Shuiyu who had done something wrong, Song Xu Yi inexplicably felt a sense of guilt, as if she were bullying a child.

“Xu Yi, you’re mean to me!” Ye Shuiyu choked out her accusation, huffily turning her back to Song Xu Yi, leaving only the back of her head and a seemingly threatening statement:

“I’m angry now. I’ve decided not to talk to Xu Yi for half a day, unless Xu Yi kisses me. Otherwise, I won’t be nice to you for the next half day!”


Hearing her words and recalling her previous behavior, Song Xu Yi quickly retracted the idea of appeasing Ye Shuiyu. She sat back in her seat, restarted the car, and the engine roared to life.

Upon hearing the sound of the engine, Ye Shuiyu clearly couldn’t believe it. She widened her beautiful eyes, turned her head to look at Song Xu Yi, and raised her voice a little: “I’m really angry!”

Song Xu Yi struggled to suppress the smile tugging at the corners of her mouth, still ignoring Ye Shuiyu.

Angry, Ye Shuiyu glared at Song Xu Yi, biting her lower lip, and turned her head away in frustration.

During the rest of the journey, Ye Shuiyu didn’t turn her head again, but she didn’t give up her little antics. Every half an hour or so, she would let out a soft, deliberate sniffling sound, clearly forced through her nose. It was fake to the extreme, but Song Xu Yi paid no attention to her, and she stubbornly persisted in playing her game alone…

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Originally, Song Xu Yi was feeling heavy-hearted due to the frequent appearance of zombies outside. However, because of Ye Shuiyu’s behavior, Song Xu Yi couldn’t help the corners of her lips curling up higher and higher.

The morning quickly passed by.

When it was time for lunch, Song Xu Yi parked the car.

Ye Shuiyu secretly turned her head, peeking at Song Xu Yi’s movements. She caught a glimpse of Song Xu Yi shifting slightly, like a vigilant little squirrel. Ye Shuiyu quickly turned her head back again.

Through the reflection in the glass, Song Xu Yi could see every little movement of Ye Shuiyu with great clarity. She almost couldn’t help but burst into laughter. Hastily, she clenched her hand into a fist and placed it near her mouth, giving a dry cough. Then, she reached for a chocolate bar from the back seat and patted Ye Shuiyu’s shoulder. “Shuiyu, have something to eat!”

“It’s because you took the initiative to acknowledge me. It’s not like I wanted to acknowledge you!” Only then did Ye Shuiyu pretend to reluctantly turn her head and glance at Song Xu Yi. Her gaze fell upon Song Xu Yi’s lips. Song Xu Yi pursed her lips and shook her head. In an instant, the light in Ye Shuiyu’s eyes dimmed, and she reluctantly accepted the chocolate from Song Xu Yi’s hand, appearing somewhat sulky, like a frost-bitten eggplant.

“In return for Xu Yi giving me something to eat, I’ll forgive you this time! But next time you speak to me so harshly, I’ll make you kiss me ten times before I acknowledge you…”

Ye Shuiyu tore open the chocolate wrapper in frustration and took a bite. However, her eyebrows suddenly furrowed, and her face instantly turned unpleasant. She slowly chewed the chocolate in her mouth, and after a while, she wrapped up the remaining chocolate without continuing to eat.

“What’s wrong? Don’t you like it?” Song Xu Yi nibbled on a sweet potato and glanced at Ye Shuiyu. The food in Song Xu Yi’s car was all given by the villagers, mostly agricultural products, and there was only one chocolate bar.

Even though Song Xu Yi had admonished herself not to treat Ye Shuiyu like a child, her actions were involuntary. She didn’t know why she handed the childlike Ye Shuiyu a chocolate bar.

“It doesn’t taste good. I have no appetite!” Ye Shuiyu answered grumpily in a low voice, gently touching her stomach. “I’m not hungry either.”

Song Xu Yi furrowed her brows.

After a night of tossing and turning, and a whole day of driving, Song Xu Yi was starving to the point where her front stuck to her back. She assumed Ye Shuiyu was in a similar state, but she never expected Ye Shuiyu to claim she wasn’t hungry…

Was she still being stubborn?

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Unable to resist, Song Xu Yi glanced at Ye Shuiyu again.

Ye Shuiyu lay on the seat, looking gloomy, with long lashes drooping, lost in her own thoughts. Her profile appeared delicate and melancholic…

Watching Ye Shuiyu in this state, Song Xu Yi’s weakness for beautiful faces once again surfaced from deep within her:

Upon careful reflection, Song Xu Yi realized that her own attitude had indeed been a bit harsh. Even though she felt awkward and shy, she had to remember that in Ye Shuiyu’s mind, she was only four years old. Four-year-old Ye Shuiyu must have been an adorable little girl, and many people probably wanted to shower her with affection…

Ye Shuiyu was in an unfamiliar place, with no memories, and she had finally developed a sense of closeness to Song Xu Yi, only to be harshly rejected. It was bound to be heartbreaking for her.

However, it was absolutely out of the question to follow Ye Shuiyu’s suggestion and kiss her cheek.

Song Xu Yi pondered for a moment and finally came up with a compromise. She softened her tone and said, “Shuiyu, if you don’t like the chocolate, we can eat it slowly. How about I feed you?”


Song Xu Yi didn’t expect Ye Shuiyu to accept so quickly. Ye Shuiyu’s initially sulky eyes instantly lit up, as if afraid that Song Xu Yi would change her mind. She almost immediately stuffed the remaining chocolate into Song Xu Yi’s hands and looked at her warily, saying, “You said it yourself!”

Ye Shuiyu’s lips curled up, unable to hide her joy. “Even though the chocolate is not tasty, if it’s you feeding me, I will try to eat more—”

“But,” Ye Shuiyu looked at Song Xu Yi with caution, lifting her head proudly, “I’m only making an exception for you this time. If you make me angry again next time, I’ll still demand ten kisses, not a single one less!”

Song Xu Yi: “…”

The author has something to say:

Xu Yi: I don’t know why, but it seems like I’m gradually getting used to the feeling of raising a child… It’s terrifying!

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