Villainous Zombie King (6)

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Her heart involuntarily softened at that moment, as if it had a mind of its own.

She never expected that a simple gesture of goodwill would earn her so many brownie points with Ye Shuiyu.

It felt like a clear message from Ye Shuiyu: no matter how over-the-top Song Xu Yi’s actions were, Ye Shuiyu would forgive her.

But amidst the overwhelming emotions, Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but feel a twinge of apprehension: Ye Shuiyu’s nature was just too pure, making her easily influenced…

“You can’t be like this,” Song Xu Yi found herself instinctively cautioning Ye Shuiyu, as if Ye Shuiyu were truly a child. “Shuiyu, one cannot always respond to grievances with kindness. When it’s time to be angry, you should show some temper. Even if it’s someone you’re particularly fond of, you shouldn’t always be so accommodating. You shouldn’t constantly suppress yourself…”

“I know Xu Yi is right,” Ye Shuiyu said, biting her lip, then glanced up at Song Xu Yi with a hint of longing in her eyes. “If I stop suppressing myself and express my desire for a kiss from Xu Yi, will Xu Yi agree?”

Upon hearing the familiar words “a kiss,” Song Xu Yi blushed once again. She froze in place, the hairdryer blowing vigorously, nearly sucking in Ye Shuiyu’s hair. Frantically, Song Xu Yi untangled Ye Shuiyu’s hair, recalling Ye Shuiyu’s previous appearance with the veil covering her face, fearing it would touch her wounds. Instinctively, she searched Ye Shuiyu’s head for any trace of injury but couldn’t find any scars…

Yet just the day before, Ye Shuiyu had her face veiled, and there were faint traces of blood on the fabric…

What could be the explanation for this?


Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but cast a glance at Ye Shuiyu. And once she did, she couldn’t help but find the situation somewhat amusing: seeing Song Xu Yi remain silent, Ye Shuiyu huffed and immediately lowered her head again. Another line appeared on her notebook: “Xu Yi doesn’t keep her word, she doesn’t want to kiss me and still tries to sweet-talk me. Minus one point!”

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Song Xu Yi: “…”

At this moment, Song Xu Yi finally understood that even a five-year-old Ye Shuiyu couldn’t bypass the topic of kisses. The more they talked, the more Song Xu Yi would find herself entangled in Ye Shuiyu’s logic…

Song Xu Yi decided to close her mouth and refrain from chatting with Ye Shuiyu any further. After quietly finishing blow-drying Ye Shuiyu’s hair, she went to the kitchen to cook.

There were several frozen meats stored in the cellar of this villa. Song Xu Yi took out two steaks and fried them, then made a pork rib soup, which she served on the dining table. Remembering the situation during their chocolate-eating episode, Song Xu Yi made up her mind to let Ye Shuiyu be independent. She was determined not to feed her anymore, no matter how much Ye Shuiyu acted spoiled. However, to Song Xu Yi’s surprise, this time Ye Shuiyu didn’t throw a tantrum.

She sat quietly at the dining table, eating the steak with grace and skill, as if she had received specialized training in the art of dining.

After finishing the steak, Ye Shuiyu happily sipped a bowl of soup.

“Xu Yi, you’re such a great cook!”

As she met Song Xu Yi’s gaze, Ye Shuiyu smiled. She seemed to be in a good mood and once again lowered her head to write something in her notebook.

After the meal, Song Xu Yi glanced outside before stepping out.

At this moment, the rain outside intensified, making it impossible to continue the journey. If the rain didn’t stop soon, they would have to spend another day in the villa.

Song Xu Yi returned to her room. With no internet or communication available, she couldn’t find anything else to pass the time. So she nestled on the sofa and started watching old movie discs she had found in the villa.

The original Song Xu Yi was a workaholic, always focused on studying and research, rarely allocating leisure time for herself, and had hardly ever been to a movie theater.

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Therefore, even though the movies Song Xu Yi discovered were from many years ago, she had never seen them before and found them highly enjoyable.

But Ye Shuiyu was different.

After a while, Ye Shuiyu yawned out of boredom. “I’ve seen this one five times already!” She even tried to spoil the plot for Song Xu Yi, speaking the lines before the female lead in the movie had a chance to say them. Her imitation of the tone was spot-on, and she recited the lines without missing a single word.

But Song Xu Yi happened to be engrossed in a crucial moment of the plot and had no intention of marveling at Ye Shuiyu’s remarkable memory. In fact, she found Ye Shuiyu’s chatter a bit annoying. Just as Ye Shuiyu was about to “dub” another line, Song Xu Yi turned her head and covered her lips. “Don’t talk, let’s watch the movie in silence.”

Song Xu Yi had expected Ye Shuiyu to resist or protest in some way, but she misjudged Ye Shuiyu’s reaction. Ye Shuiyu blinked her eyes, then followed the hand covering her lips and leaned back, resting her head on Song Xu Yi’s shoulder.

“I won’t speak anymore!” sensing what Song Xu Yi wanted to do, Ye Shuiyu spoke before Song Xu Yi could push her away.

Song Xu Yi, fully immersed in the movie, heard Ye Shuiyu’s words and let that matter slide, relaxing her body.

The movie started off as a light comedy, and Song Xu Yi initially thought it was a comedy film. However, she soon realized that she was in for a surprise. Everyone in the movie ended up dead, except for the female lead.

Song Xu Yi took several deep breaths to recover from the shock. She turned her head, intending to share her feelings with Ye Shuiyu, only to find Ye Shuiyu’s head resting on her shoulder. Ye Shuiyu’s hands had quietly wrapped around Song Xu Yi’s waist, and she had fallen asleep.

Song Xu Yi gazed at Ye Shuiyu’s sleeping face and moved her hand, but ultimately decided not to push her away. Perhaps Ye Shuiyu’s sleeping face was too serene, and Song Xu Yi didn’t want to disturb her dreams.

In the end, it was easier to deal with a sleeping Ye Shuiyu than an awake one, and Song Xu Yi didn’t mind. She was emotionally overwhelmed by the plot, and she once again replayed the movie in her mind.

It was then that Song Xu Yi realized that even though she had just finished watching it, she only remembered the key plot points. She couldn’t recite lines like Ye Shuiyu, who seemed to have them memorized perfectly.

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As Song Xu Yi recalled Ye Shuiyu’s words, she furrowed her brow. She hadn’t paid much attention at the time, but now it seemed peculiar. How could a five-year-old child, with memories limited to that age, claim to have watched the entire movie five times?

Moreover, the overall tone of the movie was extremely tragic, making it unsuitable for young children. Which parent would let their child watch this movie even once, let alone five times?

The more Song Xu Yi thought about it, the stranger it seemed. However, despite her curiosity, she didn’t intend to exploit Ye Shuiyu’s innocence to pry into her personal matters. After all, Ye Shuiyu was currently in a childlike state and might not be aware of everything.

Ye Shuiyu opened her eyes again half an hour later, awakened by the sound of car engines outside.

Under the circumstances of highways being destroyed and swarmed with zombies, everyone had started taking the national roads. Song Xu Yi chose a mountain road, a choice shared by others.

The noise from the people outside was overwhelming.

Before long, the front door of the living room opened, and over thirty people cautiously gathered together, armed with weapons, and entered.

These individuals clearly didn’t expect to find only two young women in the living room. They looked around carefully, not spotting any zombies or mutant creatures. Then, a bearded man stepped forward and introduced himself, saying, “Hello, ladies. I’m Wang Xi!”

According to Wang Xi’s introduction, their group had encountered each other on the road. There was a zombie nest not far ahead for some unknown reason, and as they passed through, they were attacked one after another. They had to cooperate to make it out alive.

However, even after escaping, many people in their group had been injured. Traveling in the heavy rain was extremely dangerous, so when they saw this villa, they decided to seek shelter here.

Song Xu Yi couldn’t quite put a finger on it, but she felt that Wang Xi and his group seemed incredibly out of place. Even though Wang Xi’s manners were impeccable, Song Xu Yi still didn’t feel inclined to engage in conversation with him.

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However, this villa didn’t belong to Song Xu Yi, and she was just a passerby. Moreover, Wang Xi’s attitude was exceedingly polite, so Song Xu Yi had no reason to refuse their request to stay.

As Song Xu Yi looked at the dusty and battle-worn group, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of relief. Fortunately, she and Ye Shuiyu had arrived a day earlier. Otherwise, if they had also encountered the zombie attacks, it would have been difficult to handle.

After nodding in agreement, Song Xu Yi watched as Wang Xi directed his people to bring the injured inside.

Evidently, this group had some basic knowledge of handling the afflicted in this post-apocalyptic world. If someone was injured by supernatural abilities, they administered medication and bandaged the wounds. However, if someone was directly scratched or bitten by a zombie, they had to leave it to fate. They bound the patient and observed if luck would prevail, granting them the rare chance to survive and evolve into someone with supernatural abilities.

Song Xu Yi’s gaze involuntarily fell upon the wounded individuals who had been bitten by zombies.

She couldn’t explain why, but as she looked at those dark, zombie-inflicted wounds, a strange feeling arose within Song Xu Yi. It was as if she had the ability to eliminate the zombie virus from those wounds.

Song Xu Yi was tempted to give it a try. However, since this group of people had arrived, she wasn’t sure if Ye Shuiyu was simply unwilling to face strangers or if she was rejecting their presence and didn’t want them to stay. Ye Shuiyu tightened her face and buried herself in Song Xu Yi’s neck, clinging to her like a spoiled child, making it impossible for Song Xu Yi to move freely.

Feeling embarrassed, Song Xu Yi couldn’t bring herself to push Ye Shuiyu away in front of these people. She could only sit on the sofa with a blush on her face and explain, trying to cover up the situation, “My sister is feeling unwell…”

Song Xu Yi had limited contact with the outside world during their journey, unaware that the others had grown accustomed to such relationships. After all, since the collapse of society in the post-apocalyptic era, various types of intimate connections had become commonplace. Two girls displaying affection in such a situation was nothing out of the ordinary.

However, Wang Xi exchanged a glance with the other team members. Song Xu Yi appeared clean and healthy, with rosy complexion, which sharply contrasted with their worn-out appearance. To survive in this post-apocalyptic world and maintain such a state, she must have a formidable reliance. Concerned that Song Xu Yi might be a hidden expert, Wang Xi treated her with great respect.

However, the current situation seemed to suggest otherwise. Song Xu Yi appeared to have some gaps in her knowledge of the outside world.

Catching a glimpse of Song Xu Yi’s gaze falling upon the injured members of the group, Wang Xi’s eyes flickered with curiosity. He decided to probe further and smiled as he spoke, “Miss Xu Yi, could it be that you have a way to heal these wounded members who were bitten by zombies?”

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