Villainous Zombie King (14)

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The earlobes of Ye Shuiyu turned red.

As did the face of Song Xu Yi, who blushed even more intensely.

The only one who remained innocent and smiled innocently was Zhao Miaomiao, holding a bouquet of flowers.

Song Xu Yi took a deep breath, making a concerted effort to regain her composure. However, she felt that it would take some time before she could face this situation calmly, with one person deciding to take a moment to cool down.

“Zhao Miaomiao,” Song Xu Yi took a deep breath and retrieved the flowers from Zhao Miaomiao’s arms. She put on a stern expression and said, “I sense that you really like Auntie Shuiyu. Tonight, you can sleep with her in the room next door!”

Song Xu Yi had initially thought that Zhao Miaomiao would cry and prepared herself to deal with her tantrum. However, to Song Xu Yi’s surprise, Zhao Miaomiao pouted, looked at her with a hint of grievance, and didn’t say anything. She lowered her head, clutching her blanket, and followed Ye Shuiyu to the room next door.

Song Xu Yi, both astonished and relieved, let out a sigh of relief.

Returning to her room, she struggled to dissipate the warmth on her cheeks. However, for some reason, perhaps due to being accustomed to Zhao Miaomiao and Ye Shuiyu sleeping nearby, Song Xu Yi couldn’t fall asleep that night.

As time passed, minute by minute, it was already 2 a.m. Song Xu Yi felt wide awake and was about to give up on sleep and get up to practice her abilities. Unexpectedly, at that very moment, drowsiness suddenly overwhelmed her. She yawned and, involuntarily, fell asleep.

In the neighboring room, Zhao Miaomiao also had a dream.

In the world of her dream, many years had passed.

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Within that dream, after Zhao Miaomiao didn’t encounter Song Xu Yi, she became unbearably hungry and climbed out of the window. Fortunately, she was taken in by a couple of superhumans.

The superhuman couple treated her well, despite their turbulent and unpredictable lives. There were moments of warmth amidst the hardships. However, the good times didn’t last long. Soon, Zhao Miaomiao had a dream: she dreamed of the superhuman couple being torn apart by a ferocious zombie.

Initially, Zhao Miaomiao didn’t pay much attention to this dream. She followed the superhuman couple to a small base. To make a living, the couple joined a team of superhumans, and life seemed to improve.

However, one day, the team’s leader returned in a panic, delivering the news that the superhuman couple had been killed by zombies.

Zhao Miaomiao went to the place where the superhuman couple had met their fate and found that it was exactly the same as in her dreams.

At first, Zhao Miaomiao didn’t pay much attention to this occurrence. However, as each detail from her dreams came true, she realized that she seemed to possess the peculiar ability of precognition.

But this ability was incredibly strange and brought deep pain to Zhao Miaomiao.

In her subsequent life, Zhao Miaomiao discovered that she could change her own fate through her efforts when it came to precognitive dreams involving herself. However, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t alter the destinies of others.

The repeated sense of powerlessness struck her time and again, gradually numbing Zhao Miaomiao. However, when she saw her distant cousin Zhao Ningning, who had become a leader in a distant base, being engulfed by a horde of zombies in her dream, Zhao Miaomiao still decided to give it another try.

As usual, Zhao Ningning didn’t believe Zhao Miaomiao’s words. After all, no one in this world had ever witnessed such precognitive abilities, and people hadn’t yet experienced large-scale zombie outbreaks.

However, even though Zhao Miaomiao uttered words that seemed like a curse to Zhao Ningning, she still took her in at the base.

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Over the years, witnessing the cruelty of human nature, Zhao Miaomiao never expected that the base established by Zhao Ningning and Li Sibai would be an oasis amidst the chaos. Their base was free from deceit and the law of the jungle. Even at the highest level, Zhao Ningning and Li Sibai adhered to the principles of monogamy, maintaining a pure and simple relationship. In Zhao Ningning’s base, Zhao Miaomiao also encountered Song Xu Yi. However, at that time, Song Xu Yi was gloomy and indifferent, solely focused on her research, paying no attention to the lives of others.

In the end, Zhao Miaomiao failed once again. The sudden arrival of the zombie horde caught everyone off guard. No one had anticipated that so many organized and disciplined zombies would gather. Zhao Ningning chose to stay in the base with Li Sibai to protect the ordinary people inside. However, they entrusted the children they had adopted to Zhao Miaomiao, allowing her and some other superhumans to escort the children to the largest base in the city.

Zhao Ningning and Li Sibai made the ultimate sacrifice.

After tremendous effort, Zhao Miaomiao arrived at the base in Jing City. She saw Song Xu Yi, who had joined under the command of the base leader Yu Song. However, Song Xu Yi pretended not to recognize her.

Zhao Miaomiao, along with the other superhumans, formed a team and struggled to feed the children. However, during this time, Zhao Miaomiao had another precognitive dream:

In the dream, millions of zombies besieged Jing City, gradually overwhelming it. In the midst of the relentless horde of zombies, Zhao Miaomiao saw a woman with eyes shimmering with red light: Yu Song, the highest leader of Jing City, knelt before the woman, sobbing uncontrollably. But the woman, with a cold and indifferent expression, snapped Yu Song’s neck…

The woman’s stunningly beautiful face was unmistakably that of Ye Shuiyu!


While Zhao Miaomiao was immersed in her nightmare, Ye Shuiyu, lying on the bed, suddenly rose without warning and walked slowly out the door.

Immediately after, the locked door of Song Xu Yi’s room swung open from the outside, and Ye Shuiyu calmly entered.

At this moment, Ye Shuiyu’s eyes shimmered with an eerie red glow, and her entire being exuded a mesmerizing and otherworldly beauty.

Facing the terrified gaze in Song Xu Yi’s mind, Ye Shuiyu slowly walked into the room, sat at the bedside, and began to scrutinize Song Xu Yi’s face.

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She observed with great precision, her gaze tangible as it meticulously traced every inch of Song Xu Yi’s countenance. Finally, she extended her hand, once again caressing the area around Song Xu Yi’s neck…

The system watched Ye Shuiyu’s demeanor with bated breath, anticipating that she might suddenly reach out and snap Song Xu Yi’s neck. It desperately tried to scream and awaken Song Xu Yi, but no matter how hard it shouted, Song Xu Yi remained unresponsive, just as before.

However, to the system’s surprise, Ye Shuiyu abruptly retracted her hand.

She bent down, leaning close to Song Xu Yi’s side, her icy lips gently pressing against Song Xu Yi’s cheek—

“At the age of ten, my father took me into the laboratory, and I never expected that he would use me for experiments. Initially, it was just small doses of medication, but later the concoctions became more and more peculiar. He injected them into my body, one vial at a time. It was agonizing, and I wished I could die. But he told me to keep it a secret, that he was experimenting to find a way to save my mother…”

“When I turned fourteen, due to one of my father’s experiments gone awry, I became horribly thin, my whole body contorted. I begged my father to reduce the dosage of the medication, only to receive a slap in return. He transferred me two grades below to a school attended by his classmate’s children. I would take sick leave for most of the year, only allowed to attend school for a month or two. He wanted to make me ignorant, a helpless creature to be manipulated. Unfortunately for him, I inherited his intelligence and selfish genes.”

“In the rare moments of freedom, I studied relentlessly and finally learned to identify certain strains of bacteria and drugs. I also discovered his true face behind the façade of righteousness: as a Phoenix Man, he was supported by my mother and grandfather to complete his education and become a professor. He feigned deep affection for my mother but conducted experiments on his own daughter. Before my mother passed away, he had already betrayed her with my homeroom teacher – his former student, the daughter of some government official.”

“I despise him! But I am utterly powerless to resist. Countless sleepless nights of agony, I would yearn for someone to come and save me. Even if that person couldn’t rescue me, a simple smile from someone would suffice. However, at the behest of my homeroom teacher, I transformed into a foolish, sickly monster who would faint and bleed at the slightest touch, isolated by most of my classmates…”

“That fool during the day thought she fell for you at first sight, but she hasn’t remembered yet. When we were 18, you were my desk mate. Although you were wary of my ugliness and frailty at the time, your passion for science surpassed everything. You would bring me all the books I desired and, in return, I would join you in your small laboratory after school to assist with your research.”

“But compared to Yu Song, your little experiments meant nothing to me. I even have to thank you because your small laboratory gave me the opportunity to transform myself based on Yu Song’s foundation and gradually become the monster I am today.”

“At 26, the virus I researched to unlock human potential showed results, activating most of my body’s hidden capabilities but also turning me into a living corpse. At the same time, Yu Song developed an inferior virus that could activate human potential but had a high mortality rate, turning people into bloodthirsty monsters if the potential activation failed.”

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“Yu Song believed the opportunity had come. He refined and extracted a virus that could activate human potential more safely. However, he still released the original prototype virus—when the world turned into a purgatory, with the undead roaming freely, he, possessing the means to enhance the virus, undoubtedly became revered by all.”

“Yu Song succeeded; he married my homeroom teacher and hypocritically became one of the leaders in the capital city.”

“He plotted everything but failed to anticipate that I was still alive. After releasing the zombie virus, he had his first-generation followers abandon me, who was already ‘dead,’ from a distance. However, he never expected me to come back to life…”

“In truth, I can’t be considered truly alive.” Ye Shuiyu let out a soft sigh, gently placing Song Xu yi’s hand over her lifeless chest. “During the night, I have no heartbeat.”

“Yu Song never imagined that I would survive, and he certainly never imagined that I would become the most powerful zombie in the world, possessing the ability to command all the undead.”

“I never expected to encounter you again. You seem incredibly enticing, captivating my heart. But why weren’t you like this back then? If only you were like you are now… How wonderful it would be!”

Ye Shuiyu raised her hand slightly as the deafening roars of the undead echoed from outside the window. She gazed at Song Xu Yi with a heavy look in her eyes, let out a soft sigh, and finally pressed a chilly kiss upon Song Xu Yi’s lips. “Tell me, in a few days’ time when the daylight fool, who has fallen for you like a naive admirer, remembers that she too was experimented on by you, how do you think she will treat you?”

“She will surely think just like I do—she would want to destroy this cold, tainted world.”

“I await the outcome.”

Song Xu Yi’s mind, along with the system within it, digested all of this in utter astonishment, watching Ye Shuiyu, ghost-like, walk out of the room once again and into the midst of the zombie horde. The system desperately tried to wake Song Xu Yi, urging her to escape. However, an unexpected voice resounded in her mind, originating from the Lord God of the higher authority:

“The character settings of Zhao Miaomiao next door have deviated. Memory elimination of the plot characters is required…”

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