Villainous Zombie King (16)

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Song Xu Yi finally didn’t ask Ye Shuiyu to help her with makeup.

If she needed to rush to do her makeup, it would take at least half an hour. Song Xu Yi didn’t want these things to delay her journey.

After hearing Zhao Miaomiao’s suggestion, a glimmer of anticipation unconsciously appeared in Ye Shuiyu’s eyes. But upon hearing Song Xu Yi’s refusal, Ye Shuiyu clenched the lipstick in her pocket and lowered her head. Suddenly, she remembered something, and her lips tightened even more as she sat in the passenger seat.

Only then did Ye Shuiyu realize that she and Xu Yi were just temporary companions. She hadn’t expected to develop feelings for Xu Yi in such a short ten-day journey. In about two days, they would arrive in the capital city. It was certain that Xu Yi would send her back home, but… Yu Song was no longer the doting father he used to be. Did she really want to return to his side?


Ye Shuiyu glanced at Song Xu Yi, her eyes filled with immense pain. She wanted to tell Xu Yi everything, but she was afraid of being rejected. In her memories, her fourteen-year-old self was covered in extensive scars, even though she appeared unblemished now. Ye Shuiyu didn’t know if the medications from back then had left any lingering side effects. She still remembered how she had broken down and cried uncontrollably after looking in the mirror. Ye Shuiyu couldn’t bear to imagine the expression on Xu Yi’s face if she saw her in that state.

Xu Yi was someone who valued appearances, so she would surely be repulsed by someone like Ye Shuiyu, right?

She didn’t want to go to the capital city, but she was also afraid of her fears becoming a reality. In order to not be despised by the future Song Xu Yi, Ye Shuiyu desperately tried to prove herself: even without a beautiful face, she still had a significant role to play.

As the car gradually moved closer to the capital city, the number of wandering zombies on the roadside increased, and the roads became uneven and pockmarked.

Ye Shuiyu remained focused throughout the journey, clearing obstacles for Song Xu Yi. She used her earth-based abilities to fill in excess potholes, her wood-based abilities to bind and drag away the undead bodies, her wind-based abilities to blow away attacking mutated birds, and her fire-based abilities to burn the mutated plants.

Song Xu Yi watched Ye Shuiyu demonstrate her abilities and noticed her tightly pursed lips. She quietly sighed in her heart. Ye Shuiyu had already known about Yu Song’s hypocritical nature at the age of fourteen. Was she using these abilities as a way to vent her anger?

Song Xu Yi understood the price Ye Shuiyu had paid for these abilities. If given the choice, Song Xu Yi would prefer Ye Shuiyu not to have these powers, to be an ordinary girl who received the love and pampering of her parents.

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Zhao Miaomiao sat in the backseat, watching Song Xu Yi drive attentively while Ye Shuiyu showed off her skills without saying a word. Zhao Miaomiao felt a sense of urgency and racked her brain to create a topic of conversation.

“Auntie Shuiyu, you’re so amazing!” Zhao Miaomiao’s voice was filled with admiration. “Mommy Xu Yi, who do you think is more powerful, you or Auntie Shuiyu?”

“Of course, your Auntie Shuiyu is more powerful,” Song Xu Yi echoed Zhao Miaomiao’s words. Even though she knew Ye Shuiyu would not return to Yu Song, Song Xu Yi pretended to be unaware for the sake of her own plan. “Now I can rest assured. Even though Shuiyu has lost some of her memories and her sense of vigilance, she has these abilities. After we part ways, she will be able to protect herself well.”

Was the worst-case scenario about to unfold?

As Ye Shuiyu was in the midst of burning the mutated plants, her hand trembled upon hearing those words. The fireball she had conjured almost slipped from her grasp and landed on the car.

Zhao Miaomiao was also taken aback, her voice tinged with a sob. “Mommy Xu Yi, weren’t we supposed to be together forever?”

“Of course, we’ll be together until we reach the capital city,” Song Xu Yi parked the car and turned around, seemingly explaining to Zhao Miaomiao but also speaking for Ye Shuiyu to hear. “But after we return to the capital city, I have some friends to meet and some personal matters to attend to. It just so happens that Auntie Shuiyu also needs to find her own relatives. Miaomiao, don’t worry, I won’t abandon you. Stay with Auntie Shuiyu for a few days, and I’ll come to pick you up later.”

Song Xu Yi had made up her mind to kill Yu Song. It wouldn’t be safe for Zhao Miaomiao to accompany her. After all, once Ye Shuiyu returned to the capital city, she wouldn’t go looking for Yu Song. Moreover, Ye Shuiyu hadn’t harmed Zhao Miaomiao, and recently she seemed to have developed affection for the child. It would be safer for Zhao Miaomiao to stay with Ye Shuiyu.

Upon hearing Song Xu Yi’s decision to draw boundaries, Ye Shuiyu almost instinctively wanted to ask about her own arrangements. However, when she heard that Song Xu Yi would be keeping Zhao Miaomiao by her side, the words that were about to leave Ye Shuiyu’s lips were swallowed back once again. She knew that Song Xu Yi was a person of strong moral character. Since she had taken in Zhao Miaomiao, she wouldn’t give up halfway. Song Xu Yi would definitely come back for her.

Therefore, Ye Shuiyu thought for a moment and decided to go with the flow, changing her approach. “Xu Yi, I don’t even know if I can find my father in the capital city.” Ye Shuiyu spoke softly, looking at Song Xu Yi with anticipation. “Let’s split up and meet at a designated location in the end. If I can’t find my father, can I follow behind you from then on?”

With only a fourteen-year-old’s thinking at this moment, Ye Shuiyu’s subconscious response to fear was to avoid it. She subconsciously believed that her abilities were caused by Yu Song and feared that he had become even stronger and more difficult to deal with. She didn’t want to appear in front of him again and become his experiment. She had already devised a plan in her mind. Ye Shuiyu didn’t actually want to enter the city. Her intention was to stay outside the city for a few days. After a few days, she could use the excuse of not finding her relatives, which would naturally allow her to continue following behind Song Xu Yi.

As Song Xu Yi listened to Ye Shuiyu’s words, she understood that Ye Shuiyu had already made up her mind not to look for Yu Song, just as she had anticipated. However, she couldn’t help but smile. “Of course you can.”

Although she agreed verbally, Song Xu Yi didn’t take it seriously. Ye Shuiyu had already regained her memories from when she was eighteen, and if she miraculously survived and saw Song Xu Yi, she would probably want to kill her.

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Upon hearing Song Xu Yi’s response, Ye Shuiyu felt relieved.

Countless expectations arose in her heart, and Ye Shuiyu automatically ignored little light bulb Zhao Miaomiao, starting to plan the world for the two of them after they set off together, counting the things they needed to buy…

Not counting, she wouldn’t know. But when she did count, Ye Shuiyu realized that she had missed many things that needed to be prepared. However, the surroundings of the capital city were rich in resources, and with a little effort, she should be able to gather all the necessary materials.

As Ye Shuiyu and Song Xu Yi fell into silence, Zhao Miaomiao in the back seat observed Ye Shuiyu’s absent-mindedness. She felt that she was burdened with too much at such a young age, yet she dutifully began searching for another topic.

“Mommy Xu Yi, who are you going to meet? Is it your boyfriend?”

Sure enough, as soon as Zhao Miaomiao finished speaking, Ye Shuiyu, who had been lost in thought, turned her head and looked at Song Xu Yi with a serious expression.

Ye Shuiyu had only known that Song Xu Yi was going to the capital city to find someone, but she hadn’t had the chance to inquire about whom Song Xu Yi was looking for.

If Song Xu Yi was indeed looking for a boyfriend, then if she hurried over late at night and killed that man, would it be… in time?

“Of course not,” Song Xu Yi quickly denied, realizing that the names Zhao Miaomiao and the protagonist Zhao Ningning sounded remarkably similar in their naming conventions. However, with such a large population in the world, it was not surprising to encounter people with the same name and surname, so Song Xu Yi didn’t think they were related.

“Is the person you’re looking for a man or a woman?” Perhaps feeling too bored, Zhao Miaomiao’s questions kept coming one after another.

“I’m looking for two people, they are a couple.”

It wasn’t until Ye Shuiyu heard Song Xu Yi’s words that she secretly breathed a sigh of relief…

Meanwhile, Zhao Miaomiao continued with her inquiries, “Hasn’t Mommy Xu Yi ever thought about finding me a dad?”

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“Never thought about it,” Song Xu Yi casually replied. She couldn’t recall if she had ever been in a romantic relationship, but she felt that it was highly unlikely for her to pursue a man, especially considering the rule of ‘no dating within the organization.’ It seemed that she would never be able to find a ‘father’ for Zhao Miaomiao in this lifetime.

“That won’t do,” Zhao Miaomiao, acting like a little adult, shook her head. “Mommy Xu Yi is so great, she should find a suitable partner. What kind of person does Mommy Xu Yi like?”

“Why are you asking so many questions?” Facing Ye Shuiyu’s focused gaze, Song Xu Yi inexplicably felt her cheeks warming up. Pretending to be angry, she scolded, but Zhao Miaomiao had long figured out Song Xu Yi’s temperament. Instead of being afraid, she elongated her voice and coquettishly said, “Mommy Xu Yi, the best mommy in the world, just tell me! Aunt Shuiyu and I will keep it a secret, we won’t tell anyone, right, Aunt Shuiyu?”

Ye Shuiyu immediately nodded and continued to gaze attentively at Song Xu Yi, waiting for her answer.

Under the expectant gazes of both the young and the adult, Song Xu Yi had no choice but to respond, “I’m a sucker for appearances. I like people who are beautiful, the prettier the better…”

Zhao Miaomiao glanced at Ye Shuiyu. When it came to appearances, Ye Shuiyu dared to claim the top spot with no one daring to contest it. Zhao Miaomiao felt relieved, sensing that Ye Shuiyu had a great advantage. She further inquired, “Are there no other requirements?”

Song Xu Yi pondered for a moment. Zhao Miaomiao was still young, and instilling a superficial mindset like being obsessed with appearances might affect her values. Subconsciously, she added some common criteria for choosing a partner: “Of course, there are definitely other requirements—being kind, motivated, having a healthy mindset without any bad habits…”

Song Xu Yi went on at length, and Ye Shuiyu’s expression gradually worsened. She had expected Zhao Miaomiao to ask more questions, but instead, she distinctly heard Zhao Miaomiao let out a sigh…

Song Xu Yi: …?!

In the following half day, Song Xu Yi noticed that both Ye Shuiyu and Zhao Miaomiao appeared somewhat downcast.

Song Xu Yi could understand Ye Shuiyu’s melancholy since she had discovered the true face of Yu Song in her memories and needed to process that information. However, Zhao Miaomiao’s sighing puzzled her. Moreover, Zhao Miaomiao occasionally cast a peculiar gaze at Ye Shuiyu, leaving Song Xu Yi baffled.

When Song Xu Yi inquired about it, thinking that Ye Shuiyu would have a hard time catching up to her, Zhao Miaomiao confidently replied, “It’s because I’ve noticed that Auntie Shuiyu, despite being exceptionally beautiful, doesn’t seem kind or motivated. She frequently resorts to threatening people… If she continues like this, she probably won’t find a partner.”

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With each word spoken by Zhao Miaomiao, Ye Shuiyu’s expression grew darker. Song Xu Yi hadn’t expected Zhao Miaomiao to speak up like this. She stopped the car, turned her head, and earnestly looked at Zhao Miaomiao. “But your Auntie Shuiyu possesses the most formidable ability. If she is willing, she can be kinder and more driven than anyone else…”

In truth, these were the words Song Xu Yi wanted to say to Ye Shuiyu. Hatred, like a prison, had trapped not only the perpetrator but also Ye Shuiyu herself. Ye Shuiyu could live a happier life, but the possessed Song Xu Yi had no face to utter those words.

However, Song Xu Yi didn’t notice the sudden sparkle in Ye Shuiyu’s eyes.

When it was time to rest in the evening, Ye Shuiyu went out for two hours. Upon her return, her smile was filled with unease and joy, and her eyes shimmered like bright stars.

“Xu Yi, I… I saved over ten people on the verge of starvation in the ruins. I took them to the nearest base. And I killed a second-tier zombie that was attacking an esper…”

Song Xu Yi listened to Ye Shuiyu’s words with a smile, even though she didn’t understand why Ye Shuiyu suddenly took these actions. Her heart, however, brimmed with joy and emotion. If Ye Shuiyu continued to be like this in the days to come, how wonderful would that be!

Little did Song Xu Yi know that all of Ye Shuiyu’s transformations were because of her. It was because Ye Shuiyu liked her that she was willing to shed her vicious facade, disguise herself as a benevolent person, and become the version of herself that Song Xu Yi adored…

The author has something to say:

Who knows what I’ve been through…

Today, I accompanied a friend to get a haircut and couldn’t resist the persuasion of Tony, the hairstylist. I ended up getting a hairstyle like this:

I said, “I want a naturally-looking perm, as I’ve been staying up late and my hair is thinning. I hope to finish the hairstyle around 7 p.m…”

But I didn’t return home until past 11 p.m, and when I looked into the mirror, I saw my hair in disarray, blowing in the wind, resembling a wild black lion. I felt heartbroken for over an hour, desperately wanting to lock away my love…

With tears in my eyes: Let’s skip tomorrow and go straight to Sunday. I can’t face the world with this outstanding black lion hairstyle. T-T

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