Villainous Emperor (4)

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The Emperor had a dream the night before.

In the dream, he saw an unfamiliar, poorly dressed little girl kneeling devoutly in a temple. The statue of the goddess came to life and stood on the divine throne, smiling gently at the little girl…

There seemed to be a shimmering golden light behind the girl, as if she had grown a pair of enormous wings.

The goddess looked towards him.

Suddenly, a woman’s voice rang in the Emperor’s mind. The voice told him that if he wanted to secure his reign and have a long life, he needed to find the “Emperor’s Companion’s Star” and raise it well. The Emperor’s Companion’s Star is six years old this year and can be found southwest of the palace.

After waking up, the Emperor took a long time to recall that the southwest area of the palace was the Cold Palace, where some punished palace maids resided. There seemed to be a despised palace maid there as well, who had reportedly given birth to a girl a few years ago…

With a tentative attitude, the Emperor sent someone to search for the mother and daughter.

When the mother and daughter appeared before the Emperor again, he could hardly imagine that the once extraordinarily beautiful Dong woman would become such a withered figure, resembling a skull. The woman looked at him with fear and hatred, and her eyes seemed to almost ooze blood.

The Emperor was startled and almost wanted to leave immediately in response to such a gaze. However, the girl who was constantly comforting the deranged woman and the girl from his dream were almost identical!

The Emperor could only reluctantly stop his steps, ignoring the mad woman’s screams, and listened to the attendant’s report, which further confirmed that Jiang Ruoyu was indeed the “Emperor’s Companion’s Star.”

Looking at the tattered clothes on the little girl’s body, the Emperor recalled the benefits mentioned by the goddess in his dream. With great difficulty, he restrained his disgust and tentatively reached out to touch the clean-looking hair on the girl’s head, forcing a smile. “Ruoyu, I am your father, the Emperor.”

After a moment of touching, the Emperor could no longer bear it and pretended as if nothing had happened, retracting his hand. He met the little girl’s clear and somewhat wary gaze, and inexplicably felt a slight dislike in his heart. However, he maintained a forced smile and said, “These years have been difficult and unjust for both of you. Rest assured, I will make sure the Imperial Physician cures your mother’s madness. Those who have mistreated you and lacked judgment…”

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The Emperor paused, remembering that the one who had mistreated Jiang Ruoyu and her mother was probably his favored consort. He changed his tone and continued, “Those servants and below, their crimes are unforgivable. I will personally punish those despicable slaves and seek justice for both of you…”

The Emperor didn’t know why, even though Jiang Ruoyu was so young, he always felt as if her clear and wary eyes saw through many things. Upon hearing his words, Jiang Ruoyu’s eyes showed a hint of confusion, as if questioning why the punishment was directed towards the servants instead of the Noble Consort who had done wrong. It was only when the Emperor impatiently averted his gaze that he heard Jiang Ruoyu’s soft voice saying, “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

“Hmm,” the Emperor replied perfunctorily, but his heart grew even more displeased with Jiang Ruoyu for some reason. He couldn’t help but think of Princess Jiang Xin, the fifteenth princess. She was better, always charming and sweet, unlike this sixteenth princess who seemed gloomy and unpleasant to be around.

With these thoughts in mind, the Emperor remembered that he had promised his consort to spend time with Jiang Xin today. He uttered, “Rest well, and if you need anything, seek Eunuch Wang. He will make proper arrangements for me.” After that, he briskly left the side hall.

Jiang Ruoyu watched the Emperor’s hurried departure and gently patted her mother’s shoulder, pursing her lips.

Eunuch Wang had managed to rise to the position of the grand steward by his wit and cunning. Naturally, he was a shrewd individual. From the Emperor’s words, he inferred the Emperor’s attitude towards the two of them: due to their connection to the “Emperor’s Companion’s Star,” the Emperor wanted to keep Jiang Ruoyu by his side. However, deep down, he didn’t actually like this mother and daughter and didn’t want to see them.

Considering that the destitute mother and daughter couldn’t provide any benefits, Eunuch Wang didn’t intend to say much. He maintained a smile that couldn’t be faulted and led the two into the Tranquil Meditation Pavilion, not far from the Emperor’s residence. The previous Emperor of Jiang had a fondness for various books, embodying the characteristics of a scholar. He had intentionally built the Tranquil Meditation Pavilion to store the various ancient books he had collected. It had remained unoccupied since the current Emperor preferred beauties over books.

Even though the Tranquil Meditation Pavilion had fallen into disrepair over the years, it was still far better than the Cold Palace where the mother and daughter had lived before. It allowed the “Emperor’s Companion’s Star” to stay close to His Majesty while sparing him from constantly seeing the mother and daughter. It was the best place for them, all things considered.

Eunuch Wang selected several maidservants and eunuchs to assist the two women with washing and changing clothes. He also arranged for the Imperial Physician to treat them. After making these arrangements, he went on to attend to other matters. After all, today was the birthday of Princess Jiang Xin, who was different from the recently returned Princess Jiang Ruoyu. The Emperor genuinely cherished Princess Jiang Xin to some extent, and if her birthday celebrations were not properly organized, it could lead to unfavorable consequences.

He remained busy throughout the day, and the programs he had arranged were taken over by other attendants. It was only later that Eunuch Wang realized that he had forgotten about the mother and daughter in the Tranquil Meditation Pavilion.

He knew the people he had assigned: they were mostly loyal and honest, unlikely to mistreat their superiors. However, this also meant that these individuals were not particularly resourceful and might not have thought about bringing food from the kitchen for the mother and daughter in this side hall if he hadn’t made the arrangements.

But the two women had grown accustomed to neglect in the Cold Palace, so even if there was an oversight, it wouldn’t be a big issue.

Nevertheless, as Eunuch Wang was accustomed to being considerate, he pondered for a moment and ordered some late-night snacks to be brought along as he led them to the Tranquil Meditation Pavilion.

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To celebrate Princess Jiang Xin’s birthday, the Emperor specially invited a troupe of acrobats from outside. The sounds of gongs, drums, and musical instruments reverberated throughout the entire palace.

However, inside the Tranquil Meditation Pavilion, a different scene unfolded.

Because the former Emperor was engrossed in reading and wanted to read at night, the lighting in the Tranquil Meditation Pavilion was carefully arranged. Under the bright lights, the woman who had appeared insane and demonic during the day had shed her previous ferocious countenance. She now appeared gentle and serene as she read to Princess Jiang Xin. Finally, glimpses of her former beauty, when she had once captivated everyone, could be seen in her smiling eyes.

The Emperor had risen through the military ranks and always held a disdainful attitude towards scholars and intellectuals. It was rare for Eunuch Wang to encounter women in the harem who immersed themselves in studying.

What surprised Eunuch Wang even more was Princess Jiang Ruoyu.

Even when she was dressed in plain and shabby clothes, one could still see that Princess Jiang Ruoyu was exceptionally beautiful. But now, after changing into palace attire, she resembled a person stepping out of a painting. Even Princess Jiang Xin, who was always praised for her beauty, paled in comparison to her, like a grain of rice compared to a pearl.

Someone nearby approached Eunuch Wang and informed him of the physician’s diagnosis. Although the physician’s words were tactful, Eunuch Wang, being astute, understood their meaning: This woman from Dong had been driven insane by reality. As long as she didn’t encounter anyone who would provoke her, such as the Emperor and others, her condition would improve significantly.

Her emotions could no longer withstand any stimulation.

Eunuch Wang looked at the two mother and daughter, engrossed in their reading, and suddenly lost the desire to engage in conversation with them as he had done in the past. He set aside the night snacks, gestured to the maids and eunuchs beside him, and then turned and left the Tranquil Meditation Pavilion.

Perhaps this scene was too beautiful and delicate, as even the most hardened person would feel a moment of pity. After all, the Emperor’s objective had been achieved—the “Emperor’s Companion” had been found.

Not disturbing them is the greatest favor one can do for this mother and daughter.

However, Eunuch Wang didn’t witness Jiang Ruoyu’s expression of joy when she finished her reading and learned a few characters.

She seemed somewhat embarrassed but tried her best to maintain composure as she looked at the night snacks. Although her heart and eyes were filled with longing, she softly asked the maid beside her, “Nanny, are these for me and Mother to eat?”

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Jiang Ruoyu clenched her hand that was hanging by her sleeve and carefully observed the maid’s reaction. If the maid, like those eunuchs, forcefully claimed their meals, voluntarily eating these things would only invite beatings and ridicule.

“As the mistress, of course, they are for you to eat.” The people chosen by Eunuch Wang were naturally not like the eunuchs who had previously been sent over by the Noble Consort to demean them. The maid didn’t think too much about it and couldn’t help but smile at Jiang Ruoyu’s appearance. “These things are too sweet, indeed, you shouldn’t eat too much. If it damages your teeth…”

However, Jiang Ruoyu no longer listened to the maid’s words. Ever since she observed that the maid wasn’t speaking in riddles or spreading rumors, Jiang Ruoyu happily brought the night snacks to her mother. She fed her mother a bowl of porridge, helped her mother lie down comfortably, and watched as her mother fell asleep. Only then did Jiang Ruoyu joyfully go to eat something else…

The palace maids who witnessed Jiang Ruoyu attentively and skillfully taking care of her mother couldn’t help but feel a tinge of pity towards her.

Jiang Ruoyu, however, had no time to pay attention to their reactions. She cherished the food on the table and ate it with gusto. Even though the food had cooled after being left for a while, it was the most delicious thing Jiang Ruoyu had ever tasted.

Jiang Ruoyu ate quickly, and the palace maids stared wide-eyed as her small figure consumed so much food in an instant. For a moment, no one thought to stop her.

Due to the fear of not having enough to eat tomorrow, Jiang Ruoyu ate too much and felt bloated…

The little girl, who had always been hungry, had never experienced the feeling of being stuffed. She only felt her stomach bloating uncomfortably. On the first day of serving, the palace maids didn’t expect Jiang Ruoyu to overeat. Several inexperienced maids gathered together, feeling flustered. In the end, an older maid took Jiang Ruoyu’s hand and led the swollen-bellied little girl outside to aid digestion.

Jiang Ruoyu was extremely scared in her heart. She listened to the palace maids talking about being “stuffed” and couldn’t help but feel that being stuffed was not a good thing. With her limited knowledge and experience, the word “stuffed” made her associate it with the Emperor’s large, round belly that hung down from his waist. Jiang Ruoyu had heard her mother say that people with big bellies had a baby inside them…

Could it be that she would also become like the Emperor? After all, she was the Emperor’s offspring…

Would she become as ugly as the Emperor? That would be absolutely terrible.


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The more Jiang Ruoyu thought about it, the more frightened she became. The Emperor’s belly was so big, and she was so small. If she dragged such a belly, she would definitely not be able to walk. Her belly would only rub against the ground, and if it wore out, the baby would fall out… What would she do then?

Jiang Ruoyu walked with a heavy heart, feeling as if she was attending a funeral. The closer she got to the Emperor’s vicinity, the more guards there were. Jiang Ruoyu had never dared to come in this direction before. After leaving the Quiet Heart Pavilion, she realized that it was not far from the Shrine of the Divine Goddess.

In fact, Jiang Ruoyu hadn’t come to her senses all day long…

She woke up from a deep sleep and found herself in a magnificent palace. She saw the Emperor whom she had never seen before. The Emperor was even uglier than she had imagined, and like the others, he didn’t like her and was unwilling to punish the Noble Consort. However, the Emperor still arranged a new residence for them and provided them with clothes and food…

This was something that the previous Jiang Ruoyu wouldn’t even dare to think about.

At this moment, when Jiang Ruoyu saw the shrine, she had a vague sense of reality – she was truly living the life that the Divine Goddess sister had mentioned in her dreams.

Jiang Ruoyu was very clear about it: the Emperor didn’t like her, and after ignoring her and her mother for so long, it was impossible for him to change overnight. The only possibility was that the Divine Goddess sister had done something behind the scenes.

So… could the Divine Goddess sister make her belly stop expanding?

Jiang Ruoyu felt that she had found hope.

She stopped in her tracks and devoutly began making a wish towards the direction of the shrine: “Divine Goddess sister, I’m sorry, but can I make a wish now? My belly is about to burst, can you please prevent the baby in my belly from coming out? I can’t take care of a baby right now, I still need to take care of my mother…” She then remembered that she was now pleading with the Divine Goddess sister to help her, but had nothing to offer in return, and Jiang Ruoyu felt a bit embarrassed.

She thought carefully and finally bit her lip, continuing, “I have nothing now, I can’t afford to raise a baby, but if you like babies, when I grow up, I promise to give birth to a baby for you, Sister…”

Startled by the little girl’s rambling, Song Xu Yi, who was awakened from her cultivation, heard the little girl’s ambitious declaration of wanting to give birth to a baby for her—


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