Villainous Emperor (20)

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Song Xu Yi was immersed in the world of Huaben (Chinese vernacular fiction) until she heard a distinct cough coming from Jiang Ruoyu’s side.


“Cough, cough!”


Jiang Ruoyu coughed several times in a row. Even though Song Xu Yi knew that her divine body was incredibly resilient, Jiang Ruoyu’s current physical condition was almost invulnerable. Nevertheless, upon hearing Jiang Ruoyu’s continuous coughing, Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but inquire, “Your Majesty, are you alright?”

“My throat is dry, and I want some water,” Jiang Ruoyu replied, raising her head to look at Song Xu Yi. She couldn’t tell if it was just her imagination, but she felt that Jiang Ruoyu’s gaze seemed somewhat resentful. After a brief moment of hesitation, Song Xu Yi reluctantly put down the Huaben she was reading at a critical moment and got up to fetch a glass of water for Jiang Ruoyu.

Jiang Ruoyu took the cup and drank the water in a leisurely manner.

Her drinking motion was incredibly graceful, with a slender and elegantly arched neck. Her eyes appeared to hold a hint of mystery as she gazed at Song Xu Yi.

At any other time, Song Xu Yi might have been enchanted by Jiang Ruoyu’s beauty, but at this moment, she was too engrossed in the unfinished Huaben and remembered Jiang Ruoyu’s admonishment to stay focused on her duties. Therefore, Song Xu Yi didn’t pay much attention to Jiang Ruoyu and kept her head down, standing by her side.

Not until the cup made a distinct ‘bang’ sound as it was placed on the table did Song Xu Yi raise her head to look at Jiang Ruoyu.

For some unknown reason, Jiang Ruoyu’s face suddenly turned extremely cold, her lips almost forming a straight line. Song Xu Yi inexplicably felt that Jiang Ruoyu seemed angry, but when she tried to recall, she couldn’t find anything she had done wrong. Summoning courage, she stepped forward and took the cup.

While picking up the cup, Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but glance at Jiang Ruoyu again. At this moment, Jiang Ruoyu had already lowered her eyes to read the book once more, her side profile looking as if it had been meticulously crafted to perfection. Song Xu Yi’s heart skipped a beat, and she quickly looked away, avoiding eye contact, focusing on her nose and calming her mind. She put the cup away with gentle steps, and since Jiang Ruoyu didn’t seem to have any other orders, Song Xu Yi returned to the area behind the screen and continued reading the Huaben.

Because she was afraid of Jiang Ruoyu giving her further instructions, Song Xu Yi dared not immerse herself too deeply in the story, always attentive to Jiang Ruoyu’s voice.

After a while, Jiang Ruoyu remained silent, and Song Xu Yi didn’t pay it much attention until a sudden shadow was cast in front of her—

Song Xu Yi was startled, realizing only then that Jiang Ruoyu had silently approached her without a sound.

Jiang Ruoyu stood before Song Xu Yi, silently gazing at her with dark and profound eyes. Her gaze seemed unfocused, as if looking at Song Xu Yi while also seeing someone else through her.

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“Your Majesty?” Every time Jiang Ruoyu stared at her with those eyes, Song Xu Yi felt her heart racing. At this moment, she sensed that something was amiss all over her body and couldn’t help but ask, “Do you have any instructions?”

“I have a headache.” Upon hearing Song Xu Yi’s voice, Jiang Ruoyu seemed to wake from a daze, meeting Song Xu Yi’s gaze as she frowned and spoke in a cold tone.

“Aren’t you skilled in medicinal arts?” Jiang Ruoyu took another step forward, and with her approach, the space enclosed by the screen felt suddenly cramped. “Come and give me a massage!”


Is that what she’s suggesting?

Song Xu Yi widened her eyes in disbelief. Jiang Ruoyu is now a deity, and it’s highly unlikely for a deity to experience headaches. Even if she were to have a headache, the medicinal arts of the Mortal Realm wouldn’t be of any help to her…

However, no matter how perplexed Song Xu Yi was, just as she had suspected, facing her wide-eyed expression, Jiang Ruoyu leisurely reclined, and her jet-black hair cascaded like a waterfall, with her head resting on Song Xu Yi’s lap, lying sideways on the small couch…

“If you dare neglect me, I will punish you!” Jiang Ruoyu warned as she lifted her eyelids and glanced at Song Xu Yi, her voice icy, breaking Song Xu Yi’s daze.

Feeling the weight on her lap, Song Xu Yi felt as if her whole body had stiffened like a piece of wood. However, since Jiang Ruoyu had already spoken, Song Xu Yi dared not be distracted and could only tremulously extend her hand to press on the acupoints on Jiang Ruoyu’s head.

Jiang Ruoyu seemed satisfied with this response and closed her eyes. The wrinkles between her eyebrows slowly smoothed away.

As Song Xu Yi continued to touch her, her thoughts drifted further and further away…

What could be happening to Jiang Ruoyu?

The more she interacted, the more Song Xu Yi felt that Jiang Ruoyu’s current temperament was extremely peculiar:

Whether it was a mortal or a deity, one’s head was the most vital part of their body and would never be easily entrusted to a stranger. Yet, Jiang Ruoyu had rested her head on her lap, allowing Song Xu Yi to press on her acupoints freely.

If she were influenced by the Divine Attractor, she wouldn’t have trusted someone so easily. Moreover, in the past two days of interaction, Song Xu Yi noticed that Jiang Ruoyu didn’t seem to be merely under the influence of the Divine Attractor; she had her own thoughts and memories.

But the Jiang Ruoyu in front of her was completely different from the one in Song Xu Yi’s memories.

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After careful consideration, the only possible explanation that came to Song Xu Yi’s mind was that Jiang Ruoyu might be testing her.

Song Xu Yi reviewed her actions and realized that when she pretended to be a palace maid earlier, she did show some flaws. There must be something that raised Jiang Ruoyu’s suspicions.

Jiang Ruoyu was not sure about her own origin and affiliations, so she could only keep herself under close surveillance. She knew she had to strengthen her determination and not let Jiang Ruoyu discover anything suspicious. Only then could she figure out what Jiang Ruoyu was really up to…

With these thoughts in mind, Song Xu Yi lowered her gaze, trying to overcome the strange feelings in her heart. She imitated the manner of the palace maids serving the Empress Dowager in the Hall, not daring to glance sideways, focusing solely on pressing the acupoints on Jiang Ruoyu’s head.

Since she didn’t look at Jiang Ruoyu’s face, Song Xu Yi didn’t notice that Jiang Ruoyu had opened her eyes again, her ears gradually turning slightly red…

Jiang Ruoyu’s expression remained calm, but she felt somewhat uneasy inside.

After all, she used her authority to have the little palace maid by her side. When facing her mother, the palace maid smiled warmly, but in front of her, she remained silent. Clearly, there was a gap behind the screen, and the palace maid had previously praised her beauty. However, once the palace maid arrived in her bedroom, she didn’t even spare a glance at Jiang Ruoyu, bowing obediently like the other palace maids.

Is she… afraid of me?

Subconsciously, Jiang Ruoyu wanted to get close to the little palace maid. Since the palace maid didn’t dare to look at her, Jiang Ruoyu took the initiative to approach her and successfully laid down on the little palace maid’s lap…

The pressure of the palace maid’s hands pressing on her head was just right. Even though Jiang Ruoyu said she had a headache as an excuse, being gently pressed by the palace maid, she felt incredibly relaxed. A tension that had been tightly wound inside her suddenly loosened, and Jiang Ruoyu couldn’t help but open her eyes.

From Jiang Ruoyu’s perspective, she could clearly see the slightly rounded jawline of the little palace maid and her cherry-like, luscious red lips. The lowered head of the palace maid exuded a gentle and beautiful charm, as if she could accept anything that Jiang Ruoyu did, no matter how excessive…

Jiang Ruoyu couldn’t help but recall the dream from the previous day, where she had kissed the little palace maid. If the dream had not stopped, who knows what other things she would have dreamed of…

After realizing what she had thought, Jiang Ruoyu’s cheeks suddenly felt warm.

However, she didn’t avert her gaze; instead, her eyes locked onto Song Xu Yi’s, becoming even deeper and seemingly hiding a profound vortex within them—

She was certain now, this little girl was someone who could bring her joy.

Though it was quite peculiar—that in this world, there could exist a little girl who made her feel an instant connection, someone who could make everything around her seem more beautiful. But Jiang Ruoyu was sure that in this lifetime, there would probably be no one else who could evoke such feelings of joy and delight.

Jiang Ruoyu herself understood that her emotions were actually quite indifferent.

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From the beginning to the end, she only cared about a few people.

After the Divine Goddess left, Jiang Ruoyu hadn’t experienced the feeling of a racing heart for a long time. Sometimes, she even felt like a cold, lifeless puppet.

Perhaps it was because she had assimilated some of the Divine Attractor’s qualities, or maybe she had always been this greedy and domineering…

Eight years ago, she didn’t dare to hope for the Divine Goddess to stay by her side. Back then, she had nothing and could only rely on the Divine Goddess’s grace. She could only try her best to cling to the Divine Goddess. But now, things were different. She had become the ruler of a country, inadvertently absorbing the power of the Divine Attractor. She had enough ability to pursue and protect the person she desired.

Perhaps last night’s dream was a revelation, warning her not to continue secretly obsessing over the Divine Goddess but to focus on the enchanting and alluring little palace maid who had bewitched her with just a glance, cutting off her past infatuations…

The Divine Goddess might be an elder, might be a benefactor, but only the little palace maid was someone she could reach for, someone who would accompany her throughout her life.

There might still be regrets and unwillingness. Thinking of the Divine Goddess would bring a sense of loss. Even during those days of competing with the Divine Attractor for years, Jiang Ruoyu had considered resorting to any means to stay in the Divine Realm and remain by the Divine Goddess’s side. However, Jiang Ruoyu was extremely clear-minded. The Divine Goddess only saw her as a junior, and while she wanted to entangle herself with her, she knew that persistently doing so would only make the Divine Goddess grow tired of her…

—Jiang Ruoyu would rather die than let the Divine Goddess feel weary of her.

This way, it’s better.

After encountering the little palace maid and rekindling the feeling of excitement, Jiang Ruoyu could meet the Divine Goddess again with a calm heart, burying those obscure and inexpressible feelings in the past forever.

Even though restraining her joy for the Divine Goddess was extremely difficult, it was something she had to do…

After all, she had encountered the little palace maid.

One cannot be too fortunate, nor should one expect too much.

However, the little palace maid is not yet close to her, and there’s even a hint of fear towards her…

Jiang Ruoyu bit her lip: How can she gradually dismantle the defenses in the little girl’s heart and make her also be pleased with her?


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Jiang Ruoyu’s mind was filled with various thoughts, and her face couldn’t help but turn increasingly red. The blush on her cheeks was noticeable even to Song Xu Yi, who became a bit worried that Jiang Ruoyu might genuinely be feeling uncomfortable. She couldn’t help but ask, “Your Majesty, how do you feel?”

“I’m a little sleepy,” facing Song Xu Yi’s concerned gaze, that faint sense of familiarity emerged once again. With her own feelings now clear and her heart secretly beating faster because of Song Xu Yi’s care, Jiang Ruoyu blinked and took the opportunity to act, closing her eyes as if feigning sleepiness and extending her hand to embrace Song Xu Yi’s waist. “I’ll take a nap, Yiyi. If you need me, wake me up…”

Song Xu Yi originally intended to refuse.

However, Jiang Ruoyu’s current posture was no longer cold and distant. She replaced the formal address with “I” and affectionately called her “Yiyi,” a term that, while slightly intimate, also showed her softened stance.

And Song Xu Yi was always someone who responded to softness rather than coercion.

If Jiang Ruoyu continued to display her haughty attitude as before, Song Xu Yi would definitely not be pleased. However, at this moment, when Song Xu Yi glanced at Jiang Ruoyu’s face, which was flushed and seemed genuinely uncomfortable with her eyes tightly closed, she couldn’t bring herself to refuse or protest…

“She’s shameless!” Song Xu Yi could only vent her frustration towards the system, “She came over without my consent!”

Understanding Song Xu Yi’s discomfort, the system responded empathetically, “Yes, she’s such an shameless little Emperor! Always bullying our Xu Yi!”

Song Xu Yi furrowed her brows, feeling that the system’s words sounded strange, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on what was odd about it. So, she forced herself to overcome the odd feeling, pretending to be serious, and focused on the book again…

However, somehow, Jiang Ruoyu’s face, which had become even more charming due to the blush, kept lingering in Song Xu Yi’s mind. No matter how hard she tried to concentrate, she couldn’t divert her attention. She silently recited the Heart Sutra several times to calm herself, and only then did Song Xu Yi manage to regain some composure and refocus her attention on the book.

Song Xu Yi never expected that just when she had finally immersed herself in the book again, not long after, a familiar and long-lost voice echoed in her mind, completely disrupting her thoughts.

It had been many years since Song Xu Yi last heard Jiang Ruoyu confiding and praying with her like this. At this moment, upon hearing it again, Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but feel a twinge of emotion, but when she fully grasped the content of the words, her eyes widened in astonishment.

“Divine Goddess, it seems like I have fallen in love with a little palace maid. Will you bless me?”

“On the day of our grand wedding, I hope you can sit at the main seat…”

The author has something to say:

Song Xu Yi: Clutching my little vest, trembling~

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