Villainous Singer (3)

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The girl leaned against the door, her eyes meeting Song Xu Yi’s gaze. For a moment, she seemed to be lost in thought, and then a smile appeared on her lips.

The girl looked even more beautiful when she smiled!

Song Xu Yi felt as if she was radiating light, like a fallen angel in the mortal world. Several admirers surrounded her, gazing at her with infatuation, and chatting with her incoherently.

“Of course!” Suddenly, the system in Song Xu Yi’s mind sighed, “It’s her again!”

“What’s wrong?” Song Xu Yi was puzzled and was about to ask the system when she saw the girl smiling and walking towards her.

“Are you the child of Director Song Yi from the Southwest District?” The girl’s lips curved into a friendly smile. “What a coincidence, I’m also from the Southwest District.”

After the advanced civilization had divided the water-like planet Ruo Shui into different regions based on their locations, there were eight districts: East, West, South, North, Southeast, Southwest, Northeast, and Northwest, each belonging to different planets. The Southwest District, where Song Yi was, was the largest territory under the control of Proxima Centauri.

Nowadays, Song Yi was not just a Guardian, but a director under the Guardian, responsible for overseeing a specific area.

Upon hearing the girl mention knowing Song Yi, Song Xu Yi didn’t think much of it. After all, Song Yi, despite being capable and intelligent, was not widely known. Those who knew him were probably all from the Southwest District. Besides, this girl was exceptionally beautiful, and she didn’t seem like someone who would lie.

“Hello! I’m Song Xu Yi.” Song Xu Yi greeted softly, realizing that staring at the young girl was impolite, but she couldn’t control her gaze.

As the girl approached, she appeared even more beautiful up close: her face was as delicate as a hibiscus flower, her lips were red like vermilion, her teeth were as white as maggots why maggots, and especially, there was a mole at the corner of her eye, embellishing her snow-white skin, making her allure too dazzling to behold directly.

“You’re so adorable!” The girl smiled, her eyes curved with joy as she looked at Song Xu Yi.

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“Here, this is for you.” Seeing Song Xu Yi’s stunned expression, the girl’s smile deepened. She took out a radiant golden chain from her bag and gestured towards Song Xu Yi, as if she wanted to put it around her neck…

Naturally, Song Xu Yi couldn’t accept such a precious gift at the first meeting. She quickly waved her hands and stepped back. Meanwhile, Luo Xi, who noticed the situation, also walked over. When the girl saw Luo Xi in front of Song Xu Yi, she visibly frowned.

“Lin Ruoyu, Song Xu Yi is different from you! She doesn’t like these flashy things, so don’t think you can lure her with your tricks!” Luo Xi warned, staring at the beautiful girl before her with clear vigilance.

The beautiful girl named Lin Ruoyu seemed unaware of Luo Xi’s hostility and blinked her pretty eyes, seemingly puzzled. “Luo Xi, what are you talking about?”

Lin Ruoyu slightly furrowed her brows, “I just wanted to give a translator to little Xu Yi!” She smiled at Luo Xi provocatively, raising her eyebrows. “Or have you already given a translator to Xu Yi?”

A language translator wasn’t too expensive for people from Proxima Centauri, but it was outrageously expensive for the impoverished students from Ruo Shui. Naturally, Luo Xi couldn’t afford to give a translator to Song Xu Yi.

Seeing Luo Xi’s frozen expression, Lin Ruoyu’s smile deepened. She calmly walked past Luo Xi and put the chain around Song Xu Yi’s neck, then pinched Song Xu Yi’s chubby little face. “I can’t believe that Song Yi, that stern old man, would actually have such a cute little girl!”

In order to send Song Xu Yi to Proxima Centauri, the unmarried and childless Song Yi lied, claiming that Song Xu Yi was his own daughter from a past relationship. This was how Song Xu Yi got the opportunity to come to Proxima Centauri for study.

After pondering for a moment, Song Xu Yi didn’t avoid Lin Ruoyu when she put the necklace on her. Indeed, at this stage, she needed a translator to understand the language of Proxima Centauri, or else her future life and studies would face significant obstacles.

However, that didn’t mean Song Xu Yi could accept such a large gift without any reservations.

As soon as Song Xu Yi put on the necklace, she overheard a somewhat dissatisfied voice from a Proxima Centauri man nearby. He seemed to be addressing Lin Ruoyu, “Ruoyu, this is the translator I gave you. How could you turn around and give it to someone else right in front of me?”

However, Lin Ruoyu didn’t appear to be the least bit remorseful. “If you give something to me, then it becomes mine. If it doesn’t suit me, of course, I’ll give it to someone who it fits better.”

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“But my approach was indeed improper,” she lazily spoke, “I should have discussed it with you before taking any action.”

“To express my apology,” Lin Ruoyu curved her lips, speaking with an apologetic tone but showing no trace of remorse in her eyes. She took out an electronic ticket from her bag and handed it to the Proxima Centauri man. “I have a performance on Friday night. Would you like to come and watch?”

The Proxima Centauri man immediately became happy and carefully stored the electronic ticket.

Song Xu Yi didn’t expect that the translator was a gift from this Proxima Centauri man. She felt even more guilty and wanted to take off the necklace and return it to Lin Ruoyu. However, for some reason, the necklace just wouldn’t come off once she put it around her neck. Song Xu Yi struggled for a long time to take it off, but the man beside her smiled and shook his head, signaling her to keep it.

“You don’t need to worry about it. Many people give her gifts,” Luo Xi said with a complicated expression as she looked at Lin Ruoyu. She pursed her lips and continued, “We came from Ruo Shui to learn more advanced technology and then return to serve our homeland. But she shows no ambition. While the rest of us are diligently studying and striving to learn, she chose to study music and spends her days singing with the Proxima Centauri people.”

“What if there’s a conflict between planets in the future? What will she rely on to defend against external enemies, her heavenly voice?”

“But for now, because of her good looks and beautiful voice, she has indeed made a name for herself and attracted countless Proxima Centauri admirers. She’s not even thirteen yet and has already become the best singer, with countless Proxima Centauri people eager to hear her sing.” Luo Xi sneered sarcastically, “That electronic ticket she just gave to that man is now a priceless item in the market.”

Song Xu Yi didn’t expect that the electronic ticket would be so valuable and stood still for a moment.

Song Xu Yi certainly didn’t intend to take Lin Ruoyu’s things for free. Since Lin Ruoyu exchanged her translator for the ticket, Song Xu Yi secretly planned to compensate her with an equivalent amount of money or gifts.

However, the current Song Xu Yi was a penniless person with nothing in her pocket, so she could only promise Lin Ruoyu, “Consider this translator borrowed. Once I start working and earn some money, I’ll definitely repay you.”

“There’s no need for you to be so reserved with me,” Lin Ruoyu sighed.

But Song Xu Yi didn’t give up on repaying the debt just because of Lin Ruoyu’s appearance. The previous owner’s clothes had a small notebook and a pen in the pocket, and since Song Xu Yi had no money at the moment, she took out the pen and wrote an IOU for Lin Ruoyu: “I, Song Xu Yi, borrowed a translator from Lin Ruoyu today. I will definitely repay her once I earn money in the future.” She signed her name at the bottom.

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Several Proxima Centauri people next to Lin Ruoyu seemed curious as they hadn’t seen paper and pen for a long time, something too ancient for them. They leaned over to take a look, and Lin Ruoyu took the IOU handed by Song Xu Yi. Her smile deepened, “In all my years, it’s the first time I’ve received an IOU.”

“Well then, Xu Yi, this is what you said you owe me.”

Song Xu Yi initially thought she would have to argue a bit more before Lin Ruoyu accepted the IOU. However, to her surprise, Lin Ruoyu seemed to recall something, her eyes darkened slightly, and she accepted the signed paper from Song Xu Yi, tucking it into her bag.

Lin Ruoyu seemed quite busy as a few Proxima Centauri women came to find her not long after. However, upon seeing those women, the smile on Lin Ruoyu’s face faded slightly.

As they looked at the gathering in the hall, the expressions on the faces of those Proxima Centauri women turned unpleasant.

“Ruoyu, why did you come here secretly?” One of the Proxima Centauri women, who appeared to be unusually tall, furrowed her brows and looked around critically. “You are the future superstar, and these poor folks from your hometown are like mud on the ground. Why waste your time attending their gathering?”

“Hurry and come with us. Time is running out. The governor from the neighboring province has arrived, and he specifically requested to hear you sing. He also wants you to compete with the songstress robot he designed…”

Lin Ruoyu still had that nonchalant smile on her face, but the women who came in behind her were obviously impatient and didn’t pay attention to Lin Ruoyu’s reaction. They pulled Lin Ruoyu and hurriedly left the place.

Song Xu Yi furrowed her brows.

“They are her agents,” Luo Xi explained, seemingly sensing Song Xu Yi’s confusion. “She will be fine. In fact, she will be the most successful among us.” Luo Xi continued with a sarcastic smile, “She has already become the most famous singer in Proxima Centauri and will live a luxurious life in the future, never returning to our poor and backward Ruo Shui…”

… Is that so?

Song Xu Yi could understand people’s pursuit of a luxurious life, but she couldn’t help feeling that Lin Ruoyu wasn’t that kind of person.

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At this moment, Lin Ruoyu had already reached the door.

She seemed to know that someone was speaking ill of her behind her back. Once again, she turned around and winked at Song Xu Yi, the sunlight dancing on her long eyelashes as she blew a kiss. “Little sister Xu Yi, see you next time!”

As Song Xu Yi listened to Luo Xi’s cautious words, advising her not to get too close to Lin Ruoyu, images of Lin Ruoyu blowing a kiss to her kept appearing in her mind. That version of Lin Ruoyu was truly lively and charming…

Luo Xi then introduced the rest of the people to Song Xu Yi.

Those who didn’t wear glasses were either older individuals who were born without exposure to crystalline radiation, which kept their eyes healthy, or they had undergone eye surgery.

After the surgery, they had to rest for several months, and many of them couldn’t keep up with their studies once they returned.

Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but feel that, rather than saying Lin Ruoyu would stay in Proxima Centauri, those who had undergone eye surgery and had Proxima Centauri companions were more likely to stay here…

But Song Xu Yi didn’t point it out directly.

She exchanged pleasantries with the others, following Luo Xi, and by the time she returned to her room, it was already late at night.

Song Xu Yi was about to read for a while when the system’s voice sounded in her mind again, deliberately tinged with a hint of concern, “Xu Yi, do you really intend to repay Lin Ruoyu?”

After receiving Song Xu Yi’s affirmative reply, the system let out a sigh, but there seemed to be a suppressed laughter in its voice.

“But according to the analysis, it appears that Lin Ruoyu might be the villain in this world…”

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