Villainous Singer (17)

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Even though Lin Ruoyu had a ferocious scar running across half of her face, due to her perfect and delicate other half, it not only didn’t appear terrifying, but instead exuded a strange and eerie beauty.

Song Xu Yi was not someone skilled at concealing emotions. However, this time, seeing Lin Ruoyu’s appearance was probably too strong of a shock and heartache. Song Xu Yi found herself calming down rapidly, in a way she had never experienced before. She quickly suppressed the astonishment on her face.

“How did this happen?”

Song Xu Yi took a deep breath, bit her lip, and stepped forward. She held Lin Ruoyu’s face, trying to control the tears in her eyes, and softly spoke.

Although Lin Ruoyu had been talking tough, since she turned on the light, her gaze had been consistently lowered, not daring to meet Song Xu Yi’s eyes. Her body was tense like a taut line, as if she was ready to flee at any moment.

Lin Ruoyu’s cheek was equally icy cold, and when Song Xu Yi touched it, she involuntarily shivered. She struggled to compose herself and leaned closer to Lin Ruoyu’s cheek. With the highly developed technology available today, Song Xu Yi wanted to see if Lin Ruoyu’s cheek could be repaired. However, only after getting close did Song Xu Yi realize — Lin Ruoyu’s cheek’s skin and bones were extremely peculiar, as if something had been added to the bones.

Song Xu Yi widened her eyes, but tears still flowed uncontrollably from them —

What kind of person could bear to inflict such ruthless damage on Lin Ruoyu’s once beautiful face?

Song Xu Yi sniffled, unable to contain her sobbing. She felt embarrassed by her own behavior and knew that her display of emotions would only make Lin Ruoyu feel worse. She couldn’t help but raise her hand to wipe her tears…

However, as soon as Song Xu Yi raised her hand, it was held by Lin Ruoyu —

Lin Ruoyu drew closer to Song Xu Yi’s cheek, her pitch-black eyes scrutinizing Song Xu Yi’s gaze. She moved a little closer, and then suddenly closed her eyes, trembling as she gently kissed away the tears under Song Xu Yi’s eyes.

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Song Xu Yi was frozen in place, not daring to move a muscle.

Instinctively, she had wanted to push Lin Ruoyu away. However, as she looked at the trembling eyelashes of Lin Ruoyu, ultimately, the overwhelming feeling of tenderness won over everything else. Song Xu Yi’s outstretched hand couldn’t seem to land on Lin Ruoyu, and in the end, she slowly clenched her fist, blushing and closing her eyes.

The scent of Lin Ruoyu’s chilly presence filled her nose, and Song Xu Yi’s heart was in chaos. She had no idea how much time had passed until Lin Ruoyu finally let go of her. When she spoke again, she seemed to have calmed down. There was even a hint of a smile in her tone: “I did it.”

Song Xu Yi was momentarily stunned before she processed Lin Ruoyu’s words — the scars on her face were self-inflicted!

Song Xu Yi widened her eyes and looked at Lin Ruoyu in disbelief, only to see Lin Ruoyu smiling with an inexplicable joy. “Xu Yi, you should congratulate me. I’m free now!”

Facing Song Xu Yi’s astonished gaze, Lin Ruoyu proceeded to tell a story:

Lin Ruoyu used to be the princess of Ruo Shui. When the people from Proxima Centauri attacked the palace, Lin Ruoyu’s mother took her out seeking medical treatment due to her delicate health. This fortunate move spared them from the massacre.

At that time, Ruo Shui didn’t have any guardians yet. Upon learning that Lin Ruoyu was still alive, the people from Proxima Centauri wanted to capture her and use her as a puppet emperor to rule Ruo Shui. In order to send Lin Ruoyu away, her mother sacrificed her life.

Afterward, due to her own identity, Lin Ruoyu wandered from place to place, managing to survive under loyal protection. However, the image of her family’s death lingered constantly in front of her, reminding Lin Ruoyu to keep her focus on revenge.

However, the gap between the two planets was truly immense. Overcoming Ruo Shui seemed like an insurmountable challenge for Lin Ruoyu and her supporters who remained loyal to the royal family.

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Lin Ruoyu initially believed that her life would be stuck in this pattern. As she watched Ruo Shui deteriorate day by day, she believed there was no hope for change. However, when she was ten years old, Lin Ruoyu heard about Ruo Shui’s plan to send people to Proxima Centauri.

Everyone viewed this plan with skepticism — what could a group of children accomplish on Proxima Centauri? Some even thought it was a ploy by the notorious Guardians to appease the rulers of Proxima Centauri…

Yet, within Lin Ruoyu’s heart, a faint idea began to form. She observed the situations of the families left behind on Ruo Shui by the first group of students who went to Proxima Centauri. She gathered information about those students’ families and ultimately, against everyone’s opposition, joined the second group of students going to Proxima Centauri.

Lin Ruoyu’s intuition was not wrong — on Proxima Centauri, she could receive an education many times more advanced than that of Ruo Shui.

At first, Lin Ruoyu had the idea of studying the most advanced robotics on Proxima Centauri. She worked tirelessly, passed language tests, and during her language test, the examiner also noticed her musical talent and suggested that she become a singer. Meanwhile, Old Xu also extended an olive branch to her. He seemed to think that Lin Ruoyu was an innocent child with boundless beauty, luring her by saying that he wanted to invite her to participate in a secret experiment. If the experiment succeeded, Lin Ruoyu would become incredibly powerful, and he would also teach her all of his techniques…

However, he didn’t know that Lin Ruoyu had already seen through the greed and arrogance that filled his eyes.

Lin Ruoyu thought for a long time, and in the end, she agreed to Old Xu’s proposal. Even though she knew she was dealing with a dangerous person, this was a temptation she couldn’t refuse.

But Lin Ruoyu left herself a way out — she also agreed to become a singer under the management of an agent. At the same time, she showcased her singing talent.

Old Xu was somewhat angry at Lin Ruoyu’s decision because of her deliberate performance in front of him. He believed that Lin Ruoyu wanted to become a singer out of vanity. Despite his anger, he considered that he had gained control over Lin Ruoyu’s pulse from this matter. It proved that Lin Ruoyu was extremely vain. Moreover, if Lin Ruoyu became a singer, she would frequently appear in the public eye, providing the perfect opportunity to test the perfection of his experiment. If no one discovered Lin Ruoyu’s identity as an experimental subject, it would prove that his research was incredibly flawless.

Therefore, Old Xu quickly let go of his anger. After obtaining Lin Ruoyu’s permission, he executed his plan on her.

When a certain field reaches its peak, it either stagnates or produces astonishing ideas. Over the years, Old Xu had been researching robots, and he didn’t know when the idea came to him — he wanted to create the most humanoid, emotional, and thinking robot.

The previous Old Xu had been relatively reserved, but after witnessing Ruo Shui’s defeat, he suddenly had an idea: what could be more human-like than a half-humanoid robot? What if he implanted chips into the bodies of Ruo Shui people to turn them into half-robots…

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Old Xu’s gaze fell upon the unfortunate Ruo Shui people, and he reported his research direction to the military. The military was struggling with the disobedience of the Ruo Shui people in their territories. Upon receiving Old Xu’s report, they were ecstatic and allocated a significant amount of funding to him.

Old Xu secretly received Ruo Shui people from the military for his experiments. The experiments quickly made significant progress. However, after inadvertently getting to know Lin Ruoyu, Old Xu developed an idea. He wanted to make Lin Ruoyu a benchmark for his experiments. After all, he understood that his research was somewhat anti-human. Once it got out, his reputation built up over the years would be destroyed. But what if this kind of robot had enough allure? Would people still oppose it…

Lin Ruoyu’s extraordinary beauty was a top-notch allure.

Old Xu implanted a chip into Lin Ruoyu. He placed the chip under Lin Ruoyu’s cheek skin, using special materials to restore it, serving as a mark. A red mole appeared under Lin Ruoyu’s eye.

With the existence of this chip, Lin Ruoyu made advances across different eras in terms of physical abilities and knowledge. So even while she was busy as a singer, she could grasp robot maintenance techniques and surpass Song Xu Yi in physical prowess. She could also command other robots and devices using the chip inside her body…

Old Xu was extremely reassured by Lin Ruoyu’s strength. He intentionally placed the chip under Lin Ruoyu’s cheek because he believed beauty was her weak point. After all, as a robot, the cardinal rule to follow was “do not harm humans.” But robots like Lin Ruoyu were somewhat special because, in addition to being a robot, she was also human. Therefore, with a sense of self-satisfaction, Old Xu inserted the chip into Lin Ruoyu’s cheek. Even if Lin Ruoyu eventually developed ulterior motives, she wouldn’t dare act recklessly because of her beauty. Simultaneously, the presence of the chip would serve as a warning for Lin Ruoyu to be mindful of her own identity.

Old Xu was too conceited, and this turned out to be the biggest mistake of his life.

Old Xu believed that besides himself, no one else in the world could extract the chip from Lin Ruoyu’s cheek. Little did he know that the Lin Ruoyu with the implanted chip was not the mere beauty he had imagined, but rather, under the influence of the chip, she became incredibly powerful. While appearing on stage in various places, she quietly infiltrated all aspects of Proxima Centauri. She united countless Ruo Shui people in secret, cultivated her own influence, and obtained vast amounts of cutting-edge technology data from Proxima Centauri.

After obtaining this data, Lin Ruoyu initially didn’t know who to deliver it to. At first, like the others, she thought that Song Yi, being a Guardian, must be as deceitful as the other Guardians. However, after interacting with Song Xu Yi, Lin Ruoyu gradually began to doubt: Could someone like Song Xu Yi, who was raised by Song Yi, really be as the others described?

Lin Ruoyu hacked into Proxima Centauri’s surveillance system, listening to the conversation between Song Xu Yi and Song Yi. She eventually confirmed that Song Yi was a trustworthy person and started secretly transmitting the data to Song Xu Yi…

During the process of interacting with Song Xu Yi, Lin Ruoyu found herself oddly pleased when she discovered that Song Xu Yi’s “performance was declining” and that she was growing distant from Luo Xi. She realized that she seemed to harbor a strange possessiveness toward Song Xu Yi.

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She enjoyed watching Song Xu Yi smile, always kept her in mind when she found something good, and was unwilling to see her get close to others…

Lin Ruoyu initially wanted to restrain these emotions, but her gaze couldn’t help but always follow Song Xu Yi —

Until one night, as Lin Ruoyu watched Song Xu Yi focused and somewhat distant while disassembling a robot, she suddenly felt an impulse: She wanted to break through Song Xu Yi’s aloofness and kiss her tightly pursed red lips…

Lin Ruoyu felt incredibly astonished by her own thoughts. What made her feel even more uneasy was that she had a dream that night. In the dream, Song Xu Yi’s cheeks were flushed, and they did many things that Lin Ruoyu had never considered before…

What made Lin Ruoyu feel even more uneasy was that she not only didn’t reject this dream but even found herself wanting the dream to manifest in reality!

It was at this moment that Lin Ruoyu realized: she seemed to have developed feelings for Song Xu Yi.

This realization brought both joy and immense worry to Lin Ruoyu. Her life felt like walking on thin ice, and she even questioned if she could still be considered an individual. Would Song Xu Yi accept her?

Initially, Lin Ruoyu had intended to control her emotions. She subconsciously reduced her interactions with Song Xu Yi, but her yearning remained uncontrollable. She found herself unable to bear the days without Song Xu Yi and eventually decided to follow her heart, contemplating confessing her feelings to Song Xu Yi…

She was willing to dedicate her life to Ruo Shui as her duty as a royal, but she still wanted selfishly to embrace Song Xu Yi. It was her mix of madness and obsession.

Lin Ruoyu had initially planned to confess everything to Song Xu Yi after the exams. However, she hadn’t anticipated encountering Old Xu as an examiner —

Old Xu looked at Song Xu Yi with very familiar eyes, because he used to look at Lin Ruoyu with such eyes…

Old Xu had also taken an interest in Xu Yi!

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