Villainous Poor Student (12)

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The three years of junior high school flew by.

Despite He Siyu’s reluctance, time does not stop passing because of a person’s will, and soon He Siyu had her mid-term exams.

When the results of the exams came out, He Siyu was admitted to the city’s No. 1 Middle School with a score of No.1 in the school and top 10 in the city, while Song Xu Yi’s score did not look too impressive, while Song Xu Yi’s results did not look too impressive, and her score reached the mark for the general class of the No. 1 Middle School, but Song Xu Yi obviously did not want to go to the No. 1 Middle School and asked Song father to enroll in Yu Hua International High School.

The two high schools are more than thirty kilometers apart, and a little bit of what He Siyu used to worry about piled up in front of her: would Xu Yi ever get to see her again when she was so busy?

The No. 1 Middle School was also very far from Officer He’s home, so He Siyu stayed at the school. She was in an intensive class, and the intensity of high school studies was not comparable to that of junior high school. He Siyu only had two days off at the end of the month, and Song Xu Yi was not at Huacheng most of the time during those two days.

However, thanks to the development of technology, she bought a keypad mobile phone when Song Xu Yi was busy with her business. He Siyu remembered Song Xu Yi’s phone number by heart and filled up a phone card at the school’s phone booth, so when she missed Song Xu Yi she would go to the phone booth and call her.

He Siyu was not a good speaker, but in order not to alienate Song Xu Yi, she tried to tell her about everything she could, such as the environment of her dormitory, the frequency and ranking of her exams, and the food in the canteen…

Song Xu Yi’s daily schedule was not always busy and He Siyu did not always call and make an appointment to contact her for lunch or dinner.

She didn’t talk to her for very long, and it seemed to be a routine to check in with her about what was going on, but Song Xu Yi was still a little happy: because it objectively showed that He Siyu relied on her! Moreover, talking to He Siyu was the only diversion in Song Xu Yi’s busy and stressful life…

It was only when He Siyu had been in high school for two months and was approaching her 17th birthday that Song Xu Yi took the time to go to No.1 Middle School to see He Siyu.

The school was closed to visitors, who had to register their names and be confirmed by the students of the school before they could enter.

As soon as she heard that Song Xu Yi was looking for He Siyu, the gatekeeper smiled happily: “It’s that pretty girl, isn’t it? Are you really a friend of hers? Recently many male and female students have been posing as her friends to meet her…”

“We both really grew up together as good friends.” Song Xu Yi’s heart was also a little surprised, she guessed that He Siyu would be popular, but she did not expect that even the gatekeeper would know He Siyu’s name before the high school had started for a semester.

Song Xu Yi gave her name to the gatekeeper, who used the landline to call the teacher’s office again… Several times, until He Siyu ran over from the school building, about half an hour had passed.

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“Grandpa, Xu Yi… she’s really my best friend.” He Siyu panted as she explained to the gatekeeper. She had run so fast that a thin layer of sweat seeped out of her forehead, and when she saw Song Xu Yi her footsteps gave way and the smile in her eyes involuntarily spilled out.

“So it’s a real friend!” The gatekeeper teased He Siyu, “It’s rare to see you looking so happy…”

The young girl’s starry eyes shone, her smile was genuine, and she stood there and became a landscape all by herself.

He Siyu hung her head and smiled, pulling Song Xu Yi into the school and sitting under a bench beneath the trees.

“Xu Yi, why are you free to come over today?” He Siyu turned her head and carefully examined Song Xu Yi’s appearance, gently pinching Song Xu Yi’s face.

Because of her busy schedule, Song Xu Yi had lost a lot of weight and her cheeks were no longer as fleshy with baby fat as they once were, and she was also taller than 5’6″, but she was still almost a head shorter than He Siyu.

Song Xu Yi puffed out her lips and looked at He Siyu’s happy face with some joy in her heart. She was so determined to treat He Siyu as her own cub that she naturally wouldn’t be shy in front of He Siyu, so she said something out of turn: “Because I miss you!”

The little girl was so cute and sweet, and her pretty eyes looked at people with wet eyes, she looked very sincere and friendly.

He Siyu froze, and even though she was used to Song Xu Yi’s sugar-coated words, her heart still inexplicably beat faster at this moment, she pursed her lips and tried her best to hide it, but her face still involuntarily turned red.

Song Xu Yi did not expect this reaction from He Siyu.

Looking at the shy He Siyu, Song Xu Yi’s desire to poke fun at her suddenly aroused, so she stood up and blinked her eyes as she approached He Siyu’s cheek: “My family Siyu is pretty, cute, smart and understanding, it took me several lifetimes of luck to have such a good friend like you, I definitely need to come over to see you sometime…”

Song Xu Yi then followed He Siyu’s example and squeezed her face with her fingers, the skin beneath her palm was so soft and white that it felt so good in her hand, and Song Xu Yi’s heart was immediately filled with emotion——no wonder He Siyu liked to squeeze her face!

The fresh scent of peach shower gel on Xu Yi’s body was close at hand, and from He Siyu’s angle, she could see a white bulge under the collar of Song Xu Yi’s school uniform…

He Siyu’s eyes fluttered as if she had been suddenly stung by something, and her face turned even redder as she bit her lip and looked away.

Song Xu Yi did not notice the change in He Siyu’s eyes. The new school uniform that He Siyu had changed into was a little wrinkled from her previous run, and because of He Siyu’s dodging movements, Song Xu Yi saw the bruise that had been scalded by boiling water at the junction of He Siyu’s left sleeve.

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Song Xu Yi had given He Siyu scar removal medicine some years ago, and now the rest of her scars had long since faded away, this scar was not large, leaving a shallow ping-pong ball sized layer, but on He Siyu’s frosty skin it looked shocking.

“Why don’t we get it operated?” Song Xu Yi spoke softly.

Seeing Song Xu Yi’s eyes fall on her scar, He Siyu blushed and pulled down her sleeve to cover the scar, shaking her head, “Forget it, I usually don’t see it anyway…”

Song Xu Yi observed He Siyu’s expression, which did not look like she was pretending, she really didn’t care whether she had a scar or not.

Since He Siyu didn’t care, Song Xu Yi didn’t push for it anymore.

“Xu Yi, how long do you have to rest this time?”

And after this interruption, He Siyu also put away the shy embarrassment in her heart and asked the matter she was most concerned about.

Meeting He Siyu’s expectant eyes, Song Xu Yi blinked and averted her eyes somewhat sheepishly.

“I’m going on a business trip to another province this afternoon, and I won’t be back for about half a month,” Song Xu Yi said, shoving the gift she had brought over into He Siyu’s hand, “So, I… I just came early to celebrate your birthday.”

Half a month out of the city?

The smile on He Siyu’s face fell.

Subconsciously, He Siyu’s mind crossed many ways to make Xu Yi stay…

But after a moment she returned to her usual gentle appearance in front of Song Xu Yi and asked with concern about Song Xu Yi’s arrangements afterwards, “Are you going alone? Will it be safe on the way…”

“So worried about me?” Song Xu Yi was inexplicably relieved and smiled as she glanced at the gift in He Siyu’s hand, “Why don’t you ask me yourself?”

He Siyu originally didn’t care about the gift Song Xu Yi had given her, yet upon hearing Song Xu Yi say this, He Siyu’s eyelids jumped and she subconsciously looked at the wrapped gift box in her hands.

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He Siyu opened the gift in a slight hurry, and the result was just what she expected——a brand new keypad phone was in the box.

Song Xu Yi took her own phone and waved it towards He Siyu, calling her proudly, “This way you can contact me if you want!”

“By the way,” Song Xu Yi took the phone again and showed He Siyu how to send text messages to herself, “If I don’t have time to answer the phone, you can text me…”

When she saw He Siyu fiddling with her phone and seriously texting “Xu Yi” to her phone, she was reminded of the changes He Siyu had undergone in the past four years, and Song Xu Yi felt a lot of emotions in her heart, so she couldn’t help but hug He Siyu again: “My Siyu learns things really fast!

“With a mobile phone, you can reach me if you want to in the future——”

“I told you,” Song Xu Yi smiled with two tiny dimples on her cheeks, “we’ll be good sisters for life.”

“Right, hide your phone so the teacher doesn’t see it, I’m afraid it will be confiscated by the teacher…”

He Siyu gave a ‘mmm’ and hung her head, looking happy and shy.

The long eyelashes obscured the look in her eyes, so Song Xu Yi did not know that the smile in He Siyu’s eyes did not reach the bottom of her eyes.

He Siyu didn’t know what was wrong with her. It was clear that she had been waiting for this for a long time, but when it came out of Xu Yi’s mouth, her heart was not as happy as she had imagined, instead, it was like a whirlpool had suddenly appeared in her heart, which could not be filled…

However, He Siyu could not figure out what she really wanted.

That day, He Siyu didn’t go back to her dormitory for a nap at noon. She held back the confusion that had suddenly arisen in her heart and happily took Song Xu Yi for a stroll around the campus, but in the afternoon, after Song Xu Yi left, He Siyu was punished by her teacher for not going back to her dormitory at noon and not asking for leave from the dormitory aunt.

The news that the school beauty had been punished by writing a disciplinary report soon spread throughout the school.

When He Siyu was returning to her dormitory in the evening, she ran into Li Qing in the hallway.

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Li Qing had been admitted to a normal class in the No. 1 Middle School, and as in junior high school, she came to sneak around outside He Siyu’s classroom from time to time.

“It was Song Xu Yi who came to play with you, right?” Li Qing looked at He Siyu with smitten and sad eyes, “She’s the only one who you would make an exception for.”

“What’s so great about her? She wouldn’t even come to the No. 1 Middle School for you——”

“I like you so much, I can treat you better than she can, why won’t you accept me as your friend…”

He Siyu gave Li Qing a cold look, the same look she had given her when she had helped Song Xu Yi to fight against Li Qing’s sister——

Li Qing cowered violently and retracted her hand.

He Siyu walked past Li Qing with her face impassive, as if the desperate and frantic Li Qing was just an irrelevant object.

But He Siyu’s heart was far less calm than she let on.

She suddenly remembered what another classmate once told her, “That Li Qing has been sneaking around outside our classroom all day watching you and giggling shyly when she sees you, she probably has a crush on you! By the way, I heard that not only boys like you, but many girls like you too, Siyu, do you like boys or girls…”

At that time, He Siyu replied “I don’t want to fall in love at an early age” and just let it go, but then she inexplicably remembered this conversation…

She couldn’t fall asleep for a long time after she returned to the dormitory, with Song Xu Yi’s face popping up in front of her eyes, her phone lighting up countless times under the covers, but in the end He Siyu still didn’t send the text message.

He Siyu didn’t know when she fell asleep.

In the mist, she seemed to have a dream in which she was still sitting on a bench in the shade of a tree, and she saw the view under Song Xu Yi’s collar, but she didn’t look away, and even went over and kissed Song Xu Yi’s lips like a demon…

Later on, the dream was messy and chaotic, sometimes it was Xu Yi in a princess dress calling out to her “stepmother”, sometimes Xu Yi turned into a mermaid and whispered in her ear with the most compelling voice in the world: “Siyu, I like you…”

He Siyu’s body shook and she opened her eyes with a jolt——

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