Villainous Prince (11)

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The more the little villain said this, the more guilty and heartbroken Song Xu Yi felt.

Sensing Nie Qian Yu’s unease, Song Xu Yi hung her head and nodded obediently, “I know, I’ll definitely listen to you and won’t tell anyone about you being a girl.”

Nie Qian Yu looked at Song Xu Yi’s eyes, but they were becoming more obscure.

Having achieved her goal, Nie Qian Yu originally thought in relief, yet looking at Song Xu Yi’s cautious appearance Nie Qian Yu’s lips subconsciously pursed even tighter!

Xu Yi was really frightened by her, wasn’t she? She didn’t even dare to look at her…

Her heart suddenly felt a bit uncomfortable.

Nie Qian Yu clenched her lower lip and once again her mother’s worried face came to mind: “The world is changing, and people’s hearts are especially fickle, you were born with such a bewitching face, the only way to achieve peace is to be heartless and emotionless…”

Her mother was astonishingly beautiful, she could not be forgotten, she followed the Empress and knew all the rules of the book, and if she hadn’t loved the Empress, she would never have ended up in seclusion…

She did not need superfluous feelings.

The difficult feeling in her heart was once again forced down by Nie Qian Yu, who secretly admonished herself.

She loosened her grip on Song Xu Yi’s wrist and assumed her usual cold demeanour again, speaking in a cold voice, “That’s good.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t ask you to do anything difficult, you just have to pretend that you don’t know and take the antidote I gave you on time.” Nie Qian Yu averted her eyes determined to give Song Xu Yi some time to digest the information and sat back down at the table, “Get up first and let’s sit down and have a careful chat.”

Nie Qian Yu had originally planned to think about her future arrangements, but she returned to the table and subconsciously poured a cup of tea and drank half of it before she realised that she was holding the cup that Song Xu Yi had drunk from.

The cup in her hand suddenly became hot.

Nie Qian Yu tried to tell herself that it did not matter that both of them were girls.

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However, her mother and the Empress were both women too…

Even though she tried her best to control it, Nie Qian Yu still couldn’t help but redden her ears.

The change in Nie Qian Yu’s emotions did not go unnoticed by Song Xu Yi, who had calmed down after digesting the whole matter.

She got up from the bed after putting on her overcoat and cleaning up her own description, and sat down opposite Nie Qian Yu in a disciplined and unobtrusive manner.

“I was the one who lost my composure last night.” Song Xu Yi did not notice that Nie Qian Yu was drinking from the cup she had drank from, and to brace herself, Song Xu Yi poured another cup of tea and drank it down in one gulp before lowering her head, “I should not have acted recklessly out of drunkenness.”

“Sister Nie, I’ll never drink again!”

From Nie Qian Yu’s perspective, she could see the tops of her dark hair and her eyelashes fluttering like butterfly wings.

Nie Qian Yu averted her eyes and let out a soft “hmmm”.

It was indeed time for the little princess to stop drinking. Fortunately, she had met her last night, but if she had met someone else with bad intentions, she would have been unaware of her attraction…

When she thought of all those sons of the families that Song Xu Yi had invited and who wanted to marry her, Nie Qian Yu’s mood instantly turned sour again.

“There’s one thing I think I have to tell you. I need Nie Qian Yu’s identity, and I guess I’ll need to remain by your side after I graduate from Bai Qiao Academy. In order to act conveniently, I hope that no messy people will appear beside the princess at that time ——”

Nie Qian Yu glanced at Song Xu Yi and pursed her lips as she spoke.

She actually knew that her request was a bit unreasonable, but she inexplicably didn’t want to see someone else beside Song Xu Yi. In the past, when she had pretended to be a man, she could still use her looks to compel Song Xu Yi, but now she knew that she was a woman, and by the time she came out of the Bai Qiao Academy in two years’ time, Song Xu Yi would have almost reached the age of maturity, and many women would have been engaged by that age.

Song Xu Yi was surrounded by the most talented young men.

Even though she knew it didn’t make sense, Nie Qian Yu didn’t know what kind of mentality she was in, but she still opened her mouth and said this request…

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“This woman is simply selfish to the extreme, she actually wants to disrupt your marriage!”

Hearing this, the system felt that things were starting to go wrong again, and couldn’t help but utter out another grievous voice.

“Weren’t you the one who said that taskers couldn’t fall in love in the small world? If I can’t fall in love anyway, what’s the harm in me agreeing to her?” Song Xu Yi’s voice, however, was extremely calm.

“And right now, I’m the one who did something wrong to her,” Song Xu Yi sighed softly, “I have to appease her for now.”

The system froze for a moment, and then choked back the words.

If not for the previous world, the system would have believed Song Xu Yi’s words, but now that Song Xu Yi had lost her memories of the previous world, listening to Song Xu Yi’s baseless words, the system felt like it was on the verge of suffocating from a data mess…

The system did not say anything more, and thinking that the system was persuaded by her, Song Xu Yi nodded obediently towards Nie Qian Yu again, “I understand, sister Nie.”

What a good girl!

Nie Qian Yu didn’t expect Song Xu Yi to actually agree!

Her heart pounded heavily and Nie Qian Yu was breathless, unable to describe how she felt at the moment, except that she found herself enjoying looking at Song Xu Yi at this moment, as though she could stand anything she did…

She couldn’t help but want to do something even more outrageous: like locking up the little princess, not letting anyone see her, making her only smile and cry to her…

When this thought crossed her mind, Nie Qian Yu herself froze for a moment. Even though she harboured the deepest malice towards the world, Nie Qian Yu usually hid it extremely well, never expecting Song Xu Yi to have drawn out all the darkest parts of her heart…

It was just too odd, for Song Xu Yi’s sake, she had already done too many things that were unlike herself. Until now, Nie Qian Yu couldn’t understand why she had revealed her strength to Wang Mian on impulse in the first place…

Nie Qian Yu bit her lower lip tightly.

She closed her eyes and still decided to go along with her heart, speaking softly in a hoarse voice, “Raise your head!”

Xu Yi was probably intimidated by her, which was why she did as she was told…

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Until she met Song Xu Yi’s eyes.

Song Xu Yi’s eyes were as bright as before, as bright as the warm sun, and even though there was a marvel at her own looks, they were not in the least bit intimate. Every time she met Song Xu Yi’s gaze, Nie Qian Yu would be deeply conscious of her own darkness and filth.

Very often, she did not dare to meet Song Xu Yi’s gaze, preferring to look at her from behind.

However, at this moment, there was no disgust in Song Xu Yi’s eyes as Nie Qian Yu thought there would be.

Song Xu Yi’s eyes were as bright as ever, like stars, and she seemed a little unaccustomed to her identity as a girl, looking at her with some shyness in her eyes, the scarlet coming out of her tender white cheeks, looking more endearing…

The stone in Nie Qian Yu’s heart fell completely at that moment. What replaced it was a strange rhythm of heartbeat, feeling like her heart was beating faster, as if it was about to jump out of her chest…

Her throat was suddenly a little dry.

Nie Qian Yu pursed her lips and met Song Xu Yi’s gaze, she felt like she should say something, yet she didn’t know what she could say.

“As long as you listen in the future, I will treat you well.”

“The antidote to the poison really isn’t bad, it’s the taste of your favourite cinnamon cake.”

“If you find it unpalatable, I can give you a one-time antidote later…”

It was only after Nie Qian Yu finished speaking that she realized she had said something stupid.

But if Song Xu Yi was a little bit smarter, she would have realized that her words sounded really flawed.

However, Song Xu Yi, perhaps believing in her too much, actually seemed to trust her stupid words, as she looked up at her with a smile on her face and those eyes that made her heart beat faster——

“Yes! I’ll behave well and try to get Sister Nie to give me the antidote once and for all.”

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Song Xu Yi found the little villain more adorable the more she watched.

Especially since she had actually made up the poison. The more she lied about the poison, the more she felt that Nie Qian Yu was beautiful and bright, and that such a child would be a much-loved existence if she lived in an ordinary family, only that her fate was really too unlucky.

When she thought about it, the little villain was only less than fourteen years old, and when she pretended to be a boy, she didn’t care too much about her, but now she was a girl, Song Xu Yi looked at the little girl, who was so cute and pretended to have a cold face, and thought she could make her life easier.

So Nie Qian Yu discovered, to her dismay and delight, that instead of distancing herself, Song Xu Yi had become even more clingy after discovering that she was a girl!

In the days of leave that followed, Song Xu Yi increased the frequency of her visits to her, and secretly brought her beautiful women’s clothes that she would never have worn; after learning from her own mouth that she was using medicine to emit a male voice, she claimed to the public that she had caught a wind chill and could not speak, so that she would use medicine and speak less frequently; she even secretly brought her a lot of menstrual strips and brown sugar…

All these things, in the eyes of outsiders, became a sign that Song Xu Yi loved Prince Nie alone.

Nie QianYu remained cold on the surface, but subconsciously allowed Song Xu Yi to come to her.

Half a month’s rest soon passed.

Nie Qian Yu rode alone when she went down the mountain, but when she returned from her leave, she had a whole wagon full of things.

Song Xu Yi took Nie Qian Yu to sit in the carriage on the grounds that “girls should not be exposed to cold”, and she herself got into the carriage and sent Nie Qian Yu a long way away.

Nie Qian Yu found that she really didn’t understand Song Xu Yi: she said that she was approaching her because of the antidote, yet there was no fear in her eyes, and her eyes even shone a little brighter when she looked at her…

But Nie Qian Yu still felt unsatisfied in her heart, and as to why she was unsatisfied, Nie Qian Yu did not dare to think about it.

She deliberately put on a stern face, seeing Song Xu Yi send her further and further away, thinking that Song Xu Yi also had a long journey back, Nie Qian Yu finally called the carriage to a halt and took out a large box.

Nie Qian Yu took the time to go into the kitchen and make a lot of cinnamon cake balls, carefully sealing them one by one in a delicate box.

“I know you will be going back to Lidu soon. This is the antidote I promised you, one for each month, there are twenty-three pills in it, eleven months’ worth for a year, so you must not show it to anyone.” She lowered her eyes and gazed earnestly yet apprehensively into Song Xu Yi’s eyes, “You must wait for me!”

“The twenty-fourth antidote, I will personally deliver it to you to Lidu…”

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