Villainous Prince (14)

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Song Xu Yi woke up and found that she had been taken to the Wu Empire.

She found herself in an extremely empty room with no furniture other than a table and a bed, and through the paper-thin window she could clearly hear the cries coming from outside the room…

An old woman was standing by the bed looking at her with a complicated gaze.

When she saw that Song Xu Yi had woken up, the old woman coughed dryly to attract Song Xu Yi’s attention, and then impatiently threw a set of palace maid’s clothes at her.

“Get changed nimbly, the Prince’s flowers and plants are still waiting for you to serve them!” The old woman changed her expression again and warned seriously, “You must be clear about your status as a captured prisoner of war of an enemy country, and don’t think that just because you are in the East Palace and have some beauty that you can climb up the ladder…”

Immediately afterwards, the old woman taught Song Xu Yi some of the rules of the palace, and in general, what she said was not different from the rules of the palace in Lishui Empire.

Song Xu Yi listened absentmindedly and soon analysed the current situation clearly.

Because the plan she had discussed with the Wang family had been discovered by the Crown Prince, the Crown Prince had laid the blame for the assassins on the Lishui Empire and detained the envoy and his party sent by the Emperor.

The envoys and other high-ranking officials were put under guard at the post while the rest of the dancers and musicians were incorporated into the palace to serve as palace maids.

When it came time to assign the maids to the palace, the lady in the Crown Prince’s entourage chose Song Xu Yi to serve the flowers and plants in the East Palace, and the old woman was sent by the lady to teach Song Xu Yi the rules.

Song Xu Yi hung her head and looked respectful, but her mood sank to the bottom at that moment.

Song Xu Yi had claimed illness with her grandfather and then infiltrated the envoy team.

Two days had passed since then, and it was likely that the Wang family already knew that she had infiltrated the envoy team, so Song Xu Yi could hardly imagine how Wang Mian would feel when he found out that she had been captured…

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However, this was not the time to think about such things.

The old woman saw that Song Xu Yi looked different from the other enchanting dancers, and after a short while she stopped verbally beating her up and urged her to change her clothes before leading her out the door.

Unlike the palace of the Lishui Empire, which is so elaborate and rich that there is a pavilion at five steps, the palace of the Wu Empire is built in an extremely grand way, with high tiles and red walls, blue sky and white clouds, and a kind of spacious beauty.

The atmosphere inside the palace was extremely depressing, as everyone walked around with solemn faces, heads hung low and no smiles on their faces.

Thinking of the rumours that the Emperor of the Wu Empire had abused and killed his servants, and that he had been uncouth, Song Xu Yi’s heart thudded and she hung her head along with the others.

However, it seemed that the more she was afraid, the more things came to her, and when she passed a palace, a clean-looking man suddenly pushed open the palace door and came out…

The man was powdered and greased, his clothes were close to uncovered, his white skin was covered with red marks, his face was flushed, he seemed to be hiding from something, and when he saw Song Xu Yi beside the old woman, his eyes suddenly lit up and he came up and tried to pull Song Xu Yi’s hand——

“This girl is beautiful, come and play games with us! If you make His Majesty happy, He might make you noble too…”

Through the open doorway, Song Xu Yi saw certain images inside the door that were extremely uncomfortable.

Song Xu Yi had heard of the despotic nature of the Emperor of the Wu Empire and the rumours of the drinking pools and flesh forests, but she had never imagined that these images would take place in broad daylight…

Song Xu Yi’s heart recoiled as she avoided the man’s touch immdiately.

When the man saw this, his face immediately turned pale and he raised his eyebrows and seemed to be about to have a fit, the old woman took a step forward unobtrusively and pushed the man’s hand away: “Your Highness, this is a prisoner of war from the Wu Empire and it has been agreed that she will serve in the Prince’s palace…”

When he heard the word “Prince”, the man’s face froze and a clear fear crossed his eyes as he took a few steps back.

This was the end of the matter, but then a man came out of the door again——

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This was a man in his fifties, with a big belly, cloudy eyes, and a pile of fat on his face, and when he went out, he put his arm around Guijin Lou, who had retreated to the door, and took a look at Song Xu Yi’s side carelessly, and immediately straightened his eyes: “Where’s the little beauty from?”

It’s not that Song Xu Yi is stunningly beautiful, it’s that Song Xu Yi’s aura is extremely clean and pure, a trait most lacking in those who have mingled in the imperial palace’s stained pools, which naturally attracts the attention of such people.

The man’s eyes were incomparably sticky and greedy, like a giant python crawling and writhing on the ground, wanting to devour its prey in one bite.

Song Xu Yi looked at this person’s bright yellow clothes and her heart went cold, subconsciously she squeezed the hairpin hidden in her sleeve.

“Greetings, Your Majesty!”

Seeing the Emperor’s eyes fixed on Song Xu Yi, the old woman’s brow beside her frowned unnoticed.

“Your Majesty, this is someone who is to be sent to the Crown Prince’s palace, passing by another courtyard and inadvertently disturbing Your Majesty’s peace, I hope Your Majesty will forgive me!”, the old woman nudged Song Xu Yi and gestured for Song Xu Yi to come forward and bow.

Song Xu Yi stiffly took a step forward and half-crouched to bow, but unexpectedly the Emperor squeezed out a smile and took a step forward, reaching out as if to pull Song Xu Yi’s arm——

“Little beauty, my unfilial son is violent and will kill at the drop of a hat, so instead of serving my unfilial son and being the fertilizer for his garden, why don’t you come and keep me company…”

The Emperor’s hand was greasy and puffy, making people gag at the sight of it. Song Xu Yi turned sideways to avoid it, but she found that Guijin Lou had come around behind her at some point, and was smiling and trying to pull her——

Song Xu Yi pursed her lips, she had never encountered this kind of situation before, but she was not afraid, after all, the combat experience she had saved in a certain world was still in her head, Song Xu Yi hung her head slightly, and was about to wait for an opportunity to pull out the hairpin and hold the Emperor hostage…

Then there was a sound of an arrow breaking through the air——

There was a scream from behind her, and Guijin Luo took a few steps back, covering his arm. His face was twisted in pain, and he wanted to continue screaming, but after seeing the man in front of him, he took a few steps back in fear and swallowed his cry of pain.

“Father is old and not in his right mind, so he is just fooling around! How can you indulge him in this nonsense?”

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The Prince, playing with a small golden bow, came slowly and deliberately out of a nearby doorway.

This time he was not wearing a mask. Perhaps because he rarely touched the sun, the Prince’s exposed face had a sickly pallor to it, but this did not detract from his stunning beauty at all, but rather gave him a unique beauty that was somewhat shady.

This face struck Song Xu Yi as familiar and yet unfamiliar.

The Prince’s eyes were dark and cold, his expression arrogant and reserved, a look he had never seen on Nie Qian Yu before: Nie Qian Yu carried too much on her back and was used to minimising her presence as much as possible, not like this prince in front of her, even when he smiled, still made people feel intimidated and chilled.

Was he really not Nie Qian Yu?

When they saw the prince, a large number of people around them knelt down.

Song Xu Yi originally did not want to kneel, but the old woman kicked her in the knee, and Song Xu Yi’s knee bent in pain, so she could only kneel down…

The only one left standing was the Emperor who was breathing heavily.

The Emperor was irritated by the Prince’s words and his face instantly turned red, pointing at him and scolding him: “I am very sober! The one thing I regret most in my life is that I listened to the advice of that stupid Empress whom you had locked up in the cold palace, and let you, a wolfish and ambitious rebel, become the Crown Prince! I regret that I couldn’t strangle you with my own hands…”

The people around him did not dare to say anything, their heads almost dropping to the ground, but the Crown Prince did not move a single eyebrow, as if he had not heard the Emperor’s insults, and waved his hand behind him, and the guards came forward and put the cursing Emperor and the silent Guijin Lou back into the small courtyard.

As expected, the Emperor of Wu had been overruled by the Crown Prince, as rumoured.

“Lower your head quickly, you don’t want to be killed!”

The old woman at the side glanced at Song Xu Yi, who was actually raising her head and staring straight at the Crown Prince, and her heart leapt out of her chest in fright as she pushed Song Xu Yi’s head down: it was common knowledge that the Crown Prince hated people staring at him!

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A pair of black boots stopped in front of Song Xu Yi, and as Song Xu Yi’s heart heaved, she heard the Crown Prince’s voice ring out overhead, “Grandma Hu, why are you here?”

The old woman behind Song Xu Yi was stunned, not expecting the Crown Prince to remember her name, she hastily replied with fear and trepidation, “Slave servant is planning to bring the new palace maid into the hall…”

Song Xu Yi felt an oppressive line of sight pass over her head, and then a careless voice rang out, “I happen to be short of a lady-in-waiting, and she looks like she knows what she’s doing, so send her to serve in my inner palace!”

“This this…” the old woman drew in a cold breath, and then her voice lowered even further: “At the Crown Prince’s command.”

Song Xu Yi was sent to another room that looked much better, and was arranged to serve before the Crown Prince in the evening. The old woman also changed her previous stern stance, and was much more polite and gentle when teaching Song Xu Yi the rules.

The system sighed in Song Xu Yi’s mind, “Those two palace maids who were hiding in the corner talking said that you won’t live long, no servant girl who served the Crown Prince before could last more than a month…”

“System,” Song Xu Yi lowered her head and spoke softly, “Is the Crown Prince Qian Yu?”

Only then did Song Xu Yi remember that the system had a function to sense villains, so instead of constantly speculating on her own, she should just ask the system.

“She… she’s Nie Qian Yu,” the system had long wanted to tell Song Xu Yi that the Crown Prince was Nie Qian Yu, but the words had reached its throat and the system had swallowed them back countless times——it was afraid that Song Xu Yi would be sad.

This time it was Song Xu Yi who took the lead, and the system was silent for a while before it sighed in an old-fashioned manner, “Xu Yi, you have to look on the bright side, this ungrateful little villain is not worth our heartache, since she pretends not to know you, we can think of other ways, there is no need to beg her to let us complete the mission…”

Song Xu Yi replied to the system with a light ‘mmm’, but a hint of doubt surged in her heart: was Nie Qian Yu’s behavior really all pretend?


And amidst Song Xu Yi’s confusion, night soon fell.

Song Xu Yi followed the solemn-faced old woman into Nie Qian Yu’s bedchamber…

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