Villainous Master (4)

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Upon regaining consciousness, Song Xu Yi gazed at the mesmerizing beauty before her and experienced a sense of complexity. Ning Jing Yu’s appearance was so captivating that one could easily overlook the fact that she was reputed as the world’s top sword practitioner.

Song Xu Yi had not anticipated that Ning Jing Yu would instruct her disciples in such a manner, yet it was undoubtedly the most efficient approach to make progress swiftly.

As she neared death, Song Xu Yi’s immense potential surged, enabling her to learn the art of Qi channeling immediately.

This was only the initial phase, and more exhilarating prospects lay ahead.

Initially unfamiliar with swordplay, Song Xu Yi was abruptly thrown off a cliff by Ning Jing Yu, who mysteriously produced a small flying sword. Despite her best efforts, Song Xu Yi was unable to grasp the weapon and nearly plummeted to the ground. Ning Jing Yu reappeared, seized Song Xu Yi by the collar, and flung her off the cliff a second time——

After enduring several rounds of being flung around in this manner, Song Xu Yi’s body was in a wretched state. She wiped the sweat from her brow and attempted to discuss Ning Jing Yu’s teaching methods, but before she could utter a word, Ning Jing Yu seized her collar roughly and hurled her down again!

Following repeated tossing, even Song Xu Yi’s patience had begun to wane.

When the flying sword once again slid under Song Xu Yi’s feet, she clenched her jaw and looked up the cliff at Ning Jing Yu. In an instant, she discovered that her body had achieved an enigmatic state of balance, and she stepped onto the flying sword and swayed toward Ning Jing Yu——

Observing Song Xu Yi’s struggle to maintain stability mid-air, Ning Jing Yu’s lips parted to reveal a slight smirk as she remarked, “Not so foolish.”

She reverted to her previous appearance of appearing fatigued and indifferent and let out a leisurely yawn. “I’ll be recuperating from my injuries once more. Meanwhile, practice channeling Qi and swordplay on your own. Don’t disturb me, and I’ll return to assess your progress once I’m recovered.”

Song Xu Yi lowered her head and nodded.

The emotion in her heart was akin to striking a punch at cotton, resulting in a feeble sensation of exhaustion. Song Xu Yi was uncertain whether to express gratitude to Ning Jing Yu or express her desire for a good night’s rest at the moment.

Yet, Ning Jing Yu remained motionless. She regarded Song Xu Yi with a slightly furrowed brow, appearing somewhat perplexed, and inspected her once more.

Without comprehending the reason, Ning Jing Yu abruptly mounted her sword and soared into the air. Pinching Song Xu Yi’s tender cheeks, she scowled and queried, “Why aren’t you smiling?”

Startled, Song Xu Yi gazed at Ning Jing Yu, then tensely tugged at the corners of her mouth.

Song Xu Yi never expected to establish such an intimate relationship with Ning Jing Yu.

Ning Jing Yu blinked and intently examined Song Xu Yi. Appearing to have comprehended something, she lowered the hand that was holding Song Xu Yi’s cheeks and massaged her forehead with an air of discomfort.

“I was raised in the Black Water Pool,” Ning Jing Yu stated, her lips pursed.

Following her statement, she seemed to be seized by an inexplicable sensation. Her eyes grew somber, her lips compressed once more, and her gaze remained fixed upon Song Xu Yi.

“Yes, Master,”

Song Xu Yi responded submissively. Nevertheless, she was clueless about Ning Jing Yu’s intentions and was uncertain of how to react, leaving her no alternative but to lower her head.

Despite this, Ning Jing Yu’s expression became stern once more.

Song Xu Yi was unsure if she had made a mistake, but Ning Jing Yu’s scowl appeared to intensify.

“I will train diligently,” Song Xu Yi added in a hushed tone, scrutinizing Ning Jing Yu’s countenance.

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After a long pause, Ning Jing Yu responded with a slight curve of her lips. However, her eyes lacked any signs of happiness as she looked over Song Xu Yi’s respectful face. She then turned away without another word, heading back to her room with her sword.

Once again, Ning Jing Yu secluded herself.

Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but feel that there was something strange about Ning Jing Yu’s behavior before her retreat, but she couldn’t quite grasp it. Exhausted, she retreated to her bed and fell asleep.

It wasn’t until the next morning that Song Xu Yi realized that before Ning Jing Yu’s retreat… she had seemed angry?

But why?

After a good night’s sleep, Song Xu Yi had come to a realization that despite Ning Jing Yu’s unorthodox training methods, her own progress had been remarkable. She needed to develop her strength quickly in order to protect her family and the training provided by Ning Jing Yu was indeed the most effective method.

As Song Xu Yi considered this, her earlier doubts about leaving Fallen Cloud Peak slowly dissipated, and her resolve to stay grew stronger. With a renewed commitment to her training, Song Xu Yi believed that there should be no ill feelings between her and Ning Jing Yu, since they would continue to work together.

However, even after reflecting on the events of the previous day, Song Xu Yi still couldn’t comprehend why Ning Jing Yu had seemed angry. It puzzled her, but she knew that she needed to focus on her training and trust in her master’s methods.

Song Xu Yi wanted to ask Ning Jing Yu about it, but she remembered her master’s instructions not to disturb her while in seclusion. As a result, she kept her thoughts to herself.

However, it didn’t take long for Song Xu Yi to learn the reason for Ning Jing Yu’s anger.

The Sect Leader had paid a visit to Fallen Cloud Peak to personally check on Ning Jing Yu’s progress with her rare disciple who had a single spiritual root, fearing that Ning Jing Yu might not be capable of teaching her.

When she arrived, the Sect Leader was surprised to find Song Xu Yi practicing with her sword in an uncoordinated manner.

The Sect Leader had never expected that someone could learn swordsmanship in such a short time, especially since the new disciple had only joined the Sect less than a month ago, and the other disciples didn’t even know how to draw Qi into their bodies!

Despite her usual cold demeanor, the Sect Leader showed more patience with Song Xu Yi, recognizing her exceptional talents. She carefully asked Song Xu Yi about her situation at Fallen Cloud Peak.

Song Xu Yi modestly shared her progress and omitted Ning Jing Yu’s intense teaching methods, only mentioning that her results were due to her master’s special instruction.

The Sect Leader was pleased with Song Xu Yi’s humble attitude, and upon realizing that she had not yet obtained enough resources to live comfortably in the valley, the Sect Leader provided her with a generous amount of food and clothing.

Without hesitation, Song Xu Yi accepted the gifts.

The remaining grain-preventing pills given by Ning Jing Yu were dwindling, and with no certainty on when Ning Jing Yu would return from seclusion, Song Xu Yi feared she would soon run out of food.

Compared to Ning Jing Yu’s sparse provisions, the Sect Leader was more thoughtful, providing Song Xu Yi with a variety of snacks and ingredients. Although Song Xu Yi was not particularly interested in food, she had been subsisting on the grain-preventing pills for so long that she yearned for a change of taste.

As the Sect Leader prepared to depart, Song Xu Yi hesitated before inquiring, “Sect Leader, do you know about the Black Water Pool?”

“The Black Water Pool? You are unfamiliar with it?” The Sect Leader responded.

“Right. I have been residing on the mountain with my master, and I have yet to attend the disciples’ history lessons,” Song Xu Yi explained. The Sect Leader pondered for a moment before presenting Song Xu Yi with a booklet. “Take a look at this first to grasp the general knowledge of our Immortal Sect. Once you have acquired the ability to descend from the mountain with your sword, you can attend the history lessons and refine pills alongside the other disciples.”

The Sect Leader proceeded to enlighten Song Xu Yi about the dreaded Black Water Pool, “It’s a place where demons gather, and many of the ancient demons are believed to be suppressed under its murky depths. No one has ever emerged from the pool alive, until your Master.”

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The Sect Leader let out a weary sigh, “Your Master’s parents were slain by demons when she was young. She followed the fiends into the Black Water Pool, and against all odds, she emerged with greatly enhanced powers. However, her prolonged isolation has made her increasingly eccentric, and she struggles to comprehend basic human interactions. As a result, it’s not easy for her to accept you as a disciple and warm up to you. I implore you to bear this in mind and take care of her…”

After providing her explanation, the Sect Leader departed from Fallen Cloud Peak, leaving Song Xu Yi lost in thought as she watched her leave.

Understanding now the nature of Ning Jing Yu’s radical training methods, Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but feel a twinge of guilt. The demons that Ning Jing Yu faced at the Black Water Pool were far more formidable than anything she had ever encountered. It was clear that Ning Jing Yu had been through trials that were beyond what most people could bear.

Song Xu Yi realized that Ning Jing Yu’s unorthodox methods were not deliberate but rather a product of her unconventional upbringing. Having received no formal training and lacking a traditional master-disciple relationship, Ning Jing Yu had relied on the techniques she learned at the Black Water Pool to develop her skills.

Realizing this, Song Xu Yi could only feel sympathy for Ning Jing Yu, and her heart ached with regret at having doubted her methods.

Ning Jing Yu might have been trying to rationalize her rigorous training regimen. As a proud swordsman, she must have felt a deep sense of frustration.

Learning the truth about Ning Jing Yu’s past struggles, Song Xu Yi felt guilty and resolved to treat her as a true senior in the future. She became determined to ensure that Ning Jing Yu lives a good and happy life.

However, for Song Xu Yi, living well did not just mean fulfilling basic needs. She wanted Ning Jing Yu to experience true happiness. When the Sect Leader had hinted that Ning Jing Yu was not familiar with mundane things, Song Xu Yi decided to take charge of these matters at Fallen Cloud Peak. She intended to create a livelier and more enjoyable atmosphere.

Song Xu Yi was fortunate that the Sect Leader had left her some paper cranes for communication, which she used to ask for her help in purchasing flowers, plants, and furniture to send up to the Fallen Cloud Peak.

From that point on, Song Xu Yi dedicated half an hour each day to creating a flower garden and small vegetable patch in front of the bamboo building. To make the building more welcoming and to fulfill her occasional culinary cravings, she also built a small kitchen next to the house.

The Sect Leader was incredibly helpful, providing her with many beautiful clothes and a large dressing table, which Liu Bi brought up to the peak.

Thanks to Song Xu Yi’s hard work and the Sect Leader’s assistance, a month later, the bamboo building underwent a remarkable transformation. What was once a cold and isolated dwelling became a more comfortable, homey abode, complete with new hangings, a kitchen, a bathing room, and a flower and vegetable garden.

Despite Song Xu Yi’s efforts, Ning Jing Yu remained in seclusion for an unexpectedly long period of time. Although Song Xu Yi could comfortably fly around the Fallen Cloud Peak, Ning Jing Yu did not emerge from seclusion.

After descending from the mountain, Song Xu Yi quickly bonded with the other disciples, likely due to her single spiritual root and affiliation with the world’s top sword cultivator, ensuring a bright future for her.

As the Moon Festival approached, the young disciples, who were all in their celebratory years, borrowed the Sect’s canteen to organize a feast.

Initially, Song Xu Yi declined to participate, preferring to remain on the mountain with Ning Jing Yu, who was still in seclusion, to keep her company and prevent her from being lonely in the cold and quiet.

Despite her initial reluctance to attend the banquet, the other disciples were too kind to refuse, and Song Xu Yi found herself in attendance. Traditional dishes from each disciple’s hometown were served alongside modern creations from Song Xu Yi, which unexpectedly became the most popular dishes of the evening due to the high-quality ingredients found in the Immortal Cultivation World.

Despite the festivities, Song Xu Yi couldn’t shake her concern for Ning Jing Yu. She packed some of the food and made her way back to Fallen Cloud Peak, where she sat in the courtyard and gazed at the closed door of Ning Jing Yu’s room. The sight filled her with a sense of loss.

As she sat there, the moon seemed to be within reach, its soft light casting a gentle glow over everything around her.

As Song Xu Yi reminisced about the past, she couldn’t help but recall the time when she first arrived at Xuan Shu Sect and at that time, when Ning Jing Yu was gazing at the moon, she wondered what was on her master’s mind at that time, but for now, she simply enjoyed the beautiful scenery.

After placing the food she had prepared on the stone table, Song Xu Yi noticed a jug of plum wine in her basket. Although she was uncertain who had put it there, she decided to put it on the table after catching a whiff of its aroma.

As she poured herself a cup of wine and made a toast to the moon and old friends she had met in other worlds, Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but cast a wistful glance at Ning Jing Yu’s closed door. “Master,” she whispered softly, “you’ll miss out on my delicious food if you don’t come out of seclusion. Everyone says it’s the best.”

Despite her entreaties, the bamboo door remained firmly shut.

Song Xu Yi didn’t pay much attention and proceeded to eat her food.

The wine in the cultivation world was crafted from the finest spiritual spring water, and the plums used to make it were grown from the spiritual soil, giving the wine an aromatic and delightful flavor.

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The wine’s potent aftertaste was not immediately noticeable to Song Xu Yi, but before she realized it, she had already become intoxicated. The moon, which had been a single bright orb in the sky, suddenly appeared as two.

As her vision blurred, an enchanting figure with rosy cheeks and a frosty countenance materialized before her.

With a hint of anger in her eyes, the beauty approached Song Xu Yi and pinched her burning cheek. “Little drunkard, who gave you permission to mess up my bamboo house like this?” she scolded.

The force of the pinch was uncomfortable for Song Xu Yi, causing her to instinctively recoil and fall off the stool with a loud thud. The beauty, taken aback by the sudden turn of events, stood by with a cold gaze. However, upon seeing Song Xu Yi’s miserable state, the anger in her eyes softened and a faint smile appeared.

Feeling aggrieved, Song Xu Yi couldn’t help but accuse the beauty of laughing at her, and cried out “You’re bullying me!” in a fit of fury.

“You’re saying I’m bullying you?” The beauty’s laugh was cold. “I was teaching you with good intentions, but you’re still sulking in secret. How could I be bullying you, my stubborn disciple?”

Initially, Ning Jing Yu was somewhat annoyed with her disciple’s lack of sensitivity. However, she had expected that after leaving Song Xu Yi alone for a while, her disciple would realize something was wrong and come to apologize. At worst, Song Xu Yi would run out of her grain-clearing pills and need to ask for more.

Therefore, while meditating, Ning Jing Yu had deliberately extended her divine sense to listen for Song Xu Yi’s voice. But when there was no response from her disciple, she couldn’t help but come out to give this naughty disciple a good scolding. However, she hadn’t expected to find a drunken little girl who had gorged herself on food and wine.

Ning Jing Yu’s words had a profound impact on Song Xu Yi at that moment. “So, the great beauty is my master!” she exclaimed.

Song Xu Yi squinted and focused on the words “master” and “disciple” in Ning Jing Yu’s statement. She realized how she looked at that moment and felt a twinge of embarrassment.

“Master, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to cry,” Song Xu Yi said, stopping her tears and meekly sitting down on her knees, gazing up at Ning Jing Yu.

Ning Jing Yu regarded her with cold eyes, her anger dissipating, but she responded with a noncommittal “hmm.”

“Master, I didn’t mean to not smile that day,” Song Xu Yi continued, her voice low and tearful. “I was so scared. My legs and stomach were shaking, I was exhausted and starving, and I didn’t know what to say.”

Ning Jing Yu observed the white and soft little girl before her, kneeling obediently and beguilingly. Her pointed chin and slender neck looked as though they could snap at the slightest pinch.

As Song Xu Yi explained her actions, Ning Jing Yu’s expression softened slightly as she recalled the fear on Song Xu Yi’s face when she was thrown off the cliff. “But how could I have let you fall to the bottom of the cliff?” she exclaimed.

“I didn’t know you well back then, Master,” Song Xu Yi whispered, moving closer to Ning Jing Yu. “But now I know that you are beautiful, powerful, and the best Master in the world.”

Despite Song Xu Yi’s praise, Ning Jing Yu remained unmoved. She glanced at the food on the table before taking a seat on the stone bench, her voice cold. “You claim gratitude for your Master, yet you eat alone?”

Song Xu Yi sighed like a child and explained, “I made this food especially for you, Master, but you were still in seclusion when I arrived.”

“I really like you, Master,” she added with sincerity. “I didn’t want you to spend the festival alone in the cold, so I rushed back early.”

“The little one has no shame, what likes or dislikes!” Ning Jing Yu thought to herself, feeling her cheeks heat up and her heart skip a beat. The sensation was unfamiliar and uncomfortable. She tried to hide her embarrassment by giving Song Xu Yi a stern look.

Unfortunately, Song Xu Yi misinterpreted her Master’s expression.

“The beautiful Master is so hard to please!” she lamented.

Despite Ning Jing Yu’s lack of a softened expression, Song Xu Yi was not one to give up easily. Gathering her courage, she met Ning Jing Yu’s glazed eyes and boldly moved to hug Ning Jing Yu’s leg, resting her head on Ning Jing Yu’s thigh. If she were sober, Song Xu Yi would never have done such a thing, but her drunken mind was muddled, and she acted on instinct.

“Master,” Song Xu Yi’s voice stretched out as she pouted softly, “Forgive me this once! I will definitely be the best disciple in the future…”

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Ning Jing Yu’s pupils dilated slightly, and at that moment, she felt her body stiffen like a puppet. This was the first time in so many years that someone had dared to approach her in such a manner.

Ning Jing Yu viewed Song Xu Yi from her perspective and observed the top of the little girl’s dark hair and the beauty mark on her forehead, suggesting that she would grow up to be a beautiful woman.

This observation made Ning Jing Yu feel uncomfortable and hot, prompting her to tightly purse her lips and reflexively grab Song Xu Yi’s collar, attempting to push her away. However, Song Xu Yi behaved well and released Ning Jing Yu’s thigh before she could react.

Ning Jing Yu breathed a sigh of relief, but was taken aback when Song Xu Yi seized the opportunity and met her astonished gaze.

She moved in to embrace her waist, clinging on tightly as if to prevent her from fleeing again, making it impossible for Ning Jing Yu to remove the young girl clinging to her despite two attempts.

Ning Jing Yu furrowed her brow and glared at Song Xu Yi, but the drunken girl was unfazed and even turned to offer her a green bean cake. “Master, you should taste my handiwork,” she said, hoping to win Ning Jing Yu’s forgiveness.

“Just one bite and you’ll forgive me,” added the girl, gazing at Ning Jing Yu with bright, watery eyes that didn’t blink.

Ning Jing Yu had already reached a point where she didn’t require sustenance and had no intention of eating, but the expectant look on Song Xu Yi’s face and the aroma of the green bean cake proved too tempting. Consequently, Ning Jing Yu reluctantly parted her lips and took a small bite.

To her surprise, Song Xu Yi had carefully moderated the sugar content, and the green bean cake was neither too sweet nor too bland. As the delightful taste blossomed in her mouth, Ning Jing Yu savored a flavor that she had never experienced before.

Ning Jing Yu paused for a moment, and then proceeded to slowly savor the green bean cake, taking small bites until she had finished the entire piece.

“Master, you are the best!” exclaimed the little girl with a smile, her eyebrows arched in a way that Ning Jing Yu found endearing. As Ning Jing Yu observed the girl’s smile, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of contentment.

Ning Jing Yu felt a sense of relief when Song Xu Yi continued to cling onto her, smiling and offering her another piece of red bean roll, even though she had expected her to stop once she had eaten the first one.

As Song Xu Yi fed her, she continued to chatter nonsensically.

“Master, you are so beautiful and you smell lovely.”

“You are skilled at everything you do, but your smile seems insincere; you might as well not smile at all…”

“I will strive to become the best disciple in the world so that I can make you happy, Master.”

As Ning Jing Yu listened to the little girl’s drunken ramblings, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of discomfort that she couldn’t quite explain. Despite the fact that cultivators were supposed to be indifferent to hot and cold, Ning Jing Yu felt an inexplicable warmth spreading throughout her body.

It was only when the intoxicated girl leaned in as if to kiss her cheek and exclaimed, “Master is so beautiful,” that Ning Jing Yu snapped back to reality and quickly cast a spell to make Song Xu Yi pass out.

“You speak nonsense! The next time you drink, I’ll throw you into the Black Water Pool!” she scolded sternly, even though she knew that the girl couldn’t hear her.

Ning Jing Yu let out a long breath, poured herself a cup of plum wine, nibbled on some cakes, and listened to Song Xu Yi’s dreamy ramblings as well as the sounds of cicadas and birds around her. She gazed up at the full moon in the sky and suddenly felt that it looked different from other nights. It seemed bigger and rounder than usual.

This realization puzzled her, and she used her divine sense to sweep through the thousands of homes celebrating the festival at the bottom of the mountain. As she passed by one particular house, she saw a scholar looking at the moon with his wife in his arms. He lamented, “The moonlight is a daily occurrence, but the moonlight you enjoy with your wife is rare.”

Ning Jing Yu pursed her lips and instinctively lowered her head to look at her little disciple with the red cheeks in her arms. She thought she understood the reason for feeling different at that moment: perhaps her state of mind had shifted due to the presence of the drunken, clingy, and rowdy little disciple beside her.

Despite her soft rebuke, “Next time you drink, I’ll throw you into the Black Water Pool!” Ning Jing Yu was already covering Song Xu Yi with a cloak, as if to protect her from any harm.

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