Villainous Master (9)

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Song Xu Yi attempted to employ the same strategy of assuring Ning Jing Yu that she would never love anyone else and would solely focus on her sword training to extricate herself from the situation.

Nevertheless, Ning Jing Yu’s resolute demeanor made it clear that she was determined to school Song Xu Yi, despite her protests and resistance.

Unsure of Ning Jing Yu’s intentions, Song Xu Yi chose not to confront her and opted to wait until the issue faded from her mind with time.

Song Xu Yi had miscalculated Ning Jing Yu’s resolve in the situation.

Two days later, Ning Jing Yu contacted Song Xu Yi and requested her presence in her room. The first thing she inquired about was the third part of the story, “The better looking the man, the more he cheats”.

Song Xu Yi was caught off guard and taken aback by Ning Jing Yu’s recollection of the matter.

Observing Song Xu Yi’s expression, Ning Jing Yu inferred that she had not read the books, prompting her to purse her lips.

Disregarding Song Xu Yi’s confusion, Ning Jing Yu maintained a frosty demeanor and proceeded to explain the third installment of the story about a woman who wedded a destitute scholar to elevate his status, specifically, the Minister’s daughter.

Fixing a penetrating gaze on Song Xu Yi, Ning Jing Yu inquired, “What are your thoughts on this narrative?”

Song Xu Yi remained astonished by Ning Jing Yu’s fixation with the literature as she reflexively shook her head and responded, “Nothing.” Being from a more contemporary and advanced era, Song Xu Yi had been exposed to numerous accounts of heartless men, rendering this particular story unremarkable to her.

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However, Ning Jing Yu persisted and once again pursed her lips, asserting, “You should revisit these books!” With a solemn expression, Ning Jing Yu locked eyes with Song Xu Yi and declared, “I will return to evaluate your progress in a few days——”


As the adage goes, “old habits die hard,” and while Master was not aged, she possessed the demeanor of a child. Consequently, Song Xu Yi decided to approach the situation as if she were appeasing her.

“I understand, Master. I will diligently read these books,” Song Xu Yi acknowledged, recognizing that diligence was her only option. She anticipated another assessment from Ning Jing Yu within two days, prompting her to prepare for the occasion. When Ning Jing Yu summoned Song Xu Yi for another evaluation on the following day, Song Xu Yi responded accurately and even included several “afterthoughts” to demonstrate her hard work and comprehension.

“The message conveyed in this tale is that a woman must never relinquish her career for the sake of a man, as men are fleeting while the art of swordsmanship endures eternally!”

“Committing to sword training necessitates perseverance and unwavering dedication. If I were to neglect my training for a man, I would be letting down my masters, who have invested years in honing my abilities.”

“One cannot abandon their aspirations, and although I may never reach the pinnacle of swordsmanship in this lifetime like my master, I can follow in her footsteps and strive to draw closer to her in the realm of cultivation, to harbor compassion for living beings and have a benevolent heart, just as she does.”


As a person educated in modern times and having learned the teachings of Guang Wei Zheng since childhood, Song Xu Yi spoke her mind and convinced Ning Jing Yu that she had indeed read the books. As a result, Ning Jing Yu’s mood brightened and she was ready to advise Song Xu Yi not to rush into marriage.

However, before she could say anything, Song Xu Yi interrupted her and tugged on her sleeve.

With a bright smile on her face, Song Xu Yi asked, “Master, I have studied diligently. Don’t you think it’s time to give me a reward?”

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“What kind of reward would you like?” Knowing that it was unfair to demand that Song Xu Yi read the books, Ning Jing Yu felt the need to offer some form of compensation.

As soon as Ning Jing Yu asked, Song Xu Yi’s smile grew even sweeter. Ning Jing Yu couldn’t help but feel uneasy, but her concern was quickly dispelled when Song Xu Yi pulled out a familiar-looking book from her storage bag. It was “Caution Against Pride,” which was sitting right on top.

“I went to the market last night and bought these books. Would you like to take a look, Master?” Song Xu Yi said, holding out the books.

Ning Jing Yu was taken aback by how Song Xu Yi managed to turn the situation around.

She had intended to refuse but found herself unable to do so when she saw the anticipation and playfulness in Song Xu Yi’s eyes. Thus, she accepted the books with a stern expression.

As a result, Song Xu Yi began visiting Ning Jing Yu’s room more frequently in the following days.

Following each visit, Song Xu Yi would inquire about various lines from the books that she had given to Ning Jing Yu, leaving her questions such as “What comes after ‘Full of Tricks’?”, “Why did the general suffer defeat?”, and “To be born but not to have, to do but not to be relied upon” – can you recall the following phrase?” as she looked at the books that had not been opened by Ning Jing Yu.


In the following days, despite Ning Jing Yu’s stern demeanor, Song Xu Yi continued to visit her frequently. Although Ning Jing Yu would purse her lips coldly upon seeing her, Song Xu Yi found it endearing and couldn’t help but laugh more around her.

She couldn’t pinpoint the exact reason, but perhaps it was because she found Ning Jing Yu’s simplicity and straightforwardness charming, or perhaps because she knew of Ning Jing Yu’s difficult life. In any case, Song Xu Yi no longer felt the same sense of reverence she had before and instead wanted to spend more time with Ning Jing Yu. She felt that Ning Jing Yu had been living too coldly for far too long.

Despite this, Song Xu Yi had a feeling that Ning Jing Yu didn’t completely reject her presence, as evidenced by the fact that she seemed to be smiling slightly more often during their interactions, even if it was only a small quirk of her lips.

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During this time, Song Xu Yi discovered a rather questionable aspect of herself: she enjoyed seeing Ning Jing Yu struggle to hold back a smile while answering her questions. There was something cute about the way her master’s normally cold face would soften and contrast with her forced restraint, and it made Song Xu Yi want to tease her even more.

Despite this, the two of them continued to banter and playfully compete, and before they knew it, half a month had passed and they arrived at the location for the Immortal Sect Competition.

Due to the potential danger of fights breaking out among powerful sects and harming innocent bystanders, the competition was held on a deserted island with ample space for all the sects to rest and prepare.

Upon arriving on the island, Song Xu Yi immediately noticed a towering tower that seemed to reach the clouds. The tower was embellished with gold leaf and various coloured gems, which shone brilliantly in the sunlight. Beautifully dressed male and female cultivators were constantly seen entering and exiting the tower on their flying swords.

As for Ning Jing Yu, her gaze was fixed on the magnificent golden tower, and she swayed slightly.

“This is the Xun Sect! The Xun Sect used to be indifferent to world affairs, but since the new leader took over ten years ago, they have been extorting money from many people, resembling a profiteer. It’s truly shameful for the old Immortal Sect.”

The group’s deputy leader expressed his disdain with a low comment and proceeded to create a wooden model that quickly transformed into an elegant courtyard with multiple rooms.

As the group’s leader, Ning Jing Yu occupied the central room, which allowed her to monitor the group’s activities. Meanwhile, Song Xu Yi, being her disciple, was assigned to the room next to hers.

Although Song Xu Yi had only established her foundation a year ago and her spiritual power was naturally weaker than those who had established theirs for many years, she did not expect to win the competition. Nevertheless, she was determined to lose with grace so as not to tarnish Ning Jing Yu’s reputation. Hence, she practiced diligently, feeling increasingly anxious as the competition drew near.

Ning Jing Yu’s focus had always been on improving Song Xu Yi’s physical strength and reaction speed, and since Song Xu Yi already possessed excellent swordsmanship fundamentals, she did not dare to disturb Ning Jing Yu during their time on the mountain. However, upon their descent, Ning Jing Yu was unable to carry out her usual domestic tasks or tend to her flower garden, so she devoted all her attention to training Song Xu Yi’s sword techniques. She spent all day instructing Song Xu Yi on different stances and occasionally sparred with her using a branch.

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It was during one of these sparring sessions that Song Xu Yi finally understood why Ning Jing Yu was hailed as the world’s number one sword practitioner. Despite appearing carefree and using only a dead branch as a weapon, the moment Ning Jing Yu pointed it towards her, Song Xu Yi felt an overwhelming pressure like a mountain bearing down on her. It was as though she was an ant trying to move a tree.

Song Xu Yi’s body trembled at the thought of facing an actual opponent.

Song Xu Yi showed increasing bravery despite her trembling legs, and continued to launch an attack on Ning Jing Yu.

After several days of arduous training, her persistence paid off as she managed to withstand Ning Jing Yu’s pressure and withstand three of her attacks.

Despite being aware that Ning Jing Yu had intentionally reduced her level, Song Xu Yi felt elated and continued to train with even more dedication.


As the master and disciple focused on their cultivation, news of Ning Jing Yu personally leading the team spread throughout the outside world.

Ning Jing Yu was a legendary figure and idolized by many young immortals. However, since she had lived in the Xuan Shu Sect for many years, her residence outside the Fallen Cloud Peak was heavily fortified. Despite the elders describing her as a great beauty, few had seen her true face.

Upon hearing the news of Ning Jing Yu’s departure from the Xuan Shu Sect, countless immortal cultivators flocked to her door with invitations to meet her. However, Ning Jing Yu resented the attention and instructed her team to decline all invitations.

The majority of immortal cultivators are known for their strict adherence to etiquette, and while many were disappointed by Ning Jing Yu’s refusal to meet them, they respected her decision, knowing that they would have the opportunity to see her at the Immortal Sect Competition through her disciple’s participation. Consequently, they refrained from harassing her.

However, as is often the case, there are exceptions.

One morning, as Song Xu Yi emerged from the isolation formation set up by Ning Jing Yu, she heard a commotion outside, with a female voice rising above the din: “A mere old fossil who’s barely alive! How dare you make me wait? This young lady has come in person!”

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