Villainous Master (16)

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When she opened her eyes again, the scene in front of her had completely changed.

All around was darkness, filled with an incredibly thick demonic energy. A foreboding blood moon hung in the sky, and rustling sounds could be heard from the corners.

The demonic energy surged in from all sides and clashed with the spiritual power within Song Xu Yi’s body. If a cultivator with weak willpower found themselves in this environment, they would likely be completely corrupted by the demonic energy and turn into a demon.

Song Xu Yi gritted her teeth and lifted her head, only to be met with a pair of huge blood-red eyes. The eyes were filled with deep-seated hatred as they bore into Ning Jing Yu’s own eyes.

“Ning Jing Yu, I never expected to see you here again! A hundred years ago, your cunning led to the death of my wife by your sword. For years I have cursed and wished to devour your flesh and drink your blood. Finally, today I have the chance to avenge her!”

This was a demonic beast the size of a small mountain. Its voice boomed like thunder, and the pressure it exuded shook Song Xu Yi’s throat and made her ears ache. She almost lost her grip on Ning Jing Yu’s clothes and fell to the ground.

Ning Jing Yu turned around and hugged Song Xu Yi, covering her eyes gently with something that felt like a warm spring breeze. The pressure bearing down on Song Xu Yi immediately dissipated. In the next instant, a powerful pressure burst forth from Ning Jing Yu and bore down on the demonic beast.

“Stay put.”

Ning Jing Yu glanced at Song Xu Yi and tucked her long hair behind her ear before turning to face the beast once more. Her expression became cold and emotionless once more. “What a pity.”

Song Xu Yi didn’t understand the meaning behind Ning Jing Yu’s words, “What a pity.”

She only felt a gust of wind passing by her side, and the monster let out a howl of pain that almost shattered the sky. However, perhaps Ning Jing Yu did something, as after listening to the monster’s cries of pain, Song Xu Yi no longer felt dizzy and nauseous.

When Song Xu Yi regained her sight, she heard a loud thud as the monster fell to the ground.

Ning Jing Yu was unscathed, her white clothes stained with blood. Not only was she uninjured, she looked even more spirited. She stood with her sword in front of the enormous monster, which was like a small mountain, while the blood moon hung in the sky. Ning Jing Yu’s figure was as slender as bamboo, her black hair moving without wind. When she turned her head, a trace of blood stained her white profile.

Song Xu Yi’s pupils shrank.

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For some reason, every time she saw Ning Jing Yu kill a demon, she felt that Ning Jing Yu’s temperament looked like a demon, both terrifying and powerful, making people’s minds tremble.

When she looked again, Ning Jing Yu had casually wiped away the blood on her cheek and took Song Xu Yi’s hand to continue walking forward.

There was a bit of blood remaining on Ning Jing Yu’s cheek, which was particularly conspicuous against her white, jade-like skin. After glancing at it a few times, Song Xu Yi couldn’t help herself and pulled on Ning Jing Yu’s sleeve to make her stop. She stood up straight and wiped the blood from Ning Jing Yu’s cheek.

Ning Jing Yu was stunned, carefully watching Song Xu Yi’s actions. Her slender eyelashes trembled slightly, and the corner of her eyes suddenly curved, a hint of a smile in her cold gaze.

At first, Song Xu Yi didn’t notice, but being watched by Ning Jing Yu so attentively, she inexplicably felt a bit embarrassed. She tried to maintain her composure and casually put her hand down after wiping away the blood, but her face was uncontrollably flushing.

Song Xu Yi let out a slow breath.

This kind of Ning Jing Yu is the Ning Jing Yu that she’s familiar with: beautiful and powerful, appearing cold and aloof like a flower on a high mountain, but with warmth in the details. She is always the most dazzling presence.

The road ahead is still dark and rough, but with Ning Jing Yu supplying spiritual energy, Song Xu Yi’s discomfort has eased a lot. Originally, Song Xu Yi was extremely worried, but after seeing Ning Jing Yu kill the demon beast in three or five moves, she regained some confidence in this seemingly difficult road.

Soon, the two of them encountered another group of demons.

This time, five demons blocked their way.

Song Xu Yi’s guess was confirmed: the demons outside had joined forces with the demons in the Black Water Pool.

Two of the demons had gloomy faces, with ancient totems on their faces, while the other three were dressed in an extremely enchanting manner, with charming smiles.

“Oh, isn’t this the famous Immortal Ning? You have returned to the Black Water Pool again.”

“I have long heard of your peerless martial arts, but unfortunately, my friend and I were in seclusion a hundred years ago and missed the chance to meet you. Today, we must get to know you well!”

“Don’t just kill Immortal Ning directly later, after all, the three of us have been longing for her for a long time. We must have some fun…”

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Relying on their numbers, the demons began to speak nonsense recklessly.

Song Xu Yi listened to the other party’s obscene language, biting her lip and tightly gripping the sword in her hand. She almost couldn’t help but rush forward: how could someone as noble and proud as Ning Jing Yu be humiliated by them like this?

However, Ning Jing Yu next to her looked indifferent, as if the vulgar and obscene words spoken by these people were not directed at her.

Before Song Xu Yi could even take action, Ning Jing Yu had enveloped her in a formation, isolating her from the demonic energy and pressure. She didn’t know what method Ning Jing Yu used, but everything around her was like being covered by a veil, and she couldn’t see the battle situation. She could only hear the sound of the wind and fighting around her.

Suddenly, the demons cried out in fear of a “monster,” but before they could finish speaking, they were silenced.

This time, Ning Jing Yu’s battle lasted longer.

When Song Xu Yi was able to see again, the five demons who were just shouting were already dead bodies. Ning Jing Yu’s complexion seemed to have improved a bit, and the strange feeling emanating from her body grew even stronger.

Song Xu Yi glanced at the bodies of the demons and felt that something was off about them. They seemed especially withered. She was about to take a closer look when Ning Jing Yu took her hand and continued walking forward.

“Watch your step.”

Ning Jing Yu glanced at Song Xu Yi and warned her to avoid the stones on the ground. Song Xu Yi heard the sound and looked up, meeting Ning Jing Yu’s dark and gloomy eyes.

Her heart suddenly trembled, and she remembered the time when Ning Jing Yu had taken her to the demon palace. At that time, there was a moment when Ning Jing Yu looked especially charming, causing Song Xu Yi to almost have some rebellious thoughts. The aura emanating from Ning Jing Yu at this moment was similar to that time, even more powerful and alluring, making people inexplicably want to look at her more, causing their legs to go weak.

Song Xu Yi took a deep breath, blushed and lowered her head, pinching her palms with her fingernails. She forced himself to avert her gaze, constantly reminding herself in her heart, “This is my master, I absolutely cannot have any inappropriate thoughts about my master…” She didn’t have the energy to think about those strange demons.

Before long, the two of them encountered a third wave of demons. This time there were ten of them.

These demons were not as careless as the previous ones. Looking at Ning Jing Yu’s eyes, they were full of vigilance, and seeing Ning Jing Yu and Song Xu Yi holding hands together, one of the demons suddenly realized and exclaimed, “So that’s it!”

“No wonder those people died under your sword before! I guess they believed the rumors about your old injury, everyone knows you have been healing for these years, who would have thought you have an excellent healing material by your side, you have probably been using it a lot over these years…”

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Song Xu Yi widened her eyes in surprise. She didn’t expect this demon to think of her as a healing furnace for Ning Jing Yu. Before she could react, Ning Jing Yu tightened her grip on Song Xu Yi’s hand and suddenly flew her sword out, turning it into countless illusions and stabbing towards the demon who spoke.

The demon panicked and tried to evade, but was still hit in the arm. As Ning Jing Yu made her move, the other demons also attacked Ning Jing Yu.

Song Xu Yi subconsciously glanced at Ning Jing Yu. Ning Jing Yu’s red lips were tightly pressed together, and her eyes were full of killing intent as she looked at the demon.

Compared to the vulgar words of the previous group of demons, this sentence sounded harmless, and Song Xu Yi didn’t expect Ning Jing Yu to be angry because of this demon’s words.

However, before she could think carefully, Song Xu Yi’s vision suddenly became blurred once again.

Unlike the previous two times, this time Ning Jing Yu also blocked Song Xu Yi’s hearing. Fortunately, it didn’t last long, and soon Song Xu Yi fell into a familiar embrace with a faint smell of blood. After walking for a while, Ning Jing Yu lifted the visual and auditory block on Song Xu Yi.

Song Xu Yi looked at Ning Jing Yu complexly and lowered her head as if she had not noticed anything. She continued to hold Ning Jing Yu’s hand and move forward, but countless thoughts surged in her mind:

Ning Jing Yu’s approach was too deliberate. Is there something about the bodies of those demons that cannot be revealed?

Song Xu Yi looked back on the bits and pieces she had come into contact with Ning Jing Yu over the years, from Ning Jing Yu’s cruel training methods, to her seclusion and self-healing over the years, and her increasingly demon-like temperament and pale complexion.

Suddenly, Song Xu Yi had a guess in her heart: Could it be that Ning Jing Yu couldn’t suppress the demon energy in her body?

According to the situation in the Three Realms, if the news that Ning Jing Yu cannot suppress her demon energy spreads, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Ning Jing Yu did not want Song Xu Yi to see her appearance when she killed the demons because she was afraid of being found out by her.

The more Song Xu Yi thought about it, the more she felt that her guess was correct, and she became more and more heartbroken for Ning Jing Yu.

For the person who slaughtered demons to finally become a demon, how big of a blow would that be for Ning Jing Yu?

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Song Xu Yi’s nose tingled, and she couldn’t help but tightly hold Ning Jing Yu’s hand, perhaps worried that she had found out something. Ning Jing Yu’s hand suddenly stiffened, and her face became even colder than usual. Song Xu Yi felt even more heartbroken: “Master, when the situation in the Three Realms stabilizes in the future, let’s find a place to live in seclusion!”

That way, no one would know that Ning Jing Yu couldn’t control the demonic energy.

The more Song Xu Yi thought about it, the more feasible her idea seemed, and he couldn’t help but describe the beautiful life of seclusion with Ning Jing Yu: “Master, there are many beautiful landscapes in the mortal world, with different customs and a variety of food. We can travel every inch of the land, boating in spring, admiring lotus in summer, watching maple leaves in autumn, and walking in snow in winter…”

It seemed that these words had an effect.

Listening to Song Xu Yi’s words, Ning Jing Yu’s stiff body gradually relaxed.

She turned her head and looked deeply at Song Xu Yi. Although she considered herself open-minded, she couldn’t help but feel a little trembling when she met Ning Jing Yu’s gloomy eyes, as if she had suddenly been stared at by a wild beast. Song Xu Yi almost subconsciously wanted to avoid her gaze, but she was afraid that Ning Jing Yu would think she was rejecting her. She bravely looked straight at her.

As a smart disciple, she must have noticed something, right?

But she always subconsciously thought of her in a good light, always biased towards her, so she would uncontrollably care about her, wanting to see her in her eyes every day.

But Ning Jing Yu understood better than anyone else – all of this was stolen.

The premise of her disciple treating her well is because she believes that she is a hero who wholeheartedly protects the common people.

However… she has never wanted to protect these common people, and even thought about destroying the world.


If pretending to be a righteous person can be exchanged for the wonderful life of traveling the world that her disciple mentioned, Ning Jing Yu suddenly felt that perhaps she could continue to disguise herself…


“As you said,” Ning Jing Yu hoarsely spoke, and the demonic and bewitching aura all over her body quietly dissipated in an instant, once again turning into the familiar appearance of a cold master to Song Xu Yi. She deeply looked at Song Xu Yi, held onto Song Xu Yi’s hand tightly, and seemed to solemnly reach some kind of agreement with Song Xu Yi: “I will remember it!”

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