Blazing Sunlight

Chapter 32

Chapter 32

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Si Jing was a little embarrassed, gave a hollow laugh and said: “Like this ah.”

I did not say anything anymore.

The wedding banquet got underway in a lively manner. However my surroundings seemed quiet. It was obvious that everyone was chatting, yet I felt so far away, quiet until I almost can hear the sound of my own heartbeat.

Ye Rong asked Zhuang Xu with a hint of intimacy in her voice: “Why are you here? Don’t you need to accompany Boss and them to propose a toast?”

Si Jing and them looked at Zhuang Xu simultaneously. He seemed not to have heard and quietly took a sip of the wine without saying a word.

The banquet table was quiet for a while, before finally Si Jing continued: “I feel their relatives can really drink, so they probably don’t need Zhuang Xu. By the way, Zhuang Xu, Zhuo Hui said he saw you in Rong Zi building a few days ago.”

Zhuo Hui said in response: “Yes, I forgot to ask you yesterday whether you went to Rong Zi building last week? I went there for work and saw a person resembling you. I wanted to call you but in the blink of an eye, you’ve disappeared. Was that you? Why did you go off so quickly?”

“I am working there now.”

His voice sounded clear and cold. From such a close distance, it was like talking in front of me.

Zhuo Hui was taken aback: “When did you change job?”

“You ……” Ye Rong blurted out at the same time as him. Then she pursed up her lips tightly.

“A month ago.”

“You’re so tight-lipped. Changed job also did not say anything, but A Bank is already one of the best. Where is your new job?”

“I am still with A Bank, but changed department.”

“What department?” Another classmate questioned closely.

‘Investment Banking Department. ”

Suddenly, the classmate was stumped for words. He has a somewhat shocked expression on his face.

A foreign universal bank like A Bank has both commercial and investment banking operations. Commercial banking operates conventional deposits and lending business. Previously when Zhuang Xu came to our company, he should be working in commercial banking, dealing with loan. Investment banking is a completely different type of business, dealing with IPO or merger and acquisition reorganization and so on.

For this kind of top bank in the world, it is already very difficult to work in commercial banking, not to mention investment banking. If you are not an extremely outstanding talented person, you simply will not be hired. He went so far as to transfer to A Bank’s Investment Banking Department in a mere six months ……

However, if he was in investment banking, then he would need to entertain clients frequently so would it be suitable for Zhuang Xu’s character?

When this thought came to mind, it was mercilessly squashed. What has this to do with me? It was really too ridiculous for me to think of these. Moreover, although Zhuang Xu was proud and aloof, his social skills have always been very good. From the teachers to the fellow students in the university, even Jiang Rui, all were very fond of him. In front of other people, he did not treat them like he treated me, so harsh and blunt.

He probably gave his arrogant and indifference side all to me free of charge ……

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Zhuo Hui was still speechless: “I know you are outstanding in your field of study and work very hard, so sooner or later you will succeed but your pace is too rapid. Your monthly salary should at least double in investment banking? I heard the year-end bonus is at least six-figure. According to your current pace, it will not be unusual to have an annual salary of a million a year within a few years.”

“That’s nothing.” Zhuang Xu’s tone of voice has a hint of sarcasm.

I could not help but turn my gaze to look at him.

It just so happened to come into contact with his gaze.

I stared blankly for a moment. Suddenly I remembered the expression in his eyes when he looked at me after I found out before graduation that he will work in A Bank ……

He seemed like he wanted to know what will be my reaction.

However it was even more deep and unreadable now, as if separated by a layer of frost.


Among the people on the table, only Xiao Feng was not interested in this topic of conversation. She was questioning Lin Yu Sen closely about our ‘love story’.

“So you and Watermelon have an office romance! Since you are Watermelon’s boss, are you also in the same field of study as us? MBA?”

“No.” Lin Yu Sen’s reply was one step behind. His tone also sank lower, “I studied medicine.”

“What? This is very different. Then why don’t you become a doctor?”

Why was she so nosy! I quickly turned my head to interrupt her.

“Why are you asking so many questions?”

Xiao Feng made an ‘aiya’ sound, “Ask also cannot? Do you have to be so possessive? Watermelon, I’ve never noticed you can be so jealous. I just find it strange that someone who studied medicine did not become a doctor.”

She was still saying that!

I glared at her. “What is so strange as haven’t you seen a versatile person before?”

All of a sudden, Lin Yu Sen broke into laughter, “She has never seen you blowing your own trumpet.” Then he seemed to placate me by saying: “It doesn’t matter.”

What did not matter. It was obvious he is usually a calm and collected person. But the sense of disappointment in his voice just now, even I also can hear it.

I changed the subject: “The fish soup tastes pretty good, have you drunk it?”

He looked at me, the corners of his mouth slightly curved, “Not yet.”

He seemed to have no intention of moving his hands. Thus I spontaneously turned the Lazy Susan (rotating tray) and ladled out fish soup for him. Then I also ladled out a bowl for Xiao Feng and while at it, also ladled out a bowl for myself.

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I put down the ladle, paused, turned back my body as natural as possible and lowered my head to start drinking my soup. Inevitably, out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Zhuang Xu.

He happened to be picking up his wine glass and drained the wine in one gulp.

The conversation on the banquet table continued, mainly a few male classmates chatting among themselves.

“You are very suitable to work in investment banking, since you work 80 hours a week. Unlike me, just muddle along.”

“You also know you muddle along.” Si Jing who has not spoken for a while, started to complain about Zhuo Hui. She looked at Zhuang Xu, her eyes a bit complicated, “I did not expect your career to develop so fast. You will be able to buy a house in Shanghai very soon.”

While drinking the soup, Xiao Feng mumbled: “Didn’t Zhuo Hui’s family buy him a house when he first came to Shanghai? Will you be getting married after you get the house from the developer?”

Zhuo Hui laughed and Si Jing did not say anything. Then she turned her head to speak to Ye Rong who has been keeping quiet.

Another male classmate interrupted: “By the way, Zhuang Xu, I bought two stocks recently, so do you’ve time to help me take a look at them? Don’t be like when you were in university, never took care of your friends. I heard you bought a stock in your fourth year in university. Then it rose to the daily limit on the next day.”

Zhuo Hui chimed in: “Yes ah, but such a pity that he immediately took profit.”

Zhuang Xu lowered his head to pour himself a drink: “I cannot make these investments with my current job so I have already canceled my account.”

“Granted, I understand what you’re saying, but still, just some advice ……”

His half spoken sentence was interrupted. In the midst of loud noise, the bride and groom were holding their wine glasses and coming over to propose a toast.


When the groom approached, he begged for mercy: “Thank you for doing me the honor of coming. Since all of you are also my brothers, I will not propose a toast one by one. Let us drink a toast together.”

Seeing that he had already drunk until very red across the whole face, nobody objected. We stood up together and said a few words of congratulations while picking up our glasses.

The fully filled wine glasses clicked in the air.

I did not know how, but Zhuang Xu seemed not to have held his glass properly. One touch, it fell down towards me. I did not manage to dodge it, so all the red wine spilled on the sleeve of my white sweater and spreading rapidly and extensively over it.

Si Jing made an ‘ah’ sound. Everyone stood still.

“Sorry.” Zhuang Xu looked at me. Although his mouth was apologizing, his expression cannot even be considered perfunctory. His gaze was chilly.

“…… It doesn’t matter.” I took the napkin handed over by Lin Yu Sen and wiped a few times.

Boss asked: “Watermelon, are you okay?”

“I am okay,” I picked up the glass and proposed a toast to them again: “May you live a long and happy life together.”

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“I am sorry that I did not hold my glass properly just now. I’ll punish myself by drinking three glasses.” Zhuang Xu turned to apologize to the bride and groom. Then he took the red wine bottle, poured a full glass of wine, raised his head and drank it.

In turn, he lowered his head and poured another glass, filling it fully.

Then a third glass.

After he had finished drinking three glasses, everyone seemed to have just woken up and one after another proposed to toast the wine in the glass away.

Lin Yu Sen smiled and slowly finished drinking his wine.

“…… Thank you, thank you. Enjoy your meal!” After the groom greeted everyone, he walked to the next table with the bride.

I took a napkin to wipe my hand again because it was still a little sticky, “I am going to the toilet.”

I said to Lin Yu Sen.

He did not answer.

The surroundings were peculiarly quiet for a short while. I did not feel it while sitting down, but when I was standing in the middle of two equally tall men now, suddenly I have a strange oppressive feeling.

I looked up, only then Lin Yu Sen switched his gaze back to me and slowly said: “Go la.”

Water was flowing between the fingers.

The sounds from the banquet echoed over, barely discernible. I raised my head to look at myself in the mirror. I did not know whether it was because I stayed up too late last night, all of a sudden I felt a little tired ……

Actually, it was almost time to go back, even though a little early. However, using the excuse that the journey back to Suzhou was relatively far seemed plausible.

Okay, I will go back and say goodbye to Boss.

I have made up my mind. Then I turned off the tap and walked out of the bathroom.


I have to pass through a long corridor to go back to the banquet hall. I lowered my head and slowly walked back. My mind was empty, until a pair of black leather shoes abruptly appeared in my line of sight, blocking my way.

I looked up.

That handsome best man in the wedding reception was standing in front of me.

Why was he here? Did he also want to go to toilet?

Should I greet him? Or walk away without saying a word?

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I did not expect him to take the initiative to speak first.

“What is your mobile phone number?”

Footsteps hesitantly halted. After a few seconds, I said: “Still the same.”

“My one is also still the same.” He looked at me, his gaze profound and cold.

“Remember to send your bank account number to me.”

As expected…… he only wanted to compensate me money for my clothes?

Why was I not the least surprised.

“……No need.”

“Also.” He nodded. With a slightly mocking tone, he said, “I’ve not congratulated you for finding a perfect match as both of your families are well-matched in terms of social status.”

Ye Rong and you were the real perfect match.

“You too, congratulations.”

There was a moment of silence.

I started to move and was about to walk away, suddenly he sneered at me.

“Nie Xi Guang, why did you look at me like that just now?” He looked at me with his mocking eyes, “Are you of two minds? Still cannot forget an old love like me?”

All of a sudden, I felt extremely embarrassed.

What was he trying to prove? To prove that I have not given up on him and still like him?


It was true!

I looked up and forced myself to look unflinchingly and straight into his eyes, “I am surprised that Ye Rong apologized to me yesterday, because I thought she would pretend all her life that incident never happened and refuse to acknowledge her mistake. Since she had apologized, I think I still owe her an answer.”

I looked at him with unblinking eyes, “At that time, she asked me, ‘Don’t tell me you don’t like Zhuang Xu?’. I think I can answer her now.”

“Don’t like.” I said that by stressing each syllable.

“Please tell her not to worry. I am not interested in other people’s happiness.”

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