Blood Evolution System

Chapter 165: Chapter 165 Skeleton army

While Vincent was taking care of the enemies on his side, Leilani, John, Nevis, and Iris defeated several enemies by using the triangular formation. Varth, on the other hand, not only lured many monsters away from both sides but also supported them from behind the line, shooting down monsters.

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"Damn! My magic power is running low." Nevis said, able to determine that he only had seven units of magic power left in his body, and at the rate he was using his magic matrix, he would use it all up soon.

"Switch with me," Leilani said, offering up her spot to Nevis so that he would be able to recover his magic power safely.

"Alright," Nevis said, accepting her offer with a smile on his face.

Leilani hurriedly stepped out of the center of the triangle in order to stand in Nevis's position, while Nevis leaped five feet backward to stand in the center of the triangle formation.

While John, Leilani, and Iris protected him, Nevis popped a pill in his mouth, letting a huge wave of energy rush down his throat and into his heart, restoring his magic energy.

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It only took a few moments for the pill to work its wonders and restore his magic energy.

Right after, he switched places with Leilani, confronting beasts head-on.

A while later, John ran out of his battle energy, so Leilani switched places with him, while Iris gave him a battle energy recovering pill, hoping that the pill would be helpful to him in recovering his battle energy.

Without any hesitation, John ate it, and as the effect of the pill was instant, he felt his battle energy restoring at a rapid phase.

The source of this chapter; lightnov‎elworld.c‍om

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They kept on switching places while fighting the monster, utilizing the triangle formation to the best of its capabilities.

After a few moments, Vincent finished dealing with the monsters on his side, earning thousands of life forces, and he then moved towards his teammates, helping them kill the monsters.

It didn't take long for them to kill all the monsters in the hall, clearing the wave.

The moment they killed the very last monster, the next wave started, and skeleton poured out of the four portals. Each of the skeleton warriors held a melee weapon in their bony hand, and out of them, four particular skeletons stood out. Unlike the others who the creator has based on humans, these four skeletons were gigantic, adorned in heavy armor and holding massive swords in their hands.

"At least give us some time to rest and recover our stamina," Nevis complained in his heart, cursing the purple moon fairy under his breath.

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"Another wave of eerie monsters! What next? Are we going to tackle ghouls, vampires, zombies, and wrath after this wave?" John said, feeling annoyed by the immediate appearance of skeleton warriors.

"Don't jinx us," Leilani said, popping a pill in her mouth, recovering her magic power.

"Stop complaining and get ready to fight!" Varth said, reloading before pulling the trigger shooting a few rounds towards the skeleton warriors, signifying the start of the battle.

With the help of the appraisal spell matrix, Vincent appraised them, hoping to know more about them and understand their strength and weaknesses.

"Guys, I only have time to say this once, so listen well! These guys won't die, no matter how much you attack them. The only way to kill them is to destroy their life orb. It looks different than a beast core and is somewhere behind their ribcage." Vincent explained the weakness of the skeleton warriors to his teammates.

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He then started to move away from them.

"Where are you going?" Leilani asked in a hurry.

"I'm going to lure the four giant skeleton warriors away from you guys. Don't worry, though, nothing is going to happen to me," Vincent said, "Defeat the skeleton warriors as fast as you can, and then come help me."

"Good luck!"

Vincent rushed forward, stomped his foot on the ground, jumping towards the ceiling of the hall. He vanished amid the jump, disappearing from the hall and appearing in his subspace. There, he drank a few mouthfuls of blood to restore the blood in his second heart.

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