Blood Moon Hunters

Chapter 130

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"Is this the Phoenix Feather Grass?"

"And that! Is it the Fantastic Linglong?"

"Oh! There is the Bodhi Heart!"

"The legendary Purple House Liquid!"


All the disciples got shocked when they saw treasures the headmasters took out. These things were difficult to find in the world, and could almost be regarded as one of the most precious treasures of the sect.

However, these dazzling treasures had all shown up together today, lying in the hands of the headmasters. Then they were handed to Yun Jinghong.

In the next moment, Yun Jinghong began to sweep his hands quickly. At the same time, Leng Shuangrong and the Monk Jing Chan also helped him to engrave the array lines. The headmasters behind them had been passing their spiritual power to them three, to ensure continuous engraving.

After all, this was a great ancient array which could influence the time rule, so it was extremely difficult to engrave. The work on each of the talismanic words that shone with divine lights took a lot of spiritual power.

Even if the three Big Capables teamed up, the progress was still slow. Moreover, the scope to be covered was too large which requested them to be fully concentrated without any distractions and pauses. When half of the array was formed, Yun Jinghong took out a piece of Ziyu Mirror.


Suddenly, a huge purple light beam burst out from it, which contained a lot of amazingly strong spiritual power. Even the geniuses who were watching in the rear were robbed of ability to move by the suppression of the aura.

In the mirror, it was quite different, where Zi Yuxiao was standing outside the Palace of Purple Clouds, catching the star power of the 49 stars above the sky, merging it with her own spiritual power, and passed it to the outside world.

"This power is too strong!" Zhao Changge couldn't help but sigh.

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"Hey, step aside! You block me from seeing the array lines!" Yu Wude squeezed out from behind him. His eyes were hooked on the lines of time array, as if he wanted to brand it in his mind.

Such wonderful lines were too difficult to understand, therefore, he could only keep them in his heart first, and then study them in the future. But to brand them in the mind sea was not easy either, after all, it involved the law of time, too mysterious.

"Let me help you!"

Wang Bugui stopped him, activated his Divine Eyes, and then displayed the Divine Sense, the esoteric skill of the six senses, to the extreme!

With the two mystical skills for observation working together, the lines were decomposed fast in his eyes, and then branded into his mind sea. Holding a super telekinesis, the cultivators' brains were developed at least a quarter.

In addition to such divine skills for developing brain, Wang Bugui's brain was interpreting those lines and branding them into his mind sea at a speed of tens of millions of times per second. Then, he passed what he branded to Yu Wude with his hand.

"Boss, your interpretation speed is too fast!" Yu Wude marveled.

The lines in his mind sea were decomposed very carefully. Wang Bugui even helped him understand a little, which was much faster than his own speed. And it was incredibly clear. Wang Bugui's strength was so terrible!

"Not a big deal. Just one of the human body limits." Wang Bugui replied with a laugh.

"Can you teach me that." Yu Wude chuckled.

Wang Bugui could actually keep up with the three Big Capables. After a while, the speed of his branding was as fast as that of their engraving.

It took them about an hour to engrave the array, which was even too consuming for Zi Yuxiao who then backed to the Purple Clouds Throne effortlessly, not to mention the other three Big Capables.

The array should be set outside the Purple Clouds Continent, so Zi Yuxiao had to passed out the power of the stars, and to convey her own spiritual power at the same time. Such a consumption was too much.

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Fortunately, it had finally been finished, covering all the periphery of the central area.


The three Big Capables, each with a pale face, all took two steps backwards, and began to supplement spiritual power.

"Master, are you okay?!" Wang Bugui moved forward to Yun Jinghong in worry.

"Yes. Now you can go in to practice. The array will protect you more or less. But be careful. It doesn't cover the center area, so do not get close to it." Yun Jinghong shook his head.

"Don't worry, Master. I will not live up to your expectations!" Dignified, Wang Bugui responded with a hold fist salute.

Yun Jinghong nodded, and then turned to all the geniuses, "Well, now all of you can go in to cultivate. The test inside is very difficult. You should act according to one's ability. Once you are seriously injured, return here immediately to heal yourself!"

The geniuses made a hold fist salute and thanked. Then they bid farewell to their headmasters, ready to step in the Gates of Hell to temper themselves. The Gates of Hell was divided into six areas with increasing difficulty degree. The sixth area was the center, also the most dangerous.

"Members of the Hunters of Blood Moon, go to the third area with me!"

Wang Bugui turned to Zhao Changge and the others, and then guided them to rush to the third area. This area was his limit when he was in the God of War Realm, the best area for the cultivators in this realm.

"Be careful! The Taoism power here is the limit that cultivators in the God of War Realm can withstand!" Wang Bugui sternly warned. Everyone nodded, and then spread out, rushing to all directions.

"Come on!"

Wang Bugui shouted, crushed a golden Hou with a Break Heaven Fist, and then rushed directly into the fourth area. This area was exactly for the sages. But he dared only to stay in the periphery.

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Because the Taoism power in the deeper was stronger, which could reach the limit of sages. Just being promoted to the Sage Realm, he was not sure if he could withstand the higher challenges, so he decided to stay in the periphery to have a try first.


Facing with a dragon that was condensed with the element soil, Lyu Hao summoned his double-bladed halberd out, and directly stabbed it toward the dragon. He broke its dragon claws first, and then leaped into the air, displaying the three moves of the Killing Immortals and cutting it into pieces.

In the next second, he turned around, and performed the Killing Gods, forcing the Tao Tie moving toward him to step back a few steps. Then he quickly swayed the halberd, sweeping away dozens of ancient weapons, and then rushed toward the Tao Tie with his halberd in violently.

As the battle intensified, there was a faint illusion of a Demonic God behind him. It was the soul in the halberd— Lyu Bu, the Demonic God!

"Wild Dragon Soul Shattering Spear Technique!"

Not far from Lyu Hao, was holding his dragon gut silver spear to fight a Tao Wu. Like a wild dragon, the spear stopped the offensive of the Tao Wu with just one shot.

Then he made 49 attacks with the spear. Each of them was like a raging dragon, so fast that they even gave out screaming sounds. An illusion of the Real Dragon, dancing with the spear, appeared slowly in the sky.

That was the soul of his spear. The illusion of the Real Dragon was shrinking, turning into a handsome man, Zhao Yun, the Victorious General!

After the Gathering of Practitioners, they two had gradually mastered the application methods of the souls of their weapons. They freed up the souls to fight side by side with them, which could enhance their capability to fight.

Zhao Changge brandished the long spear quickly. Suddenly, it gave out a chill light, rushing toward the Hou. Yu Wude was following behind the chill light.

He had already placed dozens of small arrays in which he was rushing around with the Formation Breaking Sword. But his opponent was a Primordium. The small arrays didn't last long under its powerful offensive.


He shouted, and gathered his spiritual power to engrave the array lines in the sky, not just the stage or the ground. He summoned a thunder array, trapping the Primordium in it. Then he rushed to it with the sword.

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Numerous thunders were constantly attacking the Priordium. Yu Wude became more powerful with the help of these space thunders. He formed strong sword power around the Priordium, preventing it from destroying the array.

At the same time, he also used the Formation Breaking Sword to engrave a Hell Fire Array. With the fire, the attacks of the thunders became stronger.

Chu He summoned the magic gourd to attack, while playing the flute to protect his brothers. But at this moment, a Qiong Qi rushed to him with roars.


He formed a thick flute sound, shattering the black light from the mouth of the Qiong Qi. Then a crisp melody sounded, carrying countless Taoism power toward the cruel beast.


The Qiong Qi howled, intending to scatter the sound of flute. But it not only failed, but hurt by this sound. Chu He gently moved his slender fingers again, speeding up the rhythm.

Suddenly, the offensive of the melody become stronger. It carried Taoism power, like a fairy knife, quickly cutting on Qiong Qi. Although it was an ancient cruel beast, it was still hurt seriously at this moment.

The other geniuses in the third area, such as Jin Zhan, Wu Kuang, Lin Yang, and others, got startled. They were the illusions of the four major cruel beasts, and the four people could actually defeat them.

Not to mention the ancient soldiers transformed from Taoism power from time to time, as well as the doom thunders that sneakily attacked them. However, while avoiding them, they could still suppress the beasts.

Let alone Wang Bugui in the fourth area. He was a monster!

Even in the second area, they could also feel the strength that made them suffocate. Numerous black divine thunders fell down from the sky, like dragons, extremely horrible.

Moreover, Wang Bugui took these thunders with his body, because his hands and feet were busy fighting against the sage illusions transfromed from Taoism power. Their strength was quite similar to his.

One person vs a dozen horrible enemies, he could only be described as monster. In contrast, those who were fighting the ancient weapons didn't deserve to be geniuses. Such a joke!

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