Blood Moon Hunters

Chapter 55

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Unconsciously and quickly, a year and a half had passed. Wang Bugui had mastered the cultivation method of seven limits. He was still in the schedule of practicing two limits every day, corresponding to the morning, noon and evening, and practicing his prana power every day. Today, he should practice the six senses and physique.

He sat in the middle of the dojo, and shone with golden treasure lights, spreading slowly around him like ripples, which was an indication that he had accomplished a little in six senses. He sensed that the natural Taoism was integrating with him, forming a field covering a range of ten miles.

By the time, he had made great progress in his six senses. Though sitting still, he could hear the sound of the fish jumping out of the Divine Lake on the Pure Land, and smell the fragrance of flowers from a hundred miles away.

He took a heavy breath and recognized a fruit aroma of the Ancient Forest from the auras he inhaled. Then, he opened his eyes that emanated a faint golden light. He looked into the distance, and saw the little Qilin was dozing off with the snow rabbit in the Ancient Forest a hundred miles away.

"Haha." He revealed a slight smile. Their sleeping postures were so cute. The snow rabbit was lying on the belly of the little Qilin, while the Qilin held the rabbit with one paw and the other paw was in its mouth.

Suddenly, Wang Bugui turned around. Yun Jinghong appeared in front of him.

"Not bad, a small achievement! But your intuition is still poor. I have been standing here for two seconds before you discovered me. What a bad premonition. I'm even allowed time to slap you!" Yun Jinghong stretched his hand and waved. At this moment, Wang Bugui could only roll his eyes. This Master was too strange with juvenile behaviors similar to his.

"Master, you'll see. I won't be slower than you soon." He waved his fist and replied.

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it. Continue to practice. If you face with bottlenecks, rely on the small pendant to solve them as much as possible. Don't push yourself. Remember to combine the two," advised Yun Jinghong. Then he turned around and left. The white fluttering robe couldn't carry his elegance.

"Woo...ah!" Wang Bugui made a roar and invested in cultivation, once again, with excitement. Up to now, except for the six senses, his six other limits had reached the Big Achievement Realm of the Prana Body State. A big half of this prana blood had been mixed already. With little efforts, he could make a 30,000-kilogram attack, and the offensive was dazzlingly fast, difficult to be captured with attacking trajectory.

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His body moves were unpredictable as well, light as smoke, but fast as the wind, without the refinement of terrain. The ingenuity of this kind of body martial art was that no matter the heavens to the ground, if you wanted to go there, then you could go. You could swim in the nine heavens, and walk in the hell easily without any obstacle.

Owning such a body martial art, he could run around the Yuxu Pure Land less than half an hour, and was able to get on the ninth step of the Jade Stair. His explosive power was even more amazing. Now, he could ensure himself to not be heavily injured in the array, and was able to crack half of the meteorites. Without the protection of the Taoism, those meteorites had already been shattered.

Even his body had been through tempering, and could be regarded as a rare treasure iron. The array of the Immortal Hill as fire, and time as water, his body was tempered every day. Finally, he grew up to be a rare powerful cultivator. He would not be seriously injured in the immortal array anymore. Unless a power that was stronger than this state, it was difficult to hurt his bones, only skin injuries at most.

However, the six senses had trapped him for a long time, and he had not broken through to the Perfect Realm yet. The range of the sense field was at most ten square miles. His premonition, the last sense of the six senses could only reach the late stage of the Prana Body State, so that even his intuition was not very accurate, not to mention foreseeing the future. Now he could only predict the general direction of the enemy within three seconds.

The spring bloomed, the summer was quiet and only cicadas could be heard, the autumn leaves were scattered with the wind, and the snow fell while the plum blossom flowered. The four seasons took place by turn in the Yuxu Pure Land, but it was always warm as spring all the year around. It was the second time that Wang Bugui saw the snow scene of the Pure Land; all the plants were covered in white robes. He sat on the top of the main hall of the Yuxu Palace, and opened his six senses to watch the whole piece of the silver jade Pure Land.

It took him half a year to cultivate the six senses to the Perfect Realm of the Prana Body State. Now, his sense field could cover 50 square miles, and his six senses had risen to the extreme of this state. At this moment, he was closing his eyes to cultivate intuition, trying to contact the natural Taoism. He vaguely noticed that there was a slight wave underneath the palace, so he opened his eyes and looked back.

It was Yun Jinghong who was walking down to him. Yun Jinghong jumped on the top of the palace and came to him in the next second.

"Good, you can now notice my movements in advance. Congratulations, you perfectly achieved the Prana Body State!" Yun Jinghong showed a smile, and bound his waterfall black hair together casually. Time seemed not to leave traces on his handsome face. The white fluttering robe couldn't carry his elegance.

"Master, I don't live up to your expectations!" Wang Bugui laughed out loud, revealing his white teeth, in addition to his handsome face, he was so fascinating that he could easily confuse thousands of girls.

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"Well, in the two years, your foundation is already solid, and you can start the cultivation of the next state!" Yun Jinghong uttered.

"Haha! I can finally enter the next state! Master, I can break through to the next state as long as I no longer suppress that power in my body, right?" Wang Bugui jumped at the top of the palace with excitement.

"Don't hurry up, and let me do some preparation for you. This time you have suppressed it for a long time, and if you release the fruit of Taoism immediately, it may cause catastrophe. You must know how to deal with it." Yun Jinghong raised his hand to stop Wang Bugui, and explained.

"Catastrophe? What's it? There are catastrophes in the sky, either?" Confused, Wang Bugui asked, touching his head.

"Cultivators are going against the sky. The so-called catastrophe is the punishment to test them. But this kind of thunder is different from the thunder you usually see. It is not only more destructive but also has the power of the Taoism. The power of the catastrophe is different according to the states and talent of the cultivators, but it will hardly exceed their ability." Yun Jinghong explained in detail.

"A test of the sky? Cultivators go against the sky..." Wang Bugui whispered.

Yun Jinghong continued, "But since the Age of Dharma Decline, almost no one can go through the catastrophe after breakthrough, because their talent is not enough. In this case, only the genius cultivators can trigger the catastrophe. And if someone does, it must be ruthless, almost equivalent to death!"

Wang Bugui was shocked, browning slightly. "Really? Isn't it the rule that the little talent the cultivators own, the less difficult the catastrophe will be?"

"Due to lack of talent, few people can trigger the catastrophe, but cultivators have never cut off, so those un-triggered catastrophes will accumulate together. And when someone triggers it to appear, it is the most terrible thunder."

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"The pressure of the founder master, the Zi Yuxiao, the spirit of the array, and the Perfect Realm of the seven limits have proved that you are a genius. In addition, all the cultivation in two years has formed a divine cultivation base for you with a severe suppression. Moreover, the method we chose is so fresh that no predecessors have adopted. I am very worried that you may really trigger the catastrophe."

Yun Jinghong's look was extremely dignified. He recalled the various experience of this disciple of his, and became worried. In the world of the Age of Dharma Decline, the thunder catastrophe was extremely horrible. In addition, Wang Bugui possessed the very high talent and states, how difficult would the catastrophe be!

"Master, then let's prepare for it. I am not afraid of any catastrophe." Wang Bugui smiled, without no trace of fear on his face.

"You... are not afraid?" Yun Jinghong's eyes were wide open. He really did not expect him to be so decisive. Did it go well with the saying a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers? He wanted to help Wang Bugui relax, but the latter owned no fear about it.

"Master, you've said that cultivators are going against the sky, haven't you? Since heaven wants to block my way, then I will reverse it. I think the founder master and the Human Emperor thousands of years ago did think the same as me. The catastrophe they faced must be even more horrible, then what am I afraid of?"

"What's more, my opponent is Dracula, the demon that rivals the true immortals. If I can't even go through this kind of disaster, how can I go through the others? I will overcome the catastrophe, no matter how powerful it is!"

A trace of sadness emerged in Wang Bugui's eyes, but more perseverance. Yun Jinghong browned slightly, and sighed, "Well, since you have such a determination, I will tell you how to deal with the test of the catastrophe."

"The duration of the catastrophe is irregular, so is its power, generally determined by the talent, the states and the cultivation way. Facing with whichever kind of catastrophe, you must take it by your body to form a better body. You can use the treasured weapons, but you can't let them take too much power of the catastrophe away, or the sky will be irritated and a deadly catastrophe will fall down. The catastrophe can be just thunder or a variety of things generated by lightning."

"They can turn into humans, immortals, demons, all kinds of beasts, and even fairy realms with different planes. This kind of thunder is terrible and must be handled with care. The number of thunder also varies from person to person. There is even special thunder that can make you an illusion, directly testing your heart and primordial spirit. The catastrophe is so dangerous and you must be careful."

"You can use the prana power to cope with it and let the body be fully tempered. You can also bombard the catastrophe. This will not anger the sky, but helps you to understand the Taoism. Do not use the weapons as possible as you can; just rely on your own body, and it will be of great benefit to your future. I hope you can do what you can, and be careful!"

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Yun Jinghong expounded for Wang Bugui, for fear that he would make a mistake.

"I got it. Don't worry, Master. I will definitely break through the catastrophe, and build an invincible body for myself!" Wang Bugui patted his chest to promise.

"Well, remove the suppression of the states!" Yun Jinghong said.

Then Wang Bugui released all the fruit of Taoism of the two years. He felt a powerful force rolling in his body, seemingly breaking through a shackle that was never discovered. For a moment, he only felt that his strength was nearly the double of the past.

"Woo, woo..."

The raging winds roared, overwhelming the Pure Land. The branches of the vigorous old trees were trembling wildly. There was a large black cloud in the sky, and countless electric flashes like silver snakes shuttling through the sky. A strong horrible aura gathered. The little spiritual beasts on the Pure Land were all scared and began to hide, shiver and scream.

"It comes! Bugui, never be careless!" Yun Jinghong's face was gloomy. He clenched his fists, worried about Wang Bugui with sweat.


Wang Bugui turned his back to Yun Jinghong, extended a fist, and resolutely faced up with the black cloud.

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