Blue Moonlight

Chapter 12

12. You don’t owe anyone.

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On the day of the preliminary basketball match, Yu Xinqiao's arm injury had mostly healed.


Even so, he still wasn't very willing to go on the court.


While warming up on the sidelines, Yu Xinqiao sighed, "Why is our luck so bad? We're up against Class Four in the first game."


Xie Fei was staring at him fiercely from the opposite side of the court, almost as if he had "Wait for me" written on his face.


Liang Yi acted as a sidekick, giving Shen Daye a pat on the shoulder and then massaging Yu Xinqiao's legs to help him relax. "Don't worry, we have a referee here. He won't dare do anything to you."


They had to play even if he didn't want to because their team didn't even have a substitute.


"But will playing basketball affect your piano skills?" Liang Yi suddenly had a thought as he massaged, "Isn't it said that musicians like you have to take good care of your hands?"


"N-no," Yu Xinqiao was about to reply when he caught a glimpse of Xu Yanhuan appearing around them. The word "no" turned into a convoluted path, and his voice suddenly became louder. "It's not completely unaffected. My arm still hurts a bit."


He didn't mean anything by saying that, he just wanted to get Xu Yanhuan's attention.


After all, it worked last time. Maybe he could get another ice cream treat and, in the process, get closer to him.


Liang Yi took it seriously and worriedly said, "What should we do then? I think being a pianist suits you better than being an athlete."


Yu Xinqiao put on a concerned face and followed, "En, our class won't make it to the semifinals anyway, so playing one game should be fine. Remember to treat me to ice cream after the match."


Liang Yi thought that was directed at him and immediately agreed, "Okay!"


Just as the words fell, Wang Kun called for the members of Class Three to gather.


Yu Xinqiao took a big gulp of water and was about to head to the court when a gust of wind brushed past him.


Xu Yanhuan, wearing a short-sleeved school uniform, walked up briskly and said something to Wang Kun. Wang Kun's small, shining eyes lit up, and he turned to look at Yu Xinqiao. "Xiao Yu, you don't have to play. Sit there and rest!"


Yu Xinqiao, who had already done his mental preparation, was dumbfounded. "Huh? Don't need me to play? Why?"


Wang Kun pointed to Xu Yanhuan beside him. "Xu Ge will play in your place."


Yu Xinqiao: "...!!!"


A match that was destined to be all about participation suddenly became interesting.


Yu Xinqiao and Liang Yi went together to the convenience store to get supplies and when they came back, they saw a crowd gathered around the court. Many people had arrived.


Just a moment ago, the courtyard was empty, and there were less than twenty players on the field.


Liang Yi's business instincts kicked in, and he set up a stall selling snacks and drinks on the spot.


After a while, He Tangyue came with her girlfriends and asked why there were no sunflower seeds and lollipops.


"We have them, they'll be here soon!" Liang Yi entrusted the stall to Yu Xinqiao and planned to make another trip to the convenience store.


Yu Xinqiao grabbed him, "Take less. Who watches a basketball game and eats sunflower seeds?"


"It's us," He Tangyue said. "I've spread the news. Other classes' sisters are on their way."

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"What news?"


"That Xu Yanhuan is participating in the basketball game."




Liang Yi happily bounced back to get the snacks, while Yu Xinqiao somewhat gloomily guarded the stall. In less than two minutes, the girls who came to watch the game settled around, turning Yu Xinqiao into a speck of green in a sea of flowers.


*In fact, he felt a little green, especially on top.


TN: I think in reference to wearing a green hat. Being cheated on. 


Even before anyone pursued him, Yu Xinqiao already saw himself as Xu Yanhuan's backup boyfriend. He regarded the girls around him as a bit of competition, especially when they cheered and screamed for Xu Yanhuan's points.


What's so surprising about that? Xu Yanhuan often plays basketball alone after school. I can't even count how many shots he's made in front of me.


Although he thought that way, seeing Xu Yanhuan agilely running on the court, effortlessly dribbling past opponents, cleanly shooting a layup in three steps, Yu Xinqiao, who was terrible at basketball, couldn't help but feel his heart flutter.


And maybe he was overthinking, but Yu Xinqiao noticed that Xu Yanhuan particularly enjoyed blocking Xie Fei's shots.


Both of them were of similar height and played center in the team, but Xie Fei had a larger build and clumsier movements. Xu Yanhuan, with his agility, repeatedly blocked Xie Fei, cutting off their passes. When Xie Fei finally got the ball, confidently preparing for a stylish dunk, Xu Yanhuan suddenly appeared from nowhere, jumped up, and effortlessly swatted the ball away as it was about to go into the basket.


"Damn it!" Xie Fei's face turned red, and he charged toward Xu Yanhuan. "What's your problem? Are you targeting me?"


Wang Kun quickly stepped in between the two, facing the direction of the referee and raising his chin. "What's wrong? Can't handle it, so you resort to violence?"


Xu Yanhuan, on the other hand, maintained his calm demeanor, not even looking at Xie Fei. He simply wiped the sweat off his chin with the back of his hand.


The crowd on the sidelines exclaimed in unison, "WOW."


He Tangyue exclaimed, "Indeed, a handsome guy sweating is still pleasing to the eye."


As she said that, she grabbed a handful of sunflower seeds and caught sight of Yu Xinqiao beside her, with his head drooping and his eyes closed. She nudged his elbow, "Your Huanhuan is so handsome, aren't you watching?"


"No," Yu Xinqiao said with a pained expression. "Watching him will give me a heart attack."


But still, I want to watch. I can't control it at all.


Not long after, Yu Xinqiao gave up struggling, stretched his neck, and joined the crowd in waving flags and shouting.


So when Xu Yanhuan made a three-pointer and turned around, he saw Yu Xinqiao standing among a group of girls, his face flushed, and his hands in a trumpet shape, shouting loudly, "Class Three is amazing! Huanhuan is the best!"


Xu Yanhuan: "..."


In the end, a game that was destined to be lost had a dramatic turnaround, and Class Three narrowly defeated Class Four, successfully advancing to the semifinals.


Captain Wang Kun was so excited that he was almost in tears. He held onto Xu Yanhuan and wouldn't let go, insisting on treating him to a meal to thank him for helping him achieve his dream. Xu Yanhuan calmly pulled his arm out of Wang Kun's grasp and said, "No need, I have plans tonight."


After drinking a whole bottle of water and regaining some energy, Xu Yanhuan turned around with an empty water bottle and met a pair of eager eyes that couldn't be ignored.


If Xu Yanhuan in Yu Xinqiao's eyes could be likened to ice, then Yu Xinqiao in Xu Yanhuan's eyes was like a wagging, fluffy little dog.


Even though he subconsciously wanted to avoid it, Xu Yanhuan knew in his heart that the little dog itself was harmless.


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"Um..." As he approached, Yu Xinqiao suddenly became shy. "Thank you. After school, I'll treat you to ice cream."


Xu Yanhuan glanced at his arm, and the bruises near his elbow were almost faded. Yesterday, there was still a plaster on that spot, and it was the last one.


"No need to thank me." Xu Yanhuan averted his gaze and said, "I owe you."


He was referring to Yu Xinqiao helping him deal with Xie Fei.


But Yu Xinqiao shook his head. "You don't owe me, you don't owe anyone."


Xu Yanhuan was taken aback.


"Of course, if you really want to repay me..." Yu Xinqiao blushed and raised his face, "then let's date!"


Xu Yanhuan: "..."


"If you don't say anything, I'll take it as a yes."




"Alright." Yu Xinqiao sighed, looking helpless. "Then I'll ask again tomorrow."


Although he was rejected again, after this battle, Yu Xinqiao felt that something had changed.


Before, when Xiao Kaiyan asked what he would do if he put in so much effort but still couldn't win someone's heart, Yu Xinqiao's initial thought was, what could he do? He would feel sad, maybe even embarrassed, and he would cut off anyone who dared to mock him about it.


But now, Yu Xinqiao imagined what it would be like if he didn't win, if he couldn't date Xu Yanhuan. In the following three years, five years, or even ten years, looking back, he would definitely regret it.


It was like a vegetarian dog that had only eaten vegetables since birth, tasting a meaty bone for the first time and opening the door to a new world while eagerly anticipating having meat tomorrow and in the future.


After all, once you have experienced luxury, who can stomach plain rice?


To hell with taking a step back, to hell with the "neither near nor far" approach!


Yu Xinqiao made a firm resolution. Whoever retreats again will be as big of an idiot as Xie Fei!


On the evening the basketball game ended, Xu Yanhuan received a collection of English knowledge points that spanned ten pages, along with a blue envelope tucked in between.


The postal worker, Yu Xinqiao, smiled brightly, "I'll wait for you at the school gate after school." He took a few steps forward, then turned back and emphasized, "The main gate."


Xu Yanhuan did come, but at that time, Yu Xinqiao had just played with the cat in the security room. Xu Yanhuan frowned and kept his distance, ordering Yu Xinqiao not to come closer, "Don't come near, there's a cat smell."


Okay, handsome guys are supposed to be a bit pickier than ordinary people.


Since he dislikes the smell of cats, Yu Xinqiao decided not to play with cats anymore.


The next day, Yu Xinqiao, who had cleaned himself up nicely, sat in front of Xu Yanhuan, supporting his chin with both hands, and drooled while looking at the lunchbox on his desk. "Did your mother make this? It looks so delicious!"


Indeed, Bai Wei had been preparing the lunches these past few days.


She found a new job at a textile factory near their home and saved commuting time every day to cook. When the workshop director learned about the difficulties in her family, he helped her apply for an advance on her first month's salary. As a result, Xu Yanhuan's meals had been improving, and he could have meat three days a week.


When Xu Yanhuan returned home after school that day, he quickly took a few bites of rice and planned to go to the night market for work. Just as he put down his chopsticks, his mother, Bai Wei, pulled out a palm-sized box from her bag and placed it on the table.


"Today, I passed by the business hall and saw that they were having a promotion, so I got you a contract phone. Take it." Bai Wei said, "The phone itself is free, you just need to recharge it according to the plan every month."

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Xu Yanhuan lowered his eyes and looked. It was a touch-screen phone with a large screen, which he often saw boys in his class using to play games.


He wasn't interested in such non-essential items and said, "You can use it, I don't need a phone."


"Why don't you need one?" Bai Wei persuaded, "Sometimes you come home late, and I don't know where you are. Having a phone would also make it convenient for you to contact classmates and teachers. The one I'm using now hasn't broken yet, so there's no need to change."


Thinking back to the time when Xu Zhen came to their house to ask for money while he was working outside and ended up injuring Bai Wei, Xu Yanhuan pressed his lips and hesitated for a moment before accepting the phone.


Seeing him take it, Bai Wei finally smiled. "The SIM card is already installed. I see that the young people in the factory are all using that WeChat thing. You should install it too. Add that classmate who always gives you apples and invite him to our house."


Speaking of apples, Xu Yanhuan paused in his action of playing with the phone and looked at a red apple placed on the other side of the table.


It was secretly stuffed into his school bag by Yu Xinqiao during the lunch break and he only discovered it when he got home.


At this moment, the apple sat quietly in the small, dim room, next to a chipped porcelain bowl covered in old stains on the worn-out table. The redness of the apple peel appeared exceptionally bright.


"This apple is not cheap, right? Yesterday when I went to buy groceries, I saw the fruit shop next door selling apples by piece, just like this one." Bai Wei also looked at the apple and sighed, "It looks so beautiful, it must be very sweet."


After looking at it for a while, Xu Yanhuan withdrew his gaze and suppressed a hint of turmoil that rose deep inside him.


He calmly responded with a "Hmm," seeming to affirm his mother's words.


This apple was beautiful, expensive, purely sweet, and delicate.


Therefore, it seemed like it didn't belong here.


Another week passed in the blink of an eye. After the midterm exams ended, the students of Xuncheng No. 2 High School briefly let themselves go, and the entire teaching building was filled with laughter and joy.


Liang Yì, who sat in front of Yu Xinqiao, was particularly happy. Thanks to the intensive review before the exams, his English grades had significantly improved, and his rank among the students had also risen, successfully avoiding the mixed doubles from his parents.


Overflowing with excitement that had nowhere to go, he couldn't resist sharing with his friends after staying up three consecutive nights playing games, "Do you want to go to the broadcasting room and have some fun? I have the keys!"


During the lunch break, the classroom was filled with people and various food smells, becoming increasingly unbearable in the gradually hot weather.


Everyone displayed their talents. The library, activity room, music room, and even the sports equipment room were all occupied. Wherever one went, they could see students playing on their phones or dozing off.


Therefore, on the way to the broadcasting room, Liang Yi was very proud. He said, "Last week, the school installed water dispensers in several offices, and my dad was in charge of it. When they finished, they forgot about the keys to the broadcasting room. So, I quickly got a spare key without them noticing. Aren't I incredibly clever?"


The broadcasting room in Xuncheng No. 2 High School was only used for morning exercises and after-school activities. During the lunch break, it could be used as a resting room, which was great.


Yu Xinqiao followed behind everyone and made a few perfunctory compliments, yawning as he did so. He thought to himself, "If it weren't for Huanhuan not being in the classroom, I wouldn't bother coming here."


The key was inserted into the lock, turned gently, and the door opened.


Several people entered one after another, swiftly occupying every available seat like a mountain.


Liang Yi sat down and started playing games with Shen Daye, Wang Kun, and others. He asked Yu Xinqiao if he wanted to join, but Yu Xinqiao lazily waved his hand and lay down on the table next to the audio controller.


Not falling asleep, someone nearby was fiddling with the controller and saying into the microphone, "Hello, hello, hello."


Yu Xinqiao turned his head in another direction and said in a muffled voice, "Yueyue, didn't you just say you were sleepy? Why aren't you sleeping? What are you doing here?"


He Tangyue continued studying a few buttons and said, "I heard this microphone is powerful. It guarantees a 100% success rate when confessing love."

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"...Confessing love to the whole school?"


"Yeah, anyway, the teachers all go home for lunch, so they won't hear it."


Unconsciously, Yu Xinqiao's slightly warm cheek rubbed against his arm. He asked, "So, who do you want to confess to?"


He Tangyue mentioned a name that Yu Xinqiao had never heard before, saying that he was the class leader of the neighboring class.


Wang Kun teased, "Why don't you confess to our class leader? Or do you look down on Chen Yang, the district chief's son?"


He Tangyue grabbed a pen from the table and threw it at him, saying, "If you like the district chief, go and confess yourself!"


When the equipment was set up and the red light indicating that broadcasting was in progress lit up, He Tangyue, who had been enthusiastic just a moment ago, suddenly hesitated.


She even showed a hint of a girl's coquettishness as she covered the microphone and said, "Forget it, I changed my mind. He's shy, and I'm afraid I'll scare him off."


Amidst everyone's laughter, Yu Xinqiao stood up and said, "Then I'll go first."


Liang Yi was shocked and couldn't even focus on playing games. He said, "You want to confess? Don't do it, Qiaoqiao. What if he rejects you? The whole school will laugh at you."


Wang Kun joined in, "So, Xiao Yu has someone he likes too. Is it our class's English monitor or the art committee member from the neighboring class?"


He Tangyue laughed heartily, "I thought you only had height and no brains, but it turns out your eyesight hasn't improved either."


"And now you're resorting to personal attacks?"


"Well, then tell us, why does Yu Xinqiao always run to the back row?"


"Because the air is better at the back?"






Amidst the noise on one side, Yu Xinqiao had already taken the microphone from He Tangyue's hand and leaned closer.


Yu Xinqiao could hear his own heart pounding.


Even if this microphone was powerful, he wasn't greedy. He just wanted to take a small step forward.


The gentle breeze outside paused, birds flapped their wings and landed on branches, and a kicked-away soccer ball came to a rest in a corner of the playground. Time seemed to stand still, in honor of the courage that may only come once in a lifetime.


On a hot afternoon in early summer, thousands of students from Xuncheng No. 2 High School witnessed the grand invitation issued by Yu Xinqiao.


A clean and youthful voice came through the broadcast, saying, "Xu Yanhuan, a student from Class 3 of the second year, I'm Yu Xinqiao from the same class. This weekend, would you like to go to a concert with me?"




Author’s Note:


Xu Yanhuan: Am I an ice cube or a piece of meat?


Yu Xinqiao: Then am I an apple or a puppy?


TN: Asking your crush out in front of thousands of people? Yeah… could never be me in a million years.

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