Blue Star Cultivator

Chapter 138: 138

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The red and yellow hues of the twilight sun slid behind the horizon and winked out of sight, the transition from day to night was almost instant.

Luckily the pitch darkness of night was kept at bay by the mild moonlight sprinkling over the scenery.

The path through the wild weeds and stones were barely illuminated by the glow of the distant full moon.

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The wagon, now commandeered by Hartley and the others, rattled forward at low speed over the hard bumpy ground littered with shattered rocks.

Sat behind Hartley who was driving the wagon, were the two girls huddled together, wincing as the wagon wobbled over the rough bumps..

Zhi Ruo was on the opposite side with her back against the side boards.

The ride through the dark and windless night was far from comfortable, at times the sudden jolts of the wagon felt unbearable on the rump.

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The two girls kept exchanging looks of uncertainty, choosing to keep their silence. Wondering if they had jumped out of the frying pan and into the fire.

"How much further?" Zhi Ruo asked softly, finally breaking the silence.

Without giving an answer the freckled face girl who spoke of the old language, pointed towards a dark sprawling forest about half a mile ahead.

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From that point on, the silence of the night was only disturbed by the wheels of the wagon grinding over stones or the occasional howling of a beast...

Eventually, after abandoning the wagon, the group were standing at a treeline of giant trees standing tall like soldiers protecting their domain, their canopies disappearing high into the darkness.

"There," the girl said as she pointed at a narrow path leading into the imposing forest.

The twisting vines, shadows and weeds, weaved together around the inky profile of the footpath as if it was the mouth of a giant beast.

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The girl inhaled sharply, she had been non talkative ever since Hartley had asked her to lead them to the other people, obviously suspicious about the pair's motives.
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To Be Continued Soon..

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