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There was an audible yelp from the front where the first fireball had entered the room..

The person in the dark robe was about to unleash another fireball but was also affected by the zero gravity, he lost balance, floated up 5 meters and fell back down flat on his face when the zero gravity was deactivated.

After seeing his two lackeys dealt a death blow in an instant he was thankful for his stealth technique..

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The opponent surely was also a xiantian realm expert, and a very powerful one by the looks of it. What has the Lin Clan gotten him into? how did they make an enemy of a xiantian realm expert? The assassin just could not understand.

He was given a 1000 gold to assassinate a wild mountain man who had entered the central area of the Province earlier in the day.

Never in his wildest dreams would he ever imagine running into a xiantian realm expert..

Xiantians don't grow on trees after all.

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Hartley had instinctively broken through the xiantian barrier gaining instant enlightenment under the pressure of life and death, his power had increased four fold, the stifling heat in the room was now like a massage.

Now when he concentrated, he could sense and apply his gravity field 120 meters with him as the center, he could now also slow down the flow of time to a quarter of its normal speed within this 120 meters and could control as much or as little as he wanted within this space, meaning he could manipulate gravity only 1m around him to 120m around him.. This would give him huge flexibility when applying his skills and as he learned the hard way, application of skills was the key to dominating any battle...

Blue star energy was surging through his body, his physical body had also followed through the xiantian door. Ordinary weapons could not hurt him now, in fact anything short of spirit weapons were useless against him.

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Hartley punched out a section of wood and made his escape from the building hearing a commotion as people woke up and attempted to put out the blaze before the whole building went up in smoke.

Disappearing from the inn, Hartley was swallowed by the shadows of the dark, his sapphire blue eyes shone like an emergency beacon before becoming normal again.. He was trying to pin point the position of the third assailant, who was the mastermind, he set his jaw in determination and concentrated.

The person in Dark robe decided to neatly slip away in the commotion. There was just too much he didn't understand about the opponent, he couldn't sense any elemental energy on the person yet he was intimidatingly powerful, he decided not to risk it and leave. His Stealth technique has seen him come and go as he pleases through the years, this should be not different, right?

Wrong!! Hartley crouched in the dark and pushed his concentration to the max, he was picking up faint fluctuations of energy within his field of operation, at first it didn't feel like a person it was so faint but Hartley followed his instincts and followed the fluctuations in a north-western direction leaving the center of the Province.

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He kept his maximum distance away from the fluctuations and kept vigilant biding his time.

As soon as they were in a more forested area Hartley applied 30x gravity slamming down towards the ground.

Dust swirled and trees immediately snapped in two with a crunch, ejecting a shower of splinters in the process before laying flat on the earth leaving an imprint in the dirt, the sound reverberated through the forest sending the birds and nocturnal animals skittering towards safety in panic...

Hartley approached the fluctuation he was following to confirm who it was. It was exactly who he thought it was, someone in a dark robe with his face hidden, the man of medium height was sweating bullets, his legs trembling as the fleeing man could barely take another forward step.

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