Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 101

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"Hello, my name is Yagi Miyai and I would like to take a few minutes out of your precious time, if possible."

A well-dressed middle-aged man with his black hair slicked back spoke with a polite smile as he held a briefcase in his hands.

Rito looked at him with an impassive expression and spoke out.

"Were you waiting outside my ward the whole time?"

"Yes, as your attorney, it is my duty to inform you of the information that would bring convenience to your living situation."

Yahi nodded and pulled a chair near Rito's bed and sat down.

"First of all, I would like to inform you that it is already 5 days since you became unconscious."

Opening his briefcase, he took out a folder and placed it on the edges of the bed before placing down the briefcase.

"Five days, huh..."

Unnaturally, Rito didn't feel anything else over the fact that he slept for five days straight, in fact, he had never felt so better. His mind felt refreshed and his chest became lighter than before. The small amount of frustration and suffocation that followed him everywhere he went wasn't present anymore.

Sighing lightly, he turned his gaze to the image that could be seen through the transparent folder.

It was a developed picture of a humanoid giant with crimson skin as lava-like veins flowed all over his body while his first crushed a blackbird akin to a mosquito swatted to its death.

His mood immediately became indescribable.

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"Now, I know that you are feeling confused, but please let me complete my explanation and then ask regarding anything you wish to clear your doubts of."

Yagi explained professionally and only continued after he saw Rito nod.

"During the sudden monster tide, your quirk emerged and went out of control. According to the report, it is assumed that you possess a strong Transformation quirk.

With that being said, I would like to clear out that you do not owe the government anything for the damages caused by your rampage. After all, your actions helped the heroes to control the monster tide in the first place."

Yagi smiled and took out a photo of a young boy, around Rito's age that sported a rock-shaped face and big round eyes.

"Do you know this boy any chance?"

Yagi asked to which Rito shook his head plainly.

"Very well. Now, I will explain your current situation. While your power proved extremely helpful during disastrous times, currently, this uncontrollable power holds a major threat to the whole city.

I know this will be a sudden change, but you alongside two other exceptional boys will enter U.A. Highschool during their events and participate in the activities to gain exceptional control over your powers.

Before I continue, it is important that I understand your opinion on this matter."

Rito sighed and nodded once again.

"It's not a big deal."

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"Yes. Now, the most important topic."

Yagi sighed and rubbed his eyes. Apparently, he has been cutting his sleeping time to make his punctual entrance the moment Rito woke up.

Adjusting his glasses, Yagi took out some documents out of his folders and placed it in front of Rito.

"Please look at this. These are all the people who have connections in the underground and tried to inquire about your true identity."

Rito looked at each and every image and burnt them into his heart.

"What I am trying to say is that your identity is extremely sensitive. You may not understand your true power, but you almost razed the whole city to the ground."

"Oh, I see. Is that it?"

Yagi shook his head and replied.

"To safeguard your family, the Hero Association wanted to deploy a group of heroes but suddenly, the S-Class Hero, Tatsumaki stepped up and volunteered for the task."

"How fortunate of me."

Rito smiled and replied.

"Either way, I hope that you will try to use less and less of your quirk. After all, your strength might become your family's plight."

Taking Yagi's good intentions to his heart, Rito smiled back.

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"Thank you. Now all the procedures are complete, right? I would like to meet my family."

"Of course, they visit you outside your ward every day. We had to bar them from entering the ward before you were conscious. After all, none of us knew what will happen if you lose your control during your unconscious period."

"No worries."

Yagi nodded and packed his things before leaving. Of course, he didn't forget to place his card on the table need Rito.

As he left, Rito curbed his doubts. All the enquiries can wait. He just wanted to meet Mikan and others.

The door opened once again as Rito looked on expectantly only to feel completely disappointed as his remaining faith from any supernatural entity vanished completely.

He sighed and leaned back with a sigh.

"Oi, what's with that reaction?"

Saruyama felt like hitting Rito but then he remembered how he was hospitalized and how much stronger he had already become.

Sitting on the chair previously occupied by Yagi, he looked at the fruit basket on the table and picked up an apple.

"Hey, tell me. Why would you run out of the shelter during such a dangerous time? Did you go senile or something?"

Saruyama asked as he took a bite out of the apple.

"Why are you even here? The first time I got hospitalized, you didn't visit me once."

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Rito spoke as he wanted to eat something himself.

"Of course, I wouldn't visit you. I just prayed for your well being and simply trusted in the modern day medical treatment."

He flashed a grin and took another bite.

"Then why are you here today?"

"To warn you as a friend... be careful."

Saruyama spoke mysteriously.

"What do you mean?"

"What do I mean? Dude, you are already a minor celebrity of our school. Believe me when I tell you that there is a whole line waiting outside just to meet you."

"Yeah, right!"

Rito scoffed.

"No, there is literally a line. It's just that I happened to reach here earlier and that's why I could meet you before them. All I am saying is, brace yourself.

After all, you will face the consequences of your stupid actions."

Saruyama chuckled as he left with his half-eaten apple while Rito genuinely started to feel a little worried.

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