Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 103

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Smiling bitterly, Rito got out of his bed. He was already discharged yesterday and returned home after a long lecture from All Might about the do's and don'ts for quirk control.

But the feeling of waking up alone did dampen his mood.

After being sandwiched by Tatsumaki and Lala for so long, it had already become a habit for him.

Rubbing the back of his head, he silently opened the door only to witness another figure walking out of the opposite room.

Dressed in a dark-green tank-top, a beautiful and tall woman walked out in her hot pants. Her shoulder-length hair was a little messy as she was in the process of yawning.

Both the strangers immediately became awkward but Rito wasn't in the mood to say anything.

Nodding slightly, he walked down. If that woman was here then it meant that Mikan was fine with it and currently, he wasn't going to go through Mikan any time soon.

"Ah, you must be Rito, right?"

Fubuki immediately spoke out, trying to wave off the previous awkward phase.

"Yes, and you are?"

Rito sighed and asked out. At this moment, he couldn't even call this place his own house, it was more like a guesthouse. Since all the schools will be reopening, Rito had to wake up early.

"I am Tatsumaki's younger sister, Fubuki. Nice to meet you."

She smiled and nodded politely.

'She is Fubuki?'

Rito was taken aback by surprise. He finally looked at her with a focused gaze but did not go overboard, after all, this was their first meeting.

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"Fubuki... what are you doing here?"

But before she could answer, Tatsumaki floated out of the room in her casuals and spoke up.

"She was injured in the monster tide and is resting here under my care."

The door behind Rito also opened as Lala in her uniform walked out and spoke up with an equally impassive voice.

"Yeah, Fubuki was very injured but she regrets acting so rashly, right?"

Lala looked at Fubuki with a curious glance while Rito's lips started to twitch.

"Well, yeah. If I had thought out my actions beforehand, I wouldn't have gotten injured."

Fubuki spoke naturally as Tatsumaki nodded with a satisfied expression. She had raised her younger sister well.

"Let's go."


Lala and Tatsumaki walked/floated down as they left Fubuki and Rito in an awkward silence once again.

"So? I guess that their words were meant for you, right?"

Fubuki glanced at Rito curiously.

"I guess so."

"Don't worry, they all are just extremely worried for you. Except for me, my sister has never worried so much for anyone else."

Fubuki smiled and nodded before walking downstairs and only then did he understand the problem.

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'Wear some decent clothes!'

His gaze was immediately attracted by her large and perky butt as she walked down while her legs and thighs were completely exposed.

Sighing, he followed only to he surprised even further.

"Ok... this has far surpassed the level of a guest house... they are turning it into their own house."

As he walked down, he could see into the living room where Ryōko and Tatsumaki sat in front of the TV, watching the early morning news while Fubuki set up the table with a variety of dishes.

Even though Fubuki's movements and bending motions brought in Rito's attention ever so slightly, he heard the same sounds in the kitchen and walked in only to find another three figures talking and laughing.

Tearju prepared omelet as the frying pan sizzled lightly. Dressed in her signature sweater, she wore a flowery apron and smiled while talking to Lala, who was sitting near the stove.

On the other hand, Mikan cutely cut the vegetables as she kept on complaining with puffed up cheeks.

"Somebody's gotta fill me in... what's going on?"

Rito finally couldn't hold it in. Why were Tearju and Ryōko here? And what's going on with this ridiculously large breakfast?

The moment he spoke out, Mikan quietened down and concentrated on cutting. After all, she might get hurt if she doesn't keep her focus when she cuts vegetables.

Meanwhile, Lala turned her head and picked up a box of cereals and started reading the information written on its back with a determined gaze.

She was determined to find out the real secret behind the delicious taste of this box of cereals!

Only Tearju acted maturely.

Smilingly, yet managing to keep her eyes indifferent, she spoke up.

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"Oh, you're awake. Wash yourself before you eat the breakfast."

She then concentrated on cooking. The frying pan was hot and it was dangerous to lose attention.

"No, I want to know what's going on?"

Rito sighed and continued. Though, he may be the one at fault here, he is at least entitled to an answer.

"Hmm? Well, if you really want to know. After your little stunt, Tatsumaki brought her injured sister here because she is currently living with Mikan and then Ryōko and I decided to help Mikan out with cooking."

Tearju's smile remained gentle and yet her words managed to jab at Rito.

But Rito wasn't as immature to find faults in this situation.

Nodding, he left and quickly got ready as the doorbell finally rang.

"Who's it now?"

Rito walked down the stairs and opened the door. His gaze immediately condensed as two extremely familiar figures stood in front of him.

Even the couple looked stunned when they saw Rito here.

A man with black messy hair while the woman had shoulder-length light brown hair while her features easily matched Rito's and Mikan's.

"Dad?... Mom?"

Before he could speak further, Ringo Yuuki immediately jumped towards him and hugged him tightly. Looking at her suitcase on the doorstep, it was easy to interpret that she had just returned.

Hearing the commotion, Mikan peaked her head out before her eyes widened in surprise.

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She immediately ran towards the duo.


"Woah! So you all live here?!"

Ringo sat on a side couch as she looked at the room filled with beauties then turned her gaze towards Rito, who had been silently eating all this time.

Really, his hands never stopped even once while the others talked and chatted with Ringo.

It turned out that after the monster tide, Saibai immediately came back to the house and also found about Rito. This time, he couldn't keep things from his wife, Ringo, who was going through her world tour and called her to fill her in.

While they both had unanimously decided to focus on their careers, during the extreme situations like this, it was their responsibility as a parent to take care of their children.

While Ringo's flight got delayed due to the accident, Saibai had been visiting Mikan every day and only left after it was past her bedtime.

"Rito? You look in a bad mood... is something in your mind?"

No matter biological or not, Ringo was Rito's mother while he himself didn't happen to have any attachment to her.

After all, it was his second life without parents and honestly, he always felt that blood relationship are slightly exaggerated.

Shaking his head, Rito drank a mouthful of juice and smiled naturally.

"Oh, it's nothing."

He then continued eating under the strange gazes of everyone in the room.

The situation had easily overturned as somehow, Rito became the person who started to ignore his surroundings.

Even he didn't know that deep inside, his mood only got worse after meeting his own mother of this world.

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