Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 12

The moment his body was pressurised by twenty kilograms worth of magical bands, his passive skill [Agony Lover] was already activated. When his senses felt the pressure of his body, he also felt a slight feeling of enjoyment and happiness.

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This emotion didn't felt external and artificial, but it felt like he really enjoyed staying in such a pressure and this is how he should be living.

But this feeling was extremely subtle and did not truly affect Rito.

On the other hand, this situation allowed him to truly feel the dread of the Rank S skill. Even though it was quite easy to keep his self under control, the fact remained that he hadn't even trained and had just equipped his body with the weights.

His expression was grim, but he only bit his lips and started to stretch lightly.

He knew that there is some specific skill that can counter the side-effects of [Agony Lover], but it would at least be an S Rank skill.

Thinking till here, he only shook his head bitterly.

The least expensive Rank S skill starts at the astronomic price of almost 300,000 KP.

After stretching, he felt even more 'pleasured' as he tried to keep his emotion in check. Rito would have never thought that his physical training would lead to a mental confrontation against one of his skill's side-effects.

He immediately placed his hands on the edges of the bed and made sure that his grip was shoulder-length apart from each other. Since he was originally weak and now, his condition was even worse after putting on weights. So he couldn't start with normal push-ups and tried to do some inclined push-ups with his upper body positioned above his lower body.

This way, some of the pressure on his shoulders was reduced and he was able to do six of them before he started panting. This was the first time this body had even started to train and his hands were already hurting.

But the more he felt painful, the excited his heart grew as this pure emotion compelled his body to continue the exercise. Even though Rito wanted to resist and change to a different exercise, he felt that he won't be able to activate his other skill [Limit Breaker] until he really collapses from exhaustion.

With a newfound determination, he grits his teeth and started to bend his arms as his body moved towards the bed and the veins of his forearms and wrist bulged slightly. A layer of sweat was already formed on his forehead and he kept on performing the push-ups.

Just when he reached the count of 19, he felt that his arms didn't have any strength left. He fell on the floor and took deep breaths. He looked at the skill [Limit Breaker] and saw that the progress was still 0%.

"No, this isn't right. Even though my arms are tired, my body is still filled with expendable energy."

He immediately changed his focus to his legs and thought of a hard exercise he could perform that can also use the weight placed on his arms and legs.

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He thought for a moment and stuck his left leg out and placed both of his arms on his sides and bend both of his knees.

He was performing lunges!

With the natural weight of his arms pulling him down, he could get a better effect for his legs if he performed lunges.

First left leg, take it back and then perform the same action with the right leg.

But he did not stop even after that. Since he already had the knowledge about various martial arts training, he decided to perform one of the core exercises discussed in the information.

Soon, he was only covered in sweat and lay on the floor like a dead fish. Meanwhile, his body was completely tired and a warm energy, alongside a joyful emotion raged inside his body.

The warm energy originated from the body strengthening potion he had to intake to get the maximum result after every exercise, while the joyful emotion originated from the side-effects of his passive skill.

He tried to calm his mind as his body kept on trembling, as if asking for more. But even if he wanted to succumb to his emotion, he couldn't even move. He was completely beat!

He did not even bother checking his [Limit Breaker] skill since he knew that he would have gained a higher strength if the skill progressed. Even though he very well understood that breaking through the limits of the body is a very hard and long process, he couldn't help but feel bitter when he felt no progress at all.

Just like that, he laid on the floor, covered in his own sweat and closed his eyes to rest. But this rest was only momentary since his body was feeling his strength returning, credits to [Martial Tempering Potion] and he stood up and entered the most basic horse stance

He felt that if he wants to break the limits of his body, he would have to train every aspect of his body, not just his muscles, but also his senses, bones, agility and even more.

Just like that, the effect of the potion lasted for an entire hour. In between, Rito had to rest and calm his emotions every 15 minutes. Even though he did not progress in removing the natural limiter placed over his body, he did discover many aspects of the skills.

In the most literal sense, a skill should have been able to remove his limiter the moment he gained it, but that wasn't the case with his own skills.

He felt that the skills he attained until now needed some kind of requirements before they could show their might.

For instance, the [Limit Breaker] skill. This skill had high physical requirements to show its might. This meant that what he was trying to achieve— exercise till breaking the limiter, was a completely wrong train of thought.

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If his guess was correct, as he simply increased his physical body's foundation, the skill will be the factor to remove the natural limiter placed on his body and show its true might.

He reckoned that this was the reason there was a progress bar alongside the skill that did not move up from the heavenly 0%!

But this was only his assumption. He couldn't be sure that this was the case for all the skills.

But of course, he only had two Passive skills till now so he couldn't formulate the rules by which various skills operate.

The previous assumption could also be applicable to [Agony Lover].

The side-effects he was suffering because of the intense training only belonged to a very tiny part of the skill. He was even fearful that if he actually reached the level cap of the skill regarding the affliction of pain, he felt that such an attack would kill him before any of his skills could be activated.

But he also found a solution to this matter if he couldn't acquire a skill to counter it.

He just needed to get strong.

The stronger his body gets, the harder it is to afflict injury and lower it the hidden risk of his skill [Agony Lover].

Since the effect of the potion was already digested completely, Rito simply cleaned his body with a clean towel inside the restroom and went back to the bed and sleep.


It turned out that his body was so tired that he simply slept through most of the morning and only woke up in the noon.

When he woke up, the first sight to enter his eyes was a beautiful girl with short Blue hair that was styled with a red clip from the front. Her purple eyes looked at the window in a dazed manner and she simply sat beside him quietly.

He looked slightly surprised at the visitor.

Of course, she was Sairenji Haruna!

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She was dressed in a floral sundress and she was sitting on the chair with her legs crossed. The dress itself matched with her purple eyes and the contrast between her beautiful and soft skin attracted every guy's attention. What's more, since she was young, her face also looked extremely cute and even Rito wanted to pinch her cheeks.

"Hi, Haruna-san!"

Rito moved slightly and tried to sit up while his arms were under tremendous pressure. The slight sense of excitement coursing throughout his body did not help either.

"Ah? I'm sorry to visit you without announcing. But I had to skip school to move in with my Elder Sister, so I thought that maybe.... I will visit you, too...."

She spoke with a startled expression, but when she reached the latter part of her sentence, her face blushed lightly and she tried to look away.

"I understand, thank you for keeping me company all this while."

He grinned and scratched the back of his head.


She didn't reply, but her blush deepened.

"So, how long have you been sitting here?"

Rito asked as he tried to stop his movement and reduce his pain.

"It's only been fifteen minute—"

Before she could complete her sentence, the door to his room was opened and another woman walked inside. She was dressed in a white buttoned-up shirt and black pants. Her hair, similar in color to Sairenji's were longer and easily crossed her shoulders.

She also had a somewhat slender yet extremely curvaceous body, at least from the front.

Seeing her barging so suddenly, even Rito was surprised, but he held his words since she looked like Sairenji and is probably her relative.

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"Haaaaa~ How long will it take? It's already been over an hour!"

She immediately complained, but before she continued, she looked at Rito, who has obviously woken up and her eyes brightened.


She exclaimed and sat mear Sairenji, who was blushing since her lie was caught.

Of course, Rito wouldn't bust her and embarrass her further. He simply flashed a smile towards Sairenji and spoke out gently.

"I am sorry for troubling you."

Sairenji also smiled in response and shook her head.

"Huh? Did something happen between you two when I was gone!"

The woman spoke out and looked confused.

Haruna just shook her head bitterly and introduced the woman alongside her.

"Rito-san, she is my elder sister, Akiho Sairenji. Onee-san, he is my classmate, Rito Yuuki."

She introduced both of them.

Rito noticed that Haruna had already started to call him by his first name. He felt slightly happy because he was the only one calling her by the first name previously.

He looked at Akiho Sairenji and nodded his head.

"Hello, Onee-san, nice to meet you!"

He smiled widely, causing both of the girls to feel stunned.

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