Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 17


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Tatsumaki stopped in her tracks. She was already pissed off by this strange kid in front of her and she was already planning on leaving or else she might end up hurting an innocent party in her frustration.

Tatsumaki was known as the strongest Esper on Earth and she could use her psychokinesis to move her body and fly around. With much frustration that she wouldn't be able to enjoy her break time, she covered her body with her psychic energy and prepared to fly away.

But it was at this moment, the kid's expression changed and he immediately raised his hand as if he was caught committing a crime and shouted.

"Please listen to me!"

The Tornado of Terror couldn't help but frown. She was already planning on leaving since the kid in front of him had already apologised for bumping into her and also told her that he had been discharged from the hospital today.

She didn't want to show her 'rude' side and send him back there.

She calmed her growing impatience and landed back on the ground with a huff.


Rito heaved a sigh of relief. He really felt that he would be beaten back to the hospital.

"Uh... I wanted to ask that, um... are you the Tornado of Terror?"

He didn't know what to ask, what else could he do to start the conversation?

"Hmph, at least you recognise me!"

Tatsumaki snorted coldly and yet it felt cute in front of Rito's eyes. She crossed her arms and looked at the boy, waiting for him to speak.

'Should I say that I am a big fan?... No, that wouldn't work if I want to befriend her. Maybe I could compliment her.... no, what kind of freak would compliment a complete stranger out of nowhere.'

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He started pondering about the various methods he could use to approach Tatsumaki.

"Hey, if you are not going to speak, why did you even stop me?!"

Tatsumaki spoke impatiently and used her psychokinesis to smack the back of Rito's head lightly.

Before Rito could respond, he felt a terrible pressure pushing him forward. He wasn't able to cope up and he ended up losing his footing.

Feeling that it wasn't long before he fell and there was already one of the most dangerous women standing in front of him, he had two different thoughts in his head.

'Groping her it is...'

'Why the hell my quirk is named Luck Fall, it should've been Unlucky Fall of Death!'

He screamed in his heart as the inevitable was going to happen.

Tatsumaki was just as surprised as Rito. She had just hit him 'lightly' and he actually fell. She thought that he was still weak since he had been just discharged from the hospital.

Rito had already closed his eyes and waited for him to fall on Tatsumaki.

"Are you alright?"

Rito opened his eyes only to see that his face was only an inch away from Tatsumaki's. He could clearly see her green eyes and her beautiful face adorned with soft and cute features.

Her small mouth was accentuated by light pink lips and her nose was straight and sharp as it became a little soft at the tip.

But the most important thing was that Tatsumaki had actually resisted his quirk. Even if she did it unintentionally without the prior knowledge of his quirk, the fact remained that the 'Luck Fall' was resisted.

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Tatsumaki had already taken a gentler approach when she spoke put softly to ask about Rito's condition, but seeing him ignoring her once again, her anger flared up.

Feeling a sliver of terror, Rito immediately came to be and quickly nodded his head as he remained floating.

"Ah, yes! Thank you for helping me out."

Rito smiled sheepishly and wanted to rub the back of his head, but currently, he wasn't in control of his body.

"Hmph, as long as you understand!"

She snorted cutely and crossed her hands once again as she let Rito stand once again smoothly.

'But I couldn't get close to her.'

It wasn't that he wanted to complete his quest, it was just that since he had already met with one of the powerful women that he admired, he did not want to lose his chance and genuinely wanted to know her better.

In this life, he had a possibility to meet more characters from anime and manga and he wanted to cherish his opportunities and try to befriend them.

"Are you free right now?"

After chatting with Tearju for a whole week, he had already understood that trying to chat with Tatsumaki in a roundabout manner would only backfire, so he had decided to get straight to the point.

"I was free before you destroyed my mood, hmph!"

She turned her face away and closed her eyes. She then gave Rito a sidelong glance and finally asked with an irritated expression.

"What?! Just say it!"

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Rito's lips twitched and he felt that he really shouldn't have gone straight to the point. He was having mixed feelings about the whole incident because of his inferiority towards Tatsumaki. If she wants to, she can swat him away like a bug.

His eyes immediately burned brightly with conviction and resolve.

"My little sister is a big fan of you and we both live near. If you could, maybe.... you can meet her personally."

'Sorry, Mikan!'

He apologized to his sister mentally.

Hearing his request, Tatsumaki fell silent. She was an Elder Sister herself and she really cared for her little sister in her own manner. She seriously looked at Rito with squinted eyes!

"Fine, since you had the courage to ask, I will meet your sister! But you only have ten minutes!"

She spoke in an unhurried manner as her body was covered in a light green glow and she started to levitate.

"Thank you! That's all I ask!"

Rito's body glowed too as he felt that he wasn't able to control his body anymore.

"Where do you live?"

She asked as they both started to move higher and higher.

"Ah, yes! We live near the Social Response Facility!"

Meanwhile, he finally realised his biggest blunder.

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Mikan was still at school.

They were still high up from the ground and Rito couldn't help but lament.

"Um... what should I call you?"

He felt helpless. He couldn't just speak 'oi' or her name straight up.

Tatsumaki glimpsed slightly and looked at Rito that was floating to her side.

"Just call me Lord Hero!"

She spoke with a smug expression as she started to feel Rito's helpless expression a little exciting.

"Right, Lord Hero, I kinda forgot that my Sister is still at school."


They both immediately stopped in their tracks and Tatsumaki kept on looking at Rito for a while.

After what felt like an eternity, Rito felt that the atmosphere was growing slightly dangerous. Tatsumaki wasn't speaking as she kept on gazing at him with a cold expression.

He gulped lightly and wanted to speak something, but Tatsumaki spoke out at the very same time.

Her voice was very low... and yet, it sounded extremely dangerous. Given his situation, flying high without any wings, he felt that telling Tatsumaki about Mikan being in the school was even more stupid.

He finally understood the meaning of 'Digging your own grave'.

"Are you looking down on me?"

Thus started Rito's ten-minute date of terror.

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