Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 19

Sainan Middle High.

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"Haa~ Life on Earth is so nice~"

A mature woman sporting short brownish red hair smelled the fragrance of the tea and sighed in a relaxed manner.

The moment she leaned back on her chair and her breasts, that were held by an open neck pink top with frilly edges, jiggled slightly.

Her legs would have been on full display and would be showing her magnificent thighs if not for a big white lab coat that blocked the view of the side of her legs. The remaining, small upper portion of her legs was covered by a short black skirt that was covered by her pink top and held together by a belt on her slender waist.

She closed her green eyes and took a deep breath of relaxation.

"But the introduction of quirks is really screwing up with their minds. Unnecessary bullying, villainy and even monsters. There is no need to cause destruction."

She sighed as she thought of her recent case.

"Hmph, bullying a girl because of not having any quirk, how stupid! This planet isn't even advance enough to understand the mysteries of quirks!"

She grumbled and felt bad when she saw how the poor girl was getting treated by.her classmates.

"It's good for them to forget all about that. If they still continue, I will just scare them with playing with their perspective for a bit."

She nodded to herself in a satisfied manner, entirely convinced that using high-tech alien medication on a bunch of kids was the correct choice to resolve the issue of bullying.

"Either way, Tearju has it rough! She is way too clumsy for a delicate job like nursing. She even almost killed one of my students. Maybe I should help her again...."

She fell into deep thoughts, only to be awakened by a knock on the window.




The woman opened her eyes and was instantly turned speechless.

Outside her window, she could see a girl floating in front wearing a tattered black dress with the ends of her dress split-off.

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Blood was pouring out of her nose and even her head seemed injured, too. Her expression was haggard and she also had a companion floating around with her.

A young boy with blood covering his entire face while his body was covered with a sleeveless black t-shirt and a pair of blue denim. His entire arm seemed to be damaged to an extreme condition as his muscles and bones have meshed together.

Seeing the boy's dirty orange-brown hair, an ominous premonition spread inside the lady and she quickly opened the window to let the duo in. She then proceeded to lock the door of the medical room and finally looked at the green-haired brat, waiting for an explanation.

"Ryōko, this isn't what it looks like..."

Tatsumaki spread her hands and her eyes rolled up before she ended up fainting herself near the kid.


Mikado Ryōko's eyes twitched before she started treating the boy.


Social Response Facility is a three-story building that had the emblem of Hero Association carved on the top of the facility. This institution was specifically created by the Hero Association to cater to the needs and problems of the common, quirkless population.

Of course, the Heroes in this organisation wouldn't be dispatched to fix broken pipes or repairing of home appliances, no. These heroes would be dispatched to resolve the issue of social abuse, harassment and other critical problems.

But right now, they were all panicked and speechless as they saw a big crater right in front of their building. Many news reporters were already gathered near the crater and took pictures and quickly asked the nearby civilians to understand the situation.

Tornado of Terror struck again!

The moment they heard it was a news related to Tornado of Terror, all the reporters lost their motivation and started to pack things up and leave with a frustrated expression.

They would love to write a spicy news report on the Rank-3 S-Class Hero, but when they recalled the destruction of one of the news reporting company, they couldn't find the courage to bad mouth the fiery hero.

Meanwhile, a shivering existence could be seen hiding behind the building. His body was extremely bulky and had gold blonde hair. The most distinctive feature of the man was two long bangs standing straight, creating a 'V' on top of his head.

"Oh my God! I completely forgot that I had to pick Tatsumaki-chan and bring her to the academy! (In English) What have I done?!"

He quickly took out his mobile phone and covered his mouth and the phone as the call was answered.

"Yes, it's me. Did Tatsumaki-chan come to you? Oh, she is there, that's a relief! ... What?! She has already attacked a civilian... a kid?! I am coming right up, please keep the window open! Yes! Thank you!"

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He quickly closed his mobile phone and ran towards a specific direction. His speed was extremely fast and he actually jumped hundreds of metres high and quickly crossed four blocks easily.


Ryōko's forehead was filled with sweat as she looked at the completely damaged arms. She had a cell-phone-like equipment attached to Rito's chest as she read his parameters.

"His muscle density is continuously evolving. His blood is already thicker than a normal human's and his bones are getting sturdier. If this injury isn't treated, his arm would remain like this forever."

She stood up and quickly walked towards her desk and took out three vials filled with purple liquid.

"A little poison alongside a hyper-growth medicine should work. He would also need to stay in the medical chamber for a while."

Thinking till here, she looked at Tatsumaki.

"She actually did the right thing for once. If she took him to Recovery Girl, he would have to live with hidden injuries for the rest of his life."

She took the small vials of medicine and used an injection to inject the liquid inside his body through his arm.

As she did that, she took out her phone and called someone.

"Hi, this Mikado. Yes, the boy's condition is stable. I need to bring him to the medical chamber this weekend. Thank you. All Might? He is on his way."

She cut the call and then looked towards Tatsumaki.

"Sigh, it looks like your brain isn't functioning well enough. Aren't you an Esper, why would you even attack a young boy?"

She muttered in confusion. She would never believe that Rito was the one who had actually caused this whole incident. She would find it even more unbelievable that Rito had actually forced Tatsumaki to use her extreme measures.

She pressed Tatsumaki's head gently and took a towel from the side to rub the blood away.

Looking at her tired and innocent expression, Ryōko couldn't help but sigh.

"Why can't you be this cute when you are awake?"

She took a green pill from the side of her lab coat and placed it inside Tatsumaki's mouth.

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After doing all this, she walked near her table and pressed a small red button on the middle drawer before pulling it open.

The inside of the drawer was extremely dark and none of its content could be seen. Ryōko put her hand inside the drawer and started to take some stuff out.

A fresh pair of clothes, a bucket filled with water, a clean bedsheet and a couple of towels.

Yes, everything from a drawer!

She then took away the red button and moved towards the door and placed it on the knob before rotating the button gently and pressing on it once again. After that, she unlocked the door and started to tend to Rito.

Since she couldn't remove his clothes, she had to cut them apart as she started to use the wet towels to clean his body. She even bandaged his mangled arm in a quick speed.

After cleaning his body, she opened the drawer after pressing the button and placed the bucket filled with bloodied water back inside and took out another bucket filled with clean water.

After dressing Rito, she didn't start by tending to Tatsumaki, instead, she waited for a while and coughed gently.


As if her cough was a cue, a burly man burst through the window with a smile that showcased hos glowing teeth.

A deep and charismatic voice emerged out of his hard and chiselled face.

"It's fine now! Why? Because I AM HERE!"

He made a pose with his arms and curled his arms.

"Yeah, yeah, you know, it gets weird when you keep waiting outside the window all this time."

Ryōko looked unimpressed and didn't even pay much attention to the new arrival.

"Even though I have called the school, I need you to give your support for me to use the medical chamber. Got it?"

Ryōko spoke out and looked at Rito while pointing at his arm.

"His condition is just like you when I first treated you... no, even worse. So take good care of him. He is quirkless and something happened between him and Tatsumaki."

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She sighed and sat back on her chair as All Might walked near Tatsumaki and picked her up. He also looked at Rito's arm and felt very surprised by the damage. With his experience as a pro-hero, only a touch was enough to make him understand the seriousness of the wound.

He looked at Tatsumaki, who he was carrying in his arms. His voice was filled with hidden rage as he spoke out.

"Did Tatsumaki-chan did this?"

He looked towards Ryōko and his blue eyes were completely serious.

"No, this doesn't look like her work. From what I can see, his body, even though stabilised, for now, is growing at a molecular level and is changing his physique as we speak. I don't know if it is a medical condition or a quirk. Even in space, I haven't seen such a medical condition."

"A quirk? Didn't you say that he is quirkless?"

All Might stopped in his tracks and asked in a surprised manner.

"Even though it is uncommon, many people show their own individuality in the later stages of life. Maybe he is one of them."

She didn't look particularly surprised. After all, she was more than clear on the subject of quirks.

"On that note, how are you holding up?" She looked at All Might and pointed at the left side of his abdomen.

"Oh, it's going great. I didn't know if Recovery Girl could have healed it, but I am able to use my quirk once again because of you."

All Might became excited as he spoke about his condition.

"Of course, your body was not only punctured, but also poisoned. Even that old woman wouldn't be able to heal you. Besides, I had to heal you to stay in Japan."

She sipped her tea and crossed her legs.

"Be sure to take your medications for three years and don't overwork your quirk. It's an extremely special kind and it has side effects on the body of it isn't properly contained."

All Might nodded and finally left with Tatsumaki as he gave Rito one more glance before leaving.

Ryōko also kept on gazing at Rito and felt her head hurt.

"Just in one week, this kid has already experienced three near-death encounters! What luck!"

She sighed and started doing her own work. She had already given him the medicine and all she could do is wait.

"Earth isn't too peaceful after all!"

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