Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 34

"So, in a nutshell, you ran away from your family because your father wanted to marry you against your will."

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Rito showed a thoughtful expression as he sighed in his heart.

'Truly, nobody in this world is an idiot as shown in Anime.'

In her explanation, Lala explained her background as an upper-class, rich family where her father wanted to gain a new market of trade through a collaboration by way of marriage.

Desperate and unwilling, Lala couldn't agree to her father's decision and decided to run away.

But in reality, Rito knew about her true origins and he felt that Lala's intention of hiding her true origin was a smart and sensible choice.

After all, if someone stood in front of you and spoke with a straight face: 'Hey there! I am an Alien!', a normal person would immediately report this strange being to the heroes.

Not only that, but Rito also felt that this version of Lala had her own charm when she had a serious expression. Seeing the mature expression on her young face, Rito felt slightly attracted, but that wasn't the point.

Suddenly, his thoughts started to accelerate as he finally found a loophole in her explanation.

He looked at Lala and frowned slightly.

"If you are truly being honest, then can you explain how did you actually run away?"

Hearing his question, Lala didn't know how to reply for a while. Meanwhile, the sudden awkward pause had also exposed Lala for the most part.

Seeing her master's embarrassing state, Peke spoke up once again.

"We ran away by using one of master's invention."

Even though Peke's claim covered a lot, it was actually a complete lie.

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Rito looked at both of them an shook his head.

"You both should definitely leave."

Even though he came to a conclusion, he didn't bother explaining them too much. Right now, he truly wanted both of them to leave his house.

If the event played according to the original storyline then Lala's two bodyguards would definitely burst into his house.

But this wasn't the same world. There are too many variables. What if those two aliens had ill intentions towards him and his sister?

What if those two aliens are caught by heroes?

And for some reason, Rito always had a feeling that Lala's escape didn't seem so simple.

When Lala heard Rito, she couldn't help but smile sadly.

"I understand, thank you for everything."

She was still in Rito's clothes but it didn't bother her too much and she stood up.

Meanwhile, Peke was the one who got angry.

She couldn't believe that someone would actually refuse to help them. Even though Lala didn't explicitly ask for Rito's support, her act of staying in his house had already shown her request for help, but Rito, this guy was actually kicking them out of his house.

She immediately slammed the table and shouted at Rito.

"Why? Even if you are a human, you should at least show the proper respect that Lala-sama deserves and help us!"

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"Peke, calm down!"

Lala immediately picked up Peke and hugged her and tried to stop her from speaking anymore.

This is the problem with the Artificial intelligence, they are capable of emotions and even these kind of robots speak more than necessary.

Rito narrowed his eyes and tried his best to not show a smile on his face.

"A Human? You speak as if you aren't created by human yourself."

He spoke as he pointed at Lala.

Even Peke understood that she outspoke herself.

Before he could say anything else, a knock could be heard on his door, stunning the trio.

Rito looked at the duo and placed his index finger on his mouth, directing them not to speak.

"Hmm? Who's knocking the door so late?"

Even Mikan came out of her room.

Seeing Mikan rubbing her tired eyes, Rito felt slightly guilty. After all, he has only been troubling and worrying her over his own selfish needs.

"Mikan, I'll go answer the door, you should go back and sleep."

Rito immediately walked towards Mikan's bedroom, and didn't even let her take a step out.

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"Uun, fine!"

Seeing her lazy response, Rito sighed silently.

After she went inside once again, Rito slowly walked towards the door, only to hear a crashing sound from the living room.


"It's so boring!"

Tatsumaki yawned and stretched her body. There were only two other S-Class Heroes left in the building.

One was a grey-skinned man with a lot of stitches on his face and body. His red eyes looked at Tatsumaki for a moment before turning back and observing the two aliens in black suits once again.

"Hey, Zombieman! Is it true that you won't die even if you are stabbed a thousand times?"

To reduce her boredom, Tatsumaki decided to chat with the grey-skinned S-Class Hero— Zombieman.

Startled by her question, Zombieman looked at Tatsumaki once again and found that she only wanted to know more about him because of her boredom.

This realisation failed to change his indifferent feeling towards all lifeforms.

He didn't reply to Tatsumaki but she was able to hear him mutter slightly.

"Life is a lie... death is the truth..."

Actually, his whisper was loud enough for everyone to hear in the room. Even though the two aliens felt slightly creeped out by his response, Tatsumaki and the other hero didn't feel strange.

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Zombieman's reply to most of the question is usually the same.

"Tch! Boring!"

Tatsumaki shouted and then looked at the computer device placed on the desk. It still showed the current address of the pink-haired princess.

To reduce her boredom, she simply decided to look up for the owner of the address and an image of a man with messy hair showed up.

She wasn't hacking or doing anything illegal. As an S-Class Hero, she had the authority to look at all the information of Rank 6 or below.

'Saibai Yuuki?'

When she read the name, she felt slightly familiar.

'Wait a minute... he is that boy's father?'

Tatsumaki immediately recalled Rito's information provided by All Might.

She looked at Zombieman and the other S-Class Hero— Eraser Head, a man with long messy black hair and a set of lazy eyes with dark bags under his eyes. A white strip of cloth could be seen rolled around his neck.

"You two, I am going out for some time!"

She didn't wait for the other two's response and immediately flew off.

Meanwhile, Zombieman and Eraser Head looked at each other for a moment before Eraser Head opened his mouth.

"If I erased your quirk and then stabbed you, would you still live or die?"

Hearing his question, even the two aliens were slightly curious while Zombieman simply closed his eyes and tried to figure out the reason why every single hero would even try to stab him.

They are all on the same team.

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