Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 49: Liar

"So? What's the matter?"

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Ryōko crossed her legs and asked while she picked up her mug once again.

Meanwhile, Rito was placed on the bed besides Haruna and Ochaco as Lala sat near him and gazed at the trio, her eyes slightly dazed and her thoughts unreadable.

Seeing this, Tatsumaki didn't reply instead asked another question.

"Ryōko, you look like someone experienced in relationships, what do you think about those two? Is it weird?"

Tatsumaki sat in her chair and whispered to Ryōko, making her look at Lala.

"Hmm? Well, I understand why you are skeptical."

Ryōko replied as she sipped on her tea.

"You do?"

Tatsumaki looked at Ryōko. She thought that she had found the right person to discuss about all the weirdness going around her while she flatly ignored her own weird nature.

Ryōko nodded and smiled at Tatsumaki.

"Yes, I understand why you would think that I am experienced in relationships. After all, with a body so gorgeous, it is hard to keep men at bay. But I assure you, I am as inexperienced as a teenage girl in high school."

"How can you speak such things with a straight face?!"

Tatsumaki retorted to Ryōko's narcissistic words.

"Hmm? Did I say something wrong? But it's the truth."

Ryōko didn't mind Tatsumaki's scary face as she kept her smile and sipped on her tea.

"Well, coming back to your question. I wouldn't think it's weird if they have known each other for a long time and even risked their lives for each other but these two kids just met yesterday. So yeah, it's pretty weird."

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Ryōko nodded and spoke her true thoughts but after listening to her previous words, Tatsumaki didn't dare to take her words on their face value.

"So what about you? This is the first I'm hearing about you actually moving into his house... no, his bedroom. Have you finally explored your true self?"

Ryōko asked calmly.

"Aahh! You are too weird to talk to! What exploration?! It's for the safety of the planet! Understood?!"

Tatsumaki wanted to pull on her hair. She would have used her powers the very moment she had gotten impatient but she didn't dare go berserk when this Demon Doctor still sat near her.

"Heh? It's a joke. Don't get so serious, you might create misunderstandings."

Ryōko chuckled and stood up from her chair, making her way towards Rito with a small portable scanner in her hands.

"What are you doing?"

Lala asked as she looked at the scanner with a shining gaze as if she was a puppy that had found a new chew toy.


Ryōko flicked her forehead and sighed while she scanned Rito's body.

"Don't even think about it. This full body scanner is way too expensive, even for someone like me."

After the scan was complete, a holographic image of Rito appeared in front of the three and Ryōko couldn't help but frown.

"Is this the true effect of the mark of Charmians?"

Ryōko muttered to herself as she looked at Lala, who was gazing at Rito's holographic image while rubbing her forehead.

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"Why did you scan him? Does he has some kind of disease?"

Lala asked curiously as she went through Rito's report while Tatsumaki couldn't understand most part of it.

"Tch, besides having an atrocious luck of getting into trouble, he has no other diseases. It's just that he was injured pretty badly yesterday but now, he is completely fine.

Not a shred of internal trauma. This is a feat that most of the quirks of human society cannot achieve while my technology also couldn't heal him this quickly."

Ryōko slumped back on her chair as she felt that she needed to discuss Rito with Tearju once again.

"Wait... his vital signs are..."

Lala trailed her voice as she felt slightly stunned for the second time on the same day... no, in the same hour.

"Yeah... this is something that cannot be explained by quirks."

While the two brainiacs were able to understand the implications, Tatsumaki was suddenly left out.

"Hey, what are you guys talking about!"

She immediately shouted and interrupted both of them.

They both gazed at Tatsumaki while Ryōko spoke with a mocking face.

"Look, Lala. Doesn't she look cute this way?"

To her question, Lala actually replied quite seriously.

"Yes, she looks like my younger sisters."


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She wanted to shed blood!

After the trio had calmed down... well, only Tatsumaki needed to calm down while the other two merely talked about various delicacies they had tasted across the galaxy.

"Alright, come back to the main topic already!"

Tatsumaki looked at Ryōko with anger and impatience in her eyes.

Actually, they had quite a relaxing morning as they leisurely ate the breakfast prepared by Mikan and then Tatsumaki finally brought Lala to Ryōko.

But before they could ask Ryōko for a favor, Rito came in with two girls in his hands and the scene quickly devolved into Tatsumaki and Rito arguing with each other while Lala played with the red button, one of the extraterrestrial technology brought by Ryōko.

"Fine, what is it?"

Ryōko finally stopped teasing Tatsumaki and asked with her characteristical smile.

"I want you to help Lala enrol in this school."

"It can be done."

Ryōko nodded and looked at Tatsumaki.

"So? You want to be a teacher here, then?"

"Hah? Why would I want to come back to school?! I have more important things to do!"

Tatsumaki snorted and crossed her arms.

"Like lazing on the couch with a bowl of potato chips and watching anime on television?"

Ryōko asked, causing Tatsumaki to go speechless.

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Who's the psychic here?!

She couldn't help but shout in her mind.

Ryōko finally asked the question that has been bugging her this entire time.

"Even though you said that you were sent by the Hero Association, I cannot seem to believe it. You are lying, right?"

Ryōko took a sip and looked at Tatsumaki with great interest.


Tatsumaki humphed with her cute voice and looked away.

Meanwhile, Lala, who was watching all this muttered lightly but in this silent room, it rang like a clap of thunder inside Tatsumaki's heart.



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