Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 52: Best Wingman Ever— Peke

Thank you Dhanush Shetty for joining my pat/reon.

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This evening, the Yuuki household had finally gained two efficient Houseguests.

"Here, Tatsumaki-san! This part still isn't clean!"

Mikan smiled cutely and beckoned Tatsumaki while she floated in the kitchen with an impassive expression. Around her, three square pieces of rag floated around as she wiped the ceilings with her powers.

As Mikan exploited all the usage of Tatsumaki's powers in household chores, Rito accompanied Lala in a completely different room.

The moment he stepped into the room, he felt like anything in this world wouldn't be able to shake his stable heart and surprise him ever again.

"You created this room in three hours?"

Rito looked at this room that had toggled on its futuristic settings. Heck, he was sure that this room wasn't in the blueprint of his original house but here it is.

The Legendary room created inside his wardrobe.

The strangest thing was the fact that the moment he entered the room, the first thing to greet his sight was a wardrobe filled with his clothes.

So in this sense, is this place a wardrobe inside a wardrobe?

Or a room inside a wardrobe with a wardrobe?

'No... don't get confused now. Just think of it as the most expensive changing room on Earth!'

As he thought this, Rito unconsciously felt better.

"Oh right, Lala. I've got to ask you something?"

"Hmm, what is it, Rito?"

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She asked as she played around in the big room. Rito didn't know how Lala had the time to decorate all this. After all, there was already a bed, a desk alongside some chairs while a whole section of mechanical tools was created by her.

"You didn't do something strange to me when we slept together, did you?"

Rito asked the question to which he already knew the answer while he looked into the wardrobe to check on his clothes. After all, it's better to be safe than sorry.

What would happen if Lala had done something strange to his clothes?

Meanwhile, Lala turned silent after hearing his question.

"Hm? Lala?"

Rito turned back only to look at Lala's blushing face.

'What the hell did you do?!'

He shouted internally. It was quite a unique sight to look at Lala's blushed face and at the same time, it depicted that she had done something even SHE is embarrassed about.

"Lala, what did you do?"

He couldn't help but ask again.

Thinking back to how openly and honestly Rito praised her, the flush on her face grew deeper and smoke started to rise out of her head.

"Oi, get a grip already! Fine, just forget that I asked anything."

Before Lala could say anything, the sensible Peke on Lala's head decided to help her in this situation.

"Rito, Lala-sama simply rewarded you for all your hard work! One kiss for not throwing us out of your house yesterday, one kiss for saving us and the last one for letting us stay here."

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Lala immediately shouted at her hat!

'It's okay, Lala-sama! Since you have chosen this boy, Peke will definitely help!'

Peke's AI created various thoughts as they formed an emotion called determination.

Meanwhile, Rito's face was slightly strange.

He looked at the hat and smiled sincerely!

"Peke, may I know where I got kissed?"


Lala shouted internally and immediately turned off Peke to stop her from saying anything else.

Alas, she can be quite a skillful airhead as she forgot that she was wearing this synthetically soft Robot.


It didn't take a moment for Lala's naked body to be displayed in front of Rito's appreciative eyes.


Thinking about the whole situation, Lala couldn't keep her carefree attitude anymore and she immediately squatted and hid her body while she glared at Rito with tears in her eyes.

'But I didn't do anything!'

Rito shouted internally when suddenly, an ominous premonition spread inside his belly.

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The door to his wardrobe cum SciFi Room was opened as Mikan and Tatsumaki entered with bright eyes only to have their moods dampened when they saw the scene where the Big Bad Wolf Rito tried to bully the pure and innocent Lala!

The tears in her eyes said it all!

"Oi, wait! It doesn't—"

"Tatsumaki-san, there is one more place to clean up!"

Mikan pointed at Rito while the rags around Tatsumaki started to revolve around her quicker and quicker.

"Yeah, I would've cleaned it even if I didn't live here!"

While a part of Rito felt relieved by the fact that the two lolis, one legal and one illegal got along well, the other part was distressed that he had become their motive of unity.

Three rags flew at a blinding speed, smacking Rito with a force so great that he couldn't help but fly back.

But who was Rito? He doesn't take attacks with a great heart and he activated his quirk, too.

Luck Fall!

With a great speed, Rito fell back and crashed into Lala where a mysterious energy emerged out of his body and changed their position as they fell.

With his hand stuck between Lala's smooth thighs, Rito found his other hand gripping on Lala's tail as his crotch was right in front of Lala's red face.

A soft scent entered his nose as he found his face attached to soft mounds of flesh while two nubbins touched the either side of his cheek.

His hand unconsciously gripped harder on Lala's tail as a soft sound was released from her mouth and her warm breath passed through Rito's trouser, affecting the hidden dragon.

Meanwhile, Lala's thighs rubbed against Rito's hand as her body felt tingly.

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Of course, the beautiful sensation didn't last long as a strong force separated both of them.

Mikan immediately took her small jacket off her body and placed in front of Lala only to feel distressed as it could barely cover her breasts while Tatsumaki looked at Rito as if she was looking at a corpse.

Her expression saying:

'Choose how do you want to die? By getting crushed or falling off the sky?!'

'How dare you kids flirt in front of this elder! I have to educate you all!'

Tatsumaki gnashed her teeth as the expression of the three of them turned strange when Rito finally spoke up.

"In my defence, Lala was the one who stripped herself on her own and you were the who threw me on her."

Yes, this would've been accepted by the trio if not for the large bulge in his pants.

Really, entertaining the houseguests is a task of a different league.


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