Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 59

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"Isn't that too much of a reaction?"

Uraraka sat on the table beside him and slowly whispered to Rito as she looked at the reaction of all the boys when they saw Lala enter the classroom.

Meanwhile, Haruna had a seat behind Uraraka and she was also silent when she saw all those exaggerated reactions.

Meanwhile, Lala stood in front of the whole class as her tail moved behind her.

With Peke in her hairpin form, she accompanied her master.

"Hello, everyone! I am Lala! Nice to meet you all!"

She spoke and bowed lightly, causing her pink hair to fall on her shoulder.

"I think I am in love."

A boy spoke out in the quiet classroom, making his voice reach everyone. Immediately, all of the students including the teacher looked at the boy who looked around in a confused manner.

"Did I think out loud..? Maybe..."

Even he was speechless by his own reaction and immediately lowered his head in embarrassment.

Meanwhile, some of the boys in the classroom passed him a grateful look as they almost blurted out things even more embarrassing than the proclamation of their love towards her innocent smile and cute face.

"Now Lala-sama, I have seen this many times in the movies I went through. You have to look at that boy coldly and immediately insult him."

Peke whispered into her ears.

"Really, that doesn't sound nice."

Lala was quite unwilling, after all, that boy only said he loved her. What's wrong with that? Didn't all the servants in her palace used to love her? What's the difference?

"No, Lala-sama. In this planet, you speak such things to someone really special. If you compare this boy with your servants then will you even compare Rito with your servants?"

"No, Rito is different."

Lala shook her head.

"Lala-sama, in this planet, proclaiming love means a commitment that has a lower status than marriage but implies the same thing."

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"Oh, I understand! I took great risks to run away from marriage, how can I accept such things now."

Lala immediately changed her thought process as she finally started to see this new place in a different light.

Entering the Earth had not only broadened her horizon, but also her thoughts.

"Alright, Akai-kun, you will meet me in my office after the school ends. Lala-san, you will be sitting there."

The teacher pointed at the front desk from the left.

"But I want to sit there."

Rito pointed at the table in front of Rito.


"It's not a problem, Sensei."

The boy sitting in front of Rito immediately stood up with a satisfied smile as if he had done something great.

The teacher finally nodded and Lala moved towards Rito.

The moment she crossed Akai's table, she stopped and looked at him with cold and piercing eyes.

Even Rito was slightly stunned by the sudden change.

"Don't ever dare to say such words or I will snap your neck off!"

A cold breath emerged from her body as the boys, including Saruyama, thinking about her immediately shuddered and shrunk their neck.


Everyone gulped and the boys finally reacted. The girl they thought was charming and easy to impress wasn't easy after all.

But who was Lala? If she decided to act in such a manner, she would do it right.

Still standing in the same place she kept on looking at the bespectacled boy.

"If you understand then reply, you pathetic four-eyes."

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"Yes! I am sorry!"

He replied weakly while Rito frowned.

'Is she really the same Lala?'

Haruna, Uraraka, Risa and Mio thought at the same time.

Where is the smile that should be protected?

This girl doesn't need protection at all! Her unfortunate targets are the one that needs protection from her.

Hearing a satisfying reply, Lala finally moved towards her appointed seating.

At this time, the teacher adjusted his glasses and finally spoke.

"Lala, please meet me in my office after the school is ended."

Lala stopped and looked back with a cold look once again.


"Enough Already!"

Rito immediately pulled her back. His forehead was filled with cold sweat.

'Did she get possessed or something?'

He couldn't help but think while Lala finally settled into her seating.

This time, no boy gave her a profound look of affection, instead, it was slightly fearful. While the girls had full blown respect for this new arrival.

After all, they were already they needed a strong leader to stand up against the rising pervertedness of the boys.

"Hey, what the hell happened to you?"

Rito whispered while he pinched the back of her neck in frustration. This is too high profile. After all, if she wasn't stopped in time, she would've cursed the teacher himself.

Now that wouldn't be good.

Lala looked back with a confused look.

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"What? You mean putting that boy in his place?"

She whispered back. To her, it was slightly fun to whisper in a class. Taking great relish in this new experience, she smiled once again.

"Oi, oi, oi, don't go too overboard, alright? Now, why would even do such a thing?"

"Peke made me understand the profoundness of the society and the implications of various words."

She replied with an enlightened look.

Meanwhile, Uraraka was already speechless by their whispers. Their conversation was too strange.

Meanwhile, a fire of curiosity started to burn in Haruna's belly as she couldn't hear them clearly.

Speechless, Rito calmed his heart and asked once again.

"Let me ask you one more thing, how would Peke understand the 'profoundness' of the society if he has also arrived on the same day as you?"

Offended by Rito's doubt, Peke snorted in a low voice.

Meanwhile, Lala fell into a deep thought.

After a moment she replied back.

"He is a robot with Solar processor unit of hundred and thirty-eight nanoparticle containers. He can understand everything very quickly."

Not understanding most of her explanation, Rito once again persuaded her.

"He is a robot that you created. If he can understand something, then you have the capability of understanding the same thing even better."

Lala finally hung her shoulders down.

"So, you are saying that I should apologise to that boy?"

Surprisingly, Rito shook his head.

"Hell, no! Next time, put him in his place when there is no witness."

Ochaco, who thought she had seen the true strangeness of their conversation was stunned once again and she looked at Rito with a whole new expression in her eyes.

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This time, he looked more eye-catching.

Just like this, the classes started and Rito was once again bored out of his mind. Meanwhile, Lala took great interests in the classes and even did well considering it was her first class on Earth.

She really is a genius, huh.

Soon, their well-deserved recess arrived and Rito alongside Lala, Ochaco and Haruna opened their lunchboxes.

Meanwhile, the boys of the classroom felt that they have understood the mystery of Lala's cold behaviour when they saw matching Rito's and Lala's matching lunch.

Lala made lunch for Rito!

This news was explosive and other boys, including Akai, glared at Rito with great resentment.

It felt as if their fear had fuelled their rage towards Rito.

First, Ochaco. Then, Haruna and now, Lala!

What the hell, Rito?! Don't you want us to live, too?

Of course, in such a rare case, Saruyama also sided with the majority of the class but one boy poured a bucketful of cold water on their burning rage.

"Um... I don't know guys but I am still slightly scared of his quirk. Don't you all remember the video?"

When the topic of the video came up, they felt cold.

After all, Rito looked too fierce in that video. With his arm bloodied, he shot down from the sky while his eyes were filled with uncontrollable rage.

"We cannot meet our defeat without even a struggle. Listen up..."

Saruyama took the position of the leader since he was the strongest and he started to speak of his plan.


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