Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 61

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"You did what?"

Rito narrowed his eyes at the group of boys snickering in front of him with a complacent expression.

Saruyama stood in front of the group and spoke with a righteous expression. But to Rito, the actions they did didn't do that righteous expression any good.

After all, those boys were basically a bunch of snitches who complained about him to the teacher.

Here he was enjoying his lunch with the girls and suddenly, Saruyama called him out and there he was, listening to them complaining how he was way too lucky as a guy and god sent their group as his misfortune.

"So, snitching me to the teacher is your big plan, is that right? I suppose, Saruyama came up with this genius idea, right?"

He looked at Saruyama calmly.

"Eh? How did you know?"

He looked puzzled.

"Because it's a very stupid plan."


"Don't you get it? You snitched me for the reason that I am popular amongst girls in our class. Even though you didn't give the same reason and complained about something else. But what do you think will happen if I happened to disclose this information."

Rito looked at their troubled expression and continued.

"Not only you, but your whole group won't ever have the chance to get a girlfriend in your entire middle school life."

If the group was slightly scared before then they were completely pale now as they thought their middle school ending before it even started.

"You stupid Gorilla!"

Akai immediately shouted.

In his desperation and anger, he had already forgotten all about his resentment for Rito. After all, it was because of this stupid Gorilla that his flowery school life may end before it even starts.

Taking Akai's lead, the other boys started to shout and curse at Saruyama as he was left all alone.

Behind him raged an angry mob while in front of him stood Rito with his hands crossed as he looked at Saruyama with a derisive smirk.


"Aahh, did your quirk increase the mass of your hand for the price of your brain?!"

"Weren't the monkey species supposed to be smart? Why is he so dumb?!"

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"Ah, you idiot! He is a Gorilla, not a monkey! He is supposed to be brawny and dumb!"

"Hell, I don't know this stupid Gorilla! I don't even know that Rito at all, I am a simple boy with simple dreams! Shit, I am going!"

Immediately, the corner of the school ground got rowdy and the surrounding students started to enjoy the show.

Getting insulted again and again, Saruyama finally couldn't handle it and his body started to morph into a giant Gorilla. This was his quirk, Big Black Ape!

This quirk allowed him to transform into an extraordinary ape with especially strong arms.

Thud Thud Thud

The group was already shocked by Saruyama's impulsive move.

What did the complain about Rito?

Wasn't he also using his quirk in the school grounds?

Why the heck will you do the same thing, you stupid Gorilla?!

Meanwhile, the surrounding students also frowned and backed off. Even though they were in the second year or the final year, they didn't dare use their quirks inside the school perimeter.

After all, they had all seen the punishment of using the quirks in school firsthand.

"Ahhh! You bunch of cowards! You were the one that accepted my plan! Don't you forget that?"

Saruyama's uniform could barely hold onto his buffed up body and he immediately pounded his chest with deep grunts emerging from his mouth.

"What's going on here?"

A calm and melodious voice sounded at that moment while the students of the second year and final year shivered unconsciously. They took a step back but also had an expectant expression as they waited for the next scene to occur.


Rito, Saruyama and others looked at the newcomer. They were two women.

One wore a white lab coat that only showed the front of her black top and tight blue denims while her beautiful golden hair cascaded onto her shoulders and her blessed bust while the other one wore a black suit skirt and black stockings. Her brown hair pulled up with a clutcher and a small horn could be seen emerging from her forehead.

Meanwhile, Rito and Tearju looked at each other and fell stunned.



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Even though Tearju knew that Rito studied in this school, she didn't know that she would meet him so soon.

Meanwhile, their Principal, Demon Kojima looked at Saruyama with an apathetic face.

"So? You are the student that is using your quirk inside the school? What was your name... ah, here it is, Rito Yuuki, right?"

She looked at a small piece of paper and read out Rito's name while she looked at Saruyama.

"Let this punishment warn all the other first years to not use their quirks in the school ever again."

"But, Princ—"

Poor, Saruyama! He couldn't even speak and the horn on Kana's forehead flashed and almost immediately, Saruyama felt his mind is being hammered by a one-tonne heavy hammer.

His head buzzed as he lost control of his transformation and fell back on his butt with his powerful body turned back to a simple boy.

Seeing one of the most powerful first-year grabbing his head and rolling on the ground, the other boys couldn't help but grow dreadful of their own Principal.

'There it is! Demon Kojima's quirk! Oni!'

This was just one of the many uses of her quirk as it would create the illusion of his head getting hammered while he only suffered pain because of her control over her quirk.

If her attack was actually physical and she had been using it on students, she might have already been jailed under the act of Quirks Law, 2013!

"Listen up you lot! Let Yuuki's punishment be an eye opener for you all! Unlike other schools, we only allow the usage of quirks only in special competitions!

Anyone found breaking this rule will be punished heavily!"

She spoke and finally, the horn on her forehead converged back and Saruyama's screams finally ended.

Meanwhile, the other students were already numb! They weren't only numb in fear of their Demon Principal, but also because of her assumption.

Isn't Rito still standing there with his arms crossed and a small smirk on his face?!

He has already threatened us and now our supposed leader is getting punished! Where is the justice in that?

They all looked at Rito simultaneously and he immediately spoke with an angry face.

"You guys! How can you force Rito-kun to use his quirk? Did you think it is cool to impress students with your quirk? You all are as guilty as him!"

"Wait, what?"

"What's he talking about?"

"Oh... doesn't he mean that we were the one to induce Saruyama to..."

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One of the boys trailed his statement as they looked at Demon Kojima staring at them with a cold face.

"You all will be getting detention for a month and not allowed to take part in club activities."

She spoke simply while Rito and the surrounding students sucked in a breath of cold air.

Meanwhile, getting called 'Rito-kun' by Rito himself angered Saruyama to the core. He even forgot that he brought all of this on himself!

"Aahh! Principal, he is Yuuki Rito! My name is Saruyama!"

His sudden shout shocked all of them while Tearju was slightly speechless.

What is going on here?

Even Kana had the same thought!

"So you are using his name to use your own quirk?"

Kana concluded with a frown as Saruyama almost fainted!

He was starting to regret his actions. After all, doing all this to stop Rito from getting the attention of girls wasn't simply worth it! After all, he would still remain friends with Haruna, Ochaco and now, the new transfer student Lala.

He wanted to apologise to Rito but when he looked at him, his eyes widened in surprise and he finally felt that no matter what he does, Rito's rise was unstoppable.

He wasn't his quirkless friend anymore!

He was the strong student of his class that has also reached the S-Class in flirting.

After all, isn't he laughing with that beautiful golden-haired onee-san? Wait? She has green eyes, too?!

"Whatever, you are detained, too. Now tell me, who is Yuuki Rito?"

Kana is the current Principal of the school and couldn't remember all the students, especially the first year's.

"Um, I am Yuuki Rito, Principal Kojima."

Rito was standing right next to Tearju as if they were having a conversation when he spoke out and drew Kana's attention.

"Did you know about that boy using your name to use his quirk?"

She looked at Rito as the misunderstanding continued.

"No, Ma'am!"

Rito shook his head, making the other boys of his class stare at him with disbelief!

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"Ma'am, he used his quirk yesterday in the corridors! You can ask others!"

One of the boys immediately spoke up. If they are going down, he will bring Rito with them!

"Did you?"

Kana frowned and looked at Rito while a horn started manifest on her forehead!

"I didn't use it. My quirk is recently awakened and I couldn't control it. After all, it's a strength type quirk and I am having some troubles with it.

You can ask about this from them and even Tearju-san knows this. After all, it is only awakened after I experienced an accident."

He spoke while he pointed back at Saruyama and the group.

When Rito mentioned the accident, Kana blinked for a moment before she fell into deep thoughts.

She didn't care about him knowing Tearju at all, after all, she might encounter someone in the school that knew her from somewhere else.

"Ok, this is your last chance. You can ask for some tips from the teachers to control your quirk and you should meet me in the office before going home."

She nodded and looked at other students surrounding the group in the ground.

"You can even ask tips from your seniors."

She spoke one last time before looking at Tearju.

"Since you already know our new Sensei Tearju-san, you should bring her to the medical office. Can you do that?"

Kana looked at Rito.

"Yes, Ma'am! Leave it to me!"

With the whole thing settled, Kana left while the surrounding students left, too.

Meanwhile, Rito gave Saruyama's group one last smirk and left with Tearju.

Truly, the world isn't fair at all!


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