Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 67: Intuitive Tatsumaki

Tatsumaki turned back and looked at Rito before frowning.

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"What's going on with you? You look pale!"

She pointed out as Lala and Mikan looked back, too.

"Me? Pale?"

Rito touched his face and frowned slightly. Unconsciously, his hands were shivering lightly, too.

"Are you sick?"

Mikan quickly walked up to him and touched his shivering palm covered in sweat.

"Rito, your hands are cold. Did something happen?"

Mikan asked in concern as she held her hand and brought him near a couch and pushed him on it, making him take a seat.

"Uh, no. I just feel slightly tired." Rito shook his head and smiled.

Without his knowledge, the fact that he had killed someone finally started to take a toll on his mentality. His throat felt dry and he couldn't help but take deep breaths to accommodate his increasing rate of heartbeat.

Even Lala touched his forehead and frowned. She didn't mind the sweat on his forehead and immediately called for Peke.

"Peke, scan Rito's body."

"Scanning... scan complete. Body conditions normal except for the fact that his structure is slightly different."

Lala nodded at Peke's report as she had already seen the situation about Rito's body structure in one of Ryōko's reports.

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"Hey, you guys don't need to worry about it. I just need some rest."

Rito sighed and stood up while he looked at the silent Tatsumaki.

"So? Why the long face?"

He asked and picked up the remote to unmute the show playing in the television to distract the trio.

"It doesn't concern you! Hmph!"

She turned her head while she flew away to the bedroom.

'Hey, I really needed to rest in the bedroom.'

Rito lamented and stood up. Drinking a glass of water, he walked up to his bedroom to only witness the sight of Tatsumaki sitting on his study table and looking at him with an amused smile. Her behaviour was in stark contrast to her previous moody temperament.

"Such mood swings, you sure you're alright?"

Rito sighed and slumped on his bed without changing his clothes. After returning home, he slowly felt his energy drain while he felt mentally tired. Even he didn't know that killing someone is such a laborious task.

After all, when he did the deed, it felt quite simple except for that nauseating feeling.

He placed his hand above his face and slowly closed his eyes while Tatsumaki only narrowed her eyes.

"You know, when I killed a villain for the first time, I also felt quite tired. Unlike others, I didn't feel scared because I understand that there is nothing to be scared of in front of death."

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Her words slightly shocked Rito but he was also interested in her experience of losing her virginity of blood.

"For an entire day, I didn't know why I felt thirsty and why I was so pale at that moment? But now I understand. If I have to name it, I will call this theory— The Bloody Aftermath.

The feeling of pressure caused by killing someone creates instability in your mentality. Unknowingly, a person shows many signs that he has committed a murder. Some people tend to panic while some keep on stewing within themselves."

She took a breath and looked at the resting Rito with a bright smile.

"I killed a person for the very first time when I was your age."

"What do you mean 'my age'? Kid, I am way older than you."

He replied calmly as he felt slightly better after hearing Tatsumaki's words.

"Hah? Do you want me to tell Lala and your kid sister that you just committed a murder?"

Hearing her words, Rito simply frowned and took a deep breath.

"See? That's why a kid shouldn't watch too much TV! What's with that imagination of yours? If someone looks pale, instead of asking about their well-being, you simply conclude that the person has murdered someone?


Rito scoffed and mocked Tatsumaki.

No matter what Tatsumaki says, he wouldn't admit committing a murder no matter what. First of all, he didn't trust her too much. He still remembered how she simply searched his memory over a single thing, it was quite fortunate that something strange happe8at that time and she wasn't able to go through all his memories.

Second, no matter how Tatsumaki acts, she is still a Pro-hero without any doubt. Rito still couldn't predict her reaction once he actually claims to have murdered someone.

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Hearing Rito's reply, a frown finally managed to wrinkle her brows as she also started doubting about her assumptions.

Rito was right when he claimed that Tatsumaki had too bright of an imagination. Even though she is a mature lady, she still tends to act impulsively and shows more of her immature side.

And Tatsumaki wasn't lying about her first kill. Even though she didn't feel guilty, the burden of ending someone's life did take a root deep within her heart.

Whenever she thinks about the people unable to meet their loved ones because of her killing them, her mood would be slightly off.

But it's just that!

Never did she regret her actions or feel guilty about them.

"But why do I smell blood on you?"

Tatsumaki tried to bluff once again. She still had her doubts. Even though Rito was acting strangely, the way he replied conformed to his personality and didn't cause much suspicion.

Rito finally removed his hand and sat up slightly, looking at Tatsumaki, who was sitting on his desk with her legs crossed.

"Chibi, if you want to smell me, just say so! Why acting all sophisticated about that? Here, let me unbutton my Shirt."

He smiled and started removing his shirt.

His act of removing his shirt worked as the straw that finally broke the Camel's back and made Tatsumaki flustered.

"Hmph! I am going, do whatever you want! Pervert!"

She immediately flew out!

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After seeing her fly out of his room, Rito finally let out a relieved sigh and slumped back to his bed, feeling completely exhausted.

"Fuck it! I am sleeping."

He closed his eyes and after some time, he finally drifted off to the dreamland.


While Rito slept like a baby, Rocket Hand was patrolling the city with and an anxious heart. It turned out that his 'psychotic villain' of a brother had actually gone missing.

Aside from anxiousness, his heart also raged in anger as his younger brother didn't bother listening to his order.

Rocket Hand specifically stated that he shouldn't leave the house and yet, his younger brother went missing again.

'I really hope he doesn't get caught by some S-Class Hero...'

Bringing the young interns with him, he started patrolling some of the Grey Areas of the City.


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