Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 80: Et Tu Otako?

"You guys know each other?"

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Rito asked as he looked at the shadow quirk user and Megumi sitting next to each other with two other girls.

Megumi nodded and looked at Rito strangely.

"Why would you jump to reach the roof? Don't you know about the stairs?"

She had a confused expression while the petite girl with red glasses looked at Rito and blushed slightly. Of course, she was able to avoid attention just by standing behind the tall girl.

"Hmm? Of course, I know about the stairs."

"Then why didn't you use them?"

"I didn't have a choice."

"What do you mean?"

"Aaagh! What the hell?!"

Before Megumi could start the barrage of her questions, the gal sitting next to her shouted and stood with an exhausted expression.

"Amano-chan, we came here to rest, remember?"

She then looked at Rito with a tired expression.

"You are Yuuki Rito, right? Thank you for helping me out yesterday. And please excuse my bad behaviour, I wasn't feeling so good.

But can you leave us alone, right now? I am way too exhausted to hear the reunion of you two guys."

She spoke politely and her attitude was completely different from yesterday.

"Oh, no worries."

Rito shrugged and politely nodded at the graceful beauty standing behind Megumi and the Gal and he gave a strange look to the petite girl peeking at him.

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Realising her mistake, Otako immediately shut her mouth but it was too late.

Rito looked back with a confused expression while Ojou, Amano and Galko gave her strange looks.

With a red face, she hung her head low and slowly walked out from Ojou's back. She knew she couldn't hide anymore.

"Hmm? Yes? You are Otako-san from 1-B, right?"

Knowing about the names of all the girls in the school was the duty of every single male student. Of course, the previous Rito wasn't a fan of this rule but had to reluctantly remember all the names because of the intense training of the committee.

Otako wasn't her real name but a nickname. The only reason she was still called Otako was because of how it quickly became her source of exposure to the school.

Uncharacteristically, Otako's blush deepened and she whispered out once again.

"Please, just call me Otako-chan."


Amano, Ojou and Galko looked extremely surprised. When did their Otako become a graceful maiden that replied to a guy in a reserved manner?!

Looking back... no looking at how she acted yesterday, this should've been impossible.

"Oh, ok! Otako-chan? Do you want something?"

Since she stopped him, she must have a reason, right?

Rito still looked at Otako with a polite smile and waited. Since he didn't have anything else to do as his own classmates were currently opposing/hunting him, he didn't mind listening to what this cute girl had to say.

Gazing at Rito's gentle (polite) smile, her vision turned blurry as a bout of dizziness hit her head.

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With a steaming face, she tried to open the top button of her shirt to make more breathing space.

Really, the remaining trio couldn't figure out the reason for Otako's such an intense reaction.

"Um, I want to say that it wasn't your fault that day."

Hearing Otako's words, a frown appeared on Rito's face as a scene suddenly appeared in his mind.

On the first day of the school, the previous owner of the body was simply strolling and just like any normal day, walked into a girl unknowingly and activated his Heavenly quirk.

Of course, that girl turned out to be Otako who still remembered the incidence and couldn't really get over the touch of Rito's hands over her butt and thighs.

While of course, his mouth almost seized her lips and ended up on the side of her neck.

Nodding in understanding, Rito smiled at Otako.

"Thank you for not blaming me. It was truly an accident."

A sweet smile emerged on Otako's face as the trio stood frozen.

'Is she really Otako? What the hell?!'

"Hey, what did you do to Otako-chan? Tell me right now!"

Amano stood in front of the blushing Otako as if she was her bigger sister protecting her from a big bad wolf meanwhile Galko also used her quirk and Rito's shadow squirmed slightly.

Seeing the duo, Rito's mouth twitched.

Galko's quirk was quite strong and even untraceable. So if she used her quirk, he wouldn't have any evidence to make her liable for punishment.

Meanwhile, Megumi didn't need a quirk as she was a skilled Kendo martial artist.

"Um, I did nothing. We just ran into each other, that's all."

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Rito quickly explained before the misunderstanding could grow.

"I don't believe you!"

Megumi shouted and Galko also looked at Rito strangely.

"I don't care if you believe me. Did you forget your beating so easily?"

Rito frowned at the development.

Even he would get annoyed if someone kept on blaming him for no reason.

Regardless of the gender, Rito didn't like to bear such unreasonable burdens.

While he gave a face to his classmates, he wasn't much close to these four except for Otako, who has been a nice and understanding girl to him all this time.

Hearing about Megumi's defeat, it was Otako and the others turn to feel stunned.

Megumi was quite a skilled martial artist that had a good control over her quirk. It was truly surprising that she was defeated by Rito.

"That wasn't fair!"

"The only thing unfair that day was me being exhausted after my training. After all, it wouldn't take more than a single punch to defeat you!"

Rito snorted as Megumi gnashed her pearly white teeth.

"Megumi-chan, Galko-chan, don't you feel uncomfortable? After all, you both are going through that time of your month, right?"

Megumi and Galko widened their eyes in surprise as their cheeks blushed in embarrassment.



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They both looked back while Ojou was simply smiling all this time.

She was also surprised by Otako's sudden rescue and she couldn't help but look at Rito once again.

Seeing that the previously tense mood was already destroyed, Rito smiled at Ojou and the cutely blushing Otako and walked down the stairs while Galko and Megumi sat down with a defeated face.

Meanwhile, Megumi couldn't help but utter.

"Et tu, Otako?"

They were destined to feel down the whole day while Otako ignored them and went on her own little imaginary world.


New Characters:






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