Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 83

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Uprooted trees rose from the ground and quickly crumbled under the pressure of formless energy.

Shards of spiky wood revolved around an incomparably beautiful woman with dark hair and light green eyes that exposed a mysterious blue glow inside them.

"Hellish Blizzard!"

In front of the increasing numbers of monsters, she didn't dare hold back and used all her might!

With a wave of her hand, blue coloured psychic energy covered her curvaceous body and attacked the Monsters by creating a small Blizzard of Wood Shards alongside rocks and piercing gust of wind!


With a loud cry, another monster fell!

"Amazing, this is one of the top A-Rankers!"

Surrounding soldiers and Heroes cheered while another S-Rank Hero, Ryukyu, glanced at Fubuki appreciatively and immediately bit off the head of another monster.

Her draconic wings spread apart and she immediately used it to cut apart a group charging monsters.


Her roar created visible shockwaves, creating a breathing space for other heroes and soldiers.

"Do it now, Fubuki!"

Still in her dragon-form, Ryukyu immediately shouted towards Fubuki.


Fubuki's pupils were nowhere to be found and her eyes had already become deep pools of beautiful blue energy.


She controlled the corpses of the surrounding monster with veins popping out of her forehead.


Other heroes did their jobs and immediately used their methods to drag the remaining corpses of monsters and started creating a big wall.

Yes, instead of retreating, they had decided to create hurdles for monsters and more opportunities for their own.

Taking a deep breath, Fubuki threw dozens of bodies once again and a small wall of monsters was finally created.

The wall itself was wide enough that it could hide the southern gate of the city behind them.

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Meanwhile, soldiers stationed on the walls used heavy artillery to deflect waves of monsters trying to destroy the wall.

"Major, the rest of the Gates have been jammed and the soldiers are ready to go!"

The subordinate reported.

"Hmm! Take a unit and immediately focus on the situation of the civilians. We gotta keep them safe!"

Evidently, the situation was much better in this city which also testified the talents and the commanding ability of the officer appointed to the city.


The subordinate immediately went out of the command room and started carrying out his orders.

"Sir, take a look at this!"


The Major frowned and looked at the sonar navigation system installed and his frown deepened further.

"Contact Ryukyu-san and tell her to prepare to meet with an unidentified flying monster in exactly 1 minute."


The orders were sent and Ryukyu was quickly informed.

"Hmm? A flying monster, huh?"

She looked up into the sky and with her enhanced vision, she did see a fiery black bird flying towards them at an astonishing pace.

"Everyone, get back!"

Ryukyu immediately prepared to take off as her large draconic wings started to flap slowly, creating a small typhoon of dust.


A piercing cry shook the hearts of every single hero and soldier while Ryukyu's dragonised face turned solemn. Her pink scales glittered coldly and her body took off.


With an equally astonishing and heart-shaking roar, Ryukyu dived into the sea of black fire created by the flying monster without taking any damage.

"No! Wait!"

Fubuki immediately shouted, but it was too late.

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Ryukyu's claws pierced the bird's body and tore it in half.

Meanwhile, the command centre was already in an uproar.

"Sir, this is impossible!"

The soldier cried out in shock as another figure flew towards this direction... no, it had already reached.


The ground shook and cracks appeared on the walls of buildings of the city. An incomparable heat spread out and dry grass around the battlefield had already caught on the black fire.

The surrounding monsters were quickly devoured by pitch-black flame but this only sent the hearts of heroes and soldiers in a frozen hell as they looked at the shocking figure in front of them.

Ryukyu gulped and her eyes were opened wide by surprise and fear.

Unknowingly, her pink scales had caught onto the Black Flame.

"What are you all doing?! Move!"

A deep shout woke all of them!

It was Fubuki!

She had already used her powers to move soldiers and Heroes near the gate.


Others immediately retreated.


A large tornado of wind swept away the unfortunate one as a Black Phoenix with glittering golden-crowned head looked at Ryukyu with hatred in its eyes.

In front of the oversized Phoenix, Ryukyu looked akin to a newborn Dragon!

The Phoenix's golden eyes and Ryukyu's pink eyes kept gazing into each others' and Fubuki's shout sounded once again.

"Undo your transformation, now!"

She did as she was asked.

Back into her human form, Ryuko Tatsuma fell from the sky as the flame covering her enlarged body remained floating in the air.


Before the Phoenix could sweep Ryuko's body with its large claws, Fubuki's psychic energy covered her body and pulled her back.

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With a single gaze, pitch black flames started to form in the air and immediately followed Ryuko's path!

"I gotta stay calm... calm... calm..."

Though exhausted, Fubuki kept on overdrawing her psychic energy. Waving her hands, she immediately changed Ryuko's direction and also shot back inside the gate.

"Ryuko-san, transform back in 3... 2... Now!"

A dragon fell onto the ground and immediately converted back into a humanoid figure, getting pulled back into the gate by Fubuki.

Coughing out a mouthful of blood, Fubuki immediately created a psychic barrier around the gate.


The sound of heroes taking in a deep breath and her psychic barrier getting corroded by black flames intermixed while Fubuki kept on coughing out blood.

"Quick! Any person with water-related quirk! Support Fubuki!"

Ryuko commanded and all the water type quirk user started to suppress the black flame. But it was useless. The Phoenix kept on creating even more flame.

"Medic, quickly take a look at Fubuki's condition!"

Ryuko stood by Fubuki's side and immediately called for Medic.

"No, stay away... for now. I can't lose my concentration!"

Blood flowed out of the top of her head but her piercing blue eyes remained undaunted.

"This time... no more shortcuts... no more exploration of techniques... it always boils down to the power!"

Her skin cracked and a blinding blue glow emerged out of those small cracks alongside blood, making other heroes close their eyes. Even Ryuko was not an exception.


Images of her previous subordinates flashed by her eyes as her dark hair floated while the energy around her body started to condense, creating a tangible psychic armour around her body.

"It is either me... or you!"

She immediately shot out of the Barrier and waved her hand, creating a blue glue around the pitch black phoenix!

Feeling slightly uncomfortable, the Phoenix's body was immediately covered in pitch black flames that devoured her psychic energy and corroded Fubuki's mind!

"Not... yet!"

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Her blue energy slowly turned into pure white and with a simple look of her eyes, a pure white flame raged on the Pitch black body of the Phoenix.

But this was only for a moment and Fubuki immediately lost her consciousness, falling down without any protection.


The Phoenix cried angrily and immediately shot towards Fubuki. If the Phoenix hated Ryuko for killing its offspring then it wanted to tear Fubuki apart for even daring to cause it damage.


Ryuko didn't consider the situation of others and immediately transformed into a dragon and shot towards Fubuki while causing the other heroes to fly back by the sheer force of her wings.

"What are you waiting for? Use the missiles to slow down the monster!"

The Major immediately shouted and commanded while heavy weapons showed their glory.

But all was in vain.

Ryuko was still quite far and the missiles did nothing. They couldn't even slow down the Phoenix.

Just as they all despaired, a cold voice sounded while Fubuki disappeared from their field of view.

"Playtime's over, you shitty sparrow!"


A green light burst out at the border of the C-City while Ryuko's heart was finally relieved.


Character Introduced

Ryuko Tatsuma


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