Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 95

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A roar that shocked the city was just the start! A crimson energy flowed out from the surrounding as it created a skyhigh maelstrom of energy that could be seen by anyone from any part of the city.

His four extra arms gradually disintegrated into energy as Rito's whole body, save for his eyes started to form a bright gold armour.


Just like his previous, physique, two pairs of arms emerged from his back but only this time, they were phantom-like and made of golden energy.

Soon, in front of the shocked eyes of the heroes... no, in front of the helpless eyes of the heroes, Rito's new form screamed out loud as the plain shockwaves of his vocal cords were unbearable for the most, knocking them out unconscious.

Everyone was stunned, including All Might as a conspicuous man-shaped hole remained calm on the side.

"Light Burst."

While there were a thousand things going in the heads of various people, none of them thought that the city would be subjected to a sneak attack, in such a disastrous time at that.

Right above Rito, a golden-haired boy appeared with his arm extended as a ball of golden light was formed.

"S-so bright!"


The darkness of the night sky was removed as the small ball of light was miraculously able to light up the entire city and its surrounding.


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The small ball of light dispersed into small particles as these small particles bust out with an explosive strength, falling down and raining over the entire city. The indiscriminate rays of golden light pierced through the bodies of unfortunate people including many civilians in the nearby safe house.

Screams of terror rang out as Rito's body flashed with immense speed, shooting right to the floating boy and punching all six of his arms together.


Meanwhile, one conspicuous ray of Golden light entered All Might's body. Unlike others, it didn't simply pass through his body, no... that ray of light wreaked havoc in his body and even damaged his heart.

The moment Rito's punch landed on the boy, his arms passed through his body as the boy himself dispersed in a golden light.

"Quickly get a medic! Major is hit!"

"Hey! Get help!"

"All Might, are you ok?!"

"Oi, where are all the medic heroes?!!"

With the sudden appearance and disappearance of the small sun, the eyes of many heroes couldn't adapt to the change as they felt their surroundings especially dark.

But even then, the could see the bright gold figure with four phantom arms growling lightly as it slowly stood up once again.


Everyone felt fear. This wasn't about the Monster Tide anymore. This wasn't even about a quirk going berserk.

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This person in front of them... this incarnation of a wrathful god made them feel fear through the very depths of their hearts.

Unlike previously, the Berserker's body had condensed once again and the golden armour around his body defined the Berserker's streamlined muscles.

A God!

This was the only thought left inside the heads of the heroes and soldiers fortunate enough to survive the sudden and strange attack.

"Oi, calm down... Normal Series: Normal Punch."


Rito's body flew out and smashed near the centre of the city as a bald figure in yellow jumpsuit quickly caught up.


With a horrifying and mind-wrenching roar, Rito's uncontrollable body immediately slammed onto Saitama's head, wanting to crush him in a single blow.


Alas, only a dull thud rang out as cracks spread beneath Saitama's body, forcing out blocks of the concrete surface once again, making them fly out by the sheer force of Rito's attack passing through them.

"You're a human, right? They say your quirk went berserk... I don't know what that means, but you are strong dude..."

A fist covered in red gloves rammed straight into Rito's plated abdomen but the trajectory of the fist was in the upwards direction.

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Rito's body flew into the sky as a huge shockwave passed through the air. If Saitama had pointed his punch towards any other direction, the destruction of that of the city was destined.


He looked up with a slightly bright gaze as he saw a golden-plated figure shooting towards him with all six of his arms pointed at him.

Tightening his body lightly, he crouched and looked up.

"Normal Series: Normal Headbutt!"

With a whisper, he jumped up, meeting Rito's force mid-air.


A shockwave spread with the origin being their point of the clash as the city finally faced the destruction of its surface.

The foundations of many buildings shook as some of them even fell down.

"Ah, we cannot fight here!"

Realising his blunder, Saitama immediately grabbed one of Rito's arm and threw him towards the nearest exit of the city.

Since they were already at the centre of the city, Saitama hesitated for just a single moment before throwing him opposite to the battlefield where all the shit went down.


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Rito's body crashed into the ground as it quickly rolled and uprooted all the trees in his path while Saitama softly landed near him once again.


"Please... let us go..."

The young boy with a stone-shaped face begged as he looked at the Golden-haired youth in front of him.

"Of course, I keep my promises."

The blonde boy took out a syringe from his pocket and injected into the begging boy's body.

"While I hate dirtying my hands, your quirk is unexpectedly useful. So of course, as a price of your freedom, I'll be taking it."

Meanwhile, the boy's mother with the same stone-shaped face had a tear-stricken face while she could only struggle as her son's quirk was taken from him.


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