Boku no Toraburu

Chapter 99: 99

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It took almost two days to complete the emergency repairs while the border was prioritised to be constructed before anything else. Meanwhile, the city had to take some temporary reforms.

Many hero students were assigned to daily patrolling during daytime while Middle Schools and Elementary Schools were given a week-long holiday.

During the first day of construction, the B-City experienced an increased crime rate by 0.6% while on the second day, it was efficiently controlled at 0.7%.

On the other hand, the police and the army joined hands with each other and guarded the border. Nobody could predict if such an accident would happen once again.


A-City, Hero Association HQ

In the dimly lit conference hall of the headquarters, the directors of the association sat on the roundtable as the Rito's, Saitama's and another boy's holographic image were projected right in the middle.

Most of the surrounding directors were already old while there were two middle-aged men and three middle-aged women.

Besides their profile image, their general information alongside the information on their quirk was also projected.

The whole conference hall was looking at the trio's projection quietly before an old man spoke up.

"Apparently, there was a hidden group of mysterious creatures near Z-City. According to witnesses, this man... Saitama... he defeated the Top-class Dragon-level monster Orochi.

You all still remember how it took 18 S-Class Heroes to just make that monster retreat, right?"

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"Please don't forget that Saitama destroyed Orochi's lower body in one punch."

Another Middle-aged woman spoke out. Her glasses reflected Saitama's image while her greyish hair was tied into a bun.

Hearing her words, the directors were silenced once again.

In reality, the ten directors were themselves top heroes before retiring and they knew all too well about their ancestor's struggle to create this Association.

Yes, this association didn't only have the objective to keep the people safe, the creators of this organisation also wanted to safeguard the rights of people with quirks.

After all, during the emergence of quirks, all those who obtained the quirks were discriminated against and that was already the best treatment. Most of them were killed alongside their families.

While the government took measures, they actually never cared for quirk users and were also afraid of them.

It was only after this Association was created that the quirk users found a representative to fight for their rights.

It was also because of this sentiment, many heroes followed Association with absolute loyalty. This could also be witnessed when Tatsumaki faltered after understanding the association's intentions.

But that wasn't all, the association itself actively recruited strong quirk users to keep the status quo with the government.

After all, the Association was an independent international entity that had its branches overseas, too. Even though the Japanese government feared the power wielded by association, they couldn't do anything about it.

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More than 80% of the world was already filled quirk users, how can they even stop the association's momentum when the past was clearly understood by many people on Earth?

"Did he sign the contract to become the S-Class Hero?"

An elderly with long moustaches spoke out.

"Yes, he is an S-Class Rank 32 Hero."

"That's a relief."

Honestly, the Association was aware of their own limits. Someone who can destroy Orochi in a single punch isn't something they can deal with.

All they could hope is that he doesn't go down the path of villainy.

"What about these two kids... Rito Yuuki and Shigeo Kageyama... we will launch the Young Hero program."




Negative responses of every kind filled the hall as the person who suggested sighed.

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"They can already crush Dragon-level threat and just the aftershocks of their battle destroyed a part of the city. They clearly need to go out there and control their powers."

"We can't let kids do the dirty works of adults. This is not how the association works."

Someone replied with a rough voice.

"How about we allow them to take the hero course? This will allow them to control their power along with other kids, right?"

"You mean..."

The group of old heroes easily understood the intention and to be honest, this was actually a good option.

"Alright, these two alongside Child Emperor to U.A. whenever they hold their events for the first year. These three will only be allowed to go through this treatment for a year."

The Chief Director immediately got the papers ready.

Beep Beep

"Hmm? Yes, it's me."

The Chief took out his cellphone and answered the call while the surrounding 9 members looked at him with a grim expression.

"Aren't Cellphones banned after Ms. Mira took a selfie?"

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Someone asked with a confused expression.

The Middle-aged woman in question immediately blushed and scowled.

"That happened one time! Just once! So can't you let it go?!"

The surrounding people smiled. They all belonged to the same era and obviously knew each other well.

"I just got an update. It was a call regarding Saitama. He wants to settle down in B-City."

"What? I think that it may be problematic."

"Yeah, I agree."

"Why don't we send him to U.A. as the special homeroom of the three kids?"

A director suggested as the others scoffed at his idea. But when they started thinking deeply, they found that they didn't have any reason not to.

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