Bone Painting Coroner

Chapter 102-104


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Chapter 102 – Bribe

Magistrate Liu stood up as soon as the door opened. Ji Shuhan made his entrance. His expression was stern and his brows wrinkled. White puffs of breath could be faintly seen coming out of his nose. He had one hand in front of him while the other was placed behind. He strutted in, his whole being exuding an aura akin to a mass of flame, shocking Magistrate Liu. "Lord Ji, why did you come here at such a late hour?" The magistrate immediately welcomed his visitor. Ji Shuhan snorted as he sat down. Of course he would come at this time. Ever since Ji Yunshu had been accused of murder and imprisoned, his Ji family's honor had been greatly smeared and he had no face to go out in broad daylight! "Lord Liu, you should know why I came here."

"Of course I know." Magistrate Liu sighed as he sat down. His hands clenched into fists and laid on his thighs. "This case involved two lives. The Wei's identified her as the murderer. I had no choice and could only imprison her first to quell them." Ji Shuhan glared at the magistrate. His eyebrows rose to the point it almost seemed to disappear under his hat. He harrumphed, "Lord Liu, I presume you know that our Ji is a prestigious family. Your order to arrest my daughter is simply a slap to my face." "Lord Ji, this official had absolutely no such intention when I ordered her arrest!" "I don't care about your intention. I'll be brief. Release her." Ji Shuhan hatefully spat out the words as he displayed an overbearing and arrogant attitude.

Magistrate Liu's expression twisted into one of embarrassment as he helplessly said, "Lord Ji, I didn't want to arrest Yunshu. However, I am a magistrate and absolutely cannot go against the laws. Besides, the Wei's have already presented the evidences. Even if Yunshu is innocent, we have to wait until this case is resolved before she can be released. Unfortunately, we have no choice but to wrong her this time."

After everything was said, Ji Shuhan raised his hand and slammed it on the table while glaring daggers at the magistrate. He spoke in anger. "You should know that my daughter and the Wei family are tied with a soon-to-be marriage. The death of Lord Wei and Madame Wei have nulled this marriage. Not only that, she became their murderers. You tell me how will my Ji family have any standing in Jingjiang city from now on?!" Blabbering all day, the main reason fuelling his actions still came down to one word – reputation! For him to force the magistrate to release Yunshu was clearly screaming of an ulterior motive. Magistrate Liu's lips trembled, many words came to his mind without any chance to be voiced. Ji Shuhan pressured him once again. "My two sons have official positions in the capital. Lord Liu should have heard of it, right? Then again, I once was an assistant minister in the Ministry of Rites and I've still kept contact with a few old friends. I believe that Lord Liu would give some face to me." Unexpectedly, such moves came out from the other side, causing the magistrate to be nervous and beads of sweats to appear on his forehead. He was at a complete loss on what to do. Even Jing Rong didn't compelled him to release Yunshu which prove the importance he attached to the laws. Yet this Ji Shuhan really have too much guts and ambitions. Magistrate Liu's expression slowly became crestfallen, but he still argued, "Please don't make things difficult for me. I truly have no choice and can't release Yunshu. As long as we have evidence that prove her innocence, I will immediately release her. As for right now, your request is far too thorny and impossible to fulfill."

Magistrate Liu's thousand excuses seemed to wear out Ji Shuhan's patience. He fished out from his sleeve a stack of money and threw it on the table before pushing it toward the magistrate. Seeing that stack of money, Magistrate Liu's jaw dropped in shock! 'Ten thousand tael!' This was the amount of money he would earn is he were to toll until his last breath. "This… Lord Ji, what do you mean by this?" His tone was trembling as he asked. Ji Shuhan slightly lean toward him and whispered, "Lord Liu, since you're an official, you should understand the meaning of giving someone a second chance and should also give yourself a way out." "Huh?" "This matter concern the reputation of my Ji family. Lord Liu is an intelligent person. You shouldn't be too serious about those… process. You know what I mean? In Jinjiang, with only a wave of my brush, even a death row prisoner could be pardon! Our esteem emperor is far away, you should be clear on which way to lean on!" His words scared the magistrate no less, causing his whole body to tremble. Ji Shuhan didn't forget to add. "Although Lord Wei and Madame Wei were poisoned, as long as you say that their food was poisoned instead, everything can still be cleared up after my daughter's release. It would preserve our family's reputation and you would also pocket this 10,000 taels. Won't it be a win-win situation for the both of us? What do you say?" Magistrate Liu had to admit that Ji Shuhan's offer was extremely tempting. He felt his will swayed in favor. His eyes were glued to the banknotes as he felt torn in his innermost. He wavered. In the end, he truly wished that nothing happen to Ji Yunshu. Discovering the hesitation on the magistrate's face, Ji Shuhan pushed the banknotes closer to Magistrate Liu. "Lord Liu, you should carefully consider my proposal." Magistrate's body shook as if he was suddenly roused. He raised his head and observed Ji Shuhan. He placed his index and middle finger on the stack of banknotes and, unexpectedly, pushed it back to Ji Shuhan. Furthermore, he even declared, "Lord Ji, I shouldn't take unjustified reward. I only have a few words to say… That 10,000 taels, please take it back." Ji Yunshu was shock. "You're not taking it?" 'Unbelievable!' "This official will absolutely not take it." Then, he continued. "Yunshu is your daughter. You should believe that she didn't poison people. Rest assured that I will certainly investigate the truth of this matter and give her justice. As for you, Lord Ji, for the sake of your family reputation, you instigate me to hastily conclude the case regardless of the laws and as an retired official, you dare to go against the laws by using money to bribe me in order to distort the truth. If I want to charge you for a crime, wouldn't that add more to your crime?" Woah! Since when was Magistrate Liu's eloquence this good? His words left Ji Shuhan stunned. Ji Shuhan's threatening attitude also receded, replaced by annoyance at first, then panic and finally, anger. He took back the banknote and got up in anger; his eyes burning with unwillingness. He spat out, "Since you are this determined to be a good official, I have nothing more to say." He brushed his sleeve and left in fury. Magistrate Liu let out a heavy sigh. His forehead was still covered in sweats while he held his stomach with both hands like he went through a frightening experience. He hardly believed what he had just said to Ji Shuhan. It really made his heart filled with worry and apprehension!

Ji Shuhan, who had returned to the Ji mansion, threw his cup and slammed his table, causing the bustling sounds to echo through the reception hall. Old Madame Wei remained calmed as she sat on the side. Ji Muqing, Ji Wanxin and Ji Yuanzhi were seated beside her.

Old Madame Ji waited until her son had vented his anger before inquiring about his discussion with Lord Liu. "What happened in the end for you to break everything as soon as you come back from the yamen? What did Lord Liu say?" Ji Shuhan forwent any control on his emotion and hit the table once again. "That obstinate rock didn't heed my words!" "How can that be?" Ji Shuhan snorted and shook his head. "I don't know. He was spouting about following the Great Lin's code of laws." Ji Yuanzhi asked in an anxious voice. "Father, could it be that the 10,000 taels wasn't enough?" Ji Shuhan didn't replied as his anger grew stronger. "How about we give him 20,000 taels? Perhaps, he would agree to it then." Ji Yuanzhi tentatively asked. "The money was not a problem." "Then what was the problem? It couldn't be that he wasn't moved by that much money? Isn't it merely alter the case a bit? A simple line of 'The food which Lord Wei and Madame Wei ate was poisoned.' shouldn't have been too complicate?" Ji Yuanzhi was extremely agitated as he spoke. Ji Shuhan shook his head and sighed. He didn't what to say. Ji Muqing snorted, pouting her small and red lips before speaking. "See that, there's 80% probability that she poisoned them to death just because she didn't want to marry that idiot." "Muqing! Yunshu is not the kind of person to do that. A kindhearted person like her would absolutely not poisoned anyone. Moreover, the Wei's people treated her so well, how could she bear to harm them?" Ji Wanxin refuted Ji Muqing while her brows was wrinkled with worry. "Ji Wanxin, I know you are on good terms with her, but you better keep your eyes opened and look at it more objectively. Lingzhi was pushed by her, next I was the one who fell in the water. Maybe, she was the one who pushed me, then she blamed it on Lingzhi. If she can do something like that, what else can't she do?" "That impossible! I reiterate that I believe in Yunshu's character. Let's keep things as it stands and don't confuse one thing with another." "When did I confuse one thing with another? Ji Yunshu is simply a ruthless person. If people said she poisoned someone, I will absolutely believe them. She should be beheaded." BAM! A loud sound resounded as soon as Ji Muqing finished speaking. Ji Shuhan had hit the table with all his might once again. The flames of anger was furiously burning in his eyes as he glared at Ji Muqing. "What do you know? If our Ji family actually had a murderer bearing our surname, that would be a tremendous disgrace! In the future, how will I have a firm foothold in Jinjiang? Your eldest brother's and second brother's official career in the capital will also be greatly affected!" Ji Muqing lowered her head despite feeling she had been wronged. "Father, I…" She had yet to finish her sentence, but Ji Shuhan interrupted her. "In addition, you should think more about your situation. If Yunshu really killed people, do you still think you can become the crown prince's consort?"

"Hey?!" The revelation frightened Ji Muqing to no end!

"If our Ji family had a murderer and the words are spread to the ears of the emperor and empress, you can stop dreaming about becoming the crown prince's consort. The road I have paved for you will be completely destroyed." Each words Ji Shuhan spoke nailed the precarious situation Ji Muqing was in. Her complexion turned blue. Since her childhood, she was cultivated to be the crown prince's consort. It won't be long she would be sent to the capital for the crown prince's consort selection. However, at a crucial moment in her life, such a big incident occurred. She cannot let herself rammed into such an obstacle and destroyed all her efforts!

Ji Muqing panicked. Her eyes reddened. She urgently spoke, "Father, your daughter must become the crown prince's consort! Later when the crown prince ascended to the throne, I will become the empress. We absolutely cannot let anything goes wrong! It would be better if we send more money to Lord Liu. We're just buying a few of his words, it should be easy." Old Madame Ji also gave her suggestion. "That's true. We can add in another 10,000 taels. In any case, our Ji doesn't lack money. As long as we can swept the case under the rug, anything is good." "Nothing but talk. I said money wasn't the problem." Ji Shuhan felt distress as he had no plan to suppress this case. He continuously shook his head and continued. "Lord Liu seemed determined and didn't listen to what I said. Even if we gave him 10,000 taels more, it would not make a difference." "Then, what do we do right now?" Old Madame Ji began to worry. Ji Wanxin opened her mouth to speak. "Grandmother and Father, It's impossible for Yunshu to poison people. The truth of the matter will certainly come to light. When her innocence is proven, will not everything be resolved at that time?" "What do you understand?!" Old Madame Ji reprimanded her. "Our Ji family had never had anyone imprisoned! This matter is too ominous. If words were to spread to the capital, it will affect our influence." "Alright, alright!" Ji Shuhan raised his hand to stop the discussion. He sighed. "At present, we can only hope that Yunshu isn't the murderer."



Chapter 103 – This is The Last Time You Will Hit Me

Ji Yunshu was sleepless for the entire night. She sat on her bed with her arms around her knees and stared at the little window in the wall facing her. Her heart was stricken by an odd apprehension which lingered despite her. Day dawned, and, after a long while, the door was suddenly flung open. Someone trod into the cell lightly: it was Magistrate Liu. He slowly approached her and stopped behind her, sighing regretfully as he called out her name, "Hey, Yunshu…"

Ji Yunshu's eye twitched from the sunlight which glinted through the small window. She puckered her pale lips but did not intend to respond to him.

The Magistrate sighed again and seemed to be hesitating about something. He rubbed his hands and grimly said, "I received news this morning… the culprit has been found."

'What?'Ji Yunshu heard the uneasiness in his voice and waited for him to continue.

"Luan'er… she's dead. She committed suicide out of fear for the consequences of her own crime. She hung herself."


Astonishment filled up Ji Yunshu's eyes. She turned her head and asked, "What did you say?"

"Luan'er… she's dead… she hung herself."

Ji Yunshu's whole body trembled fiercely and she clenched her hands with all her strength; the omen of anxiety from last night had finally materialized into a surge of emotion which reddened her nose and her eyes. She paused for a long moment and asked in a low voice, "When?"

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"Last night, at midnight." "Where?" "In the western quarters of the Ji Mansion."

This was the final blow to Ji Yunshu's composure. Tears flowed out of her eyes. She felt a crushing pain in her chest and she gritted her teeth until a faint taste of blood spread out through her mouth. Her nails sank into her flesh. She remained impassive, but that surface of calm hid a heart which had been pierced by a thousand blades. 'I should've thought of it, I should've realized earlier!' 

The Magistrate felt sorry for her, but still continued, "We have examined the corpse, and she did indeed commit suicide. She also left behind a piece of paper and confessed everything. Yunshu, you are safe now."

'Yes, since Luan'er shouldered the blame for me, I am safe now.'

As he said so, the Magistrate handed over a piece of paper. Ji Yunshu examined it with red eyes and saw the scribbles written on it: it was Luan'er's handwriting.

"She confessed. She said that she was the one who added the poison. She did it because she did not want you to marry someone like Wei Yi, so she poisoned the wine with Pitohui poison." Magistrate Liu explained the content of the piece of paper to Ji Yunshu. It was a short message, but enough to absolve Ji Yunshu completely.

Ji Yunshu brushed the surface of the paper with one of her fingers, leaving a fine trail of crimson behind. She was the one who taught Luan'er how to write. Every single stroke on this piece of paper now became a fresh wound in her heart. When she passed by the last character, she suddenly came to a stop,

There was another faint fingerprint, one that was too big to belong to Luan'er!

Ji Yunshu scrutinized the mark carefully. The mark ran beneath the ink, so it must have been put onto the paper before the letter was written. She approached her nose and sniffed the paper. The odor of ink was there, as she expected, but there was also a more subtle smell. A smell of tangerine.

'This…' Ji Yunshu raised her eyes in shock. She mumbled, "She did not commit suicide…"

Magistrate Liu was equally surprised when he heard what she said, "Not a suicide? But the coroner said that she did commit suicide. Was it a mistake?"

Ji Yunshu stood up from her bed and asked with a tearful gravity, "Where is Luan'er corpse?" "The people at the Ji Mansion brought it to the Memorial Hall. "

Ji Yunshu put away the piece of paper in her pocket and left in a hurry without any explanations. Magistrate chased after her, only to give up after a few steps and scratched his head at Ji Yushu's reaction. 'Well, all is well, the culprit has confessed her crime and Ji Yunshu will be alright.'

Outside of the prison, an old servant from the Ji Mansion was there to bring her home. Upon seeing Ji Yunshu, she greeted her and said, "Third Miss, I am here on Old Madame's order. You should go home with me."

Ji Yunshu was unmoved, skirted around her and kept walking.

"Where are you going, Third Miss?" asked the servant, who caught up to her and blocked her way.


"Everyone is waiting for you at the mansion. Please come home with me." It seemed like an order.

Ji Yunshu stared at her coldly. The servant quivered; it was a glance that could kill. Ji Yunshu said with a glacial voice, "Go back and tell my father and my grandmother. If there's anything suspicious about Luan'er death, I will find the culprit and make that person pay with his or her own life."

"Oh!" The servant's countenance paled upon hearing these words. She had never heard these kind of piercing words, or received that kind of menacing look from the mild-mannered Third Miss.

Ji Yunshu hurried away from the scene before the servant could stop her again. She arrived at the Memorial Hall after a short walk. Fu Bo was just about to cover up Luan'er with a white sheet when Ji Yunshu arrived. Upon noticing her, Fu Bo obligingly removed the cloth and retreated to the side.

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Ji Yunshu stood at the entrance and slowly proceeded towards Luan'er. The latter laid on the cold wooden floor and looked paler than eyes. Her eyes, which were often watered by tears, were not closed, only to be never opened again. "Luan'er…"

Ji Yunshu extended her arm and grazed Luan'er's cheeks, which were completely devoid of warmth. She suddenly trembled and quickly pulled her hand back into her sleeve and tears rolled down her cheeks. She reminisced the five years she spent in her company, and sisterly feeling she felt for her. 'I thinking that one day, should I be able to save up enough silver, I would help you find a suitable marriage. I hoped that you would be able to live a happy life, without excessive luxuries perhaps, but full of simple joys. I would never have thought that you would leave me like that before you could taste the pleasures of life…'

"Did I not tell you to not get yourself involved in this case? Why didn't you listen to me? How can I live without being haunted by my mistake?" Ji Yunshu was slumped in deep dejection. 

Fu Bo sighed and approached with his back hunched. "Death is inescapable to us all. Some of us will pass away peacefully, while others might not deserve it so soon. A few of us might fully deserve it. Are our bodies not simply a husk for our souls? Some people live, but they are no better than dead. Some people pass away, but they will live forever within the hearts of those who remain, won't they? You shouldn't grief too much about such matters."

Ji Yunshu took a deep breath and finally managed to make her tears vanish. She turned around and asked Fu Bo, "If it were you, what would you do?"

Fu Bo smiled and answered, "Have you not been fighting against the injustices of this world for the past five years, one corpse at a time? Do what you have to do, and don't get too emotionally involved. You need to find the answer you seek." He then pulled his hands behind his back and slowly left her with his back still bent. "It seems like this time, we won't need water and vinegar."

Ji Yunshu bit her pale lips and tried to regain her composure. She finally put on her gloves and started her examination. Luan'er body already had a certain degree of rigor mortis; the limbs were stiff, and marks appeared around the abdominal area. She looked at the ecchymoses around her necks, which ran from her throat to the base of the ears. She forced her mouth open and saw that the tongue was slightly curled up. 'Death by hanging it seems, as expected.'

Ji Yunshu removed her gloves and stared quietly at Luan'er. "A life for a life. I swear, I will not leave the culprit unpunished." She replaced the white cloth over her slowly and walked out of the room. She saw Fu Bo burning incense outside and left in silence.  

By the time she arrived home, it was already two hours past the moment she walked out of her cell. This time, she did not enter the mansion through the western gate. Instead, she walked through the front gate without minding the attention she would receive; it was the first time she did ever since she transmigrated. The thin rain had sprinkled a thin layer of white frost on her long hair. Her eyes, ever so vivid, slowly shifted from the entrance to the main hall as she entered the mansion. She saw every single person from the Ji family reunited, waiting for her with razor-like looks, as if they were going to peel her open. Ji Yunshu's own eyes clashed with her family's without shying away. The glacial raindrops which sank into her shoulders from her wet hair armed her with a coldness which sent a shiver down everyone's spine. Ji Yunshu strided into the hall with her back straightened.

Ji Shuhan shouted at her in anger, "Did I not send someone to fetch you? Are you not safe now? What impudence are you playing again? Have you not lost enough of your dignity already?"

'Impudence? My dignity? What dignity? Luan'er is dead. Does she mean nothing to these people?'

The question put a quirk in her mouth. She asked, "Are other people's lives only weed that ought to be cut to you?"

"You…" Ji Yunshu was baffled by the retort.

Old Madame said with a low voice, "Yunshu, she's dead. She was a murdered, and she paid the price for her crime. You are her master, but you should not let emotions blind you; atonement for one's actions is but the most natural of things and the simplest of truths. She…"

Ji Yunshu cut her off, "Luan'er did not kill anyone." Her voice was as firm as a block of ice, and it reached the ears of the listeners with an incredible coldness. Ji Yunshu's relatives quickly exchanged glances with each other.   Slap-

Ji Shuhan smashed the table and rose in anger. "Everything is over now, I forbid you from bringing it up again!"

'Forbid? Oh, I'll show you just that.'

"Luan'er did not poison anyone. Someone here forced her to commit suicide." Ji Yunshu dared.

"Shut up!" Ji Shuhan roared in a fiery rage. "I care little about how she died. For the sake of our family, you will stay silent, and you not cause any more trouble. You are free now, and if Luan'er died for your sake, then it was absolutely worth it." "I will not give up on this. I swear that I will find the true culprit and render justice to Luan'er, Uncle Wei and Aunt Wei." Clap!

Ji Yunshu felt Ji Shuhan's full strength on her cheek after she barely finished her sentence. The pale skin on her face quickly reddened, and she slowly turned her eyes to look at the cruel man who stood in front of her. Her eyes slowly sank until nothing remained in them but a raw outburst of anger. "Trust me, this will be the last time you hit me."

Grenn’s Rants Corner

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TT_TT Luan’er…



Chapter 104 – The Incomplete Fingerprint

The way Ji Yunshu stared back at him was completely foreign to Ji Shuhan. He almost failed to recognize his own daughter. He took a small step back instinctively, slightly intimidated by her. Ji Yunshu's inky irises took on an air of determination. "Luan'er is the only family I have left in this world. I will not let this injustice go unanswered. I will investigate this case, and I will do it thoroughly."


Everyone was silent. 'Luan'er was her only family? Then what would that make us?'

The first one to speak out in opposition was Ji Yuanzhi. He took a step forward and retorted, "Stop your nonsense! What do you mean Luan'er has been forced to commit suicide? Do you have any evidence? Were it not for the life of that little wretch, would you be standing here talking to us? Will you stop at nothing to blow this scandal out of proportion and bring disgrace upon our family?" He sounded like a valiant defender of the Ji Mansion.

Even Ji Muqing joined in. She raised her eyebrows and added, "Third brother is right. If you have no evidence, then don't make nonsensical claims about Luan'er not being the culprit or someone forcing her to commit suicide. Unless you want to go back to prison and shoulder the blame for the double murder again?"

"Stop dishonoring our family," said Ji Yuanzhi with a scornful snort.

'Two monkeys, they complement each other well in their little tricks.'

Ji Wanxin coughed and tried to lower the tension between the three siblings. She interposed with a weak voice, "Elder sister, third brother, don't speak like that, Yunshu doesn't mean what she said." "Shut your mouth," Ji Muqing stared back at her. "Why are you helping an outsider? Have you forgotten your own name?"

'An outsider. Finally they've revealed their true thoughts.'

A contemptuous smile climbed up Ji Yunshu's lips as she heard these words. She felt a certain pity for her siblings. Ji Yuanzhi noticed it and asked, "What are you laughing at?"

"At your desolate condition. At the fact that despite being alive, you are nothing but a husk, worth less than a cadaver," she answered with a cold look directed at her family.

"You dare insult us?" Ji Muqing raised her hand in anger, about to strike at Ji Yunshu, but the latter caught her wrist before she could swing her arm down.  

Slap-! Ji Yunshu delivered a heavy blow to Ji Muqing's overly powdered left cheek. It was an act no one thought her capable of. Ji Yuanzhi was the first one to go from astonishment to fury: he pulled Ji Muqing back to his side and raised his own hand. He was about to return the blow when his arm was suddenly gripped by another hand, which bent it backwards. He felt a sharp sting near his wrist and thought it had fractured.  


Ji Yuanzhi knelt down from the intensifying pain. Jing Rong towered over him and stared at him with venomous eyes. "You worthless scum, how dare you lay your hands on my Yunshu?" Jing Rong's continued to claw at Ji Yuanzhi's wrist. It seemed like he was not going to stop until his bones were broken.

Ji Shuhan finally recognized Jing Rong and dropped on his knees. "This humble one greets…Prince Rong."

Everyone within the hall dropped to their knees within the next second. Ji Yunshu found herself to be the only one standing aside from Jing Rong. The latter surveyed the hall with his long eyes and said nothing about letting them get back up. 'You shall keep kneeling.'

Ji Yuanzhi knelt down with one knee on the floor, his face contorted by agony. His wrist was becoming visibly bent as a result of Jing Rong's firm grasp. He had difficulty even begging for mercy through the torture. Ji Shuhan looked at the whole scene nervously. He promptly pleaded, "Prince, please forgive my son's foolish transgression, it was not his intention…"

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"I'm not the victim of his transgression, Yunshu is." Jing Rong said "Yunshu", as though he wanted to declare in an overbearing manner that she belonged to him.

Ji Shuhan's face grew pale. "Prince, my son… he…"

"Nevermind!" Jing Rong interrupted his speech and released Ji Yuanzhi with a swing of his arm. Ji Yuanzhi was on all fours and had his forehead against the ground. His face was pale white from the excruciating pain. He was barely able to stop himself from crying out loud. Old Madame Ji was rather worried about her grandson, so she quickly crawled over to have a look at his injuries. Jing Rong clapped his hands, but still forbade them from getting up. He glanced at the people in the hall and added, "Lord Ji, I see that you have been quite busy with things these last few days." Ji Shuhan hurriedly prevaricated, "Prince, these are only trivialities within our family, we wouldn't dare to let you worry…" "Trivialities? A human life is but a triviality?" Jing Rong raised his tone slightly and asked in an intimidating voice.

Ji Shuhan stayed silent and dodged his eyes. Jing Rong had a cold laugh and looked at Ji Yunshu. He said seriously, "You want to figure out who forced Luan'er to commit suicide? Fine. I'll be with you, and I can guarantee that anyone who tries to stop you will not live to see the sunrise of the next day."

These words brought shivers down the spines of the Ji family members. Ji Yunshu kept her composure and walked forth with her resolution unbroken. She looked at her family and said, "If one of you forced Luan'er to her demise, I, Ji Yunshu, swear that I will not let that person go unpunished. Do not expect pity from me because of the bond of blood we share." Her words were unusually harsh and aggressive.

A few eyebrows were raised at the assumption that someone amongst them had to do with Luan'er death, but Ji Yunshu was well aware of what her family would do for the sake of honor. She lingered no longer and left the main hall for her own quarters. Jing Rong looked at her figure from the back and felt a sharp pain sting his heart. He scuttled to catch up to her and left without saying a single word.

Everyone scrambled to their feet soon after Jing Rong left. Ji Yuanzhi was still lamenting the pain in his wrist, which caused Old Madame Ji to worry quite a lot. Ji Muqing held her own cheek with one hand and was sobbing silently; it was the first time someone had struck her. Ji Shuhan sighed with mixed feelings of anger and exasperation as he crawled up with difficulty.

But amongst all of them, there was one pair of eyes which remained fixated on Jing Rong's departing silhouette. It was Ji Wanxin. Her sickly face hid something amidst the usual pallor, it was something else. 'Why, why won't he look at me?'

……………………………. Ji Yunshu walked silently on the path to the western part of the mansion. Jing Rong walked right beside her. Jing Rong finally broke the silence and said, "About Luan'er, don't grieve so much." Ji Yunshu did not answer him. Jing Rong suddenly quickened his pace and blocked her way. He said to her with visible concern between his brows, "If you are feeling unwell, don't hide it. I've said that I wouldn't become the cage that traps you, but I won't shy away from becoming the roof and the walls that will protect you from the raging tempests of this world. As long as there is anything I can do, I will make sure that you remain unharmed."

Even Jing Rong's soft words had their own touch of masculinity. Ji Yunshu hid her red eyes and didn't look back at him. She whispered to him, "Your highness, I thank you for your help, and I will remember your favor. However, I just want to find the culprit now."   "Where do we start?"

"From where Luan'er died."

Ji Yunshu lowered her head and skirted around Jing Rong as she strode towards her destination. The latter quickly caught up with her. Ji Yunshu pushed open the door which led to her quarters and saw a piece of white cloth hanging from the wooden beam which ran horizontally through the room. The small bench below it was on its side: it seemed like no one had entered since the death of Luan'er.   'Fortunate enough, hopefully the evidence that I'm looking for is still there.'

Jing Rong stood silently by the side and let Ji Yunshu carry out her investigation. The latter walked towards a hanger and examined the basin of water which sat on top of it. Ji Yunshu dipped the tip of her finger inside the liquid and sniffed it. It had the distinct smell of tangerine. She then took out the piece of paper Luan'er had left and looked at the fingerprint. After pondering about it for a while, she opened her sandalwood box and took out a brush. She dipped the tip of the brush into ink and carefully traced on the piece of paper. It was not long before the fingerprint appeared, ever so clearly on the paper. Jing Rong walked over and asked with curiosity, "Is this a fingerprint?"

Ji Yunshu scrutinized the mark and answered with conviction, "Whoever it was that killed Luan'er left this." "Are you sure about that?"

"This mark is covered over by the message. This means that when Luan'er wrote this, someone brought the piece of paper in front of her. This is how the fingerprint, whose size suggests that it belongs to a man, made its way onto this piece of paper." Ji Yunshu analyzed the clue. Jing Rong thought about it and asked, "Could it be that someone left the mark on the paper a long time ago?"

"That's impossible," answered Ji Yunshu with certainty. "The paper around it has the smell of tangerine. I often think that I am the only person in the world who would perfume the air of my room with tangerine, because it can get rid of the stench of cadavers. I usually ask Luan'er to add some tangerines every single time she changes the water in the basin. The person must have washed his hands in the basin before giving this piece of paper to Luan'er. The smell usually only remains for twelve hours, after which it will evaporate. There is no mistake about this." Jing Rong nodded upon hearing the explanation, "Then, can we tell to whom it belongs to?" Ji Yunshu showed the piece of paper to him and said, "Perhaps this is a sign sent from the heavens, do you notice anything out of the ordinary about this fingerprint?" Jing Rong examined it carefully and said, "Usually the middle portion of the fingering should be more pronounced. But with this one, it looks like a part of it from the middle is missing. Only the slimmer patterns around the edges remain."

'Yes, the middle part of the fingerprint is completely gone. Gone without leaving a single trace. Did the culprit not have flesh in the middle of his finger?"

Ji Yunshu nodded and said, "This seems to come from the thumb. Whoever it was that forced Luan'er to kill herself has either a deformed thumb with a cavity in its center, or the flesh has been injured and the scar which resulted from it has made it impossible to produce a pattern." "Wait a second…" Jing Rong seemed to have suddenly caught onto something. His eyes suddenly lit up. "If I did not see wrong earlier." "Does your highness know who it is?" asked Ji Yunshu with some excitement. A name slowly came out of Jing Rong's lips, "Ji Yuanzhi!"

Grenn’s Rants Corner

Luan’er: Now, as a ghost, I can be with Miss all day. -24 hours later- Luan’er: *complexion more pale than a ghost* Miss! Stop doing my autopsy! T^T I can’t barf even if I want to. -48 hours later- Luan’er: *peeking through her hands* Miss, Prince Rong is so… aggressive. *blush*


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