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Chapter 11 – Which Murder Case?

The county magistrate looked like a fearful principal offender, so Ji Yunshu gripped the sandalwood box tighter under her arm and sent him a puzzled look.

"Milord, Miss Zhou will be buried in four hours. If we want to re-investigate the case later past that time, we will need to overturn the earth and dig the coffin back out. The delay will be exceedingly long and the investigation will be quite inconvenienced. I'm certain milord can understand this logic."

The county magistrate rubbed his hands together while clicking his tongue several times. His brows knitted from anxiety. "Of course I understand, but…"

"But what?"

"Someone is waiting for you in the yamen! How about we go the yamen first, then wait a bit before going to Zhou Mansion? We can certainly catch up to the funeral procession before Miss Zhou is buried."

The county magistrate stared at her with an inquiring look. His heart nervously in expectancy of her answer.

Ji Yunshu raised an eyebrow and asked, "Could it be that there is also another dead person at the yamen?"

"No, no, no! Someone is looking for you. It's the young master that your father followed to East Suburbs yesterday. He came to the yamen for you early today."

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"Oh? Was the coroner done with the autopsy of the five corpses?"

"Let's stop delaying time! My good Yunshu, hurry and followed me to the yamen. The matter with the Zhou family can wait."

Not allowing Ji Yunshu another opportunity to speak, Liu Qingping dragged her to the yamen hurriedly as if his butt was on fire. Meanwhile, Jing Rong was about done with his cup of tea. He lifted his eyes just in time to see the county magistrate and Ji Yunshu rushing in, with the county magistrate gasping for breath in front of him.

Unexpectedly, Ji Yunshu was not out of breath, nor was her heart beating erratically. She stood there with a normal appearance and looked straight at Jing Rong, who was sitting on a chair made out of pear wood. Yesterday, in the pitch black darkness, it had been difficult to see his appearance in detail; the daylight revealed his sword-like eyebrows with bright eyes outlined by a peach blossom eye shape[1], and his facial traits were dyed with treacherousness and icy arrogance. It was obvious that he showed a few hints of interest.

Their eyes locked together. From the beginning, Jing Rong had been studying Ji Yunshu while she was likewise studying him.

He observed Ji Yunshu's white and slightly rosy clean face. He didn't know if it was because of the jog just now or the blowing wind, but her pair of deep eyes were even more full of vitality. So to say… When he looked at that person, he didn't feel any disdain at all!

The county magistrate bent with haste. "Prince Rong, this official has brought you the person."

'Prince Rong?' Ji Yunshu became absent-minded. Indeed, a person who could make her evil father shake his tail like a dog was either his mother or an influential character, but never a nobody!

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Jing Rong gave him a deep look before waving his hand, hinting at the magistrate to withdraw to the side. Then, he faced Ji Yunshu and asked, "Teacher Ji, did you eat well today?"

"I ate very well!"

"Then, did you sleep well yesterday?"

"This humble self did not sleep a wink the whole night."

"How so?"

She had to kneel the whole night, so of course she didn't sleep well. But how can she talk about it?! Ji Yunshu frowned and asked in reply, "Prince Rong, are you living next to the sea?" In other words, mind your own business!

Fortunately, Jing Rong was unable to understand. Instead, he seriously tried to analyze the meaning of her question. "I live in Rong Estate within the capital. It's nowhere near the sea. Teacher Ji, could it be that you're confused from the lack of sleep?"

'You're the confused one! Your whole family is confused!'

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Ji Yunshu raised her eyes. "Since your highness is searching for me, I believe it isn't to simply ask if I had eaten yet or to chat with me?"

"Of course not." Jing Rong replied sternly and went to the main subject. "The coroner has examined the corpse and confirmed that they died from poisoning. The verdict was just as you said."

Ji Yunshu didn't seemed surprise as she asked, "Therefore…?"

"Therefore, I want to invite Teacher Ji for a trip to the memorial hall. Help me do another detailed examination and determine whether or not there is something else!

"Have the corpses been dissected?"

"Their guts are all visible!"

"Are the bones visible?"

"As clear as day. That's the reason why I ask whether or not Teacher Ji has already eaten. It is in order to avoid any unwanted reactions when you see the corpses."

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Unwanted reaction? Was he afraid that she would vomit? How funny! What manner of things had she, Ju Yunshu, not yet seen? Not to mention dissected corpses dripping with blood, she had even touched many rotten corpses filled with maggots.

The case of Zhou family's young miss or Prince Rong's case, which one should be investigated first? Would this make things difficult for the magistrate?

Jing Rong took a guess, "Is there another case?"

The county magistrate replied without delay, "Prince Rong, two days ago, there was a homicide case. The victim is a young lady from a wealthy household. The family wanted to bury her quickly. If we don't investigate now, I'm afraid it would be too late."

Jing Rong's expression was dignified. After much deliberation, he said to Ji Yunshu, "My matter is not urgent. Handle the case on hand and then come earnestly help me, so to avoid you getting distracted."

Oh! Such a good person!

[2] [subject] + 住在海边, it literally meant [subject] live next/near to the sea. In this context, the deeper meaning is… you have way too much time meddling in other’s business because you live next to the sea. I guess, in China, people living near the sea have the time to meddle in other’s affairs.


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