Bone Painting Coroner

Chapter 180

Chapter 180 – Heaven on Earth

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Note: Unedited

“A cold block of stone” was a nickname that Mo Ruo kept using for him countless of times since they were young. However, he was unconvinced about the cold part. He was obviously warmhearted!

If he was lying on his pillow, he would have fiercely threw it at Mo Ruo.

Mo Ruo resumed compounding medicine. Next, he carefully it in a white cloth and placed it in a bowl and added water in it. While working, he instructed Jing Rong. “After blending the essence of the medicinal herb in the water, you have to drink everything without leaving a drop. Otherwise, it will leave sequelae in the future. At that time, don’t blame me.”

Jing Rong looked at the bowl of medicine and asked, “Will it kill me if I drink it?”

“Yeah! Of course it will. Not only that, it’s extremely toxic. It’s a special poison just like your love.” Mo Ruo replied with all his serious.

“…” Jing Rong was unable to respond.

Mo Ruo looked at the sky and saw it was getting late. He said to Jing Rong, “I want to return to Yuhua Pavilion. If you want to send people to wreck it, I have to quickly go retreat some money as to avoid not having enough money to afford a quilt when sleeping on the streets later.”

“Get lost!” Jing Rong glared at him.

“Inhuman!” Mo Ruo cursed at him before flipping his sleeves and leaving.

Right after, Lang Po came in and nervously said, “Your Highness, how is your body?”

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“There is Mo Ruo, so this Prince is alright.” Jing Rong closed his heavy eyelids and asked, “That’s right! How is Yunshu?”

“Mis- Teacher Ji is alright.”

“Hmm! That is good then.”

Suddenly, he heard the imperial guard keeping watch outside. “Teacher Ji, why did you come?”

“I come to find your prince.”

“His Highness is…”

Not waiting for the guard to finish, Ji Yunshu hastily went into the courtyard and was about to go into Jing Rong’s room.

Jing Rong took an instant to think about something. Then, his mouth curled into a mischievous smile. He immediately laid back under his quilt, closed his eyes and waved his hand in an obscure manner. He was hinting at Lang Po to leave.


‘How devious!’ Lang Po inwardly gave a thumb up at his prince. Right after that, he lowered his head to smile and retreated. When he opened the door, his way was blocked by Ji Yunshu.

“Teacher Ji, his Highness has not yet regain his consciousness. His body is also not good. It’s better if you go back.” Lang Po had a very serious expression when he spoke.

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“You are in my way.” Ji Yunshu stubbornly pushed him out of her way and stepped inside the room.

The guards outside were about to go in, but they were stopped by Lang Po. The latter whispered, “You better remember that you saw nothing. Do you understand?”

‘We don’t understand! Why do we have to pretend not to see anything?’ The two guards looked at each other, then they nodded at Lang Po.

Lang Po snickered while closing back the door. He muttered, “Your Highness, this subordinate can only help you to this point.”

After she went aside the room, she saw Jing Rong lying unconscious on the bed. In small steps, she walked to the bedside and sat down. His handsome face was pale and didn’t have the usual liveliness and energy. Despite his feeble countenance, his eyebrows didn’t attenuate his sharpness and the impression of vigilance on his traits as they were tightly knitted together. When she looked at his appearance, her eyes immediately reddened and glistening teardrops fell from her eyes.

Pain could be felt inside her chest and she frowned in distress. Her chapped lips pursed while her slender hands stretched out from under her sleeves. She put them on the bedding and lightly called him out several times. “Your Highness?”

There was no respond.

“Since we left Jinjiang, it has already been several months and quite often, I encountered many dangerous situations, but you were always by my side, and helped me over and over again. You saved me. For this grace, I might not be able to repay you completely in this lifetime. Yet, this time, because of me, you received such serious injuries and is now in this kind of state. How can I repay you?”

Jing Rong didn’t make any single movement.

“Jing Rong, I’m sorry! I’m really sorry. You have to wake up. Otherwise, I won’t be able to forgive myself my whole life.” Drop by drop, her cold tears fell on the back of Jing Rong’s hand. The cold sensation seeped through his flesh and seemed as if it flown through his veins, slowly cooling him.

His heart shivered, gripped by the subzero sensation, yet the next instant, it abruptly turned into a heat that burn him silly. ‘Ji Yunshu cries because of me! That’s right! Her heartbroken tears was for him! Is it because she feels guilty or is it due to another reason?’

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Ji Yunshu wiped her tears and took a deep breath. She grabbed Jing Rong’s wrist and was planning to put it under the quilt when suddenly, Jing Rong’s hand grabbed her fingers and brought it to his chest.

“Eh?!’ Ji Yunshu was scared. Then, she saw Jing Rong opened his eyes and stared at her with infatuation.

His devilish smile beamed at her as he said, “You owe this Prince. You can you yourself to pay me back.”


It took him a moment to support himself up with difficulty. He added, “Fool, didn’t I say that I will not die?”

Ji Yunshu could finally reacted. She realized that she fell into his trap! “Liar!” She pushed him away as soon as she was done shouting at him and tried to get up.

“Urgh!” Jing Rong grasped his chest and frowned.

Upon seeing his reaction, she dispelled the thought of getting up and sat back. She anxiously inquired, “Did I touch your wound? I really didn’t do it on purpose.”

“Are you distressed for me?”

“I only… Ah!” She didn’t finished her sentence as Jing Rong lifted the quilt; he grabbed her slender waist in a flash; pulled her toward him; and drilled back under the quilt. 

She didn’t even have the time to struggle and was already held by Jing Rong and he covered both of them with his quilt. Jing Rong tightly hugged her, his chest pasted to her back and his chin resting on her delicate shoulder.

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“What are you doing? Let me go!” Ji Yunshu twisted and turned, struggling to free herself.

Jing Rong’s lips brushed against her earlobe and he whispered, “Don’t move. I’m hurt everywhere.”

“…” As expected, she stopped struggling in order to avoid hurting Jing Rong. She bite her lips and nervously said, “It’s better if your Highness release me. We will be see by others…”

“It’s unlikely that anyone will enter. He flatly replied. After a moment, his mischievous smile reappeared. In a tone suffused with some anger, he spoke. “By the way, do you remember what I said before? If you acted impulsively without any regards to your safety, I will throw you on the nuptial bed and have my way with you.”

Oh no! She fell into the beast’s clutches.

At once, Ji Yunshu struggled again. “What kind of nonsense is this?! Let me go!”

“I said I’m hurt all over. If I faint again, I will hold you responsible.”


“Stay calm or I will immediately strip you off and let you taste heaven on Earth.”

‘Heaven on Earth? Like the sketch?’ Ji Yunshu’s mouth arched down and she felt uneasy. That injured brute unexpectedly wanted to imitate the tiger throwing food at the hungry wolf. Was that the main point? Ji Yunshu almost rolled her eyes at him.

Jing Rong held her waist tighter and they both nestled under the quilt, stuck to each other in an ambiguous position as if they were a loving married couple.

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