Bone Painting Coroner

Chapter 183

Chapter 183 – Jing Xian

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Yuhua Pavilion.

As soon as Mo Ruo woke up, sobered from the alcohol, he went into a room and searched for something.

Clink! Clang! Clac!

The room was overturned into a mess.

An apprentice from outside came in and swept a glance at the room in inquiry. “What are you looking for, Master?”

“Where is the box I brought back?”

“Which one?”

“The wooden box with a lock on top.” Mo Ruo continued to rummage through the books and objects, throwing them to the floor those he deemed wasn’t what he was looking for.

The little apprentice scratched his head while furiously trying to recall where the box was. Then, he rushed outside and lifted the corner of a table. “Master! It’s here!” He took out the box from under it as it was used as a table leg to level it.

Thump! All the medicinal ingredients on the table were scattered on the floor.

Mo Ruo came out, and his eyes lit up at the sight of the box. He took the box from the little apprentice while reprimanding him. “You little bastard! Who let you used that box as a table leg?”

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“Master, you wrongly accused me! Yesterday, after you return from the Rong estate, you were drinking on that table and saw that it was unstable. You were noisily arguing about repairing it. Since the table is stable after that, I placed the medicinal ingredients on it, so you can’t accused me wrongly!”

‘I am innocent!’

Mo Ruo got embarrassed because he remembered drinking a lot and indeed did such a scandalous thing. At least, his behaviour was quite tamed compared to two years ago, during a drunken frenzy, he decided to strip naked and advocate the strengthening of his friendship with Jing Rong by wanting to sleep on the same bed with the latter.

“Alright! I wronged you.” Mo Ruo took the box and went out with it.

“Where are you going?”

“I am going to the palace!”


Inside the imperial palace.

Red walls, green roof tiles and signboards lacquered with gold, shining in metallic luster, composed the bustling interior of the palace, giving it an imposing aura that gave justice to the majestic palace of the Lin dynasty. The exception would be the cold palace, a place forever shrouded in desolation and bleakness. Yet, in another palace, as equal dilapidated as the cold palace, lived the fourth prince, Jing Xian. His whole quarters, be it the building itself or the walls surrounding it, was in need of repair. The wall paint was chipped; the roof tiles were full of holes, pecked by crows; the courtyard was a paradise for weeds; and the paper covering the barely shielded from any wind. It was clear to the eyes that the Tongren hall was ruined and gloomy which represented Jing Xian’s position.

Although Jing Xiang was conferred the title Sage King, had his own force and had an estate with a command token, but Qizhen Emperor had stripped him of all his privileges due to his chronic illness and arranged a place for him in the imperial palace for a proper convalescence.

It could be said that the emperor still cared about Jing Xian’s illness and made him stay in the palace where he was arranged an attending doctor. This could be considered that he treated his son well. However, apart from this point, he didn’t inquire much neither did he show much interest toward Jing Xian.

The inside of the palace hall was clean and well-furnished despite the lack of opulence compared to the rest of the imperial palace. Through the opened window panels, a maple tree could be seen. As spring was here, the tree was covered in buds and lush green foliage. Under the wind, it swayed gently, casting a shadow over the window frame. In front of the window, there was a rocking chair. Jing Xian was resting on it with his eyes lowered. Despite his sickly pale complexion, he was still a handsome with the same bearing and similar traits as Jing Rong and Jing Yi. The imperial family’s gene is too amazing!

Court Eunuch Bi Lu came in from outside with a decoction and put it on the table next to Jing Xian. “Sage King, please take your medicine!”

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“Leave it there.”

“The weather is getting cold. Please be careful as not to catch a cold.”

Jing Xian took the bowl of medicine and drank it.

Bi Lu bowed and spoke again, “The imperial physician made change to your prescription. He said that the medicinal ingredients were forage on Heavenly Mountain which should be better, so it should help you get well quickly.”

Jing Xian stared out of the window. He has heard Bi Lu said those words so many times over the years. He laughed bitterly. “Good or not, it’s pointless to me.”

Bi Lu sighed inwardly. The eunuch saw his prince grew up and felt distressed for Jing Xian who was born under an ill star.

“Your Highness’s health would certainly improve. This old servant believe that her Ladyship is watching over you from Heaven and is blessing you.”

“It’s been 14 years already. Why do you still mention mother?” Sadness could be felt in his tone.

“It’s my mistake.”

“You can withdraw. I want to take a rest.”

“Yes, your Highness!”

Bi Lu saw Jing Xian closed his eyes, so he took the empty bowl and silently retreated. Right after he closed the door, he met Mo Ruo who was rushing ahead with long box held in his arm. The latter expression was placid.

“Doctor Mo, what are you…” His words were interrupted by Mo Ruo’s hand wave.

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Mo Ruo stretched his neck as to peer into the room. He then put his index on his lips. “Shhh!”

Bi Lu shrank back and pressed down his voice. “Doctor Mo, what is this?”

“Lower your voice and go do your task. No need to pay attention to me.”


Mo Ruo quietly went into the room. He glanced behind him and saw Jing Xian leaning on the rocking chair. Then, he carefully placed the long box on a table.

“Why did you come here?” Suddenly, Jing Xian spoke.

“I was being careful, so how did you know I came in?”

“This Tongren palace is so unfrequented for so many years that even the sound of dead leaves being swept by Bi Lu is audible.”

What a miserable place.

Mo Ruo laughed. He picked up the box again, approached Jing Xian and sat next to him. “How is your health these days?”

“Same old, same old!”

“Let me examine you.”

Jing Xian lifted his sleeve and stretched out his hand. Mo Ruo took his pulse, but his smooth eyebrows knitted together after a moment. His fingers parted from Jing Xian’s wrist. “Did the imperial physician from the Great Hospital change your prescription?”

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Jing Xian grunted.

“When I left, didn’t I tell you that only I can touch your prescription?”

“Ah? You did? I don’t really remember.” He spoke with an indifferent tone.

Mo Ruo got annoyed. “You and Jing Rong are really two extremes! He is obstinate, pig-headed and competitive. Whereas, you are desolate, indifferent to everything and doesn’t know how to cherish thing. You don’t even care about your life!”

Jing Xian’s pale lips hooked up at Mo Ruo’s outburst. He showed a melancholic smile before talking. “My illness is incurable. Hence, I stop fighting. I am but an empty shell. Don’t tell me that there is still a hope that one day I can be back to normal?”

“There is me, so you will be alright.”

“It has been 14 years already. Your father was also helpless against this illness.”

Mo Ruo interjected and gave him the box. “The Old Man’s skills are beneath to mine. What he can’t treat, I can. This thing is something I obtained and it can help treat your illness. Keep it with you and you must smell it every day. In addition, stop drinking that new decoction. You have to take what I prescribed you before and you can’t drink skip a dose.”

Jing Xian opened the box. Inside of it, there was vine-like azure medicinal ingredient that had luxuriant bamboo-looking leaves.

“What is it?”

“This is Heartless herb. You are prone to congestion of blood circulation. The smell of this herb will help with the circulation. This thing is something that money can’t buy.”

“I am a dead man. There is no need to waste such thing on me.”

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