Bone Painting Coroner

Chapter 200

Chapter 200 – A Complex Medical Case

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Original and most updated translations are from volare. Please don’t read elsewhere and stop supporting theft.

Since Yuhua Pavilion had a God Doctor, there would be countless sick people coming in every day. Although Mo Ruo hadn’t seen a patient for a year, his apprentices were all outstanding medical experts. They could be on par with the imperial physicians. At this moment, an apprentice with good eyes, who was giving out numbered tiles, recognized the guards of Rong estate. Thus, he welcomed Ji Yunshu and Wei Yi. “Are you people from Prince Rong’s estate?”

“Is Young Master Mo inside?” Ji Yunshu asked.

The apprentice answered, “Master is upstairs.”

“Can you tell him that we have a complex medical case that need him to examine?”

“Yes, please come take a seat inside.” He led them inside while the guards stood outside, guarding the entrance.

After they sat down in a small reception room situated in the backyard, the apprentice took out two cups of tea. Then, he immediately left to the attic to inform Mo Ruo of the guests.

Meanwhile in the attic, Mo Ruo was busy compounding medicine. Occasionally, he will dip his fingers in the mixture and knead it before smelling it. He frowned. “The medicinal ingredients have too much moisture. Throw it away quickly!”

The apprentice at his side hurriedly took a pile of medicine ingredients out and threw it in a cask.

Mo Ruo’s voice sounded again. “The medicinal scent on this medicine is not enough.”

It was tossed into the garbage!

“This orchid bud didn’t bask enough in the sun.”

It was discarded.

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“Don’t tell me that Kuizi only focused on saving costs? How come these look so dried up?”

Another pile of ingredients had been thrown away. Almost all the ingredients on the table had been disposed of, leaving the table somewhat empty.

The apprentice Ah Chi felt it was such a waste. He felt as if his felt was being cut every time he had to throw away the ingredients. “Master, if we throw everything according to your requirements, we will be throwing away all the ingredients in our pavilion. It’s such a waste!”

Mo Ruo glared at him and spoke severely. “Before I left, I specifically explained that as long as there is a problem with the medicine or the ingredients, we have to throw it. Did you forget everything that I said?”

“That’s not it! How can I dare?”

Mo Ruo hit Ah Chi’s head. “The quacks in this world all can mostly prescribe useless medicine just to cheat the common people of their money. If you want to learn from me, you must remember to be rigorous and not keep those ineffective ingredients to give it to the patients. Do you understand?”

He stared at his apprentice with a sharp expression. Ah Chi trembled. How could he dare saying the contrary?! He nodded and answered, “I understand. I won’t be a quack. I must be like master and practice medicine to help the people, give medicine to those in need and become a famous doctor.”

His battle spirit had been ignited. Although, it seemed that there was a hint of flattery hiding within his words.

Mo Ruo rubbed his hands together and pieces of ingredients and medicine fell on his clothes. He was about to say something to Ah Chi when he heard someone coming up from the ladder.

Then, the apprentice who welcomed Ji Yunshu came up. “Master, there’s two guests from the Prince Rong’s estate. They say they have a complex medical case that need you to take a look!”

“People from Prince Rong’s estate? Who?”

“I don’t know them. However, they came with Sui Shi, who is Prince Rong’s guard.”

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Mo Ruo creased his brows. He arranged his clothes and stretched. The corner of his mouth curled up as his mood was high. “Go and invite them up here. Bring a pot of Longjing tea to serve them.”

“Yes.” The apprentice hurriedly went down the ladder.

Ah Chi grabbed his own head and asked, “Master, you know who they are?”

Mo Ruo reprimanded him instead. “Clean up these ingredients properly.”

“Ah!” Ah Chi grunted in agreement. He was very pitiful.

Mo Ruo got up and walked out to the balcony. This was his resting place, and it was relatively peaceful with a curtain of musling to shelter from the elements. For furniture, the place only had a table and a few chairs made out of bamboo, enclosed by a railing. It was a tranquil place.

At this moment, Ji Yunshu and Wei Yi was led into the attic. When they came in, what they saw was Mo Ruo holding a bottle of wine, leisurely drinking it. The fragrance of alcohol pervaded the air. Mo Ruo is a wine lover, a fact known to everyone.

“You came? Sit down.” Mo Ruo pointed at a place opposite of him with his chin. 

Ji Yunshu unceremoniously pulled Wei Yi to sit down next to her. The apprentice who led them in brought back a pot of Longjing tea, and was about to put down a third cup.

“I don’t drink tea, only wine!” Mo Ruo reminded him. 

The apprentice nodded and left two cups of tea on the table. The tea fragrance mingled with the alcohol odor, filling the open bamboo shed on the balcony. The odor filled their nose. It was light and refreshing.

“This tea is usually left here with no one to drink it since I don’t have many visitors. Try it, how is the taste?” Mo Ruo pointed at the tea.

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Ji Yunshu wasn’t in a hurry to talk business, so she picked up her cup and took a sip. “It’s very fragrant!”

“Only fragrant?”

“Did you add something else in the tea?”

“What a pity for such tea, it appears that Miss Ji isn’t a tea lover.” Mo Ruo looked at the pot of tea with pity.

‘How petty! Isn’t that just a pot of tea?’

Ji Yunshu smiled. “Young Master Mo had perhaps regarded me too highly. I am a common woman that lived on plain tea and simple food. In my hand, I carry a knife to cut apart corpses. What filled my nose is nothing but bloody smell and the stench of rotting. So of course, my sense of smell and taste are rough; I naturally cannot fully appreciate such good tea.”

Hearing her speech, Mo Ruo raised the corner of his mouth. He didn’t feel revulsed by her words. He was afterall a doctor and had also seen his fair share of gore.

“What an eloquent mouth!” He praised her.

While they were talking, Wei Yi took a gulp of the tea. ‘So hot!’ He stretched out his tongue and fanned it with both of his hands. 

“Ignorant!” Mo Ruo complained. “This tea is premium goods. You can barely buy it even with money. Really ignorant!”

He was displeased, so he took a sip of wine to calm the anger in his heart.

Ji Yunshu asked in a low voice, “Did my sudden visit disturb your leisure time?”

Mo Ruo took another sip of wine. He closed his eyes and said, “Every day, countless people go in and out of Yuhua Pavilion. If it’s not at least a thousand, there should be more than a hundred. Where can I find the time to be idle?” He sounded slightly drunk.

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Not leaving Ji Yunshu the time to reply, Wei Yi rushed to refute him after putting back his burn tongue. “Lies! If you are busy, why are you hiding here to drink wine?”

Looking at Wei Yi’s genuine feeling showed on his face, Mo Ruo couldn’t help laughing.

“What are you laughing for?” Wei Yi asked.

“I’m laughing at you because you misunderstood me!” Mo Ruo answered.

‘Bro, if Wei Yi can understand your meaning, that will be dreadful.’

Wei Yi seemed to be hostile towards Mo Ruo. To put it bluntly, he just didn’t like that man for some reason. 

“I definitely don’t want to understand you. I remember how that you farted last time, and it was so smelly. In addition, you are not Shu’er. I only want to understand Shu’er.” Wei Yi pouted as he spoke.

After a moment, Ji Yunshu tugged at his sleeve and reprimanded him. “Don’t be impolite!”

“Oh!” Wei Yi quieted down obediently and leaned back on his chair.

Ji Yunshu turned to Mo Ruo and apologized. “Young Master Mo shouldn’t mind Wei Yi’s words, he…”

Mo Ruo interrupted her with a raise of his hand. “I don’t mind!” Immediately after, his sight fell on Ji Yunshu’s golden mask. “Remove your mask.”


“Let me take a look at your scar.”

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