Bone Painting Coroner

Chapter 208

Chapter 208 – Grind the Knife to Kill Pigs and Slaughter Sheeps

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Concubine Xiao was aware that despite her daughter growing up in the palace, she loved secretly slipping out to find Jing Rong since her young age. Hence, it was quite normal that she became acquainted with Kong Yu. What’s more, Kong Yu treated her like her own little sister and was extremely doting with her, which Jing Xuan reciprocated by treating Kong Yu as her big sister. Yet, because of her, Kong Yu had to marry in her stead. Jing Xuan’s heart was certainly unwilling.

At this moment, Concubine Xiao understood clearly her daughter’s state of mind, but she could only pretend to be helpless and put on her motherly appearance. In short, she pushed all the blame on the man who shared the same bed as her, it was the best solution to this problem, and he was the Emperor after all! Going against his edict was a death sentence.

Jing Xuan cried for a long time until her red eyes became swollen, but Concubine Xiao refused to yield to her pleadings. Jing Xuan shot up and stomped her feet. “Since Imperial Mother refused to go see Imperial Father, I’ll go find him myself.” She had yet the time to make another move and was already pulled back by her mother.

“Haven’t you cause enough trouble?” Her voice was filled with ire and frustration. She repressed her flourishing anger. “If you go to your Imperial Father now and provoked his anger, it’s not a guarantee he won’t kill you. He has been vexed enough the past two days. How about we think of another way since we have no solution has of now. If you cause trouble, I won’t be able to protect you.” Inwardly, she was angry to the point she wanted to flip the table.

Jing Xuan couldn’t manage so many things at the same thing, not to mention her temper was extremely impulsive. In the worst case, it might be annoying, but she has to be stopped.

Concubine Xiao wasn’t a defenseless lamb. Seeing her daughter’s determination, she slapped the table and summoned several low-ranked eunuchs. “Restrain the princess for this Imperial One. Watch over her and without my order, she is not allowed to leave. If I find out that someone secretly let her go, be careful of your heads.”

“Yes, your Ladyship. This slave shall obey.” The eunuchs hurriedly bowed at Concubine Xiao before grabbing Jing Xuan. Since she was a princess, they didn’t dare to use too much force and only tried retain her.

Jing Xuan flung her arms and snarled, “Don’t touch me. Get lost, bunch of dogs!”

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Her shout caused the eunuchs to immediately wither, retreating several steps.

This completely infuriated Concubine Xiao. She flung back her sleeve and reprimanded, “What are you waiting for? Didn’t you hear my order? Send the princess away.”

“Imperial Mother, you can’t do this. I want to see Imperial Father…” Once again, she struggled against the eunuchs, but they quickly pulled her out of the hall. Her sharp yell slowly fading into the distance, but it still remained audible for a long time.

Concubine Xiao seemed as if she was hit by a weapon, gasping for her breath with a flushed complexion. She rubbed her chest that painfully ached inside while sitting down.

Upon seeing this, Sang Lan immediately brought another cup of hot tea. “Your Ladyship, you must not be angry, it’s bad for your body. The princess is still young, wait until…”


Her words were interrupted by a cup that Concubine Xiao threw to the floor, shattering it into pieces.

Her sixth sense as a servant warned her, thus she hurriedly kneeled down to admit her error. “I’m the one in the wrong. I beg for your forgiveness.”

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Concubine Xiao snorted, showing a resentful expression, disappointed that no one met her expectations. “This Imperial One has spoken so many times in front of the Emperor in favor of Xuan’er, but that girl… She unexpectedly said such words to me. She hasn’t grown up at all.”

“Your Ladyship, please quell your anger. The princess will certainly understand your hardships one day.”

“Everyone, get out!” Concubine Xiao abruptly shouted.

“Yes!” Sang Lan was a tactful servant. She had followed her mistress for many years and understood her temper. At this moment, she wanted to say something, but since there was a high possibility that she couldn’t avoid punishment after speaking out, she kept the words in her heart and hurriedly withdrawn to the outside alongside the other palace maids and eunuchs.

Concubine Xiao’s hand supported her forehead as her elbow rested on the table. Her heart felt stifle and painful from the anger.


Meanwhile, after Ji Yunshu returned to the Rong Estate with Lang Po, she started to sharpen her knives, and it wasn’t vegetable knives. She was sharpening her precious knives which she stored in her sandalwood box. There were collecting dust in her box for a while and would become blunt if left alone. Hence, she have to hone them once in a while. The small knife made a schlik-schlik each time it was ground on the whetstone.

Ji Yunshu carefully sharpened it, afraid that a careless move would ruin the blade. Those knives were different from the commonly seen ones as they were customized for her uses.

Not to mention she spent a huge amount of money on them, so it was normal that she considered those knives her treasures.

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After she finished sharpening one, she looked at her courtyard and was surprised by the sudden appearance of Shi Zijin which couldn’t be seen usually. At this moment, she was holding an exquisitely carved sword and stood in front of the water wheel motionlessly.

“Zhijin!” Ji Yunshu called her in a gentle voice.

Hearing her name, Shi Zijin turned around and walked over, stopping in front of the door, ready for any orders from Ji Yunshu.

“You follow me for several days already. You must be tired. You don’t need to protect me all the times. Take a rest!”

Shi Zijin didn’t respond neither did she moved. Her stubborn face showed a maturity unfitted for a 15-year-old girl. In addition, her expression was very cold, similar to that of a wandering hero.

Ji Yunshu continued to sharpen her knife. After a while, she still didn’t hear a reply, so she proposed once again, “Since you don’t want to rest, come in for a cup of tea.”

“No need!” She uttered at last.

Ji Yunshu curled her lips. She grinded her knife while studying Shi Zijin from the corner of her eyes. ‘Might as well just…’She put down her knife and wiped it. Then, she got up and came next to Shi Zijin. Her hand suddenly shot to grab on Zijin’s firm and muscled arm, leading her into the room and making her sit at the table. Finally, Ji Yunshu placed a hot cup of tea in front of Shi Zijin. Her actions were smooth and organised with no waste movements.

Shi Zijin didn’t resist and obediently sat there. However, she never relaxed one second, sitting very straight in the chair. Her eyes looked straight in front of her, placid like still water.

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“Seriously, you’re not drinking?” Ji Yunshu asked.

Shi Zijin nodded.

Seeing her like this, Ji Yunshu couldn’t stop herself from laughing. ‘Forget it. Let her sit down then.’ Ji Yunshu took out a few more knives from her sandalwood box and resumed to her grinding. It was a very serene atmosphere, punctuated by the metallic sounds of grinding.

Despite the awkwardness between them, after the time of joss stick, their tense relationship ease into an exceptional harmony – A silent person and a person who didn’t want to disturb the other.

Suddenly, Shi Zijin shot up, her hand reaching the sword on the table.


The sound was deafening in the silent room.

Ji Yunshu had just finished sharpening a knife when she noticed Shi Zijin. She moved her sight to the door and saw Jing Rong arriving.

He walked in with a wooden face, breaking by a slight frown similar to when he was in Yuhua Pavilion. It appeared that his talk with Mo Ruo didn’t yield any results.

Shi Zijin obediently left with no intention of disturbing them.

After Jing Rong came in, he sat across Ji Yunshu and sipped the cup in front of him. After that, he did nothing. He simply sat there in silence.

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