Bone Painting Coroner

Chapter 211

Chapter 211 – The Emperor Is Not Nervous, But the Eunuch Feels Anxious

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Note: Unedited

Original and most updated translations are from volare. Please don’t read elsewhere and stop supporting theft.

Ji Yunshu felt as if she was sitting on pins and needles, aware of being stared at by Ji Li and Ji Huan. Their eyes were like rockets, ready to home at her, burning her alive.

A bit before the banquet started, Jing Rong came back. He quietly sat down. His expression neutral as not to let his state of mind show. When he sat down, his gaze lowered for a moment before he raised his eyes and stared straight at Jing Yi.

Jing Yi lifted his wine cup to him. Then, he deliberately glanced at Ji Yunshu before draining his cup.

“Did Prince Yi approached you?” Jing Rong leaned his head toward Ji Yunshu.

She let out a grunt of affirmation.

“So, did Ji Li and Ji Huan came over?”

Once again, she confirmed his guess with a grunt.

Jing Rong frowned while balling his fists. “As soon as the banquet ends, quickly send Teacher Ji back.” He ordered Lang Po.

“Yes, your Highness!”

Where did Jing Rong go? Did he meet Kong Yu? Since he didn’t mention it, Ji Yunshu also didn’t ask.

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At this moment, a few people entered Moon Gazing Terrace, attracting everyone’s eyes, becoming the focus of their attention.

“General Yuchi!” Someone exclaimed.

It was Yuchi Lin with his two generals. They were garbed in armor, wearing a vigilant smile while being led by a eunuch to their seats.

However, unexpectedly, they were accompanied by another individual – Su Ziluo.

Cling! A cup fell to the floor.

When Ji Huan saw Su Ziluo, his eyes were riveted on him for a moment, enough for his trembling hands to drop his wine cup. 

‘How could it be?’ Ji Li was equally shocked.

“Isn’t that Ji Pei? Didn’t he die?” They looked at each other with eyes widened in shock.

Their disturbances didn’t escape Jing Yi’s notice. He looked over and followed their line of sight, landing on Su Ziluo. He squinted his eyes, puzzled by their relationship with that man in a wheelchair.

Su Ziluo took place next to Yuchi Lin, maintaining an apathetic expression from the start to the end. However, behind his tranquil eyes hid sinister intentions. After a moment, he suddenly shifted his gaze and crossed eyes with Ji Li, reading the shock and the other expression.

The suddenness of it caught Ji Li off guard. The wine pot in his hand was at one inch of being thrown at Su Ziluo, but Ji Huan was the one pulling him back to reason this time. His second brother approached his ears and whispered, “Eldest Brother, it’s impossible for him to be Ji Pei. Ji Pei already died two years ago. That man is a subordinate of Yuchi Lin.”

Ji Li didn’t respond. He cast another glance at Su Ziluo. Then, he poured himself another cup of wine and drank it, trying to repress the uneasiness. Yet, the frown between his eyebrows remained. 

Ji Yunshu’s gaze followed Su Ziluo. Her hand couldn’t help clenching her surcoat. She felt her eyes burning, almost turning red from emotions. ‘He is not Ji Pei! He is not him!’ She wordlessly chanted countless time, but it was stronger than her – her gaze gravitated to him.

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Jing Rong noticed her abnormalities. He glanced at Su Ziluo from the corner of his eyes. ‘Is Yunshu familiar with him?’ He wanted to ask and was about to do so, but at the last moment, he kept quiet.

“The Emperor has arrived!” A court eunuch loudly shouted. 

Everyone got up and bowed in respect.

Qi Zhen Emperor and Concubine Xiao arrived together. Qi Zhen sat on the dragon throne. “Everyone get up. No need to be polite.”

“Thank you, your Majesty!” Each of them sat down again.

Ji Yunshu still hasn’t detached her gaze from Su Ziluo. Whatever was said between the Emperor and the crowd of officials, none entered her ears, except when Yuchi Lin introduced Su Ziluo to the Emperor.

“Teacher Su is this General’s good friend and mentor. He also came from a household of generals. Although he’s unable to move freely and can’t go to the battlefield, he has become my most capable right-hand man. I have brought him with him today to let him experience the prosperity of Great Lin.”

After his words were said, Qi Zhen also treated Su Ziluo as a noble guest, gave him a toast of wine in greetings. Su Ziluo reciprocated, but he only drank tea.

Jing Rong frowned more. He leaned toward Ji Yunshu. “You said before that this General Yuchi wasn’t one to waddle in schemes. Seeing you look at Teacher Su, are you suspecting he might be the puppet-master?”

“I’m not sure.”

“Then, why are you looking at him so intently?”

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“I only feel… that he resembled an old friend of mine.”

“You mean Ji Pei?” Jing Rong put his finger on the truth.

Ji Yunshu looked at him, but she didn’t respond.

Jing Rong pointed at Ji Li and Ji Huan with his chin. “Your brothers also looked at him, but they are more shock. Whereas, you showed nervousness and frustration. There must be an inextricable relationship between your Ji siblings and that Teacher Su. From what I gleaned, shouldn’t that man be the one you have been waiting for – Ji Pei?

“He is not!” Ji Yunshu immediately denied. ‘He is Su Ziluo, not Ji Pei.’ Otherwise, why would he refuse to acknowledge her? Why would he not find her after two years?

Jing Rong was secretly relieved by her words.

Since he asked her, she wasn’t shy to ask back about his matter. “Shouldn’t your Highness think about rescuing Miss Kong instead of paying attention to Su Ziluo?”

At the mention of Kong Yu, Jing Rong’s expression turned cold. After a moment of silence, he answered, “She is her own person and made her own decision.”

‘Huh?’ It was hard to judge from his words how his conversation with Kong Yu went.

Seeing the pondering expression on her face, Jing Rong leaned closer, and his stern and handsome face showed a hint slyness. “You really want this Prince to marry her? I’m afraid that I will let you disappointed because the position ofPrince Rong’s consort is exclusively yours.”

He strongly hinted that he wouldn’t marry Kong Yu. His words of affection came in suddenly like always.

Ji Yunshu slightly lowered her head, throwing his words to the back of her mind. She seriously asked back, “Then, do you really want to watch her get married to Qujiang?”

“This Prince said before, she is her own person.”

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“She isn’t willing to get married.”

“Perhaps, she is willing.” Jing Rong retorted. His reply left her speechless.

Distracted by Jing Rong, Ji Yunshu leaned closer to converse with him, retracting her gaze from Su Ziluo, but unbeknown to her, when she stopped looking at him, focusing her attention on Jing Rong, Su Ziluo looked back at her.

Watching how “intimate” Jing Rong and Ji Yunshu were, his expression remained unchanged, but the hands on his armrest tightly gripped it to the point blue veins appears, betraying his real state of mind. It was only until Qi Zhen raised his cup of wine for another road of toast that his mind returned. “The king of Qujiang has sought a marriage with our Great Lin. We felt honored for the thought. Thus, the past few days, we have searched for a bride amongst the imperial family and noble clans. Finally, we have sealed her as Princess Huiwen, and she is the chosen one who will marry to Qujiang.” He retracted his gaze and put back his hands to his sides.

Yuchi Lin turned toward the emperor and respectfully spoke. “The woman chosen by your Majesty must be a phoenix amongst phoenixes. Our King will send great dowry and escort her back as fit by her status.”

“The marriage between our countries is an unprecedented matter ever since the war five years ago. The countless casualties at that time still weight on our mind. I hope there will be no war between Great Lin and Qujiang.”

“Of course, your Majesty. This is also our King’s intention.” Yuchi Lin replied perfunctorily. 

Qi Zhen laughed and motioned. “Servants, invite Princess Huiwen to come. Tomorrow, she will go to Qujiang, so today, this will be her send-off.”

A eunuch bowed down and hurriedly left to bring Princess Huiwen. Seeing that this was a foregone conclusion, Ji Yunshu should let it be since this has nothing to do with her, but she still reminded Jing Rong.

“If you don’t ask for her hand now, it will be too late.”

Jing Rong didn’t respond nor did he moved. The situation could be described as the Emperor is not nervous, but the eunuch feels anxious.

Soon, Kong Yu arrived with the court eunuch. She was dressed in a beautiful crimson gown with a long Watteau train embroidered with lotus flowers, and when the breeze rose, the petals fluttered and popped out from her shoulders. Gold and silver hairpins with pearls decorated her head. On her forehead, a small flower was drawn, pink in color, highlighting her sweet temperament. She was like a red rose amongst a bouquet, dazzling to the eyes.

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